Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

With the withdrawal of the forbidden army, the entire Qinling Empire seems to have gradually settled down.

But everyone knows that a bigger storm is brewing, and at that time, maybe it will be shocking.

You know, like in the empire of the fairy world, every death of the emperor will cause a great reaction.

After all, the current Emperor Qin has been in place for thousands of years.

What's more, everyone knows that the disciple of Nanyang Lizong is still in Qiren College, and if Emperor Qin is really dying, he will definitely go for a fight.

At that time, the disaster caused by a mad emperor is unimaginable.

However, to everyone's surprise, such a thing didn't happen, and everything was extremely calm for three years.


In the practice room, Chu Yi exhaled a turbid breath, his eyes slightly dignified.

In three years, he has restored his strength to the level of the innate peak, but now, he wants to impact the realm of cultivation.

He practiced five steps to ascend to heaven, opened his own treasures, and obtained the five magical powers of not bad diamonds, sounds of gods and demons, sky eyes, bone bones and fire cloud ladders.

Now, only one step away, you can enter the way.

"The shackles of the five internal organs have all been opened, and the internal organs extend six organs.

To plant the Dao is to transform the Dao Xin into seeds and plant it in the internal organs.

In the eleventh state of Dao, the heart of Dao is spoken of.

The stronger the Tao heart, the smoother it will be.

With Chu Yi’s strength of Dao Xin, I am afraid that this state will not take three years.

Although he walked this path to the Immortal Venerable, he also understood that the real difficulty lies with Yuanying.

If centuries have become a fairy venerable, then before Yuanying, I am afraid that it can be completed in 20 years. On the contrary, Yuanying and Shenshen Realm will last for eighty years.

Even if he has experience, in those two realms, he dare not be too fast.

Of course, the speed of his cultivation in his last life has shocked countless people, and this life is probably unprecedented.

"Nanyang Lizong, Taiji Sect, still waiting for me to take revenge, smoke rain, still waiting for me to find, traitor, still waiting for me to kill..."

"Everything starts because of me, I have failed too many people."

Chu Yi blamed himself, and felt pain in his heart. If he wasn't too confident, he would shock early and he might not fall.

In the past few years, he dared not waste any time at all. In addition to a trip to the Pharmacist Guild, Chu Yi stayed in the practice room every day, instructing students occasionally.

The rest of the people may have to go out to practice, but with Chu Yi's experience, it is better to just practice.

After a few days, he opened his eyes, his body cold and calm, his eyes calm.

Pig Bajie lay on one side, pillowed on the back of the black turtle, holding the white snake, and fell asleep.

Xuangui looked at Chu Yi aggrievedly. He was very helpless. He knew that his strength was stronger than that of Zhu Bajie, but he had no heart to resist in the face of Zhu Bajie.

"The fur became brighter and brighter, and I felt like I could kill it." Chu Yi smiled.

Pig Bajie immediately awakened, then glared angryly at Chu Yi.

"Okay, let's wake up and leave. I just received the news. Three days later, Emperor Qin will hold a feast to draft the next Qin Emperor."

Chu Yi said, could not help frowning, did Emperor Qin not break through?

In this case, his talent is too low.

However, for him, it was all harmless and elegant, and he wanted to master the sword more than the Qin Emperor.

The little boy who turned into a turtle, honestly followed behind Chu Yi. In the past three years, he has also seen what a breakthrough is like drinking water.

Other people may spend their entire lives in a congenital realm, but the person in front of him only took three years to go from the sky to the ground and directly broke the seed. There is a big barrier here.


"Thousands of years ago, there was a Yen Luoxianzun. After a thousand years, is there another monster?"

"The Feng Shui of Tianchen Mainland is so good?"

Xuangui wobbled and followed Chu Yi's buttocks, but suddenly, he was stunned. A horrifying thought flashed through his heart, making him hairy and goose bumps.

"Why not!"

"Yan Luoxianzun did not die at that time, or that he took the rebirth and borrowed the corpse to return to his soul?"

It's just that this probability is too low, and generally die under the sky-tribulation, and then fly away.

"But he..."

Xuan Gui stepped forward two steps, looked at Chu Yi, and tentatively asked: "A thousand years ago, there appeared a Yan Luo Xianzun, that is really the pride of heaven, Teacher Chu, if you have half the talent of Yan Luo Xianzun, you can Invincible in the world."

"Half of talent? Invincible in the world is not dead." Chu Yi laughed, "not to mention, I will be stronger than him, that guy is a arrogant man, otherwise how could offend so many Xianzun."

When he was finished, he pushed out the door.

Xuan Gui finally relieved in his heart.

"Yuan Luoxianzun doesn't even take Yanluxianzun's eyes into account, it shouldn't be Yanluxianzun himself. Is Tianchen Continent really going to have the second Yanluxianzun?"

He is old-fashioned, arms folded, and he seems to be thinking about something.

For more than three years, Xuan Gui has entered the realm of Taoism, and is considered to be a strong man on the Tianchen Continent.

"At the speed of this guy's practice, it is estimated that ten years later, he will be able to surpass me..."

"Is that human being?"

He suddenly felt frustrated.


Chu Yi walked into the hall and saw exactly that the lustrous star's radiance was scattered on the floor of the living room. A graceful woman with naked body and skin glowing with Yin Yin.

She is graceful and delicate, like a fairy.

Chu Yi blew a whistle involuntarily, and by the way, covered the eyes of the black turtle coming out.

Yue Chan shuddered, a trace of shame flashed across his face.

Because this time, Chu Yi had been practicing for half a year, and she regained her previous practice habits.

Thin clothes are more tempting.

"Emperor Qin, three days later, a feast..."

"I know." Chu Yi looked at Yue Chan up and down. "Three years ago, when I came, you were a congenital peak. Three years later, you are still in this state."

Yue Chan angered slightly: "What do you know, ordinary people, it is almost impossible to break into the realm of planting, like the king of Zhennan and the king of Zhenbei, who also stayed in the innate realm for a hundred years before they could break through, even if it was the Qingshan Affiliated Hospital The same is true for long."

Chu Yi was stunned and scratched his head, but he forgot. Even the core disciples of the Tai Chi Sect had to spend ten years to break through. Before Chu Yi, the shortest breakthrough from the innate realm to the species The time of Taoism also takes three years.

Yue Chan stayed in this state for five years before Chu Yi came.

And Chu Yi, comparing the other party with himself and those innate demon, naturally feels too slow.

For him, there is no hindrance at all, but for the rest of the people, even the one-way to the second-way requires life-long efforts.

Chu Yi glanced at Yue Chan and said with a smile: "Your Dao Xin is too cold. The more this is, the more negative the effect is. If you can't break it, you may try to break Dao Xin and then solidify."

Yue Chan snorted softly: "Are you insulting my IQ, Dao Xin, once broken, and want to come back, it will take more effort."

"You are only in a congenital realm, and you haven't even reached the pinnacle of the congenital. You don't know how to plant the Tao, so take care of your own affairs.

Chu Yi supports her. Although this woman is beautiful, she is sometimes too paranoid. Perhaps it was her childhood experience that prevented her from relying on others.

He shook his head gently, and then pointed out, a real element wiped Yue Chan's face, and fell into a vase.

After Chu Yi left, Yue Chan suddenly turned around, and the vase was broken, and then broken into powder.

There was a great horror on her delicate face, an expression never seen before.

"The breath of the realm of planting?"

"How can it be!"

"The first time I saw him, he took a step forward, and after three years, he has already entered the seeding..."

Yue Chan's face changed, and after a long time, his expression was still in a trance.

"Did I go the wrong way?"

"No break, no stand, no break..."

Over the years, she remained calm, even if she met the enemy of the Ninth Prince, she did not have too many emotional fluctuations.

It was only at this moment that she sat on the ground and two lines of tears came down.

The emotion that had suppressed for years in the heart finally broke out.

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