Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Father and emperor, did he break through?" In the imperial city, the eldest prince stood in front of the Jin Luan Temple, his eyes burning.

In the past three years, he has become more mature and stable, and his strength is unfathomable. Behind him are the nine princes and the second princes. Later, there are some other princesses. The team is huge. After all, Emperor Qin has lived nearly 10,000 year.

On the other side, it was the courtiers.

"Why, don't you want your father and emperor to break through and prolong life?" Qin Zhen laughed.

"Father and Emperor's breakthrough, this is a happy event, and it can keep me Qin Ling Empire forever, and since then, our empire has become the head of the four empires."

The Nine Prince laughed loudly.

"It is naturally a good thing to be able to make a breakthrough." Second Prince Qin Feng licked his lips. "However, the road to practice is difficult. After birth, every step is very difficult."

"Five steps to ascend to heaven, why is it called to ascend to heaven? That is in this state, one step forward, all are ascending to heaven, not to mention entering the realm of planting the Tao."

"A few of you and I have been at the pinnacle of innateness, and have stayed for several years. If there is no accident, the best situation is to break into the state of planting in a hundred years."

This is the most ideal situation.

Qin Feng continued, "There are eleven realms of planting, and step by step there is a chasm. If we reach the pinnacle of planting Dao within 3,000 years, we still have hope to break through Dao."

"Father and Emperor, even if they used many methods to extend their life span to ten thousand years, after all, they were short of qi and blood, and the probability of breakthrough was too small and too small."

What Chu Yi saw in the last life was all evil. Those people before Yuanying had breakthroughs like water, and there were even many. They were born with a congenital body.

But in the fairyland, most people are struggling on this path, and even the emperor can't avoid it.

Of course, the realm of Taoism is already a god-like existence for them, so Wupinzongmen, in their view, is beyond expectation, and is completely two levels with the empire.

Everyone believed that the Qin Emperor could not break through, and in the history of the four empires, no emperor could break through the Taoist government.

The best resources, the best talents, the best environment, and the best mental exercises are all in the hands of Zongmen.

Zongmen is the core of this world.

"It seems the second brother, the winning ticket is holding." The eldest son Qin Li said with a smile. He dressed up specially today, with a golden flower on his cuffs. The whole person was a little noble, but still stiff.

"Since the elder brother congratulated, the younger brother was disrespectful." Qin Feng smiled calmly.

"Second brother, don't be too happy, everything is undecided." The Nine Prince said.

"Nine Brother, although the father and emperor like you more, he must also consider the opinions of his group of ministers. If an emperor comes to power and will not be seen, it will not govern this country well."

Qin Zhen's expression was condensed: "Then replace the group ministers."

"This is managing the country, not marching to war."

Several people sneered, and now, without fear, they have torn their faces.

"However, don't you forget that Qin Zheng also wants to compete with us for the throne?" The big prince said suddenly, looking at the honest Qin Zheng standing in the rear.

"Just him? Forget it."

"Even if Qiuren College stands behind him, even if there is a black turtle to support it, it won't help."

"There is also the surnamed Chu. When I ascend to the throne, I will surely beheaded. The father and emperor are too kind."

There was a trace of fierceness in the eyes of Nine Prince.

"It seems that there is a big show today."

"I heard that the one is coming." The second prince was solemn, because there are rumors that the real king of the dark world will appear today.

For this force, the four empires are extremely fearful, especially in the past three years, the killer strength of the dark world has been improved by one step, which makes everyone shocked.


"How do I feel that the atmosphere is a bit wrong." Su Yiyi frowned, she held the arms of Jian Wangchen, the two women came side by side, attracting countless light.

They had just closed their doors for a while, but they didn't know what happened.

"Miss Su, Miss Jian, you may not know." A young brother laughed.

"Last month, Yan Guo became more and more afraid of the dark world. He wanted to eliminate the branch of the dark world in Yan Guo. He used a large number of legions, and even the Yan army was dispatched."

"The battle between the two sides destroyed a city, but only the branch of the dark world was also surrounded."

"Just the next day, everything changed!"

"The Emperor Yan Guo was discovered and died silently in the Imperial City. That is an emperor, and he is also the pinnacle of the Dao Dao. There are many masters to protect, and the result is still dead..."

The younger brother shook his body, and seemed to be a little scared.

"The dark world is too powerful, this is just a branch. If it is combined, I am afraid that it has the power to subvert a country."

"Moreover, there are rumors recently that the real king of the dark world is about to appear today, so they are all facing the enemy."

"However, the dark world, after all from the Qin Ling Empire, should not be against us."

Jian Wangchen and Su Yiyi looked at each other horrifiedly.

"I didn't expect that the dark world is so strong now."

Jian Wangchen was shocked, but it also aroused his interest, what exactly is the king of the dark world.

"Is it such an exaggeration, is it not just a folk force, our Qin Ling Empire is not easy to bully." Zhang Yuqi sneered.

Yang Dong grabbed her quickly and smiled bitterly: "Grandma, don't talk nonsense, this dark world can now be comparable to a country. The king of the dark world is actually equivalent to the existence of an emperor, and they rise too Fast, especially between these three years."

"If it weren't for Yan Guo's shot, we didn't know that they were so powerful."

"This kind of force, if you can't provoke it, don't provoke it, maybe you will develop into the Six-Seven Class of Sect in the future."

"It is said that the emperor of the Yan Kingdom was cut off his head and hung at the gate of the city. This is a naked provocation. The dark world has no fear of the four empires."

"So horrible!" Zhang Yuqi put out his tongue.

Although she is quite powerful in her family, she is a little wimp compared with an existence comparable to Zongmen.

"The king of the dark world, a generation of owls, I really want to see..." Zhennan Wang's eyes flickered, and he got more news. The rumored man was still very young.

"It's a pity that Xiaochen was allocated to the big prince, otherwise, she would have a chance to let her have a better life."

"Isn't it shameful to sell a woman to seek honor, King Zhennan?" King Zhenbei stood beside him, his eyes looking forward.

"There is nothing shameful and shameless. I am a father and naturally want to give my daughter a best life."

"It's you, King Zhenbei, who didn't choose any one, but it was the most wrong."


The two are slightly different.

The whole square is whispering, but there are obviously factions.

However, when they saw a figure appear, they were quiet.

In the distance, a woman, graceful and luxurious, dressed in robes, came under the support of everyone.

She is so beautiful, there is a high beauty, it is convincing.

"It's the princess."

"Princess Chang was originally going to marry Emperor Yan Guo, but the man died when I thought of it, but I heard that it is really a good life to marry the next Emperor Yan Guo."

"And Your Majesty spoiled her very much."

"Elder sister."

"Sister, you can be counted back. Without you, the whole imperial city is being beaten up."

The eldest prince, the second prince, the ninth prince and others all gathered around.

Qin Yufeng's eyes were indifferent, but when he saw his loved one, he still smiled.

Since she was a child, she has declared a long-distance broadcast, and her appearance and strength are extremely excellent.

"Sister, I heard that you are going to marry the new Emperor of the Yan Kingdom. When I get married, I will give you a big gift." The nine princes were also a little clever in front of this woman.

Qin Yufeng looked around and smiled: "I will not marry Qin."


"However, the father emperor will not agree."

Qin Yufeng shook his head: "I have passed the assessment of Wupinzong, Xianyinzong. After a month, I went directly to Xianyinzong and became a disciple of Xianyinzong."

When she spoke, pride flashed in her eyes, and from then on, she would be above the empire.

When the remark came out, the audience was stunned.

That is Wupinzongmen!

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