Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!


"The gunshots of these two people are actually dark,"

Everyone was amazed, the expression on his face was wonderful, this time, it was not because of Bu Lesheng, but because of Chu Yi,

"Does this guy really understand so many things?"

"Still, he also took the mind illusion,"

Bu Le died,

"This fellow, I am afraid that I have cultivated some special Taoism, so I can simulate other Taoisms. I want to see if your Taoism is powerful, or my Taoism is powerful,"

His speed is slow, but it is an illusion, clearly visible, but always feels extremely dangerous,

In just one step, he stepped back several tens of feet, and the next second, a villain came out of his eyebrows, which was transformed by mind illusion, mixed with Shennian to form a figure, holding a long sword in his hand,

"The sword way I simulated with the mind illusion has already reached the realm of the unity of sword and man. Brother is careful,"

The villain chopped down with a sword, very simple and unobtrusive, and the movement was standard. But the next second, everyone was shocked to find that the air formed a black smoke, which was a phenomenon of vandalism,

"Heart illusion, it's too scary, it simulates different ways, and it has reached such a deep level,"

Several strong men were horrified,

Elder Wude squinted with a smile: "Although Le Sheng has mastered many Taos, there is no doubt that the swordsmanship among them is the most powerful. If he cultivates this way, he will reach the point where man and sword are united. Together, the accomplishments in kendo are definitely not low,"

"Is the sword united,"

Xia Houcheng thoughtfully,

"Since the history of ancient immortals, one after another has been developed one after another, and it has been slowly developed by countless races,"

"Swords, guns, sticks, flames, magical thoughts... All kinds of roads, thousands of roars, all have come to an end. Once on this road, they reached the extreme and achieved the supremacy,"

"Three thousand six hundred mainstream ways, of which the sword way, never appeared supreme,"

"No one has reached the limit on this road,"

He seems to be remembering that the eyebrows are clustered,

"People and swords are one... It is worthy of being a genius at the level of a domain, and even reached this level,"

Sovereign Sovereign also expressed emotion,

Everyone couldn't help but look at Sovereign Sovereign,

He said slowly, "You all know that Kendo, the main killer, is a powerful weapon, how powerful it is,"

"But Kendo does not go to the extreme,"

"The original kendo was chaotic, and no one summed up and integrated it until two thousand years ago, a kendo genius appeared,"

Genius of Kendo,

They were all born for nearly a hundred or hundreds of years, and they don’t know much about things thousands of years ago.

Elder Wude was also awe-inspiring, and then said: "That is a real genius, it is from your continent of Tianchen,"

"Before him, the entire Immortal Realm, Kendo Chaos, was the weakest and was often used as an auxiliary means,"

"Severe Supreme reluctantly sorted out some roads, but then discovered that the end was a dead end,"

"Until that one appears,"

"He walked this way, so the sword sword of the whole fairy world appeared with him,"

"Kendo, first the sword heart, then the sword soul, then the sword of man, my heart is like a sword, and then, the eleventh sword heart and the eternal sword domain,"

The people listened, for them, they only knew that there was kendo, but they didn’t know that there were still many secret history,

Bu Lesheng stopped attacking and quietly listened to his teacher,

"He has achieved the status of Immortal Venerable, ranked legendary, and brought Kendo to the realm of eternal sword territory,"

"Unfortunately, he fell too early, otherwise, he can really achieve the Supreme Road with swordsmanship,"

Everyone was horrified,

"Our Tianchen Continent, such a person really appeared,"

Many disciples were shocked, because this history was forbidden to talk for a period of time. There were three great immortals on it. Only the older generation knew it.

"Moreover, the peerless evildoer became a fairy venerable in thousands of years," Sovereign Lord Dingtian sighed, how lucky he was to be able to witness such an era,


Wu Zhen and others were completely shocked. What a gift is this,

No, no matter how powerful a talent is,

It opened up the sword way, and it only took a thousand years to achieve the realm of the Immortal Venerable, crushing the genius characters of several times,

"What's his name," someone asked.

"Yun Luoxianzun,"

Everyone was awed,

Xia Houcheng's eyes flashed, not knowing what he was thinking,

"My sword is far worse than Yan Luoxianzun, but brothers should also be careful, Jiannai kills, born to kill,"

Bu Lesheng took control of the little figure and wielded it with a sword,

The man and the sword are one, and the sword is him. He can control it without shooting.

Chu Yi is the same,

He manipulated the Divine Mind, inducing the Sky Thunder Sword, with Thunder wrapped around it,

Shennian turned into a villain, the sword cut through the void, and the sharp Hanman was like a glacier frozen for thousands of years, the ice was so trembling,

"Man and sword are one, he is also one,"

Sovereign Forge Sky froze,

Elder Yu is also dull,

Even the high-looking, elder Wude from Sipinzong, seeing such a scene, his body is stiff,

How can this be,


Must be fake,

However, when the two long swords collided, the void was cut by sword gas and criss-crossed. Both long swords backed an inch,

"How could you reach this state,"

"I have practiced hard and made achievements in Kendo, which can be simulated with mind illusion, and you..."

Bu Lesheng couldn't believe it, he stood there for a long time,

Chu Yi was expressionless,

His current swordsmanship has actually reached my heart like a sword. If you use this level, the other party may not be able to support even a single blow.

Just to reach the realm of Heart Sword, you must enter the Taoist House,

This realm was established by Chu Yi based on eleven Taoist government,

In every Taoist house, a sword heart is bred,


Na Bu Le Sheng did not flinch, he gave up his two-handed weapons, jumped forward, and directly held the long sword,

Chu Yi also withdrew Shen Nian, holding Tianlei Sword,

Bu Lesheng's sword moves strangely, and the surface of his body is shining, that is, he has cultivated some kind of sword body and moves like a sword.

Chu Yi waved his sword unhurriedly, producing Dao Daoguang, like a protective cover, protecting himself,

Bu Lesheng's sword penetrated into the protective cover,

Chu Yi raised his sword, and with a light stroke, the thunders were like sword filaments, wrapped around the long sword of the other party, and the swordman's sword cut by Bu Lesheng didn't even hurt Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's Tianlei sword swept away and destroyed the opponent's sword mansions,

The sound of ding jingles came from the air. Everyone looked at them and saw that they were moving gracefully and lightly, like dancing, but somehow, even the wind around them became like a cold mountain, gently passing through the trees. In an instant, an ancient tree collapsed,

"There are crises everywhere. One is careless and is likely to die,"

Wu Zhen awe-inspiring, he now regrets very much, why did he treat Chu Yi like this before,

Now it seems that this guy is definitely a genius, at least better than them,

Bu Lesheng flew into the sky, two swords appeared under his feet, like a sword, his hands folded, the long sword was in the middle of the palm,

On the sword body, suddenly there was a yellow qi, and then there was a yellow sword qi, which formed a huge yellow qi,

"Yellow? Swordsmanship,"

He snorted with a sword, and the disciples around him retreated one after another,

"You have? Then I have the hacking technique,"

Chu Yi held the sword in his backhand, the tip of the sword was facing the ground, the sole of the foot moved, the waist rotated, and the arm exerted force.

The tip of the sword pointed from the ground to the sky,


An amazing sword awn rises on the ground like a thunder and a volcanic eruption,

This side of the sky is illuminated,

Everyone was horrified to find that there were swords all around him,

And some disciples who use swords are even aware that their long swords are hunting,


Jianmang went from the bottom to the top, chopped over, and passed directly through the belly of Huang?

Huang? was chopped, his sword qi was chaotic, and it fell like rain in all directions,

Thousands of sword holes appeared in the whole land, and the sky was full of eyes,

"Senior Brother is a genius of the whole world, I underestimate Senior Brother,"

Facing the remaining sword mansions, Bu Lesheng did not shy away,

Hearing the sound of Dong, Jian Mang seemed to have encountered something huge, and it stopped suddenly.

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