My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 724: True and false

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Taoist House,

Everyone looked up and saw that behind Bu Lesheng, a Taoist house appeared.

The Taoist palace is somewhat transparent, showing a sky blue color, the gate of the Taoist palace, engraved with many symbols of the illusion of magic, flickering, seems to be flying away at any time,

The so-called Taoist government is the place where babies are born. Of course, in addition to the babies, many strong people will use it to breed magical instruments and tricks, as well as some genius and treasures.

"Bu Lesheng is a genius at the level of a domain. He has now raised his strength to the realm of Taoism. Does this mean that Brother Chu is not far from him," Lu Guo was shocked.

The same is true for everyone,

"A genius at the domain level,"

"How is this possible, there will still be such talents on our Tianchen continent,"

"Isn't it possible? Didn't the patriarch Sovereign just say that, Yan Luo Xianzun was also going out of our Tianchen Continent,"

Sovereign Forge Heaven was also horrified, whispering in his heart: "It seems that the previous evaluation of this Chu Xiaoyou is still low. He can actually fight with people of this level. If they are the same, then who loses and wins , Not easy to say,"

"This Bu Lesheng is among the geniuses at the domain level, and should belong to the middle level,"

"I don't know if I can win,"

In the middle of the air, the Taoist government was magnificent, and endless pressure fell, making the space around Chu Yi seem to be imprisoned,

This is the really powerful realm of Taoism. The realm of planting Tao is not his opponent at all.

Just a Taoist government can suppress everyone,

"Senior brother, be careful. I used it before, but it was the Tao simulated by the mind illusion, and now it is my real Tao,"

"Together with heart illusion,"

His hands waved, and the color of his pupils became lighter and lighter, turning into light blue,

The Taoist House was erratic, and two runes fell in front of the towering gate,

Bu Lesheng urged a rosary, which is the eleventh rosary he never used,


The rosary will grow up against the wind, and then two runes will fall on it, and ten thousand glory will burst out, and finally the whole rosary will burst apart,

"Heart illusion, true and false,"

A ray of light, overwhelming, converging into a sea, almost covering most of the sky,

"The technique of true and false, there are true and false, say it is true, it is true, say it is false, it is false,"

"True and false, in a moment,"

"Senior brother, unless you have a strong heart and forcefully interfere with my exercises, then these attacks are true. You cannot avoid them, and you cannot prevent them because they attack your mind. , Your Dao Xin,"

Chu Yi's face remained the same: "If you are a strong man with your illusion, how can you resist it?"

Bu Lesheng replied: "If you think it is false, it is false. For the strong mind magician, these attacks are nothing,"

Chu Yi smiled and said: "I once said, I will use whatever you use,"

"If you use mind illusion together, I will use mind illusion together. Although this one, I really don't understand it, but my mind is strong, and I have seen some clues from the spell you used to now."

"One heart illusion, can simulate other ways, then I will use my mind to simulate a heart illusion,"

"Every change is inseparable from its sect, and all Tao in the fairy world is inseparable from the flesh, the mind, the spirit..."


Suddenly, Pu Lesheng's pupil shrank suddenly, and Elder Wude stood up directly.

The crowd watched the attacks, swallowing Chu Yi,

Around, there was endless turbulence, the entire surface was completely exploded and the gravel was emptied, as if to turn this place completely,

Sovereign Forgemaster quickly took care of it, otherwise, it might spread to the mountain road of the Forged Sect,

However, everyone was horrified to find that the only place where Chu Yi stood was intact. The attacks, when approaching him, disappeared out of thin air.

"Trust is true, but unbelief is false. Brother, you actually used the mind to imitate the technique of true and false,"

"I lost,"

Bu Lesheng shook his body,

Everyone was silent, and a genius at the level of the world lost, and still admitted it personally,

When they looked at Chu Yi again, they felt numb,

"I remembered that he was the first of the Hundred Flowers Conference, the little demon who was known to know everything, and that messed up the entire Hundred Flowers Conference," cried a disciple of the Forging Sect,

"you sure,"

"I was wondering before, why the name Chu Yi is so familiar, and now it is 100% certain, and only that person is proficient in so many ways. Even the Master Tianxuan, he admits that he is not as good as him."

"First place in the Hundred Flowers Conference,"

At this moment, Wu Xiu, Pride of the Fire Beast, Zhou Miaoke and others looked at Chu Yi again, and they had no contempt at all, even if they didn't want to admit it anymore, the reputation of the first hundred flowers conference was too loud,

"It turned out to be him," Zhou Miaoke's lips turned pale.

"It's his words, it's not strange, this freak, but even the powerful infants of Yuan infantile age rejected, the most powerful one, but the tenth monk of Yuan infantile age,"

Shocked, horrified, surprised...

All eyes are on Chu Yi's body,

At this moment, everyone knows,

The reason why the other party can climb to the top of the mountain depends on his own strength,

"No, you didn't lose,"

Elder Wude shook his head, "Le Sheng, you are more powerful than him, and you are even more powerful than him. You only used half of the strength of the mansion, even if it was consumed, it would consume him."

Bu Lesheng sighed: "Teacher, I did lose. When I faced him, I had lost my heart to win. Even if I really defeated him, it was just because of the crushing of cultivation, if he was with me. I will definitely lose if I am a cultivator,"

"It's boring to fight anymore,"

Bu Lesheng turned around and looked at Chu Yi: "This brother, I don't know what the name is,"

"Chu Yi," Chu Yi replied, but he dismissed the words of his unscrupulous elder,

Only half of his strength came out, even if Bu Lesheng went all out, he didn’t even care,

"Brother Chu, I will remember you. Although I did not fail, I was the first time I lost it to someone lower than me. It seems that my training is not enough,"

"The mainland of Lanhai is the core of this Qingfeng region. There are many geniuses there, and there are more people like me, and there is even a Sanpin sect that sits in the realm of God."

"Tianchen Continent is still too small, it is no longer suitable for Brother Chu. In the future, Brother must come to Lanhai Continent, and then we will fight one more time."

Chu Yi nodded: "When the time comes, you will trouble your younger brother,"

Seeing fortune, he showed a happy face, and he smiled and came to the front: "Since this is the case, Elder Wude, will this bet be fulfilled,"

Elder Wude looked very dark and sneered: "The old man is the elder of the Sipinzong sect, and will naturally keep his promises,"

With a big wave of his hand, a streamer suddenly appeared, the streamer was hidden, and the glory of the lunar star flickered,

Chu Yi looked at it, but saw a Jiuding melting furnace about three people tall, floating abruptly,

The surface of the entire furnace is cool and engraved with many complicated lines, and among them, Yuehua spews out, condensing a round of lunar stars in the void, it is beautiful,

"I originally thought that I could only use the solar furnace, but I didn't expect that this Taiyin furnace also appeared,"

"The two are combined, and this is the complete magic weapon. Although I only borrowed the solar melting furnace, the power is bound to increase."

Chu Yi also grinned,

"Old man, you will hand over this overcast furnace, hum,"

"The old man left first,"

Elder Wude seemed to be in a bad mood. With Bu Lesheng, he walked away into the void and escaped into the void.

Elder Yu wiped a sweat, and finally relieved: "This old guy, finally gone, a seven-year-old monk who was born and infancy, even if he did not deliberately release coercion, I was terrified."

"Sovereign Lord, I'm afraid the same, if this old guy is really crazy, this big mountain guard can't stop him,"

Just when everyone thought that things were falling behind, they suddenly saw a slight ripple in the air, and a palm came out of the air. The energy from above made everyone change color,

The direction of the palm is Chu Yi,

"Wude old man, dare you," Sovereign Sovereign angered,

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