My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 725: Strangle genius

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

That was the hand of Elder Wude, who went back and returned, secretly attacking Chu Yi,

His figure flickered and appeared in front of everyone. The awe-inspiring pressure was like a tide, covering the sky and the sun, making everyone dare not move.

Especially the people below the Daofu realm, all of them kneeling down on the ground in an instant, as if carrying a whole mountain on their bodies, suffering miserably,

"How can an old man let this genius grow up,"

"Boy, blame it on you because you don't have a strong backer. The forging sect can't protect you at all,"

The big hand pressed down, like the sky collapsed,

Chu Yi frowned, he did not resist, because he knew that he could not escape this trick anyway, even if he tried his best,

That’s why he didn’t want to expose his identity prematurely. After all, his opponent is a hundred times more powerful than this one.

Today's Chu Yi is simply impossible to cope with a strong infant

Too strong, the two are not in a realm at all, even if Yuan Ying is a monk, Chu Yi cannot be his opponent,

No one in history has ever been able to kill a Yuanying in a realm of planting,

"Wu De Old Thief, if you kill him, then I will die with you," Forging Sky roared, he wanted to shoot, and then the other party first sealed the void, with the gap between them, If you want to get rid of it, you need at least a breath, and this time is enough for Wude Elder to kill Chu Yi,

He never thought that the other party would do such a thing,

"Do you rely on your forging sect,"

"I have a hundred Chongzongmen, ten strong infants, and just send one to kill you. If you don't look at the face of the flowery city master, we have already robbed this solar melting pot. "

"Just, this kid, I can't live today,"

"Die, die,"

Zhou Miaoke and Wu Zhen thought viciously that they couldn't accept it. The people who despised them not so long ago were high above their heads, which caused them endless jealousy.

And countless young children of forging implements are also gray,

Could it be that this peerless genius really fell away so quickly,

Elder Yu is sad: "It is no wonder that most of the geniuses have not grown up, and more of them fell early. It is a pity that they have not been saved,"

Indeed, being spotted by a seven-year old monster in the Yuan infant period, even if it is also the Sovereign Sovereign of the Yuan infant period, it will be extremely scared,

Sovereign Forge Sky sighed softly, he knew that he was too late to rescue,

The elder Wude showed a happy face: "Boy, as a genius, either low-key or a strong background, but unfortunately you have nothing,"

"You are not the first genius I killed, of course, it will not be the last one,"

Looking at Chu Yi's calm face, he subconsciously thought that the other party had given up survival,

It was just suddenly that he was shocked to find that, when he did not know when, a figure appeared in front of Chu Yi,

An overly young face, smiled at him disdainfully, and then reached out and palmed him,


The endless void ripples, the whole space, like an inflatable balloon, continues to expand, and then at a certain point, it suddenly collapses and is pierced through hundreds of holes.


Everyone looked at the young man standing in front of Chu Yi with amazement, and people like Wu Zhen, Zhou Miaoke, etc., had scalp tingling and almost hard to think,

Isn't this the beggar who was mocked by them? This man actually blocked the attack of a monk who was a baby in his infancy,

is it possible,

This beggar is a monk during the infant period,

Apart from this possibility, there is no other possibility,

"Sure enough, this young man is a monk of the Yuan infant period," Sect Master Dingtian relieved a little. He was just a distance away from Chu Yi, and was located on the mountainside, and Xia Houcheng was at the foot of the mountain, so he could rescue quickly. ,

"Yuan Infancy,"

The elder Wude looked a little dull: "I didn't expect that there is a strong man in the infancy period here. Look at you, you should be very young when you enter the infancy period."

"However, this still can't stop the old man, even if you two go together in infancy, it will not be my opponent,"

"Old man, is it enough?" Xia Houcheng took out his ears. "If it is enough, then go,"

"What are you doing, let your suzerain come over and dare not talk to Lao Tzu like this,"

"Dare to bully my brother, get out,"

Elder Wude was furious. He was the seventh in the infant period. He had been so insulted by people. He was about to refute it, but he saw Xia Houcheng shoot it.

This palm is very casual, just like the elders teach the younger ones,

"Crazy, when the old man is in the fairyland, you still don't know where,"


He vomited fairy tales and formed a golden ocean, but he saw Xia Houcheng throwing a hand.

"How can it be,"

Elder Wude shrugged aside, his face slightly dignified: "This Daoist, who are you, Tianchen Continent, there is absolutely no one like you, do you really offend our Bai Chong because of this kind of Taoism? Zong?"

"Don't I say that Bai Chongzong is nothing,"


Xia Houcheng's breath is vast, like the ocean, one after another,

The dust on his face fell, revealing handsome facial features, and his hair seemed to be rewashed, black and bright,

Although he still wears that tattered shirt, the temperament of the whole person is completely different.

"Wait, how do I think this person is familiar," Sovereign Lord Dingtian sighed, and there seemed to be a flash in his mind,


Xia Houcheng patted the palm of his hand, and his palms shone brightly, covering the sky and the sun, and everyone discovered that in the middle of his palm, there was an earth-colored planet with a ring of stars, slowly flowing,

Elder Wude was hit on the spot, the entire head had to be distorted, and the body hit the ground, forming a huge pit,

His figure came out in embarrassment, he didn't have much injury, but his eyes were full of horror,

"Yuan Ying's consummation,"

He made a loud noise,

However, when the eyes saw the stars at that moment, the pupils of Wude Elder shrank to a point, and a voice filled with horror echoed in this world.

"You are a nine-star Taoist friend,"

"Yes, it's him, the genius Yuan infant strong man with the track number nine stars,"

Sect Master Shou Tian suddenly thought of something,

"Senior Star Nine Stars,"

Elder Yu and many other elders were dumbfounded. They had heard that this man was a genius in the ancient world, and was claimed to be the next genius who was most likely to enter the realm of God.

No one thought that this person would actually appear in this forging sect,

Zhou Miaoke and Wu Zhen almost passed out,

They looked at each other, what they did in the first place, if they can, they wish they could go back in time,

They have humiliated a strong infantile...


Don't have to live,

"Oh, recognize me now," Xia Houcheng said lightly.

The pupils of Wude Elder shrank suddenly and smiled awkwardly, the muscles all over the body were alert.

"Nine Star Daoyou, how offended this time,"

He couldn’t help but put down the shelf, because the opponent’s intrepidity, even their suzerain, didn’t want to provoke this monster,

Especially, I heard that these nine stars are alone, if they really provoke the other party, they will be in trouble for Bai Chongzong,

Immediately, he did not dare to have any rebuttal words, and his body turned and left away in a gray,

Seeing this, Xiahou shook his head and said, "Although he is not strong, there are many ways to escape, especially the mind illusion, which makes him like a fish in the space. Of course, if I want to leave him, I can still do it. It’s just this area, I’m afraid it’s going to collapse,"

He cleared his throat and turned around. "Brother Chu, you don't need to look at me with such an admiring look. I know that my strength is beyond your imagination."

"You don't have to worry too much, although I am stronger than you, when we will still be brothers... Hey, Brother Chu, where are you going, listen to me and finish talking first,"

Chu Yili was too lazy to care, he raised this guy with **** and urine. Where did he not know Xia Houcheng's character, and immediately turned around, he walked towards Dingtian Sect Master,

Although some accidents happened, at least his purpose was achieved,

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