My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 726: You must be my brother

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Bu Lesheng stood in the void and looked at his teacher Elder Wude with horror.

He knew the character of his teacher. Although he didn't agree, he couldn't stop it, but when Bu Lesheng was still sorry for Chu Yi, he saw Elder Wude in a state of embarrassment, as if he had encountered a big horror. Stumbled back,

"Go and go, go and go,"

The expression of Elder Wude was like hell, and he wished to escape immediately.

"I just went to kill the kid with the surname Chu, but I didn't expect that Jiuxing was at the scene,"

"Senior Nine Stars," Bu Lesheng was horrified, and seemed to be shocked by the news,

"I said, how can today's Tianchen Continent be so powerful and cultivate such a genius, it turns out that he is a nine-star apprentice, so it is not surprising, then."

"Senior Star Nine Stars..." Bu Lesheng silently, "This is our world, in these thousands of years, one of the most promising people to enter the realm of God,"

"The apprentices he cultivated are naturally extraordinary,"

Elder Wude's face was dumbfounded: "This guy, even the suzerain, is not willing to provoke him. His talent is too powerful. Who knows when he will enter the realm of spiritual communication,"

"Today I'm out of luck, I met such a guy,"

Elder Wude was helpless. This time he came to Tianchen mainland, not only lost the melting pot of Taiyin, but also beaten himself,

However, in the face of the existence of the great consummation of the Yuan baby period, he did not dare to make it,


Forging Tool Sect, the expressions on the faces of the people maintained a state of horror. After Chu Yi and others left, they only recovered slightly.

"That beggar, how could it be that the infancy is perfect,"

"Not at all,"

Zhou Miaoke was constantly air-conditioning, Chu Yi had shocked them enough, but Xia Houcheng came out, so that they did not even have the qualification to look up,

That was the great consummation of the Yuan infant period. They haven’t seen it on this continent.


Wu Zhen slapped himself slap hard, but this slap exhausted all his strength, even his face was swollen,

He had regretted it at this time, and wished to dig a hole and drill down,

"This is a master..." Sun Licheng exhaled, grinning bitterly.

Today’s shock is really too great,

The genius of a domain level was defeated, and there was another great consummation of the infancy. What happened today is enough to be a talk of their life.

Many elder deacons also looked at each other,

"Today's matter ends here, don't go out and spread it, otherwise the rules will be dealt with," Elder Yu said.

"People in the first thirty come with me..."

The scene finally dispersed slowly,

"Please, Senior Jiuxing," in the courtyard at the top of the mountain, the Sovereign Sovereign of Dingtian was very uncomfortable, even embarrassed and awed,

It’s really because Xia Houcheng’s identity is too scary,

The elder Wude is the seventh in the Yuan infant period, so he can be the same as Xia Houcheng, but he is not the second in the Yuan infant period. He really has no confidence in front of Xia Houcheng.

The gap between the two is too big,

In the fairyland, the strong is the most important, even if he is older than Xiahou? He dare not intersect with his peers.

"No wonder Chu Xiaoyou refuses to apprentice. It turns out that there is such a master behind him, which is really gratifying,"

Obviously, Sovereign Forge Master also misunderstood,

Chu Yi was too lazy to explain,

After the three people took their seats, Sect Master Tiantian was grateful: "Senior Nine Stars, Chu Xiaoyou, this time thanks to you, if there is anything that needs help, just mention it,"

Chu Yi bluntly said: "Sovereign Sovereign, this is the case. I want to build a sword array with black spirit gold as the material,"

"The sword body is best to use the Jiuyang forging method... These are some of my requirements for the sword array,"

Chu Yi placed the materials and some drawings prepared on the table,

"Black Spirit Gold," Sovereign Sovereign Sect was slightly amazed. For these treasures, their Forge Sect can only take one piece, but the other party has three pieces, but when he thought of Xia Houcheng behind Chu Yi, he was relieved.

"This sword is suitable for the powerful in the realm of Daofu, and it is quite difficult. It seems that only the old man himself shot it."

"Chu Xiaoyou rest assured that within seven days, I will be able to build the sword array,"

"The solar furnace..."

"This nature," Sovereign Lord Diantian laughed, waved his hand, the Taiyin furnace and the solar furnace appeared suddenly in the courtyard,

The solar furnace, spitting out Japan and China,

Taiyin furnace, spitting Yuehua,

The two complement each other as if they were small sun stars and lunar stars,

"The immortals above are quite complicated. At that time, the strong man, I am afraid that he really went to the depths of the sun star and the lunar star,"

Chu Yi lamented that his time to become an immortal was too short, and even said that his cultivation time was too short compared to other monks,

It was only a thousand years, and it passed in a flash, so Chu Yi didn’t wander through the fairy world at all, and most of the time was in the eternal world.

Immortal world is too big, 36 worlds, 18,000 domains, Chu Yi walked a small part, even in many areas, even the Supreme has never arrived,

"These runes..."

Chu Yi rubbed his arms, and these fairy tales intertwined with each other, giving him a bold idea,

"It would have been a long time ago that Sun and Lunar were one,"

He faintly noticed that although there is nothing in common between the two fairy symbols, there is an intuition that makes Chu Yi believe his thoughts,

"If it's really one, then who split the sun star and lunar star,"

"These two melting pots are also a good weapon," Xia Houcheng said with a flick, he pulled his real element and began to draw the two, keeping approaching,

The immortals are intertwined, the sun and the moon shine, and in an instant, there are countless brilliances,

But for a moment, the two melting pots merged into one, about five meters high. Jiuding, the sun and the Yinxianwen were constantly surrounding,

And at this time, still in the daytime, the sun star was bright, and a special flame after another was stripped out, and then jumped into the solar furnace of the lunar,

Occasionally, I can see the phantom of the three-legged golden black, melted by the flame, and whine in the furnace,

"Senior Xie Jiuxing, otherwise I have to spend a lot of energy," Sovereign Lord Dingtian smiled, and it was not easy to merge the two melting pots.

Fortunately, Xia Houcheng shot,

"In this case, I will not disturb the two of you, I will forge in the depths of the courtyard,"

After that, Sect Master Dingtian also left very interestingly,

He thought that Xia Houcheng wanted to help Chu Yi to forge his body. Some secret methods could not be seen by others.

"Brother Chu, you are going to use this fire of Jinwu to forge the flesh. This is a very dangerous thing. Jinwu is a yang fire, full of fierceness. If one is not good, you will be repulsed," Xia Houcheng said.

"And, if your forging physical method is not too advanced, then try not to use the fire of Jinwu, this thing is too evil."

Chu Yi smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about it anymore, I am going to practice, "Sun Shadow Eucharist","

After he finished speaking, he looked directly at Xia Houcheng,

"Sun Shadow Eucharist," Xia Houcheng was startled and his eyes widened. "Why is this skill here with you? At that time, in a mysterious realm, several powerful players in the realm of God were competing for this practice, I The teacher is there,"

"Later, this practice has been in the hands of my teacher, but now, how do you have it,"

Xia Houcheng's eyes didn't move, looking at Chu Yi, he had a bold idea, almost rushing out of his mind,

Chu Yi licked his lips. He thought about it. Now if he exposes his identity, as long as he blocks his mouth, he should not be found by others.

But I saw Xia Houcheng whispered: "I know, I said why your talent is so good, you must be a student my teacher secretly received, so you will have the sun shadow holy body, so we two Only at first sight will they be so destined,"

He patted his thigh,

"Yes, that must be the case. The teacher often likes to secretly take disciples, and I will learn about the younger sister later,"

"Brother Chu, we are really Brother Shi, no, you are Brother Shi, I want to call you Brother Chu..."

"I'm really a genius. I have reasoned like this. You don't have to stare at me. I know you adore me... ahahaha,"

Chu Yi almost got his nose crooked and turned his eyes. He didn’t want to care about this guy anymore. He jumped into the solar melting pot of Taiyin,

In an instant, the fire of Jinwu was boiling,

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