My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 728: love at first sight

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"Dongxuzong," Chu Yi raised his eyebrows,

Dongxuzong did not dare to fight against the Taiji Sect, but it killed the culprit of Nanyang Lizong,

For the Upper East Xuzong, this is sooner or later,

But he saw that Sect Master Dingtian looked at the scroll more and more dignified. When he finally threw the scroll away, he suddenly burst into flames.

"Good, good Dongxuzong," he was so angry that his head was smoking, apparently angry to a certain extent,

"What's going on," Chu Yi asked.

Sect Master Shou Tian's eyebrows were raised, and his face was crowded together: "Chu Xiaoyou didn't know. At that time, on our Tianchen continent, there was Nanyang Lizong, which was the Sipin Sect. Went out,"

"At that time, we couldn't understand why the head of the Nanyang Lizong, but the nine major monks of the Yuan infantry period, and many mountain protections, but was still destroyed by a Dongxu clan,"

"Later, after our investigation, it was discovered that someone was helping behind,"

"Who is it," Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, which is normal, otherwise a small Wupinzong Men, even the courage to face Sipinzong Men,

The Taiji Sect was destroyed. Among them, the Immortal Venerable and the Powerful Realm of the Gods shot, but Nanyang Lizong, Chu Yi only hung a name, and did not leave any heritage, so those high powers would not care, I don't bother to shoot,

Sovereign Master Dingtian shook his head: "I don't know, the person behind it is very mysterious, gave Dongxuzong a magic weapon, and a set of formations. It was precisely through these two things that Nanyang Lizong was destroyed. ,"

"This time, Dongxuzong calls on the entire Tianchen continent to **** the sword."

"It's shameless,"

"Dong Xuzong, on the one hand, is to use our luck to conceive the magic weapon, and on the other hand, it is also a demonstration, which may involve the mysterious person behind it,"

"The entire Tianchen Continent, large and small Zongmen, is estimated to have received this invitation,"

"I'm going to see what medicine they sell in their gourds,"

Obviously, the Sovereign Master Dingtian did not have a cold for Dongxuzong,

Before Chu Yi's rise, he also knew that the entire Tianchen Continent, Dongxu Sect was the most powerful, almost offending all the Sects of Tianchen Continent,

"Two people, I won't stay too much. One month later, this so-called pilgrimage... Bah, what kind of pilgrimage meeting is there,"

"I have to prepare something, to find out what other sects mean,"


Not only the Forging Sect, countless doors, even the Devil's Cave, the ancestor of the fierce beast, and the Celestial People, all received this invitation,

The Sect Master of the Dome sneered three times and yelled, "Calling all the core disciples, this month, concentrate on practicing the formation method, I would like to see, what is the pilgrimage, Dongxuzong, this is to dominate,"

"I broke your facade,"

If the planner Ruhua had this plan, they would forget it. After all, the strength of the two sides is too different.

But the Emperor Xu Zha's Lord Luo Sha, at most, is a little stronger than them. It is very limited.

"Dongxuzong, dare to come to this set, could he really think that without the Taiji Sect and Nanyang Lizong, this Tianchen Continent, is he the only one," the fairy under the fairy fairy, extremely beautiful, she fiddled with the piano String, beautiful but full of murderous,

At this time, in the land of the extreme south, the fierce beast ancestor finally came out, the whole body was shining brightly, and the space around the body was even more twisted.


"The fellow Raksha did the same thing,"

"It's not a holy weapon, what a pilgrimage meeting,"

"Osho, you go with me... maybe, you can still meet the master,"

At the thought of this, a coldness flashed in the eyes of the fierce beast ancestor,

"The master is still alive, this Raksha is going to make waves, and I don't know how to die when I wait,"

"It's sad, we just went to watch the excitement,"

Osho stood aside, a little confused,

That young man, is he really the master of his teacher,

And listening to what the teacher meant, it seems that a Lord Razak has not been put in his eyes,


"Dong Xuzong must have a big move," Chu Yi and Xia Houcheng left at the foot of the mountain,

Chu Yi thought,

"Dongxuzong was extremely strong back then. If it weren't for my rise, I'm afraid it would be more arrogant. Now after so many years of silence, it is only now that we are in trouble. I am afraid it is not simple.

"When such a sect moves, the entire Tianchen continent will be shaken, not to mention that they are not afraid of flowers, indicating that the backing behind is very strong,"

"No, there is a big change here. At least my identity can't be concealed anymore. I have to talk to the girl Ruhua,"

"Fortunately, at that time, I buried a formation in the secret of Dongxu Zong. With their eyesight, they should not have found it."

"Brother Chu, what are you thinking, then Dongxu Zong is dangerous to you, since it is so, I will solve it with a shot,"

"Brother Chu..." Chu Yi's heart turned upside down.

I really want to kick this guy,

"By the way, you should not know the master of the flowery city, she is your sister, the tenth apprentice received by the teacher. Although his temper is a little weird, he still has the seventh weight of Yuan infantry. We will go now. Flower City,"

"If she sees you, she will be very happy, just like her loved ones,"

"I will not be in Tianchen Continent in the future. What problems did you encounter, just look for him,"

After finishing the talk, regardless of Chu Yi’s objection, he broke through the void directly, and only half a day later, he came to Huacheng,

In the city's main palace, the brows frowned,

Lao Li only stood aside secretly, grasping the thoughts of his master,

"Is he in the forge sect,"

"According to the direction, it should be right, and those traveling together, according to inquiries, there is also a young man in ragged clothes, it seems that he is Senior Jiuxing,"

Lao Li knows that the relationship between Ruhua Chengzhu and Jiuxing Seniors is a brother and sister, but they don’t know who their teacher is.


The Flowery City Lord raised his eyebrows, revealing a dangerous look,

"No, with Brother Jiu's character, if he knew that this person was a teacher, he would have told me long ago that he could not hide any secrets, that is to say, this idiot, did not know the identity of the teacher at all,"

She rubbed her brow,

"How about the forces behind Dongxuzong,"

"It's difficult to do, the other party's situation is too vague, and hidden too deep,"

"Maybe it is a force, maybe it is a person," Li Lao shook his head.

As the Lord of Flower City was second to none, the reel suddenly turned into powder,

"It's better to be a strong man in the infant period. If it's a psychic realm, this is troublesome,"

"You went to tell Raksha and said that after a month, I will definitely go to Dongxuzong,"

"Yes," Lao Li left respectfully,

The master of Ruhua City thinks carefully: "Obviously this time, Dongxuzong is already prepared. Although I am the seventh child of Yuan infant period, after all, they are all strong in Yuan infant period. If the other party wants to escape, the other party’s On the site, I can hardly stop it,"

"Not to mention, there is a mysterious force behind him,"

"Brother Nine is on the Tianchen Continent, or call him to avoid accidents,"

The Flowery City Master thought,

Suddenly, her expression moved, as if she had noticed something, and looked up,

I saw a voice from a distance,

"Little Sister, I'm here again, hahaha, do you miss my brother very much,"

But I saw two figures, came out of the sky, and fell in front of the master of the flowery city,

Lord Ruhua didn’t look at Xia Houcheng at all, but looked at the young people beside him,

Her eyes flickered, her heart was surging, and the expression on her face was still.

Chu Yi sighed and looked directly at each other's eyes,

The lotus plant that year was now grown up and became a strong infant during the infant period, at least you don’t have to worry about yourself,

"I haven't seen you for a long time," Chu Yi smiled, a little guilty. After all, he never revealed his identity to his disciples.

The Lord of Flowery City moved slightly, and was about to speak, but he saw Xiahou Cheng’s big head blocked between them,

"Wait, how do I feel wrong, you are not the first time to meet, little sister, do you fall in love with Brother Chu at first sight, this is not enough, he is our little brother..."

What a special love at first sight,

The emotion that the flower-like city master had just condensed was suddenly broken away,

"Go away," Chu Yi and Huahua said in unison.

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