Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Sure enough, they are all apprentices received by the teacher, younger brothers and younger sisters, you have the same temper,"

Xia Houcheng was born with a thick skin and grew up with Chu Yi since childhood. He didn't know what shame was.

Sitting down like a flower, he quickly poured himself a cup of tea to suppress his anger,

Chu Yi also took a cup,

"Little Brother," she gave Chu Yi a strange look, and then swept Xia Houcheng,

I saw that the latter ran over fartly and said, "You don't know, this kid's identity is really deep enough to conceal. I also saw the Sunshadow Eucharist on him. , So it was expected that he must be a student of our teacher..."


"Sister Xiaomei, although you often despise me, my IQ is still very high, and even my little brother did not hide Zhu me,"

Xia Houcheng praised my expression,

Covering his forehead with flowers, Chu Yi quietly moved the stool, fearing that this stupid IQ would spread to himself,

"Did you tell him your identity," Ruhua sighed and looked at Chu Yi,

She was excited, but seldom showed it. She even looked at Chu Yi’s eyes at the moment, and even complained with this meaning, thinking that Chu Yi did not find her first time,

Chu Yi knows that his female student has a delicate mind, I am afraid that she has long suspected,

"Do you think he will believe what I said,"

Chu Yi turned around, looked at Xia Houcheng, and said seriously: "Xiao Jiu, in fact, I am not your brother, I am Yan Luoxianzun,"

Xia Houcheng was stunned, and then tapped the table violently, with tears coming out of his smile: "Little brother, you really are my brother, your model teacher's actions and expressions and the tone of speech are too similar,"

Lord of the Flowery City: "..."

"Brother Nine, don't talk nonsense, this is the teacher," Ruhua shouted and stood up. This time, instead of joking, she respectfully received a cup of flower tea and handed it to Chu Yi.

"Teacher, when the news of your death came out, I immediately returned to the Tianchen Continent. But that year, I had just entered the Yuan baby period, and I could only watch the Taiji Sect be destroyed."

"And after the Nanyang Lizong incident, the students also have a responsibility, and they happened to retreat. When they thought of it, Dong Xuzong took the opportunity to start,"

"Xiaohua, get up. This is my fault. I'm too confident. I wasn't fully prepared for the trip,"

Chu Yi sighed long,

"My cultivation of the continent has always been too smooth, not even the realm of Immortal Venerable,"

"The monks work together against the sky, but they must also be in awe, otherwise, this world can cut me off at any time,"

With tears in her eyes, she couldn't help but fell down in Chu Yi's arms,

Chu Yi gave a slight pause and touched her head with a smile, saying: "Fortunately, you all grew up, at least all strong in the infant period, and can stand alone. I was born again because of chance. I was lucky. For more than a thousand years, everything is too late,"

For a thousand years, it’s not short, it’s long

At that time, it was estimated that a lot of people had also broken through Yuanying and entered the realm of magic, and many people were still trapped in Yuanying,

"Um... that, excuse me, what kind of situational games do you want to play, and you don't have to enter the drama like that, I can see that my body is full of pimples, younger brother, that's your sister..."

He hadn't finished his words, but he saw that Chu Yi had revealed his true content,

"Sister...Sister...Sister..." I can't say that sentence,

"Sister you are big, see who I am," Chu Yi was so angry that he had smoke above his head, how could he have such a one-strength student, and what made him most ashamed was that Xia Houcheng had followed him since childhood,

He did not want to admit this,


Xia Houcheng's eyes were terrified, he breathed a sigh of relief, his cheeks sunk, his hands covered his face, and the whole person twitched like a loach,

"Why are you a teacher, no, I must have been in illusion,"

Xia Houcheng was really scared,

He has always regarded Chu Yi as a young teacher, but the other party is his own teacher.

His mood is extremely complicated,

"Don't you say, you are praised by me every day, I always say you are a genius, why, now I am so afraid of me," Chu Yi sneered,

"Also, aren't you bragging, can you achieve psychic power within a thousand years, and I won't give you such a short time, just achieving psychic power within five thousand years,"

"Is it 10,000 years," Xia Houcheng exclaimed in horror.

"Three thousand years," Chu Yi was expressionless.

"Okay, then five thousand years..."


"Teacher, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong. I shouldn't discredit you in front of you. I shouldn't highlight my wise magic... Although this is the truth, the teacher is still the most handsome,"

He immediately knelt at Chu Yi's feet, hugged Chu Yi's thigh with both hands, and refused to let go when he died.

Chu Yi couldn't wait for a punch to hit him in the face, but think about it, he doesn't seem to be Xia Houcheng's opponent, he can only bear it,

However, he saw that Xia Houcheng was quietly wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, and his heart was moving.

Even if these students have become immortal powerhouses, Chu Yi still regards them as children,

"Teacher, you have smelly feet,"


Chu Yi kicked directly over,

Xia Houcheng didn't hurt or itchy, but pretended to roll a few times, and then stood up happily,

"Little Sister, you are too vicious, you already know the identity of the teacher, even if you don't tell me, look at me ugly," Xia Houcheng smiled, his eyes bright, his spirits sorrowful, the deep sorrow in his eyes finally melted, just like in those days ,

"Actually, your doppelganger knew my identity long ago," Chu Yi said suddenly, "I was with your doppelganger when I was in Taiji Sect,"

"What," Xia Houcheng was taken aback. "This avatar is too unreliable. Such an important thing, I didn't even tell me,"

"Oh, sorry, I killed your avatar,"


With a chuckle like a flower, and winks, at this moment, the entire Huacheng Buddha was in full bloom, and countless people saw the sky petals flying,

"Then it seems that the Taiji Sect also took action by the teacher,"

"They want to take things from the Tai Chi Sect. I naturally have to take a shot and stop the wave, and then let Xiao Jiu's avatar temporarily seal the memory of those people,"

Xia Houcheng clapped his hands: "It seems that my avatar is quite capable,"

Isn’t it, much smarter than your deity,

Chu Yi rolled his eyes,

"Teacher, just come back. As soon as you come back, we will all have the backbone of our hearts. In the future, there will be revenge, and there will be grievances," Ruhua's eyes flashed a little cold,

The gang of people at that time, the students of Chu Yi, were all geniuses in the fairy world. They were not more successful than those peerless monsters. Otherwise, it would not be possible for most of them to break through the realm of gods within a thousand years.

"Unfortunately, there has been very little news from the maid,"

Chu Yi said: "She has the hidden escape tool I gave, even if it is a strong level of Immortal Venerable, it is impossible to track down, he will not be in danger for the time being,"

"I am still alive news, please don't tell other brothers for the time being, they are almost in the realm of the gods, they are all in one place, it is easy to be noticed,"

"I won't even say that I was killed," Xia Houcheng said firmly.

"You said it without killing you," Chu Yi didn't understand Xia Houcheng's personality. "However, this matter is of great importance. I believe you first."

Xia Houcheng covered his mouth,

"Teacher, this time you appear on your own initiative, I am afraid it is for Dongxuzong's things," Ruhua is very clever,

"Dongxuzong, do you have any eyebrows,"

"Guangyao Sword," Ruhua nodded. "Dongxuzong has a Guangyao sword. We always wanted to find the forces behind him, but the other party was too covert,"

"Is the sword glorious," Chu Yi thought for a moment, "That is to say, someone got the bright sword,"

"If what I expected is not bad, the Daguangming sword of that year, the last time it appeared, was in the Eastern Spiritual Realm of our eternal world. In that domain, it is the Dongling Yan family who is most likely to get the Daguangming sword. ,"

"Is that the family that has been trying to invade other itineraries and plunder resources constantly," Ruhua's eyes deepened,

"That's a bit troublesome. Although it's a family model, the strength of the top floor is no less than that of Sipinzongmen," Xiahou Chengdao said.

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