My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 731: Wanlong City

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Late at night, the stars are everywhere,

Chu Yi sat cross-legged, face to face with Ba Bajie, and looked directly at him,

"Speak, what the **** are you hiding from me, and what is the fairy symbol on you,"

Pig Bajie gave him a white eye, the pig's trotters flapping the psychic treasure,

"You even peeped at me,"

"Go, who rarely sees you, but the fairy symbols on you are a little special. Every time you step up, new fairy symbols will appear. You really don't know your origin,"

Pig Bajie pondered for a moment, and wrote: "I may be Marshal Tianpeng,"

Chu Yi is speechless and knows that it is difficult to continue the conversation. This guy is addicted to the Journey to the West on the earth. He has always been happy, and often wants the weapons of Marshal Tianpeng,

However, it is still reliable, and once again evolved the fairy symbols on it,

Suddenly, layers of black smoke filled up, and Chu Yi opened his eyes and looked again. This time it became clearer. I could see the smoke, which was all made up of strange and strange fairy tales, constantly colliding, swallowing, and forming. New fairy symbols,

And when Zhu Bajie used his magical powers, those symbols began to transform, forming a milky white protective cover,

"It turns out that it wasn't that the protective shield was powerful, but because almost all attacks were devoured by the moment of contact,"

Chu Yi wanted to imitate, but in any case, he could not urge the black fairy in Dan Tian,

But fortunately, there are gains, his black immortals, added more perfect, constantly drawing on the symbols on the pig Bajie,

One person, one pig, sitting in front of each other, all practicing,

This night, very calm,

The Lord of the Flower City takes a nap, lying on the bed, unable to bear to disturb,

When Lao Li passed by nearby, he marveled slightly,

"Strange thing, no matter how tired she was, the Lord of the City, she never rested and practiced, but now she can sleep peacefully,"

"Is that kid named Chu,"

He secretly stunned and didn't understand the truth, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, sitting cross-legged under the stars, silently practicing,

In the other room, Xia Houcheng scratched his head and scratched his head, walking anxiously, walking back and forth in the room,

"Lying trough, the teacher is still alive, this is a big thing, I really want to tell the guys,"

He endured for a long time, through Lingbaotong, finally contacted a person,

"Xiao Jiu, what are you doing..." There was a slightly hurried voice,

"Senior Brother, there is a big event,"

"Brother is dating a beauty. If it's not a big deal, I must fly over and kick you,"

Xiahou Chengzhi supported Wuwu, he felt he was going to suffocate, with his character, this kind of thing could not be concealed,

But when I think of the enemy as being at the level of Immortal Venerable Master, if I tell Brother Two, Brother Two must have acted there,

At that time, the movement is getting bigger and bigger, and in the end it can't be concealed,

Xia Houcheng froze, glanced out the window, Lao Li was practicing under Yuehua,

"Second Brother, I want to tell you, I saw an old man who was practicing against Tai Yinxing, do you feel beautiful,"

Ye Tian: "#¥%......"

"Huh, even the contact was broken. Brother 2 is really, if I persist for a while, I may not be able to hide,"

He grinned: "That's right, I just contacted each other like this. I wanted to say it, but they didn't want to hear it themselves, and they wouldn't blame me on it in the future,"

So, this night, the students of Chu Yi were all harassed by Xia Houcheng,


A month later, Chu Yi had piggy back on his head and took Xia Houcheng across the Tianchen continent. He finally came to the jurisdiction of Dongxuzong,

As for Ruhua, as the strongest man in the Tianchen Continent, he came directly to Dongxuzong,

Dongxuzong has its own sect gate, but in the vicinity of the sect gate, within a thousand miles, it belongs to its territory.

There are nearly ten cities here, big and small,

This time, most of the strong monks were concentrated in a city named Wanlong.

Chu Yi looked far away and looked at Wanlong City. The whole city was majestic and magnificent. It was like a dragon pond. The buildings inside the city, one after another, were really surging like Wanlong.

The clear water surrounds the sky and crosses the sky above the city,

"I haven't seen this Wanlong City yet. It seems that it was built in recent years," Chu Yi said.

"It should be specially prepared for the glorious sword,"

"The great light sword is a holy weapon, and even the strongest of the Immortal Venerable level desires it,"

"It is divided into three major pieces, the sword body, hilt, and scabbard,"

"The Yan family should only have obtained the part of the sword body, otherwise, with their strength, they could not keep the Daguangming sword,"

"This sword body can absorb the fire of the sun, and when the energy is saturated, a sword can be born, which is a shining sword,"

Chu Yi said slowly, "The Guangyao sword is born with luck and needs the power of the sun's fire, so there is this so-called pilgrimage meeting."

"A lot of strong people gather here, whether young or old generation strong people are rich in luck, when they are concentrated, they can collide with more powerful luck,"

"Like the last Hundred Flowers Conference, in the past few days, the sky continued to cloud,"

Chu Yi said while approaching Wanlong City with Xia Houcheng,

"Moreover, there is a powerful vein buried underground, which can be activated by everyone's luck,"

"The more luck the Guangyao sword absorbs, the more powerful it will be. Once it returns to the Daguangmingjian, the power of the Daguangmingjian will increase again,"

Xia Houcheng sighed: "Is this the holy weapon, really magical, no wonder it can lead countless powerful people to break their heads, I remember that there is a holy weapon in the second brother family."

"You don't need to be envious, I have never received a holy weapon in my last life, but if you cultivate weapons yourself, it will not be worse than the holy weapon when it reaches a certain level," Chu Yi laughed, very free and easy, this kind of thing , Depends on chance,

"If you can completely refine the nine stars, then every star will be no less than a holy weapon, then it is truly powerful,"

"This mindset, but I stole it from the Nine Netherlands and almost killed my life."

"The Lord of Nine Nether still remembers me,"

Chu Yi’s thoughts spread towards Wanlong City, but were greatly hindered,

"Eh, I didn't expect that there is only a vein of luck here, and there is a spirit vein. The spirit mine and the vein of veins are intertwined with each other. With the help of the mountains and rivers here, Thanglong Formation was formed."

"The vision of Lord Razak is still good. No wonder he can always lead several people of his generation,"

The Thang Long Formation, extraordinary luck, almost everyone who walks in can be blessed with luck,

"Sect Master Luosha, this is to directly upgrade the Guangyao sword to a quality," Chu Yi sighed.

At the gate of the city, there were too many people, and the monks who came from everywhere almost swarmed in,

Because they know that this is a blessing of luck, which will greatly benefit the future road,


Suddenly, in the midair of Wanlong City, surrounded by the clear water, one green dragon emerged from the sky,

Everyone exclaimed,

"An additional green dragon appeared, which shows that there was a genius who was recognized by the Thang Long Formation and gave a great blessing of luck,"

Everyone was horrified,

"This is the eighteenth green dragon today,"

Chu Yi raised his head, and it turned out that in the middle of the air, eighteen green dragons formed by the congregation of luck were flying, the longest, but two feet, or about seven meters,

"who is it,"

Everyone was looking for it, but there were too many people here, and the city gate was big. In an instant, countless people came in,

"Teacher, I can consolidate my luck, I'm afraid you can't," Xia Houcheng said,

"It doesn't matter, I am in a state of cultivation, and I just hone myself,"

"I want to see, what is this Dongxuzong doing?"

Chu Yi stepped in,

While everyone was still looking for the person just now, they saw a nine-foot green dragon in the sky,

Nine-footed green dragon, like the king, is surrounded by many green dragons, and the stars star like the moon,


"Jiuzhang, this is the limit. Could it be that a domain-level genius is here,"

"Quickly find out, who is it,"

"This is terrifying, I am afraid Wanlong City is going crazy,"

Everyone was dumbfounded,

This green dragon, too eye-catching, just sat on the clear water, overlooking the living beings,

Chu Yi and Xia Houcheng walked through the crowd very low-key and disappeared here, w1goq3 (16964119), hello, thank you for supporting the genuine, in order to facilitate the next reading, you can search for "Black Rock Reading" in WeChat, more massive Rock coin free,

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