My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 732: Pork saliva

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Entering the city, Chu Yi and the two found a restaurant and chose a window seat to sit down.

"It's amazing, it's magical, it's difficult to arrange manpower, only natural evolution," Xia Houcheng sighed, he was still very young and hadn't seen much, so he was also surprised

In the sky, there have been more than eighty greens, big or small, and three of them are all nine feet green,

Zhu Bajie was on the side, learning Chu Yi, setting the plate, and then pouring a glass of wine, Chu Yi cut him a piece of beef meat,

"This rise can increase the luck of the monks, and the increased luck of the monks can also provide the luck to the radiant sword. The radiant sword will provide the purest energy for the monks..."

"In this cycle, both sides have huge benefits, and more people will naturally come,"

"The sword of glory, anyway, is also related to the holy weapon. This feast does not have to be bad for the Hundred Flowers Conference, and can be attended within the age of 500. I am afraid that many realms of Taoism have also appeared,"

The Hundred Flowers Conference is limited to the realm of planting, but it can be different here,

Some powerful realms of Taoism appear from time to time, causing a lot of contention in the sky,

"Teacher, do you want to use the energy of the Shining Sword to break through the Taoist House," Xia Houcheng asked.

"It's best if you have it, if you don't, it doesn't matter, it's a few months at night,"

"But I am interested in this glorious sword, but I don't know if I can get a complete bright sword in the future,"

Chu Yi looked closely and saw that Dong Xuzong's direction was covered by a cloud of mist, and he couldn't see the truth. Even if he used his eyes, he couldn't see it.

"However, these ten thousand cities are only small cities after all, and they cannot be compared with the Lanhai mainland. There are not many geniuses here. At most, they are higher in cultivation than you, the teacher,"

"Not many geniuses, so big tone,"

Xia Houcheng finished speaking, and saw a group of women coming over, all the fairy clothes fluttering, making the restaurant instantly bright up,

Chu Yi had a meal, but found that this was a disciple of Xianyinzong. The head of the person, with a sharp eye and looking at its badge, should be the deacon of Xianyinzong,

To Chu Yi's surprise, the little girl Mu Ting who met the Tai Chi Sect was also here.

Mu Ting's face looks pale. If the side effects of this physique are not resolved, I am afraid it will not be a few years to live, but the girl's eyes are still bright and sly.

The first woman sneered, she put the long sword on the table,

"I am the deacon of Xianyinzong, Zhang Hongli, the realm of the second house, more than two feet, I don't know if the two have been approved by the promotion?"

"Me," Xia Houcheng pointed to himself and smiled, "I didn't rank,"

"However, my teacher should be the first,"


Most of this group of women couldn't help laughing out loud,

Zhang Hongli laughed, only with a mocking look: "As long as you are still his teacher, you are only in the realm of Taoism, and you are already a good teacher. It seems that your students are not great,"

As for the first, she is completely indifferent,

"In this sky, there will be 108 pieces of luck that have been transformed by luck, corresponding to 108 monks. The list is at the central square. Some people have already exposed their identity and their names are shown on the list. Change,"

"If you are really good, you may wish to challenge the people on the list, maybe you can take away the luck of the other party, and I will not mind playing with you when the time comes,"

After talking, it was the head of Yang Yang,

But Chu Yi still said: "Little bun, wait a minute,"

small bun,

Suddenly, many of the women of Xianyinzong looked at Chu Yi, and then they saw the other person's eyes staying on Mu Ting's body.

Mu Ting glared at Chu Yi angrily: "You are the steamed bun. My sister once said that I will become a bun when I grow up,"

"Cough cough..." The female disciples around Xianyinzong coughed for a while,

His face was blushing,

Zhang Hongli glanced at Chu Yi with annoyance: "You are too much, the other party is just a child,"

Chu Yi smiled: "But I found out that she will die soon. If there is no effective method, I am afraid that after this so-called pilgrimage meeting, she will die."

Everyone was silent, Mu Ting was unhappy,

Zhang Hongli looked at Chu Yi in surprise, and said, "This Daoist, you can see Ting'er's illness, is it because you have a solution,"

"Naturally there is," Chu Yi tapped on the table with his fingers. He saw that the little girl was cute and could not bear to let him die early.

It's just that the Xianyinzong people don't seem to know themselves,

This is not surprising. There are too many monks in the whole continent, and only a part of the people came to the Hundred Flowers Conference.

"Dare to be your surname for Daoyou," Zhang Hongli's attitude respected a lot,


"Chu Daoyou, if you can cure Ting'er's disease, then our Xianyinzong owes you a favor," Zhang Hongli said quickly.

For this matter, the entire Xianyin Sect, even the Sect Master, had a headache,


Chu Yi raised his eyebrows,

"The octave physique is indeed very strong, but the power in her body is quite chaotic, and this special power is about to devour her own vitality. Of course, if it can be cured, this physique has a good effect on cultivation. Will have a terrifying effect,"

"That's why, so I can represent the whole Xianyinzong and decide on this matter," Zhang Hongli held a glimmer of hope to Chu Yi.

After all, the treatment of this disease is not a matter of repair. Maybe an ordinary person holds the treatment method in his hand.

"Girl, come over for a glass of wine," Chu Yi grabbed its wine from the hands of Zhu Bajie, and half a glass remained,

Zhang Hongli can't help but feel absurd: "Chu Daoyou, if you try to ridicule us, you don't have to do this. Our Xianyin Zong disciple can't get others to insult,"

"It’s just a drink, she’s already a strong innate, and she won’t get drunk, not to mention her condition, only this glass of wine can cure it."

Zhang Hongli naturally didn't believe it: "You said yes? I would believe it, but this,"

The wine was drunk by a pig. Although the pig bajie is very cute, it does not prevent it from being a pig.

In the wine glass, but the saliva of the pig,

Pig Bajie hummed twice, that means, if you don’t drink it, give it back,

"Pork saliva is the same, anyway, you can't find a way, it is better to give it a try,"

"it is good,"

Before waiting for a few people to react, Mu Ting would drink a glass of wine with his brain, and there was a lot of blush on his face, which was very beautiful.

Immediately, he fainted,

"What the **** did you do to Ting'er," Zhang Hongli's long sword flashed coldly, and the tip of the sword was fixed on Chu Yi's shoulder,

"The energy in her body should have stabilized, just wait for a nap,"

Chu Yi was indifferent,

Pig Bajie's saliva also has the effect of engulfing, but Mu Ting's body is just because the energy of the seven sounds is too irritable,

Just synthesize it with pig bajie's saliva,

"Really good..."

She tentatively showed a strange look on her face, slowly closing the sword,

"Since that is the case, I would like to thank Chu Daoyou. We still need to send Ting'er back to be well-cultivated, so we won't disturb you,"

After talking, she placed a piece of spirit crystal on Chu Yi's table,

"This is a spirit crystal, which is several times higher than the top grade spirit stone. This is the remuneration for this time.

After finishing speaking, I left without any care,

"Deacon Zhang, this is why, the man healed Ting'er's illness, and we sent it with just a piece of Lingjing,"

Zhang Hongli sneered: "You are too young to know what,"

"This person is too proud, and is just a general way of planting Taoism, and at most will enter Daofu in the future,"

"But Ting'er in our family is different. Once her condition is resolved, her future repairs will advance by leaps and bounds, and she will surely be able to enter the infancy,"

"What qualifications does that person have to know Ting'er,"

"He just used a glass of wine and healed Ting'er's illness, and I gave him a piece of spirit crystal, which was also great value for money,"

"You have to remember, don't share the same point with the snake. In the future, let Ting'er be less contacted with this person.

Zhang Hongli laughed,

"However, there is finally a good thing, I will immediately report to the suzerain, as long as Ting'er grows up successfully, in the future I will have two strong infants in my childhood," w1goq3(16964119), hello, thank you for supporting the genuine In order to facilitate the next reading, you can search for "Black Rock Reading" in WeChat, and you can get a large amount of rock coins for free.

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