My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 734: Eastern Xuzong

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The six major sin territories are too mysterious, and Chu Yi does not know the specific situation. He once read through ancient books and only knew that it was a punishment. Those six lands contained sinners.

They are imprisoned, and apart from occasional opportunities, they cannot leave the land of sin for life.

Chu Yi was surprised that he met the people of sin land here, that is to say, this piece of sin land came not far away.

The two brothers and sisters looked at Chu Yi and Xia Houcheng with dumbfounded faces. In fact, few people knew about the land of sin, and even many strong infants were ambiguous.

"I used to want to go to see the sin land, but unfortunately I never had the opportunity. I heard that there are countless treasures, even holy artifacts, and even greater secrets, but few people can enter and bring them out."

"You don't have to be scared, I don't look like a bad person. If you can, I think you will take me for a while."

Chu Yi said, Xia Houcheng signaled and released the imprisonment.

The two siblings were startled and scared.

"We can't take you there, you will die there...that is an ominous place." Yun Yi's body shivered.

The strength of these two people is not high, and even the innate has never been achieved, but the strength of one person is comparable to the innate strongman. Chu Yi estimates that he has taken some more precious medicinal materials.

"A bad place, how are you disabled?"

Chu Yi frowned, and with his eyesight, it was natural to see that these wounds were very gentle, like a knife cut through tofu.

"There are soul-slayers."

"In the land of sin, once someone was born, a messenger came over and hooked a part of him."

"Don't you resist?" Xia Houcheng asked.

"Rebellion?" Yun Yi shook his head in fear. "The Soul Catcher, without a body, is like a ghost. We can't even touch him even if we touch, let alone resist."

"The older generation said that this is a heavenly punishment, because our ancestors have done things that are sorry for the fairy world, so we need to use the offspring to repay.

"Shen Nian?" Chu Yi and Xia Houcheng glanced at each other. It is very likely that the Soul Emissary is a kind of Shen Nian, but it is actually the soul.

The essence of Shennian is the energy emitted by the soul.

Of course, it is not excluded that it is a kind of exercises and mental methods.

"We have lived in a village since we were little, and have hardly ever gone out. We don't know much about it." Yun Yi shook his head, his eyes darkened.

Yun Wei also looked at Chu Yi and Xia Houcheng with fear.

"You will not sell us as slaves," he wrote on the table.

"A lot of people do this?" Chu Yi stunned.

"Yes, they think that we are the lowest, and because they are incomplete, they are sold as monsters." The girl smiled sadly.

"Every time the sin territory is opened, some outsiders will come to us, plunder our people, or search for materials."

"Of course we won't. You will stay with us for the time being. When the matter here is over, I want to take a look at the sin land."

Chu Yi's heart is full of interest, there is too mysterious, almost all ancient books are introducing their sins.

Chu Yi talked with the two of them and wanted to know as much as possible about the situation of sin.

Only a short while later, I saw a figure, and appeared in the restaurant with a smile.

Everyone changed color, and many people wanted to escape, but the man was holding the sky mirror and shining around.


In an instant, the restaurant was glorious.

"It turned out to be you guys, and finally I knew it. Rest assured, your name will be engraved on the Rising Dragon List."

Chu Yi frowned, but soon, it was convenient for him to hold the Tianyun mirror and radiate towards himself and others.

He could not deceive the Dragon Dragon, but he had a way to deceive the Tianyun Mirror, so it did not manifest.

However, when the radiance shines on Yun Yi, a huge beam of light rises into the sky. In the sky, a nine-footed green dragon corresponds to it.

"How could it be her?"

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted. Although Qi Yun and Xiu Wei were related, they were not directly related.

"Her luck is so strong, how can she be a sinner?"

"Who is this person?" The young man holding the Tianyun mirror was stunned, but loudly.

"Let’s take a quick look, a little girl here who doesn’t have a congenital cultivation ability, turned out to be a lucky dragon of the Jiuzhang Qinglong level, but there is no better chance than that, as long as you beat or kill her, you will get her Luck on you."

His roar, all of a sudden in the restaurant, everyone looked over here, a pair of eyes, showing greed.

You know, this luck, if you get it, you can always bless yourself, and you can also get the energy of the shining sword to improve your cultivation.


Pig Bajie threw a plate and hit the young man directly. The latter immediately gritted his teeth, and his teeth cracked with the plate.

Big mouth!

"We seem to be leaving first."

Xia Houcheng took the crowd and walked away, but some people still followed.

Chu Yi returned to a courtyard he had just rented, and the gate was closed.

"You are here to rest, don't care about other things, if these people come to harass, I will help you solve it."

Chu Yi laughed.

Zhu Bajie seemed to be very fond of these two people, otherwise he wouldn't be angry just now, which made Chu Yi quite strange.

The two siblings entered the house to rest, and Chu Yi looked at Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie wrote: "They have a familiar breath on them, as if they are my people."

"You mean, your people are probably in this land of sin?"

Chu Yi solemnly, "It seems that we have to go there."


Dongxuzong, surrounded by smoke, if you look closely, you will find that these are a trace of bright power, a scene formed by continuous collision.

Above a huge square in Dongxuzong, a towering statue of the demon stands. It is said that this is the ancestor of the demon. There are broken demon wings behind it, and a tail is dragged behind it, showing vampire-like teeth.

At this time, a strong infant, sitting quietly, in front of a variety of food and drink.

The strong infants here have almost covered the entire Tianchen continent, and even a few young infants who have been in the hidden world have been found.

"Sect Lord Luosha, this pilgrimage meeting has not been opened yet. Did you invite us so early? Did we stare?" An old man said, it is the Five Beasts, he is the old beast in the southern part of Tianchen Continent Ancestor.

"This wine is not very delicious." Sovereign Lord Dingtian said.

A strong infant with a square face stood up. He was the second strong infant of Dongxuzong. He looked quite young, wrapped in Tsing Yi, and dragged the snake's tail.

Qing Xuan said with a smile: "Duan Tian Sect Master, our Dongxu Zong's wine is naturally not as good as your Forge Sect's wine, but we invite you to come early, naturally there are important things."

"That Wanlong City is not in everyone's eyes, but this is different."

He pointed away, and everyone also looked into the distance, where the glory was dim, and white smoke continued to spread out, which was where the glorious sword was.

"Good fiery sword intention!" Ruhua Chengzhu frowned, this is the first time she saw Guangyao sword.

"It's just a sword, it makes me feel trance." Tianxianzi was equally horrified.

It was not until this moment that she realized how terrifying this sword was.

Qing Xuan introduced: "This sword, named Guangyao sword, this time the pilgrimage meeting, it was because of the sword."

"Of course, we Dongxuzong, although we must rely on your luck, we will also express it."

"Sovereign Lord..."

Sect Master Luocha signaled that he stood up slowly, pinched the trick, a stream of light disappeared, and escaped into the smog.

"Wow la—"

Suddenly, the white smoke rippled like an ocean wave. Although the real body of the shining sword could not be seen, everyone was horrified to find that the smoke had turned into a fairy symbol and kept changing, forming a round of small sun stars.

"this is……"

Sect Master Dingtian was shocked. At first glance, he felt what he had realized. Some of the usual shackles in his mind were almost solved.

Not only him, most of the strong infants in Yuan infant period, hold their breaths and look at these fairy tales.

Even the flowery city lord is attentive.

"Everyone, this is my first gift from you. If you are satisfied, I hope you will help you by then. The glorious sword will manifest itself, but it will be of great benefit to us all."

Sect Master Luocha said with a smile.

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