My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 735: Pig's House

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

These fairy tales are too tempting for the power present, and everyone is immersed in it consciously.

"No one can resist the power." Sect Master Luo Cha looked calm, but his eyes flashed.

"Sovereign, the geniuses who waited until the Wanlong City came with luck, and after combining with the power of these Yuan infants, the Guangyao sword should be able to raise a grade." Qing Xuan laughed.

"The Glorious Sword is born of the Great Glorious Sword. Naturally, it is extraordinary. Even the strongest in the realm of God will compete for it. As long as the Glorious Sword becomes stronger, then we will receive more and more benefits. "

Lord Razak smiled happily.

"But what if these people regret it, like people like Huacheng, but we can't deal with it." Qing Xuan shook his head.

"Ruhua City Lord is indeed tough, but we also have foreign aid. If it is not bad, then the Yan family should be here."

"Yan Family!"

Hearing this, Elder Qingxuan's heart burst into a sudden and his eyes became respectful.

Dong Lingyan family, that is even stronger than Wan Fengzong.

The entire Eastern Spirit Domain is several times stronger than Qingfeng Domain in terms of overall strength, and it is terrifying.

"Also, the arrival of such a behemoth can definitely deter the Quartet."

Sect Master Luocha sighed: "The Tianchen Continent is too small. Even in the Qingfeng Region, there is only one Sanpin Sect that can completely crush the East Lingyan family."

"But the Eastern Yanyan family is not inferior to Sanpinzong, except for the strong men who do not have the realm of God."

"Qingxuan, we Dongxuzong want to be strong, we have to go out, not afraid of risks, at least we have to break through other star fields, but unfortunately, I understand this reason too late, otherwise, I am afraid I will go out early Experience."

"How dangerous is that," Elder Qingxuan sighed, "At every moment, countless powerful men fall, Sect Master, you know, just our Qingfeng domain, as soon as we step out of the Tianchen Continent, there will be murders. , Not to mention the whole fairyland."

"However, this time is our opportunity. If we can cooperate with Dongling Yanjia, we may be able to take it to a higher level."


In Wanlong City, there was a lot of boiling, and no one expected that a nine-footed green dragon appeared on an unarmed girl.

Some monks are not opponents of Lu Zheng and others, so they set their sights on Yun Yi.

As long as they can be ranked in the top 108, they can go to Dongxuzong and observe the sword of glory.

When Chu Yi came back from the trip, he packed some chickens and some dishes, teasing Pig Bajie, and walked slowly towards the temporary residence.

Head-on, several people wandered in the alley.

"Several Xiongtai, is there anything?" Chu Yi asked.

One of the arms tattooed a strong man: "This brother, we heard that a nine-foot green dragon lived in this alley. I hereby challenge, but I don't know which family it is."

"Oh? Do you want to challenge?"

Chu Yi's eyes flashed and smiled, "I know, let me lead the way."

The few people couldn't help but rejoice and quickly thanked: "Brother, it's really loyal enough. After the few of us have developed, we will never forget you."

"Dare to ask the brother's name?"

"Little brother Chu Yi."

The strong man touched his head: "Chu Yi, it's a bit familiar, as if I heard it somewhere."

"We are the people of the vault sect, but everyone is a human race. It doesn't matter if you see it. If you have any trouble in the future, come to the vault sect to find me."

"Jiuzhang Qinglong is a great luck, but when it comes, how can it be exchanged with Guangyao sword for cultivation resources, how can it be wasted on this incompetent girl."

"In my opinion, she may have used some kind of secret method to deliberately improve her luck in a short period of time. Otherwise, why is such a big luck not yet in the congenital realm."

A woman also laughed: "It is said to be a blind man, which is really strange."

"It's just a blind man. If the sister doesn't like it and looks obnoxious, then just kill it."

Several people laughed and laughed, and soon followed Chu Yi, they came to the residence.

Chu Yi pushed the door in, introduced everyone, and then closed the door.

"I remember, the rules of Wanlong City can kill people..."

"Brother Chu, what do you mean?" Several people looked back and looked at Chu Yi solemnly.

"The person you are looking for is my friend. If you want to kill my friend, I will naturally kill you!"

Chu Yi looked faint, "Close the door, let Xia Houcheng!"

"Teacher, I am not a dog!" Xia Houcheng protested.

Several disciples of the dome realized that something was wrong, and several people immediately attacked Chu Yi.

"It turns out that you are a gang, it happened, all killed, use your luck to help me practice!"

Dahan's double fists were strong and Kong Wu was powerful. As soon as he shot, he let the air hang upside down, forming another vortex beside Chu Yi.

At the same time, a woman's nails suddenly became slender and sharp, with venom dripping on it and attacked from behind Chu Yi.

"It's better to be in the fairy world. You can kill people if you don't move. Unlike on the earth, there are so many rules."

Chu Yi raised his head, easily grasped Han's double fists, and gently folded it. Suddenly, his fist like steel, like tofu, shattered quickly.

As for the woman behind him, Chu Yi was kicked into the face by a kick, flew straight out, and was thrown back by Zhu Bajie. He fell a dog to eat shit, and his nose collapsed.

The remaining two people were dumbfounded. A group of them were all in a state of Taoism. As a result, they had been beaten up before they were able to show their strength.

"you you you……"

The big man looked at Chu Yi, his eyes suddenly startled.

"You are the little devil, Chu Yi, the first in the Hundred Flowers Conference!"

He was horrified as he remembered something.

"I just think of it now, it's late." Chu Yi smiled, just a little eerie.


Outside the alley, many people's eyes are watching here.

"Brother He, why didn't you shoot?" Shen Qianhai of Dongxuzong looked at a thin man with a smile on his face.

The man's eyes were thin, his lips were thin, his skin was shriveled, and he looked like he could no longer be nourished for a long time. He was drinking a glass of ice water alone.

Shen Qianhai sat down in front of him.

"Your disciples' disciples are on. Are you still not shooting, are you afraid that your disciples will steal your luck?"

"Who robbed, who killed." He Zuo said indifferently.

Shen Qianhai gave a high-five laugh: "Also, although you are a genius child of the previous generation of the dome, but your murderous heart is too heavy, even the people of your own line are not let go, no wonder your line of disciples dare not mention you outside first name."

Dongfangliang, Black Crow, and others are considered to be geniuses of this generation, but the previous generation also had geniuses after hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

And these people, who have lived to the present, have now reached the realm of Taoism. The most powerful people have reached the realm of Wufu.

He Zuo is one of them.

"That's because they are too weak, don't you dare to talk to me." He taunted.

Shen Qianhai shook his head: "Brother Ho, you are still so hard to speak, but I heard that Dongfangliang of your sect was defeated by a boy named Chu at the Baihua Conference, which has resulted in serious injuries and has never come forward."

"That man is known as the little devil, and he is so arrogant that he refused even many powerful infants who were born during the infant period."

"This time, I came to kill him." He Zuo said directly, "After all, it's just a young man who doesn't understand the rules."

"Yeah, like our older generation, we need to teach them."

"Only geniuses who grow up are geniuses."

Shen Qianhai looked at the alley: "You said, this time, is it the victory of your disciples' disciples or the people inside."

"Those disciples, although they have little strength, but the girl I saw her wandering at the door, it is even weaker."

Shen Qianhai nodded.

"I also think that it seems that Brother He is going to kill his disciples."


Only, suddenly a loud noise.

The two of them looked at the same time.

I saw four figures, and were thrown out directly, to be precise, four corpses.

Later, everyone ridiculously saw a pet pig standing at the door and humanizedly clapped his hands, and then the trotters were stained with blood, wrote at the door.

"Zhu Daxian's Mansion."

Then, facing the crowd, twisting his buttocks and raising a short curled tail, he expressed contempt.

At the same time, in the sky, a nine-footed green dragon skyrocketed again.


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