My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 733: Sin territory

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In the restaurant, the figures hurriedly.

Chu Yi looked at Ling Jing stunnedly: "Why do they walk so fast and give us such a big reward."

"I didn't say that the disease is completely cured."

"Seven notes and eight laws make a fuss, there are fifteen different powers in the girl's body to make a fuss, each time you can only eliminate one, and after three days, you must eliminate the next."

"Unexpectedly, there will be a spirit crystal at a time"

Chu Yi shook his head, this business was really worth it.

In fact, how could he not see it. This is because the other party has used himself up and immediately cleared his relationship with himself.

After all, this system is too strong, and once fully recovered, it is comparable to the genius of a domain level.

They naturally do not want to have any relationship with ordinary monks such as Chu Yi.

"A good person is hard to do." Xia Houcheng lamented and looked out the window.

Chu Yi sneered: "Hand over Ling Jing, don't think I stole it and I didn't see it."


"Teacher, I need to gamble money."

"Just sell yourself." Chu Yi gave him a ruthless look.

"Woo, woo, I really am not a student of your teacher, you have accepted a lot of young teachers and sisters, and I don’t like me anymore."

Chu Yi shivered. Pig Bajie had goose bumps all over his body. He quickly picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into Xia Houcheng's mouth.


Suddenly, at this time, a loud noise came from outside.

In the restaurant, everyone looked at it, and many people jumped directly.

There is a beam of light. Rising from the sky in a black man, he was directly in contact with a green dragon in the blue sea.

"That's the realm of luck. Someone even has this thing in their hands and can show their luck!"

A young man stood side by side, from the center of his palm. There was a bronze mirror that shone on the man in black.

"It's really amazing to find one. Jiuzhang is lucky, but it's more powerful than Dongxuzong's black crow."

"Huh? You are the one on the West Coast, the head of the Dark Knights. Lu Zheng!"

The young man holding the Tianyun mirror recognized the coming person and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Unexpectedly, even you are here. Why do you hide it since you are here? There are five nine-footed dragons in the sky now. You are the first one I found."

The young man pointed away, and suddenly, the huge list on the square in the distance shined, and the word "Lu Zheng" appeared at the top of the list.

A group of people around Chu Yi exclaimed.

"It turned out to be a member of the Dark Knights, and the leader. Oh my god, they are not on the west coast, are they fighting many beasts in the sea, how come they thought of coming here."

Ordinary people's foot strength is difficult to traverse most of the Tianchen Continent. So the West Coast is like another world to the people here.

The Dark Knights are legendary on the West Coast, and their teams are all in the realm of Taoism.

"This person is deliberate, and those who are unwilling to expose with the mirror of heaven's luck will expose them all so that they can cause disputes."

Chu Yi said, "I'm afraid it was Dongxuzong's people, and with Wanlong City, there was no prohibition on killing."

Lu Zheng was wrapped in black all over, showing only a pair of eyes, full of bloodshot eyes. He glanced back at the man without speaking, and his figure disappeared.

No one shot, after all, the reputation of the Dark Knights is still there, many people have to weigh it.

"It turned out to be him!"

In another tea house, Dongxuzong's black crow sat with several deacons.

One of them, with white hair and white eyebrows, has a young look, exquisite skin, and extremely beautiful skin.

"Brother Shen, is this person very powerful?" Black Crow was stunned. He had just entered the realm of Taoism, and he discovered that the powerful person in this realm was more like a cloud. He was a genius in the realm of planting Tao. In the realm of Taoism, I had to keep a low profile.

This time, he thought he would have nine feet of green dragon, but the fact is that he only has seven feet.

But Brother Shen Qianhai, beside him, is Jiuzhang Qinglong, and is exactly 500 years old. He is the deacon of Dongxuzong. He has arrived in the five realms of Daofu and will become an elder in the future. Not to mention.

Shen Qianhai smiled and said: "The younger brothers do not know that the Dark Knights are the biggest forces in the Xihai. Although they do not have the strong infantile infantry to sit in town, they are facing extremely powerful undersea beasts every day. It is rumored that the Xihai has one The ancestral ancestor of the Yuan dynasty always wanted to break into the West Sea, but was repeatedly blocked by the Dark Knights."

The black crow was shocked: "It's so powerful that even the strong infants cannot enter?"

"That's natural, they have a unique method, how terrifying the whole Knights are together."

"Brother, don't underestimate the people of the world, even if we are on the mainland of Tianchen, a genius may appear at any time."

"But you, brother, don't be discouraged. This luck is sometimes related to cultivation. If you can reach the realm of the Five Houses, I'm afraid you can have Jiuzhang Qinglong."

Shen Qianhai's eyes were calm: "I've been stuck in this state for too long. This time, I might be able to break through with the sword of light."

"Now, there are a total of five Jiuzhang Qinglong. There are three, I don't know who corresponds to it?"

Shen Qianhai is looking forward to it.

"Absolutely impossible, it's that surnamed Chu." Black Raven murmured inwardly.

The other party's cultivation behavior is only in the realm of cultivation, even if the talent is tough, it is impossible to achieve Jiuzhang Qinglong.

The whole Wanlong City, with the appearance of Lu Zheng, quickly boiled.

Moreover, the young man holding the Tianyun mirror caused trouble everywhere, and exposed some people. Those who were recognized by the Thang Long array, the name appeared on the list in the Central Square.

Although it was only the first day, it was vaguely surging.

"It's really a good show. In this way, the monks are attracted to come over and continue to fight to make the luck more powerful."

Chu Yi admired quite.

"Rolling! You two beggars with disabilities. Don't come! Want to eat without money?"

Suddenly, there was a noise from the restaurant, and I saw a little guy, pushing two figures out of the restaurant.

"Ah," one of the young men, in ragged clothes. To be precise, there are some broken animal skins.

He has no children, and his temple is empty next to it.

The young man kept making gestures with his hands. He was deaf and dumb.

Chu Yi Chu Yi arrived, the man's tongue was gone.

And a girl standing beside him. He was blindfolded and seemed to be a blind man.

Two disabled people?

Chu Yi frowned, and immediately walked over.

"I gave them the money."

Seeing that, the little fellow nodded, and then stopped talking.

"Thank you!"

A man and a woman seem to be brothers and sisters, all dressed in animal skins. After sitting down, the young man dipped his fingers in water and wrote on the wooden table.

The girl's voice was nice, and her tight brows relaxed slightly.

"Thank you, my name is Yunyi, this is my brother Yunwei."

"He can't hear or speak, but he can understand lips."

"Our brothers and sisters live here, and haven't eaten for a long time."

Pig Bajie pushed the food in front of him to the two.

"Thank you!"

Yun Yi smelled the scent, thanks again.

Chu Yi frowned, and the teenager looked at him from time to time. His eyes were a little wary.

They are gray-faced, like they haven't eaten for 800 years, they gobble up.


Yun Wei wrote.

Chu Yi noticed that his tongue was not congenitally absent, as if it had been cut off.

"Where are you from?" Chu Yi asked.

Yun Yi smiled and said: "We are from a deserted place, but you can rest assured that we will go back soon."

"Desolate people?"

Chu Yi smiled, "Your situation reminds me of a place."

He spit out two words gently.


The teenager's face stiffened, and the tea cup in his hand was pinched in half by him, cutting it towards Chu Yi's throat.

At the same time, the girl's chopsticks gripped back and thrust into Xia Houcheng's throat.

It's just that it's useless.

Xia Houcheng took a sip, and in a flash, the two were fixed in place.

"Teacher, you said they came from the sin land, does that place really exist?" Xia Houcheng curiously said.

As if nothing happened, Chu Yi said, "It is rumored that there are six major sins in the world, all in the void, every five thousand years, they will connect with the outside world."

"This is God's punishment. Those who live in sin are all descendants of sinners."

"There is a land of sin that cuts off human organs for punishment, doesn't it?"

Chu Yi finished speaking, but met the two people across from him, sweating.

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