My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 741: Three Thousand Cloud Dreams

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Vacuum formation is a kind of formation method of restraint type. Once it succeeds, it can stagnate the opponent's real elements and movements in an instant." The Qingxuan Taoist people seem to have some understanding of the formation method.

"However, this formation is actually a bit tasteless. If the opponent is much stronger than himself, then he can't be restrained at all. If the opponent is weaker than himself, then there is no need to restrain. This formation."

There was still shock in his voice.

"The thing that struck me the most is that his casting speed is estimated to have buried leads when attacking with tofu blocks, using tofu to distract everyone, and then quietly arranged successfully."


Even if Dong Xuzong and Chu Yi were not right, Elder Qingxuan had to admire that the timing of Chu Yi's formation and the timing of his shot were impeccable.

"I remember that this formation, even if it is the formation of Daofu, everyone needs some time to arrange it," said Changsu Taoist, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Just because he knew the difficulty of this formation, he was scared just now.

Could it be said that this person's talent has already been able to impact a domain-level genius?

"It's just a little skill of worms, there is nothing surprising." Sect Master Luocha said lightly, "You must know the long-bearded Taoist, this child is not only proficient in formation, but also proficient in pharmacist, gunway, musician...and so on."

"So much?" The long-haired Taoist shook his head gently and sighed. "That's a pity. If you can put your energy on top of it, then the future is limitless."

"The old man has never heard of it. Who can master so many ways? Now he is tough, but the later he gets, the harder he is to improve. Even the old man has seen that many geniuses even practice three ways, but after they reach the Taoist government, they instead Being implicated in it, the Dao heart is split, and it is difficult to stabilize. Finally, it is too late to want to abandon the other Dao and practice one."

"That's exactly it!" Sect Master Luocha said, "And, isn't this Yanzi son there, this kid will not be Yanzi's opponent."

The long-bearded Taoist is very helpful and laughs without speaking.

"This lousy old man." Ruhua City Lord rolled his eyes in the dark. I am afraid these people have never experienced the fear of being controlled by Yan Luoxianzun.

In that era, whoever dared to be called a genius in front of his teacher.


"Vacuum array!"

Yanxing Road gave Chu Yi a surprised look, and was very surprised.

Although he is not afraid of this formation, his Daofu has the ability to break this kind of formation, but he is somewhat surprised by Chu Yi's strength.

Even he didn't see clearly when the opponent's formation was buried.

But when I think about it now, it is all tofu that is ignored by people.

However, Chu Yi had too much influence on people in Wanlong City.

Everyone raised their heads in horror and opened their eyes as big as a light bulb.

"Isn't that possible, Little Demon King, defeated He Zuo with a single blow?"

"There is nothing impossible, this guy is too powerful. Although there is a suspicion of sneak attack, it is really defeated."

The crowd hairy, their eyes flashed, and they looked at Chu Yi with admiration.

Some people foresee that the pattern of the continent of Tianchen may change again. A dark horse that breaks into people's horizons will become a great existence in the future.

Shen Qianhai was shocked, and the glass of wine in his hand fell to the ground without realizing it.

"He Zuo, he was defeated. The surnamed Chu is too horrible." The black crow did not know when he got up from the ruins and came here. He suddenly saw this scene, which was a bit difficult to accept.

Shen Qianhai exhaled and said, "Fortunately, it's just that Brother He is too big. He thought he could easily suppress each other. Of course, if he had two manifestations of the two governments just now, this restraint formation would have no way for him to be able to Break free in an instant."

"This man is a bit tricky."

"If you lose, you lose. If you are on the battlefield, you are already dead." Lu Zheng shook his head.

"I have to say, even if you have entered the realm of Daofu in this generation of Tianchen Continent, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of this man. His mind is active and there are many means. Even if you suppress it with Daofu, he has a way to crack it. In his eyes, there is no fear, which means that he is confident, even, it is regarded as a game at all."

If Lu Zheng's words, let the black crow clenched his fists.

indeed so.

Even if he is doing his utmost, he will not be the opponent to use the whole house.

This is the gap.

He was originally the genius of the Tianchen continent, but now, he was beaten down by a black horse, and even he vaguely felt that Chu Yi did not do his best.

This huge frustration made the Black Crow almost lose the courage to catch up.

"How could this be..." He seemed like the genius that Chu Yi had encountered in his last life. For a time, he had no confidence at all.

At this time, Chu Yi shook his head gently in the air, looking at the ruins.

"It turns out that this is the feeling of beating people. Fortunately, the physical training is good, and the punching feeling is quite comfortable."

Chu Yi's punch was not light, nor did he deliberately pull back. His flesh was constantly forged, and in the same realm, it was powerful and terrifying.

"Eh, don't read it with this kind of eyes, I just gave him a punch, but didn't kill him." Chu Yi glanced at Yanxing Road and quickly explained.

"I am a good person," he affirmed.

Yanxing Road only felt that the person in front of him was insane, and I'm afraid he misunderstood the word "good man".

"This kind of formation can be arranged in the state of planting Dao. You are very good." Yanxing Dao said lightly. This one move is not enough to make him afraid.

"Right, I forgot, you just attacked and scared me." Chu Yi patted his head.

The lane was covered with black lines and felt that what the two said was not on the same level.

"There should be you among the blue dragons in the sky."

"The first place is me." Chu Yi smiled.

"Zhu Daxian?" Yanxing Road was speechless. Sure enough, the person in front of him was not a normal person.

"You beat my opponent, I have no one to fight, I can only beat you." Yanxing Road said with some interest.

"You ruin my tofu, you don't want to find me, I have to find you too."


Yanxing Road narrowed his eyes, and at the next moment, his fist broke through.

This punch, like rolling an endless gust of wind, is very abrupt. If it were not for the suppression of the entire Wanlong City, I am afraid a large house will be lifted off.

Shen Qianhai's eyebrows jumped: "Yanxing Road is a little angry, this person is going to die."

In the eyes of everyone, it is indeed true.

"Your boxing method is a bit interesting, and it is quite mixed with the strength of a hundred schools."

Chu Yi chanted, the green dragon in the sky, after Chu Yi defeated He Zuo, had soared to almost thirty feet, which was a hundred meters in length.

Qinglong, the condensed luck, was summoned by him and hovered around Chu Yi.

The dragon's body is a bit illusory, but it is strong and strong, resisting the attack attack of Yandong Road.


A dull voice suddenly sounded.

Yan Xing Dao Mulu horrified: "Do you know Feng Shui Metaphysics?"

"Slightly know one or two."

Chu Yi laughed.

"It's troublesome now..." Lu Zheng said, "Nan Yan's son, powerful, normally speaking, the surname of Chu is not his opponent at all, but it may be that this little devil will also be lucky, but after the Dragon The luck of the blessings even deprived the luck of others, especially in Wanlong City, and the strength has increased geometrically."

"Isn't this cheating?" Someone was dissatisfied.

"What is cheating, has the ability, you also induce luck and turn into your own strength."

Shen Qianhai was also surprised: "To induce this level of luck, you must have a good attainment with the Feng Shui master. This is itself a kind of strength."

"Dare to challenge the teacher, I really don't want to live."

Xia Houcheng shook his head.

"Let's prepare dinner, or the sun star will fall."


"It's really troublesome. The people of Dongling Yan's family are all there. Unless I can kill my mouth, some swordsmanship can't be used."

Chu Yi scratched his head. After all, he was at the door of Yanling’s house in Dongling for three days, and finally forced Yan’s family to apologize to a beggar.

"Three Thousand Cloud Dreams!"

Chu Yi's hands dragged, and at the next moment, his luckful Qinglong evaporates like mist and water, forming misty clouds.

The clouds are entwined, strangling each other.

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