My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 742: One night fish dragon dance

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Chu Yi didn't really understand the cause and effect of Feng Shui metaphysics. This is his only shortcoming, and he didn't even know much about the practice of luck.

These three thousand cloud dream tactics are just exercises of the realm of Taoism.

It's just that this luck-condensed green dragon, which has the blessing of the power of the rising dragon array, is naturally much stronger.

Clouds fluttered all over the place, and the scenery was so magnificent. Such a scene was too magnificent. At the same time, his body, as well as the green dragon, had not completely dispersed.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they only felt that there was blood in their bodies. Many of them, I am afraid they would not be able to reach this step in their lifetime.

"What a powerful killing intent, this skill is not simple, it turns luck into a simple killing trick."

Despite the horror, Yanxing Road is calming down by looking at the nose and heart, at this moment.

The opponent can reach this level. Although unexpected, he has lived on the battlefield since he was born. This kind of accident can't make him chaotic.

He stood in the air, a tall and thin figure surface appeared, a golden light appeared, and the golden Taoist palace appeared, giving people a sense of brightness and sacredness.

In Wanlong City, almost everyone was quiet at this moment. They were hard to speak and filled with fear. They could only stare directly at the Taoist House.

"The Tian Luo Jing of Dong Ling Yan's family is really amazing." Ruhuacheng's eyes opened brightly.

The long-bearded old man smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the master of Ruhua City knew the core idea of ​​our Yan family."

The Lord of Flowery City glanced at him and continued: "This day's compass is bred from Zi Mu Guo, which is in the extremely cold land, so the energy of this day's compass is also very cold."

"It's just that after your Yan family ancestors improved a little bit, they joined the rage in the extreme cold and did not destroy the mentality bred in this world, so a famous Tian Luo Jing was formed."

Elder Elder Beard's brows shook, and his heart was turned upside down.

These things, even in the Yan family, the average person can not know, it is the secret of the Yan family, but this is how the Lord Huacheng learned.

You must know that all mental methods are top secret. Once you have seen the source, you will find the targeted method, or if you have a monk, use the same method to obtain this mental method.

Elder Longbeard had a murderous intention in his heart, but his face still smiled and said: "All are rumors in the world. The details of this mentality are not even known to me. I am afraid that only our ancestors know, such as the Flower Lord, don't talk nonsense."

Lord Ruhua smiled disdainfully: "Since it is nonsense, then I will say more. If you want to suppress this mentality, you must use..."

"Ruhua City Lord!" Elder Elder Beard could not help raising his voice, his heart was cold.

Everyone looked around.

At first, they thought that Lord Ruhua was just hearsay, but they could see the reaction of Elder Elder Beard. I was afraid that at least some of it would be true, and they were immediately interested.

"Let's watch the battle." Elder Elder Xu said seriously, but in his heart, he had already made a decision.

He did not know where the flowery city master got the news, but I am afraid the family would take action on her.

The Tian Luo Jing, but the most important mental method of the Yan family, even the Yanxing Dao, is only a part of the realm of the Taoist government.


At this time, the sky above Wanlong City was full of golden light.

But the golden light, with the bone-chilling ice cold, the surface, the building surface, all condensed a thick layer of golden frost.

From that house, a golden short sword floated indefinitely, and then with the introduction of the prolonged road, it strangled away.

It passed through clouds of luck and condensed clouds, where it passed, a crackling sound, and in the end, all the clouds fell like stones and fell to the ground.

"The chapter of the Taoist realm of the Tian Luo Jing, you are good at practicing."

Chu Yi is not afraid of danger, just like the elders directing the younger ones, looking calm.

The celestial compass is a superior mental method. The cold generated by it is extremely terrifying, and even the energy will be frozen. Moreover, these fairy symbols, with the help of external weapons, will produce a stronger attack power, and blast in the moment of freezing.

No one dared to touch.

But Chu Yi dared.

He grabbed it in one hand, and saw the golden short sword across his palm, and in a flash, he was caught straight.

"Useless, you will die miserably. Once touched, at least your arm is not safe."

Yanxing Road sneered, but that smile quickly stiffened in his face.

But in the middle of Chu Yi's palm, a golden flame rose, with a hot and violent temperature.

It is the fire of Jinwu.

Only now, the fire of Jinwu has not changed, and everyone just thought it was some kind of powerful flame.

As soon as he threw hard, the golden dagger was beaten back, and the light on his body was much dimmer.

Yanxing Dao's face changed slightly, but he shot again. He sacrificed his fists. There was a Dao Palace behind him, which continuously provided energy. For a moment, it seemed that even this piece of air was pushed away by his hands.

In particular, between the two fists, a golden bell formed, which thundered and made the chest feel boring.

"You just rely on this luck, as long as I break your luck and exhaust it, then you lose."

He punched like a mountain stone, hitting constantly, and within a moment, the strong man saw at least one hundred punches, each punch was in the same position, so that the green dragon coiled around Chu Yi began to deform.

Chu Yi thought, without counterattack, wondering what way to solve this troublesome guy, after all, there are many people here.

"It's useless!"


Yanxing Road did not give his opponent any chance. He opened the second Daofu, which is different from the first.

The first Taoist house gave birth to a golden dagger to cultivate the Tian Luo Jing.

And the second one is conceived of a holy fruit of heaven and earth, which is constantly producing aura and can withstand a long battle.

This is also the method that most Taoist powerhouses will choose.


He punched again, and at this moment, more and more powerful, a hundred golden bells and drums appeared, all sounded together, deafening.

Countless people bleed in both ears and keep receding.

"Is this a genius at the domain level, we are too different from him."

"The little demon king is certainly powerful, but if he is not in this Wanlong City, he can't condense such a powerful luck. I am afraid he will be killed in a few seconds."

Everyone dignified.

Lu Zheng was terrified.

"This is definitely not his full strength, he is just consuming his opponent's strength."

Shen Qianhai nodded: "Among his second Daofu, if I expected it to be right, it is a yangyang sacred fruit. As long as there is a sun star, the speed of its birth will be very fast."

Although the sky is already dull, the speed of the birth of Reiki is still far beyond ordinary people.

Several people are quite envious, like the items that provide themselves with energy within their Daofu, they are far less than the way, this is the horror from the big family.

"It's breaking!"


A big golden clock smashed past, but for a moment, the green dragon on Chu Yi's body was broken through and turned into a sky of luck. If he wants to condense again, it may take a day.

"You admit defeat." Yanxing Road looked at everything and looked around, winning the ticket.

Without luck, Chu Yi was in his eyes, but he was just a ants in the realm of Tao.

"This kid is good. It took a lot of effort to extend his defense." In the distance, the elder Elder smiled, stroking his beard, but the palm of his hand tightened for the next second.


But seeing him disregard his identity, he immediately stood up and shouted loudly.

At the same time, everyone saw the scenes that would make them unforgettable all their lives.

But I saw Chu Yi's hands turned falsely. In the next second, the entire Wanlong City seemed to come alive, the surface vibrated, and a cyan energy rose into the sky, interlacing with each other, forming a staggered three-dimensional network, which will Wanlong City Shrouded.

Indistinctly, people seem to hear that the sound of Long Yin, especially the luck-carrying green dragons in the sky, are now transformed into energy threads.

"Although my metaphysics is not good, at least the formation is still proficient."

Chu Yi smiled whispered and took a step.

"Thanglong Formation, ordered by me."

"Qinglong Yin!"

The cyan giant net moved, and everyone could see clearly that it was only a part of Qinglong's body. At the gate, a huge head turned back, and that was Qinglong's head, heading towards the way.

Feng Xiao sounded, the jade pot light turned, overnight dragon dance.

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