My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 852: Abdominal can swallow the sea

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Xuan Youzong, in a room.

The thousand-eyed elder of Qianfanzong is viewing the data of those selected by him.

He did not dare to go too far on this point. After all, as long as one of them could stand out, it would be of great benefit to Qianfanzong.

Qianfanzong represents Qingfengyu.

"Elder..." A bald deacon knocked on the door.

"Deacon Kong, is there anything?"

Deacon Kong said with a smile: "A few months ago, the elder, you asked me to plant the poison on the prince of the Qin Ling Empire, and then accept him as a disciple. Now there is news that he is letting us take the prince. , Please let me go."

Thousand-eyed elders closed the file, and their eyes all smiled into a line: "The baby, but the physique of the rare natural fire spirit root, the fire properties of the body are extremely strong. In the future, this path will also be extremely scary."

"Such a genius, there is no problem in achieving Yuanying, and it will be the best among Yuanying."

"If we can control a future Yuanying, or even Yuanying's consummation. That's a good thing for us."

The magic puppetry can only be performed on the baby, otherwise it is difficult to fully control it.

Evil methods like this are generally forbidden. So they dare not use it in the area of ​​Qianfanzong.

Once people see through, they will be expelled.

Fortunately, this kind of rural area, I am afraid that even Yuan Yuan did not know this method.

"Then go as soon as possible, be sure to show the majesty of my thousand fanzong. To make that kind of small country submit to it as soon as possible."


To the east of Qin Ling Empire, there is a Black Sea. The water here is special, showing a dark color, and there are many fierce beasts in the sea. No one at Daofu level would dare to cross.

The sea breeze roared with a fishy smell, and a huge unicorn rose into the sky, making a roar similar to a beast.

There were a few figures on the shore, and I couldn't help but step back.

"Kiyu!" A slightly thin middle-aged man looked at the big man in panic, almost fell to the ground.

"Prime Minister Ye, you told me to wait here all night, who are you waiting for?"

The thin, middle-aged man was impatient. He was a destiny officer who was in charge of imperial taxes.

Next to them, there are three other people, all of whom are real power, looking at Ye Linguo one by one.

For Qinling Empire. Qianfanzong didn't even see it in his eyes, and he could destroy them by himself, so the last time, he just passed by and happened to meet the Empress and travel with his son.

Therefore, these officials of the empire did not know about this matter.

"We are all Yipin officials. It is illegal to come out together in private!"

"And, come to such a dangerous place."

The crowd looked at the Black Sea and could not help swallowing saliva.

"Everyone, I want to ask you, how have you lived since the New Emperor came to power?" Ye Linguo laughed.

The pupils of several people shrank, and the thin middle-aged man smiled, "The Emperor Qin has a big heart, the imperial demeanor and the expansion of the empire are unprecedented."

"Yeah, Master Ye, don't you think so?"

"There is a good weather." Ye Linguo sneered. "But everyone, don't you think that your income has been declining year by year, and your power is also being continuously deprived?"

A meal for four, with an awkward smile on his face.

At that time, they all struggled against Qin Zheng. Although they were not dismissed, they were still affected to a certain extent, not to mention Qin Zheng's reform. The reduction of taxes and the severe punishment of ineffective and guilty officials made them very uncomfortable and completely lacked the freedom of the first emperor in office.

Almost half of the people in the court complained secretly.

"Prince. What do you want to do?" someone asked.

"He won't make us feel better, we naturally want to make him feel better." Ye Linguo laughed.

Several people were startled and even said: "Master Ye laughed, your daughter, but the Empress. Your children and grandchildren will also be Emperor Qin in the future, Your Majesty said, he abdicated for at most ten years, you If you want to rebel against this empire, isn't it against your own home?"

"What's more, the Empire also has a Chu State division, a black turtle, and a few big figures in the academy. These people alone are enough to suppress thousands of troops."

Ye Linguo stands proudly, and some scholars are gentle and elegant, with a spirit of slaughter.

"Do you know Qianfanzong?"

Several people frowned, all puzzled.

Ye Linguo chuckled: "That forging sect, everyone should know that the forging sect is the fifth-grade sect, and there is the Yuan infant strongman in the sect, the Qianfan sect, but the third-grade sect, the sect is open. The realm of God sits."

"A few months ago, a deacon of Qianfanzong took a fancy to Chong'er and wanted to accept his disciples, but now Emperor Qin repented. He didn't want to send Chong'er to Qianfanzong."


The four were startled and stunned.

"Sanpin Zongmen accepts disciples. Qin Emperor refused?"

They are unimaginable.

A fifth-grade sect can destroy the Qinling empire, not to mention a third-grade sect, which is a legendary existence for them.

"Emperor Qin refused because the Chu master returned."

"The Emperor Qin was young, and he listened to the master of the country, and the former emperor. At this point, it was generally the same. What did you end up with, you have seen it."

"He wants to bury the future of Chong'er Yuanying in my family, why can't I oppose it?"

"Master Chen, what do you say?"

Mr. Chen, who was thin, took a few breaths of air, and then embarrassedly said: "A future turns out to be so, I understand what Mr. Ye meant, and if it is me, it may be a hit."

Yuan Ying and an empire, the latter is simply not comparable.

"Master Zheng, Master Tu, Master Shen, what do you think?"

"It's true!" Several of them knew what a big event a Sanpin Sect had.

Several people gradually thought carefully.

Ye Linguo stood by his hand and faced the vast Black Sea: "Guo Shi is no more than a realm of Taoism. In our projectile land, he is barely showing off his power, but he is out of the Tianchen Continent. What is he?"

"Even if he became the Taoist House, but the Taoist House of Qianfanzong. Thousands of thousands, what is he?"

"Everyone, my Ye family promises that when Chong'er enters Qianfanzong, he will definitely let your children and grandchildren enter."

His eyes are as strong as a tiger. Looking at everyone, one word at a time, "This is a great time to get rid of the so-called imperial constraints and make a real man."

Several people were said to be a little emotional.

"With your power in the imperial court. Lobbying a lot can attract many people. The only pity is that the king of Zhenbei was the confidant of Emperor Qin."

Master Chen frowned: "However, can the people who came here this time from Qianfanzong make up for the state teacher?"

"Sir Chen, I'm afraid you don't know the power of the real strong man."

"Well? Coming!" The rune in Ye Linguo's hand trembled, which was left to him when the other party left.

Everyone looked at the sky in agreement.

"Why do you look over there, Deacon Kong is there!"

"Black Sea?"

"He is coming across the Black Sea?"

The look of the people changed greatly, and if they really saw the sea, a huge wave appeared. The wave rolled and there were several figures on it.


But at this time, the nearby unicorn rose into the sky, causing a large earthquake. The roaring roar went away.

"not good!"

"This Qiyu is the realm of Taoism!"

"No, there is a water dragon!"


At this time, even Ye Linguo clenched his fists.

But seeing a loud bang, the entire Black Sea was almost to be turned over, and immediately two huge figures of one fish and one cataclysm fell to the shore, and the ground cracked apart.

The audience is dead!

By the time they recovered, there were already three more figures on the coast.

"Deacon Kong..." Ye Linguo was a little trembling.

But seeing that the deacon Kong glanced at the Black Sea, he smiled and said, "I didn't expect that there will be black water here. It would be wasted and wasted here. I took it."

He patted his abdomen, then his chest expanded at a rapid rate, his upper body leaned back slightly, and took a sharp breath toward the Black Sea.

The next second, Ye Linguo and others discovered in horror that the endless water of the Black Sea was sucked into the abdomen by this person, and the surface of the sea dropped rapidly. However, within a few minutes, the entire Black Sea disappeared, and even the water in the ocean did not have time to pour in.

Master Chen and others were so scared that they sat down on the ground, sweating and pouring down.

"God of ghosts, this is the technique of ghosts..."

"The belly can swallow the sea!"

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