Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Although it is only a rural place, there are occasional good things."

Deacon Kong chuckled, but his voice seemed like his nails crossed the blackboard, which was very unpleasant.

He has a mouth full of fangs.

"Deacon Kong..." Ye Linguo cried again carefully.

The blood was boiling, the various culprits were killed, and the corpses were lying on the shore and the seabed. This scene was so scary that they had never seen it in their entire lives.

"The Black Sea is gone..." Master Chen shuddered. This is a place of taboo, but now it is swallowed by people.

They only now know how terrifying the real power is.

Swallow the mountains and rivers!

"It's me..." Deacon Kong turned around, his face as usual, without a smile. Eyes like a knife.

The court officials were swept by Yu Guang, and his bladder was shaking, almost urinating.

They are noble in the empire, but in front of this person, they are nothing.

The sea breeze roared. The clouds are overcast.

"Ye Linguo, have you made a good decision?"

Ye Linguo nodded quickly, suppressing the fear in his heart, and said: "We decided to let Chong'er follow the adults to Qianfanzong. But the Emperor Qin refused, and the National Master returned recently, saying he would give it to the National Master for guidance."

"Guo Shi?" Deacon Kong raised his eyebrows, and immediately looked cold. "I thought it was something. Since you are willing, just kill Guo Shi."

"It's just a small kind of Tao." He sneered.

"It can be heard that the state teacher killed Daofu..." Ye Linguo hesitated.

"Impossible!" Deacon Kong said flatly. "If it can be killed, it will not be a head-on confrontation. It must have used some means."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. This kind of small matter can be solved by my two disciples."

"One move is enough." One of the disciples laughed, and the deacons were gruesome.


Chu Yi returned from sin and met many people.

The college has developed very steadily. Anyway, Nanyang Lizong has been exposed, and the college is simply regarded as a small sect.

Ten years is a long time for many people.

Su Yiyi and Yue Chan went to the frontier to practice together. The king of Zhenbei was in the imperial capital, but he was still in retreat.

In the college, Xuan turtle lies on Chu Yi's shoulder, and Zhu Bajie lies on Xuan turtle's shell. The two little ones narrowed their eyes together.


"Do you know to come back?"

Chu Yi pushed open the door of the classroom and heard Fang Xin complaining.

It was a graceful young girl, ten years, enough for her to grow up, charming eyes like Dai, graceful posture, wearing a light blue long dress, like a lotus flower slowly blooming.

"Teacher." Liu Dao was still calm, nothing changed, but the breath grew longer. Chu Yi probed and saw the vitality in the other party's body was very surging.

"Amitabha, your gift to the donor." Wu Ming looked out of a bare head and looked at Chu Yi with twinkling eyes.

"Brother, hold on a little, teacher, just give it to me."

Lin Feiyan knew that Chu Yi was so extraordinary. Over the years, he had to step into the realm of Taoism, partly because of the resources left by Chu Yi.

"No hurry, it's the same."

"Liu Dao..." Chu Yi's fingertips popped up, and a jade basin emerged. In the jade basin, it was a red soil.

The soil is shining with light and fog, rising continuously and turning into a ray of glow.

"Caixia soil!" Liu Dao face reveals obsession.

"Come on, Brother Liu." Fang Xin teased.


Chu Yi took out a bead, this bead. It was the loot he took by the way when he was fighting Wutong.

Inside the bead, there is not a sitting Buddha, but a tree.

"Bodhi beads?"

"Bodhi beads plucked from the bodhi tree in Daleiyin Temple? Teacher, how do you have this thing. Would you like to go to Daleiyin Temple?" Wu Ming shook his face, incredible.

Chu Yi laughed and said nothing.

These students have just started, so it is better to concentrate on cultivation now.

Chu Yi gave Lin Feiyan another phantom technique, Lin Feiyan was already good at this.

"Haha, with this phantom technique. Stealing in the future... yuck... it's even easier to deal with the enemy."

"Where am I?" Fang Xin's eyes widened, "Teacher, if you give me any more feces, I will sever the teacher-student relationship with you."

Chu Yi touched her head: "The bloodline of the mad warrior in your body is now fully awakened, and naturally no longer needed."

"But from now on, you have to learn how to control it, otherwise, it will be too easy to take off when fighting."

"This is Tianjinshi, you go back and absorb it."

Fang Xin finally relieved, took the crystal clear stone, played around, even rubbed his face, cold.

"Where is the ore produced?"

Chu Yi smiled: "Do you know cat **** coffee?"

Fang Xin nodded.

"The principle is similar to cat feces coffee."


"The surname is Chu! I have no end with you!"


The classroom is shaking.

Fang Xin hit the gate with a punch, even with a large wall of shattered.

"Little sister, calm down, don't be excited, you see your hair turns red again."

Behind Liudao, sticks of willow stick out to suppress the heart.

Chu Yi shook his head: "Respect the teacher and respect!"

The tortoise lying on Chu Yi's back stretched out his head, and he quickly shrank back again.

I can't afford it, can't I hide?

But it has witnessed how these evil spirits have been used for ten years.

Of course, when Chu Yi came back this time, it was completely invisible. So that there is no thought of leaving.

The wall was quickly repaired by the little stone man. Obviously, these guys are very experienced, with a look of indifference.

Chu Yi looked at a few students and smiled: "Almost eight or nine years later, there will be a conference of the heavens of the ancient world. After that, it will be a grand event reflecting the heavens."

"The latter is based on your strength, if you don't arrive at Yuanying, then don't participate, but the former, you can still participate."

"Don't think about the quota of Qianfanzong, just wait for a few years to conduct a unified test."

Chu Yi explained some things. This kind of event is rare. He had never encountered it in his last life. It was the best experience.

Chu Yi checked their practice again, and guided them, and it was already sunset.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, tonight is the birthday party of Brother Qin's son!"

Wu Ming slapped his head.

"Huh? Isn't it tomorrow?"

"I thought it was next month."


Chu Yi was speechless. Sure enough, these people were too unreliable.

"Come on, let's go to the palace together."

He shook his head and carried a few students. This time, he shook his way through the entrance of the palace.


In the imperial city, Zhang Deng was greeted, and a group of ministers had already waited outside the Jin Luan Hall.

In one of them, in a small circle, several people bowed their heads and whispered.

"Master Chen. What do we really want to do today?"

The thin Chen master focused his head.

"You don't have to worry, everything Ye has been arranged."

"You can rest assured, after the Yangtze River is just pushing forward, you will be promoted all the time until the dynasty changes." A young man said with a hippy smile. Pride appeared on his face.

The man was wearing pearl jewels all over his body, revealing most of his chest, and scorned the corners of his mouth.

"Yes Shao, you are the only son of Lord Ye, let us know."

Ye Cang was about to speak. But seeing the front, Chu Yi and others came to Shi Shi.

"This is the state teacher?"

"I left Tianchen mainland, went to mainland Kyushu, and joined a martial art. Now it is a realm of Taoism. When I think of it, it turns upside down when I come back."

"What national teacher, if I were there, there would not be the Qin Emperor now."

"My sister will also marry a martial arts man, not after a country."

He seems uninhibited, but he also has many experiences, and his heart is meticulous.

When I came back this time, I heard my father's plan, and I even agreed.

"There is Qianfanzong covered. Don't say a Qinling empire, even if it is the mainland of Kyushu, what is it?"

"Adults watched, I will meet this national teacher for a while, maybe I won't be able to win him without others."

He shook his cuffs, and several shadows slipped from inside, following the avenue, and heading towards Chu Yi at an alarming speed.

"Five poisonous snakes, once bitten, will die within five breaths!" Ye Cang sneered.

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