My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 854: Do not cut flies

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Is the five poisonous snakes living in the erosive land?" Master Chen whispered, his eyes flashing.

"Unexpectedly, Ye Shaolian could surrender this poison..."

Ye Cang chuckled: "The Zongmen where I am, although I haven't reached the Wupinzongmen yet, they are good at all kinds of side doors."

"You must not underestimate these ways, no matter which way, in the end, you can become a avenue."

Several people say yes.

They knew that if today's events were really successful, the entire empire would not be surnamed Qin, but surnamed Ye.

As the only son of the Ye family, Ye Cang will naturally become an emperor, so several people have to please him.


But saw the few snakes, quickly walked away in the direction of Chu Yi.

The ground is white. Their bodies quickly became white after landing, making it impossible to find them at a glance.

What's more, this snake knows how to converge, and it will kill in a single blow. Best for sneak attacks.

Chu Yi didn't seem to find it, and walked over while chatting with several students.


A five-venomous snake spread its fangs, biting on Chu Yi's ankle.

Immediately afterwards, the other three were also thrown up.

"It's done. Within five breaths, he will die!"

"Master Chen, I said, the genius of such a small place, in the eyes of the outside world. It is not at all fearful, before you were too careful." Ye Cang shook his head and smiled.

"However, there is a good girl there..."

He had a pair of eyes, looking straight at Fang Xin.

Master Chen nodded: "Five Breaths..."

As Chu Yi moved, everyone here was watching.

But the five breaths have passed. The other party has not responded yet.

"Wait, look at those five poisonous snakes!"

Everyone's eyes flickered, but they saw the five poisonous snakes that had just bitten Chu Yi, one by one fell off the other's feet, and then lying straight in the middle of the road.


"How can it be!"

"My five poisonous snake bit him, he is not dead, but my snake is dead?"

Ye Cang stood on the spot.


Suddenly, Fang Xin exclaimed, looking at the five poisonous snakes manifesting on the ground.

"Don't be afraid, it's all dead..." Chu Yi comforted.

But seeing Fang Xin rushed up with an arrow, he grabbed four five poisonous snakes with his bare hands, dangling in his hands, licking his lips.

"Teacher, you don't know, the last time we went to practice with a few of us. When I encountered a big snake, the smell of snake soup was so wonderful. Brother Wuming was the best at cooking snake soup."


Wu Ming nodded and said, "The more venomous snakes, the more delicious they are. The strange thing is, why are there five venomous snakes here?"

"Don't care anymore. Tonight for dinner, Amitabha, you hit the poor monk."

Chu Yi covered his face with black lines, but with his strength, he naturally knew who was messing up.

But for this small role, he is too lazy to ignore.

He would poison himself, and he would not fall down on this little poison.

"My five-venomous snake!" Ye Cang's eyes were red, but the five-venomous snake received a reward from the sect door, which was extremely rare. As a result, he was killed and taken away.

"There is something in them that restrains poison." Master Chen said quickly.

"Presumably, this national teacher should know that since he became a national teacher, many people have taken his life."

Ye Cang snorted heavily, but Master Chen's explanation made him more comfortable.

Chu Yi walked along the way, many people were greeting him, and even the gangs of the Pharmacist Guild and the Blacksmith Guild were respectful one by one.

Everyone knows that ten years ago, Chu Yi's strength was able to kill Daofu. Nowadays, they are not able to resist even higher levels, even if they do not break through the Taoist government.

Not to mention, on his shoulders. But still lying on their tortoise in the Qin Ling Empire.

That was the real state of Taoism, and everyone was shaking.

Qi Wuliang, chairman of the forging division, came out with a smile: "Ms. Chu disappeared for more than ten years. I did not expect to see you again in my lifetime."

Chu Yi laughed: "Chairman Qi, you laughed and used your strength. Living for hundreds of years is not a problem."

The King of Zhenbei on the side stared at Chu Yi, and suddenly he looked at him, and he was surprised and said: "Teacher Chu, I think your cultivation behavior seems to be much higher, shouldn't..."

Chu Yi nodded.

All these people who knew Chu Yi were air-conditioned.

Chu Yi meant that they understood that this was a breakthrough to the realm of Taoism.

For them, this is what they want to achieve in their dreams.

However, if they let them know that Chu Yi broke through to the peak of Daofu, I'm afraid it would faint.

"Mr. Chu, in fact, we always feel that the situation within the past few days is a bit wrong." The king of Zhenbei said in a low voice. He knew that Chu Yi was back yesterday, but he didn't take these things seriously, but received it today. The news is obviously a bit weird.

Chu Yi shrugged: "Someone just started with me. King Zhenbei, guess who?"


The King of Zhenbei was chilling behind.

Chu Yi is the identity of a national teacher, and Emperor Qin obeyed Chu Yi's words, and someone started Chu Yi, that is dissatisfaction with Qin Emperor.

"Calm, it's just a trivial matter, today you will watch a lively quietly."

With Chu Yi's current strength, what a horror, Shen Nian spread all over the emperor, as long as he wanted to, he could always know who was making trouble.

"Qin Zhengxin was relatively soft. I said that some people would kill if they killed, but he couldn't stop. Now, he finally feels unstable, and he came back this time and solved it together."

Qi Wuliang and others stunned, it seems that today, it is time to see blood again.

"Are you a national teacher?"

At this time, Ye Cang came with a few officials, and smiled at Chu Yi.

"Sir Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come unharmed." Chu Yi looked directly at Chen Kuan.

Master Chen nodded.

"I'll ask you something, don't you dare to answer me?" Ye Cang frowned, raising his voice, with his own majesty. The voice spread magnificently, making everyone in front of the Jin Luan Temple quiet.

Some people know the inside story, they all look at Chu Yi and Ye Cang strangely.

"The prime minister wants to rebel!" The king of Zhenbei suddenly figured it out. He was Qin Zheng's confidant. The other party would naturally not go to him, so he also saw Ye Cang's appearance before he wanted to understand.

"It's crazy, what courage does he have?"

A few of Qin Zheng's confidants looked at each other, a little panicked.

"You are just the son of the prime minister, and I have to take care of you?" Chu Yi sneered. "According to the law, you yelled at me with no respect. But I was a big bogey."

Ye Canggao laughed, leaning his shoulders and hanging Erlang said: "You are a monk, we will follow the monk's rules today.

"A showdown?" Chu Yi teased. "I didn't expect you to grow up so big that you can't tell if you are a man or a woman. Should I help you judge?"


Fang Xin spit out directly.

"Sorry, keep going. I laugh too low."

Ye Cang's complexion grew more and more gloomy: "I have long heard that the teacher of the state is clenched, but when I saw it today, it really was the case. Since the state teacher did not dare, then forget it."

He suddenly withdrew his momentum.

"Little fart boy, have you ever heard a word?" Chu Yi smiled. "The general has a sword and doesn't cut flies."

Ye Cang paused, and even jumped up: "You call me a fly?"

"Church surname, don't be too proud. I know your concubine Yuechan is on the frontier. If you don't accept my challenge today, I will take her away."

As soon as this statement came out, killing intentions appeared in Chu Yi's eyes.

Although Yue Chan is not his lover. But the two were friends anyway, and the other party threatened themselves with Yue Chan.

Ye Cang also sneered in his heart.

"What kind of national teacher and what kind of genius are presumed to be made up, even if there is any mysterious turtle sitting in the town, but when we know the big figure of Qianfanzong, it is just ants."

Around, there was a whispering voice.

Chu Yi heard clearly, it was nothing more than these people thought that they had no challenge and should be afraid.

"It seems that I have forgotten more than ten years, some people have forgotten."

Chu Yi sneered: "Every adult is a court official, but today it seems that my opinion is also very big. When the meeting goes to the Jin Luan Temple, don't be polite. If you have any opinions, please give your opinions. Anyway, I don't. It will change, don't hold back yourself."

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