Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Daofu Peak?" Dongfang Liang finally reacted, and suddenly changed his color, looking at Chu Yi with disbelief.

No wonder he can sit here without changing his appearance.

No wonder he didn't even wait for others in his eyes.

All this is because the other party has reached the peak of Daofu. This level is probably the end of many people's lives.

It took him ten years, from the state of one government to the state of the second government, which is quite fast.

To reach the state of the Three Houses, he predicted that it would take at least double the time.

I am afraid that it will cost thousands of years in the realm of the four palaces.

As for going back, it is impossible to calculate, because most people are stagnant.

The cultivation system of the whole fairyland takes the shape of a pyramid, and the number of strong people decreases rapidly as you go up.

For many creatures, the road ahead is a mud pond, a mist, a heavy trap. Even if someone guides, it is similar to holding a guard over a cliff, which may fall over at any time.

Talent, opportunity, Dao Xin... everything is like a light, which can make people see the road ahead to a greater extent.

The more evil, the more roads you see.

Dongfang Liang was in the realm of planting Dao, and was not covered. He could clearly see the road leading to Daofu, but after entering Daofu, everything in front of him left only the mist.

He fumbled in the darkness and might even stop.

This is why he was so shocked by Chu Yi's state.

It only took ten years to reach Daofu from the pinnacle of Dao Dao, which means that this road is completely transparent to Chu Yi without any trace of danger.


"Daofu peak?"

Fang Yaoyao was already embarrassed. At this time, the tempting body was like fallen yellow leaves. His legs were soft and he knelt directly on the ground.

The white knees and calves were stained with dust.

"How is it possible... but the 100-year-old Daofu Peak..."

Her voice became weaker and weaker, like a primitive man, finally able to drill into the woods to catch fire, but suddenly saw a modern man turn on the lighter.

This is basically a two-level contest.

Zhou Luoli stood at the same place, and his heart was turbulent, like a wooden chicken.

They sneered, they sneered, they even challenged each other shamelessly, and now it looks like a clown.

Su He was stunned. The confusion in his heart was finally lifted.

Only Mu Ting, his eyes blinked.

"You haven't seen Chu Xiaoyou for more than ten years. You really gave us a big surprise. My heart can't stand it anymore." The Sovereign of the Dome is not an exaggeration. This kind of cultivation progress is beyond their understanding.

"Sky Wizard..." Tian Xianzi held back for a long time before finally saying this.

"Chu Xiaoyou, it seems that you have encountered a genius and a treasure." The Nether Sovereign chuckled.

"Only this explanation, otherwise, how could it progress so fast, and it seems that there are no sequelae." Bai Weng Taoist suddenly realized.

It's just that the conversation between the two people is somewhat ridiculous and sour, and their relationship with Chu Yi is even bad.

It's just that things in those days are gradually buried in everyone's hearts.

And no one is willing to offend the strong infancy.

Chu Yi naturally understood the meaning in their words and smiled, "It's just a matter of luck, and you haven't changed anything, and the cultivation base is exactly the same as ten years ago."


The slight sarcasm made a few people move slightly, but Chu Yi was telling the truth.

"We are all in the infancy period, and naturally it is difficult to make progress." Sect Master Dingtian interrupted, "Chu Xiaoyou, you have just returned, why not inform the old man, the old man will catch the wind and wash for you."

If I didn’t know, Chu Yi said frankly: “No, I came back a long time ago. A person of Qianfan Zong planted a poisonous seed on the descendants of my descendants, and I killed him.”

Sect Master Dingtian was stiff all over, and he kept looking at Chu Yi. He wanted to extricate himself from Chu Yi, but the latter didn't understand it at all, and said to himself.

"You killed my Zongmen disciple?" Qianyan Taoist asked calmly, but the voice seemed to squeeze from his throat, full of oppression.

Chu Yi touched his head and smiled shyly: "Everyone is a scholar, how can it be said to kill, I just changed them from one state to another state."

From life to death!

"Teacher Chu, you are so kind, let them die without corpses, otherwise, how good it would be to make dried jerky for me." Xuan Gui took the sentence, quite regretful.

Its recipes include the dragon race, and naturally they would not mind eating the human race, especially the state of Taoism.


Dongfang Liang and others went up and down and looked at Chu Yi all over, and did not find the word at all.

"You know, it's a death sentence..." Elder Qianyan gasped.

"Killing my disciples of Qianfanzong, all corners of the world, will be chased and killed."

"So, I'm fishing here." Chu Yi smiled very sunny. "No, this big fish is coming for you."

Qianyan Dao Ren opened his eyes violently and looked at Chu Yi.

At the same time, the Nether Sect Master and others were also shocked.

"Listening to what you mean, it seems that you want to behead me?

"Yes, but no prizes." Chu Yi snapped his fingers.

Looking at Chu Yi, who had come back and forth with Qianyan Daoren, Nether Sect Master and others were shocked.

The last time, Chu Yi's performance was amazing, but after all, the cultivation level was too low to reach the point where they threatened them.

But now, the other party is only one step away from Yuan's infancy, and there is already a level of dialogue with them.

"This kind of person must die!" Nether Sect Master and Bai Weng Taoist glanced at each other.

In the face of Chu Yi, they have a sense of suffocation.

It's like being drowned.

Others like Dongfangliang and Zhou Luo were extremely lost and hopeless.

What is the gap?

This is!

Elder Qianyan suddenly sighed and shook his head: "No matter how you reached the peak of Daofu, your strength can be fully demonstrated at the events of the heavens of the ancient world. Maybe it will be selected by the great forces. "

"Unfortunately, I won't give you this opportunity."

Chu Yi looked at him, his finger was already pointing at the object, and there was a killer in it.

But at this moment, suddenly, the entire Tianchen continent buzzed, as if the air had been drained in an instant.

Then, in two polar directions, a large amount of energy suddenly rose, just like a nuclear bomb explosion, in the form of a mushroom cloud, began to spread in high altitude.

The thick aura was smoke-like and intertwined almost instantly.

Looking at this sudden change, everyone had a meal, followed by Chu Yi's pupils shrunk.

"Smoke in the polar regions meets near the equator. This is to breed the star fruit!"

"Star Fruit!"

The eyes of the thousand-eyed Taoist man suddenly showed a strong shock. He looked at the heaven and earth vision, and the energy sprayed from the two polar regions had begun to converge.

"The star fruit was bred from the star continent, and only a place with strong luck can have a chance to form."

"On the Tianchen Continent, a Yan Luo Xianzun came out. At that time, everyone thought that the star fruit would be bred here, but it never appeared. Unexpectedly, I was touched by me!"

"Great opportunity!"

The star fruit, but the treasure that provides the strongest Reiki, is placed in the Taoist House, even if it is only placed in the body, the body will be nourished by Reiki every moment.

But this is not important.

The most eye-popping is the words bred in the stars.

A star, if it was formed in the ancient times, in the star fruit, it is the ancient immortals, which gave birth to a special method.

But if it was formed in the early period of the Taikoo period or even chaos, there is the Yuyuan script over there!

Whether it is a fairy tale or a esoteric script, there are countless cravings.

"Star Fruit!"


"It finally appears!"

The netherworld master and others were shocked, but when they saw the thousand-eyed Taoist, they were all desperate in their hearts.

Why is it that the people of Qianfanzong now appear in Tianchen Continent, so that they dare not even give birth to the idea of ​​snatching.

"This star fruit should have appeared in my last life to achieve Immortal Venerable. Unexpectedly, it has been this life."

"The luck of my two worlds was superimposed on each other before I conceived it. It can be seen that it is not the same as this. I must get this star fruit."

Chu Yi's eyes were very firm.

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