My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 864: Ever-changing

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

In the sky, a lot of fog forms a desert, which stretches for thousands of kilometers.

Above, there are mountains and rivers, sand dunes filled, large gusts of wind whizzing past, rolling up the sand, but the stars are dotted, forming a galaxy, constantly flashing.


Suddenly, from the hills above, there was a little greenery. It was a bud. It was too small compared to thousands of kilometers of desert, but the eyes of countless people saw it for the first time. it.

The rich aroma came out from above, and the fragrance was incomparable.

On the Tianchen Continent, countless creatures looked up horrorly and looked at it in shock.

The star fruit, only one star, bred an immortal or even supreme, can have a chance to be born. Compared with the hundreds of billions of life planets in the 36th world, it is really scarce.

So that most powerful people under Yuanying don't know what happened.

"It's a star fruit!"

In the devil's cave, the demon son was awakened from the retreat, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made him have to go out!

His eyes shook and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

"Yan Luoxianzun's age was not conceived, but now it has appeared. Could it be said, what genius was born?"

He instantly thought of Chu Yi.

"Xingchenguo, in conjunction with Tianmojum, may be able to make me cultivate into Liuzhongyuanying in a short time."

This realm is too difficult. Although he clarified some ideas through the Devil Scroll, it would take at least thousands of years or even longer to break through.

This is the limit of talent.

"Um? This breath!"

Mo Gong Zi Shen Nian swept away, and instantly found the Thousand-Eyes Taoist, after all, the other party did not cover it at all.

"There are strong foreigners!"

"The star fruit was born from the continent of Tianchen, and naturally it cannot be taken away by outsiders."

All around, the demon roared, and in the palm of the demon son, the black liquid slowly formed, forming a black fan, ready to shoot at any time.

"Star Fruit!"

"Absolutely by the master." Without saying anything, the barbarian walked away with Chu Yi's breath.

"Star Fruit? What is that?" Like Zhou Luo and others, they are simply not qualified to touch this aspect, but just by looking at the breath, you know what a horrible holy thing.

"The star fruit is the holy medicine!"

"Everyone, if the old man can get the kingdom of stars, then the one who is kind to me, my thousand fanzong, must have a great reward!"

Thousand-eyed Dao people are right.

At this moment, what Chu Yi was long left behind by him, what he is most worried about now is that someone on the nearby mainland of Kyushu came to fight.

"I remember, Elder Dead Leaf is on the mainland of Kyushu!"

That is another elder of Qianfanzong.

"Hope not to be found."

The Nether Sovereign took a breath of air, and immediately stated: "Heaven and Earth Holy Fruit, the one who can get it, since the elder Qianyan has high strength, I will naturally not **** it."

"Good!" Qianyan Taoren nodded.

Fairy and others hesitated for a moment that day, and quickly answered.

Only Sovereign Sovereign, hesitant, did not say anything.

"With your help, the flowery city master of the Tianchen Continent is not there, so there is only a master demon master."

The sky is deserted, flowing slowly, the sand is silver and beautiful.

The sprouts twig out and extend to a height of one meter, and a silver flower bone emerges from it.

The aroma is more intense, coming from all over the world, but it is not pungent.

Numerous flowers and plants seem to flourish throughout the Tianchen Continent.

"The star fruit is unique, and from then on, the concentration of Reiki on your Tianchen Continent will also double, and more geniuses can be bred!" The Thousand Eyed Taoist smiled, but his eyes were solemn.

In an instant, he shot suddenly, soaring into the sky, waiting for the flower to bloom, and immediately took it.

But at this moment, a dark shadow was also slightly toward the sky. It was the demon son, who sacrificed a Taoist palace, turned into black quicksand, and rushed away, blocking the other party's path.

"The star fruit is something from my Tianchen continent. Your hands are too long."

The demon son smiled faintly, even in the face of Qianfanzong's strong man, but in front of the holy fruit, also need a fight.

"Star Fruit, Gee, good stuff..." And at this moment, in the void, there was another voice, but it was a huge scorpion, the whole body shone like rubies, and the huge tail hung upside down, with venom on it. Dripping.

"It's a poisonous Taoist from mainland Kyushu!"

Forge Sect Master giggled.

"In this case, I am afraid that only the strong men with Yuanying's weight above five will have the opportunity to compete. We are going up and we are also looking for death."

The fifth weight of Yuan infants is a watershed.


At this moment, another explosion sounded, which came from under a sea, the whole seawater flew back into the sky, and then quickly evaporated.

Chu Yi looked around. It was a huge squid with a body of more than one kilometer. Every tentacle was covered with human skulls, and it was horrible.

"Seven Jue Dao Ren! Why are you on the continent of Tianchen?" The demon son was furious, obviously he knew each other.

Qi Jue Dao Ren turned into a figure, a middle-aged bald man, hehe smiled: "Since Yan Luo Xianzun fell behind, then I know that one day, there will be star fruit here, as long as enough time."

"I originally thought that it would take at least tens of thousands of years. Unexpectedly, it would only be a thousand years."

"I've reached the consummation of the Yuan baby period, but it's hard to break through. Unless it is this kind of holy thing, I can only wait to die."

"However, finally let me wait!"

Everyone was horrified, and their hearts were so shocked that no one expected that Tianchen Continent was lurking a Yuan baby consummation.


Zhou Luo and others were dumbfounded.

This is a real war, the star fruit has not yet matured, but it has already erupted.

The demon son, poison heart Taoist and Qianyan Taoist teamed up to quickly attack the Seven Judgment Taoists. The entire sky was completely torn, and a large piece of the void storm landed, but it was fortunately resisted by the silver desert.

Obviously, several people felt the crisis. They were fighting alone, and they were not opponents of Yuanying's consummation.

So in an instant, they formed an alliance.

However, at this time, a knife-blade seemed to cut down from the direction of the sun star, forcing the seven masters to retreat again and again.


"A strong man came again?"


A thunder burst, and immediately above the sky, there appeared a fat middle-aged man carrying a red sword, his ears were extremely slender, extremely strange, this is a demon.

"Elder withered leaves!" Qianyan Taoist sighed, his colleague, but the real infant consummation.

"Amitabha, thousand eyes, you are not kind, such a good thing, I almost missed it. Fortunately, I intend to come to Tianchen mainland to find you."

"It's him!"

Beside Chu Yi, it seems that many people know this dead leaf Taoist.

"It is rumored that the dry leaf Taoist came from Daleiyin Temple, but that year, he got into a demon, killed tens of thousands of innocent people, and then fell into the evil path and was expelled from Daleiyin Temple."

"He believes in evil Buddha!"

Zhou Luo was very shocked. This person is too famous. He once traveled to Daleiyin Temple. He heard people talk about it, and then the dead leaf Taoist joined Qianfanzong.

In the sky, the situation changed suddenly.

Almost at the moment when the dead leaf Daoist appeared, the demon son, the Seven Jue Dao Ren and the poisonous Dao Ren formed an alliance.

"You still give up... It is impossible to get Qianfanzong in our face." Qianyan Taoist said.

"Well, how do you know if you don't try it? Anyway, after eating it, you can't let me spit it out, it depends on who gets it first." The poison heart Taoist grumbled.

These guys have lived for tens of thousands of years, and ordinary threats are useless.

"Amitabha, you poison scorpion, I still accept you first."

"Withered leaf Taoist, do you want me to let Daleiyin Temple come over and suppress you traitor?" The lower half of Qiju Taoist spread his tentacles one by one.


The breeze Xulai, a burst of strange fragrance, the star fruit finally appeared, the whole body was silver, absorbing the energy of the entire desert, and forming in a blink of an eye.

Only this time, a figure appeared there.

But he saw the starry man holding the star fruit, hidden in the void, but the fluctuations caused by the disappearance of the desert made him completely exposed.

"That... you continue to quarrel, I will take a step first."

When his words fell, he directly escaped into the void.

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