My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 866: Treasures come out

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The armor roared, like a awakened soldier, with blood stains on it, constantly flowing down, but if you look closely, it still only solidifies on it.

The battle armor was surrounded by Chu Yi and others, forming a special aura.

The barbarian only felt cold all over, and the hair on his body had formed a **** frost, and his hair was horrified.

"It's a dead leaf Daoist, there are such exercises, but this is the killing technique of Daleiyin Temple."

Qi Jue Dao Ren looked away, and he was relieved to see the other party's speed slowing down.

But at the same time, he began to be wary of the dead leaf Taoist. This kind of existence will wait for him to be his enemy.

"It's really bad luck, this star fruit appeared, just came from the people of Qianfanzong, otherwise, I can easily take it away."

"Three Thousand Warframes can devour demons!"

Tian Xianzi whispered, they were only the second weight of Yuan Ying, and they were far away from each other. At this time, even if they only felt the coercion of that armor, it was a palpitation.

"Look, this guy is dying!" Fang Yaoyao stood on the battleship and looked far away. Her eyes were full of venom, which made her look a bit enchanting.

"It's really whimsical to fight against the dead leaf Taoist, even if it is in Qianfanzong, it can exist in the top five."

Zhou Luo's face was still pale, but he eased it a little, and the brows were all gloating.

Mu Ting frowned nervously, pinching her small hands together, but now she was helpless.


But at this time, Chu Yi crushed a bead. Inside the bead, a large number of Dharma appeared, and the golden light was shining, forming a relic.

At the same time, he used King Kong undefeated and urged the relics to move in all directions.

Heaven and earth calm down instantly, everything is clear, listening to wind and rain, listening to mountain language, listening to Zen.

The ancient battlefield formed by the three thousand battle armor was blown away lightly.

The relics landed on the body of the three thousand warframes. The golden light spread like magma, and when they touched, they turned into **** mist.

"Heart clear beads!"

The eyes of the dead leaf Taoist splayed violently, and the pupil was full of incredible.

"You may have the heart to purify the Buddha beads, this is the treasure that the core disciples can have. What is your relationship with Daleiyin Temple?"


The barbarians lost their imprisonment and accelerated to leave.

Chu Yi sat on it and smiled, "Buddha beads clear in heart, pure in mind, lotus blossoms everywhere."

"Your three-thousand-thousand-thousand-armored armor is made of evil spirits, but it is not a Buddha in itself.

"You have fallen into the way of evil buddha, why do you need to use the exercises of Daleiyin Temple again?"

Chu Yi's voice drifted away.

"The useless old bald donkey, even a junior can't take it." Seven Jude Tao's popularity is rapidly deteriorating, and his tentacles begin to appear with fairy symbols, and his huge body is turned into a pool of ink. Obviously, he is using all his strength to explode his speed in a short time. .

Chu Yi just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw the vast black clouds sweeping across the horizon.

"Seven Jue Dao Ren are a family of Krakens who are good at winding and confusing..."

Chu Yi still knows about the great success of some infants in the eternal world.

On the body of the Seven Judgments, there are human skulls everywhere, swaying in white, under the speed action, they collide together and make a loud noise.

"The star fruit is a sacred medicine, not a junior like you can take it away, you give the star fruit to the king, and the king will keep you safe."

When he said this, he originally wanted to make Chu Yi hesitate and slow down. It can be seen that the other party didn't pay attention to it, which was furious.

The horrible cloud turned into a huge white bone skeleton, which fell off the tentacles of the Seven Judgments.

The bone skeleton looked like feathers, and was pushed to Chu Yi in an instant.

"Thousand Bone Magic!"

A huge dark flame suddenly appeared in the bones of the bones, and it was like running water, flowing down from the eyes, covering the whole body of the bones.

The latter seems to be alive.

Bone bones are muscles, that's a giant, punched down in the direction of Chu Yi, the punching buzzing, like someone punched a piece of paper on the paper, the surrounding space instantly wrinkled, a lot of The waves spread along the ripples in space.

"Turn off hearing!"

Sect Master Dingtian scolded and ordered the juniors.

Above the battleship, Zhou Luo and others quickly closed their hearing, but still felt that the sky was turning, only feeling that the front was heaven and the rear was hell. They were located between the two and wanted to take a step forward.

But at this step, the heaven in front turned into Shura hell.

The demon snorted and pulled them out of the illusion.

He skimmed the battleship and said coldly: "This is not a battle you can watch, you go back."

Zhou Luo sweated with cold sweat on his forehead and sat on the battleship with a buttocks, breathing heavily.

Dongfangliang was also uncomfortable, and almost collapsed.

Fang Yaoyao's hair was covered with sweat and stuck to his face.

The rest of them were in a state of embarrassment.


Dongfang Liang almost screamed. He looked at Chu Yi in the distance. Although he was under the protection of a Yuanying strong man, the other party was still able to deal with it calmly.

On the other hand, just aftermath of the battle, they almost died.

This gap is too big.

Dongfang Liang originally had the idea of ​​catching up, but when Chu Yi's cultivation base arrived in the realm of Taoism, he was completely desperate.

This despair is also on several other people, so that Zhou Luo and others are extremely eager for Chu Yi to be killed.

Just like Qiu Fu's mentality.

The giant boxing wind rolled down, and Chu Yi was calm, and he had a lot of cards in his hand. It was not difficult to pay more for this remotely controlled attack.


A building ship emerged from his cuffs, and the building ship was completely dark, which he found from a psychic realm.

A building ship built by machinery.


The huge building ship deformed in an instant, turned into a mechanical spider, and rushed towards the giant, locking the other party dead.


The two fell from the sky and fell directly into the ocean, forming a huge vortex.

As for the illusion attack, Chu Yi directly ignored.


Pig Bajie felt thrilled and shouted with excitement. If Chu Yi hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid he would start.

Mysterious turtle finally probed his brain and stretched out his neck. As soon as he saw that the Yuan infants were far behind, he immediately shouted: "My turtle is finally the **** turtle that has been fighting with Yuan infants."

"This kid, how many treasures are on his body!" Bai Weng Dao Ren, Tian Xian Zi and others all stunned.

The treasures just taken out just now are enough to make all Yuan infants robbed wildly.

"Has he robbed a Sipinzong door?" The young demon followed slowly.

"Yes, when it comes to extortion, I don't have to worry, maybe this guy really has a magic roll." When he thought of extorting Chu Yi, his mood was much better.


"this is!"

When Chu Yi and others were about to leave the Tianchen Continent, suddenly, dense battleships appeared in the sky.

The front of the battleship was sharp and covered with a mouthful of cannon.

They are lined up and arranged above the Tianchen Continent.

"Assault battleship, this is the battleship of Qianfanzong!"

Chu Yi frowned.

This kind of battleship is extremely fast and very difficult to deal with.

"I said, you can't run away. I traveled this time. In order to avoid being intercepted by the people of Daleiyin Temple, I specially brought a battle fleet."

The voice of the dead leaf Taoist came slowly.

"Unexpectedly, it just came in handy."

When the battleship fired, those beams were the purest energy. The barbarians had no choice but to suppress their own speed before they could escape.

But as a result, he was directly surrounded by people.

Seven peer Taoists, thousand-eyed Taoists, dead leaf Taoists, poison heart Taoists...

A group of people hurriedly besieged Chu Yi, and their auras were all over. No matter which direction the other party escaped from, they would be violently attacked in the first place.

Qi Jue Dao Ren smiled coldly: "I didn't expect that our group of Yuanying strongmen were almost played by you in the realm of Daofu."

"Hand over the Holy Fruit."

Chu Yi was not afraid. He smiled and said, "There is only one sacred fruit. So many of you, who should I give it to? Or should we join forces and destroy the people of Qianfanzong first?"

"Boy, I still want to provoke alienation and kill you first. Other things will be said later." Qianyan Dao said coldly.

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