My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 867: Picture scroll charm

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"He is finally dying!" Zhou Luo and others let out a breath. They didn't know why. When they faced Chu Yi alone, they felt that this person was like a j sword hanging above their heads.

The feeling of being suppressed anytime, anywhere makes them feel terrible.

Even Su He also had this idea.

I am afraid that only Mu Ting is gone.

Mo Gongzi took a deep look at several people and smiled, "Does he feel very depressed? A few years ago, he was not as good as you, but a few years later, he was far ahead of you. In front of him, you feel like you Abandoned by time."

"All geniuses are not geniuses in front of him."

"Senior, how do you know." Dongfang Liang swallowed.

"That's because, thousands of years ago, I also encountered such a person." The devil smiled helplessly.

"Yan Luo Xianzun!" Dongliangliang looked, but this description made his heart even heavier, because according to the meaning of the demon son, Chu Yi can be comparable to the former Yan Luo Xianzun.

"You are wrong." The demon seems to have seen through his thoughts. "He went on like this, which was more terrible than the former Yan Luoxian Zun."

"You should be glad that he has reached the peak of Daofu. Once he breaks down to Yuanying, the feeling of oppression in your heart will disappear. That kind of despair, because the other party is too far away from you, has become an admiration."

"You are all right, but why are our gangs of infants suffering such a blow."

Mo Gongzi smiled bitterly, "I have already experienced it once, but will I experience it a second time?"

Zhou Luozheng said: "Then he is dead, we are all free."

Mo Gongzi pointed and said, "Do you think that kind of look is the look of a dying man?"

Everyone looked around and saw Chu Yi's eyes, there was anxiety, fear, helplessness... but there was no despair.

Even with a little joking.

"The two-year infants' consummation is complete, the two five-year-old infants' births, plus many warships, does he think he can survive?" Fang Yaoyao couldn't believe it.

For her, this is a force that can easily destroy a Wupin Sect, which means that there is no force on the entire Tianchen Continent that can withstand the assassination of this group of people.

"Don't believe it? Look at it." The demon son smiled and said nothing. In fact, he was not sure in his heart, but in the face of Chu Yi, he always felt that the other party was unfathomable, and he could not be regarded as a junior.


"The person who killed me Qianfanzong naturally asked us to kill you."

Elder Qianyan laughed lightly.

"Don't kill me, I'm just a pure turtle, it has nothing to do with him." Xuan Gui shouted, but was slapped back by Zhu Bajie's slap.

"Hey, this is too difficult to deal with. In the end it is better to die in whose hands." Chu Yi scratched his head, his body surface glowed, and a strong aura came out. This is the star fruit, and it should be integrated into the Taoist government.

Qi Jue Dao laughed, but the smile was too horrible: "He is delaying time, kill first."

Qi Jue Taoist shot, a huge tentacle directly penetrated the void.

The barbarians shouted for a long time, concealing the space fairy in their mouths, and constructing a space barrier in an instant.

However, this is just a stopgap measure.

Chu Yi was very calm: "Otherwise, I invite you to enjoy a painting. If it looks good, you don’t need to ask me for the stars."

"A painting, just a glance, is worth the star fruit?" The dry leaf Taoist smiled, "Who came from? At least a master-level painter, and the painting must be a holy weapon or more The level of painting must be above the Immortal Venerable."

"Otherwise, we are too much to lose."

Chu Yi grinned: "Relax, will not let you down."

Chu Yi shot the object and a picture scroll flew out.

His big hand flicked up, and in an instant the picture scroll stretched.

Above the picture is a handsome young man.

The young man has black hair, a thin eyesight, a sword in one hand, and a black robe seems to be surging in the painting.

The background of the painting is a lake, with grass swaying around without wind.

"Yun Luo Xianzun!"

The crowd looked over together, and the demon's back was even colder.

The people on this picture are too famous, and the legendary fairyland has created a legend of the times, no one knows no one knows.

Chu Yi took a closer look at this painting. Xiahou sold it to him, and the painter was Chu Yi's seven apprentices, Qian Feng.

Chu Yi was annihilated by the sky at that time, and Qian Feng soon entered the realm of spiritual communication. In order to ensure the safety of several teachers and sisters, he was meditating on the form of Chu Yi and spent a lot of fine blood. Vice painting.

One of them is in the hands of flowers.

The other one is in the hands of Xia Houcheng.

Xia Houcheng was already the pinnacle of Yuanying, and he gave the painting to Chu Yi.

Although this painting is difficult to exert the fighting power of Chu Yi at its peak, at least, it is still possible to kill a few Yuanying.

"It's just a bit ugly. The aesthetic level of Xiaoqi needs to be improved." Chu Yi muttered to himself.

But I heard the thousand-eyed Taoist exclaimed: "I didn't expect that it was Yan Luoxianzun, Yan Luoxianzun's posture of appearance, and he looked extraordinary. Unfortunately, he left too early, otherwise, Kendo could be expected."

"Extraordinary appearance? Old man, you can't say anything that is against your will, obviously I'm not as handsome as I am now." Chu Yi immediately retorted.

Qianyan Daoren has a strange look, and it is conceivable that he had great doubts about Chu Yi's aesthetics.

Qi Jue Dao Ren smiled strangely: "Yan Luo Xianzun's painting is valuable, but this painting has only form and no charm, then it is not valuable."

While he was talking, he was shocked to find that the picture had moved.

The glimmer of light flashes, the luck circulates, and the picture scroll automatically floats in mid-air.

In an instant, the streamer is wanton!

"There is a charm?" The dry leaves Taoist face showed horror. If this is the case, the value of this picture will not be lower than the star fruit.

You know, everyone in the fairy world wants to get the inheritance of Yan Luo Xianzun.

The golden light flickered, and I saw a line of large streamer characters floating in the void.

It's just that when everyone saw the big words, they all fell silent.

"For contraception only."

"Look at it, life-long infertility!"

Chu Yiru was struck by thunder, his entire hair rushed to the sky.


"Guo Qifeng, you are waiting for Lao Tzu!" He scolded in his heart, this is the real name of Qianfeng Taoist.

"Laozi wants to expose what you like to paint the body of a girl!"

Chu Yi's nose was crooked. If he knew that would happen, he would never use this picture.

Are you saying that it's for warding off evil, and put a contraceptive?


The scene was silent. Everyone didn't expect that someone would dare to ridicule Yan Luoxianzun's portrait in this way. If this painting really has the charm of Yan Luoxianzun, I'm afraid the person will be killed on the spot.

However, the eyes of the poisonous Daoist became more and more gloomy, and his body was a huge scorpion, very irritable: "Boy, do you still want to play with us?"

"Everyone, this is simply a broken picture, but he just wants to take the opportunity to delay time."

"Look I swallowed you!"

The poisonous Daoist flew away, and his fierce mouth formed a huge vortex near his mouth. Looking at the posture, he wanted to swallow Chu Yi directly into his belly.

At the same time, Bai Weng Taoist restrained the barbarian.

But, suddenly, the poisonous Taoist flew halfway into the sky.

His eyes were horrified, and his huge body was fixed.

But the next moment, everyone was terrified.


The poisonous Taoist's huge tail fell off his body.

He turned his head violently, only to find that his head had also fallen off, followed by two huge pliers.

The body shattered into pieces, but no blood flowed strangely.


He fell directly on the Tianchen Continent, making a huge noise, and until then, the blood in his body was sprayed, forming a huge spring of blood.

Everyone was silent, it was a speech of fear.

"A master is nearby!"

Bai Weng Taoist was terrified and retreated.

But soon, people found something wrong because the void was very calm.

Withered leaf Taoist suddenly looked at a picture taken by Chu Yi, but saw Yan Luo Xianzun in the painting, the position of the sword was raised a little more than just now.

"The scroll has a charm!"

"This is no ordinary painting..."


The picture scroll glowed, and several black fonts appeared on the top of the picture scroll-Qianfeng.

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