My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 879: He is my teacher

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The restaurant was quiet, except Wang Ying and Park Lesheng, everyone else was stunned.

This was decided by the Heavenly Armed Taoist and the Lanti Taoist, and the kid dared to resist.

Chu Yi shrugged and smiled, "I didn't resist, he fanned himself. Brother Ye, although you look ugly, you don't have to live with yourself like that."

"Or, are you going to apologize to me?"

"You are too polite."

Chu Yi's words were light and fluttering, but they fell in Ye Qingsong's heart like a heavy hammer.

When he was struck by lightning, a green face turned purple.

The Lanti Taoist raised his eyebrows, and his faint voice was filled with appalling coercion, which had obviously risen.

"Qingsong, this time, you can do your best, as long as you don't kill."

"it is good!"

Ye Qingsong clenched his fists tightly, his eyes terrified.

"Why..." Mei Qingfeng shook his head. He was not optimistic about the so-called Tianchen mainland's first genius.

"If you didn't resist just now, you would just get a slap. I'm afraid I'm going to get a lot of injuries now."

Meng Changqiang's eyes flickered and laughed: "The two strong men are playing the game, but he is a bird in the middle. Now everyone has to go down one step, and he naturally becomes that step. If he hasn't realized it at this time, he might be It will be more miserable later."

When several people whispered, Ye Qingsong's attack was close to Chu Yi.

Although he didn't use all his strength, he also used exercises, and above his fists, the green light appeared and turned into green pine trees.

The green pine spread, branches and leaves like snakes, swept toward Chu Yi.

If this blow is hit, even the strongest man at the peak of Daofu will have to be seriously injured.

But, suddenly, countless Qingsong turned, as if encountering a barrier, branches and leaves, like a whip lashing on Ye Qingsong.


The strength of the branches and leaves was so great that they rebounded instantly, and even Ye Qingsong didn't react.

Immediately, in a scream, Ye Qingsong was pumped into the wall, and the restaurant was shaken. If it was not maintained by the formation, it might be directly penetrated.

Chu Yi raised his hands exaggeratedly and said, "I didn't do it this time, it was his own attack that hit him."

"Landi Taoist, I said that your apprentice's vision is not good, even such a stupid apprentice? Should you treat your eyes?"


Chu Yi said this, not to mention Meng Changqiang and others, even Ye Qingsong, who had been suffering from the pain in the wall just now, couldn't help but twitch.

"This kid, be crazy, who did he think he was, and he dared to speak to a powerful infant in such a way."

"He absolutely thinks that this is the Tianchen Continent, and all the powerful infants will let him."

Meng Changqiang's eyes teased, "Unfortunately, this is the fairyland, and no one will sympathize with him because of his talent."

At this moment, they are extremely grateful to Chu Yi for not saving them just now, just look at this IQ, they are likely to be dragged into the water by Chu Yi.

The whole restaurant was quiet, everyone was frightened, and many people quietly retreated a distance, so as not to be affected by the angry Lanti Taoist.

"Your friend, you have a bad brain," said Tianbi Taoist strangely.

"Brother Tianbi, actually..." Park Lesheng was interrupted by the Taoist Daoist before he finished.

"Nothing, brother, you don't need to say more. This time I won't help. This is caused by his own behavior. This is also good, so as not to walk in the fairy world later. What he said offended the person and was directly killed. I can still save him here."

"However, this kind of person, you still have less contact with him in the future."

Park Lesheng smiled bitterly, but there was no more words.

"This kid, it's over."

Many people are gloating in the dark, they don’t mind someone dying, but things like fairyland happen every day.

"Ji...I am blind?" The Lantian Taoist raised his voice, but his tone was more gloomy.

"Just to say this to you, I have to admire your guts. You either have a super strong background, or you are very powerful, otherwise, you are sick."

"Unfortunately, in the eyes of the old man, you are really just sick."

"I won't shoot you because you are a junior."

"It's up to you?" Chu Yi looked at him squinting, disdainful.

"It's not saved, this kid is arrogant to the point of arrogance, and dare to talk to a strong man in the infant period." Mei Qingfeng and others felt incredible.

Some people are arrogant because they have capital.

Some people just want to face, they think Chu Yi is the latter.

"Boy, do you want this king to take action, or you will be shot to death..." Dark Flame Demon smiled treacherously, "I'm going to let the demon torture you well, you can't die here."

Chu Yi gritted his teeth secretly, this **** demon.

But he was not very worried.

"Landi Taoist, neither you nor your apprentice wild ginseng is my opponent." Chu Yi shook his head.


There was a light laughter in the corner, but I saw a few girls who couldn't help but laughed while covering their mouths.

Seeing everyone looking at them, they waved hands again and again: "Sorry, this is the first time I have seen such a confident person."

"This Daoyou, you should apologize to Senior Lan, otherwise, your life will be insecure."

Tianbi Taoist heard his words and shook his head in disappointment.

He has seen too many geniuses, but if he is so arrogant, Chu Yi is also the first one.


The Lanti Taoist sent out a creepy grin, and the entire restaurant showed a yellowish color, and the haze of mist was like a rattlesnake, rushing towards Chu Yi.

Only at this time, I saw the whole void fight star shift, everyone seems to be on a star.

The terrible gravity pressed most people to kneel directly on the ground, even the yellow mist smashed down like an iron block.


The Lanti Taoist shouted.

The void was distorted, and a figure came out, it was Xia Houcheng.

His eyes were sharp like a blade, and he looked directly at the Lanti Taoist, causing the latter to step back involuntarily.

"Senior Star Nine Stars!"

According to his age, he is much older than Xiahou Cheng, but according to Xiu Wei, Xia Houcheng does not know how many times he is stronger than him.

Those pairs of eyes looked at Xia Houcheng with horror. In the ancient world, Xia Houcheng was a big name. It was only slightly worse than the night god.

Everyone is wondering when he will become a psychic.

"Senior Jiuxing is shooting for a junior?" The Tianji Taoist felt incredible.

People like this have long been indifferent to the lives and deaths of others.

"Brother Chu is a disciple of Senior Jiuxing, Brother." Park Lesheng said helplessly.

His words were not concealed, so that everyone could hear clearly.

For a time, this sentence was like a dull thunder, and it exploded directly in everyone's mind.

"His master is a nine-star Taoist?" The smile on Ye Qingsong's face froze directly, and his body was afraid to move.

He started taunting Chu Yi, but did not expect that the other party's teacher was stronger than his own teacher. This huge gap almost made him desperate.

"Brother Master Park, why didn't you tell me earlier."

"You didn't give me a chance to say that." Park Lesheng smiled.

"Senior Nine Stars, this matter is a misunderstanding. If we knew he was your disciple, we wouldn't be like this."

But seeing Xia Houcheng sneered, he said: "He is my disciple, you can teach it, even if you are not killed, I am too lazy to care about you..."

"That's it, that's it." The Lantian Taoist is not afraid of fear, he is famous in the Qingfeng region, but Xia Houcheng is in the entire eternal world, and he is almost certain that he will enter the realm of psychic.

Suddenly, Xia Houcheng's momentum condensed, and everyone only felt that the sky was turning, everything around was flipping.

"He is my teacher, you bully my teacher, you said, as a disciple, do you want to avenge?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was ignorant.

Whether it's the Heavenly Armed Taoist, the Lanti Taoist, or Park Lesheng, who was preparing to watch a good show, his eyes widened.

I just felt that there was a palm that choked my throat, and a few people wanted to make a sound, and at the end there was only a whimper.

Chu Yi is a teacher of Jiuxing Taoist?

Either they are crazy, or this fairyland is crazy.

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