My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 880: Invisible face

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On the restaurant, it was quiet.

This news is tantamount to the destruction of a star field, and they can't help but they don't believe it, after all, this is what the nine-star Taoist said.

"He is a student of Jiuxing Taoist. I still believe that he turned out to be a teacher of Jiuxing Taoist?"

Everyone felt dazed.

No matter which aspect Chu Yi is a teacher of Jiuxing Taoist, in this world, the relationship between master and apprentice is the most important and close.

The monks, especially those talented monks, have a long lifespan, and during this long period of time, family members leave one by one, leaving only the mentor and the disciples.

This teacher is too important.

If Chu Yi is a student of the Nine-Star Taoist, then the Lantian Taoist would give a lesson. It’s okay, after all, the elders teach the juniors.

But now it is reversed, and the meaning is completely different.

Mei Qingfeng shook his body, and one was unstable. He sat directly on the ground and lost her manners, but she didn't notice it at all, and even hoped that she would disappear directly in front of everyone.

On the side of Meng Changqiang, his hands in the air were trembling. He whimpered and wanted to scream and scream, but in the end, there was only endless fear.

"Chu Yi? A realm of Taoism, a teacher of senior Jiuxing?"

In his eyes, these are completely different people.

One is the genius of the ancient world, the candidate of the magical realm.

The other one is only a genius on the Tianchen Continent, and Tao is now, but the realm of the Dao House is out of the Tianchen Continent, and no one knows him at all.

These two turned out to be a teacher-student relationship. Is Chu Yi still a teacher?

This huge drop made him fall into the abyss.

Ye Qingsong became more and more frightened. If Chu Yi was the teacher of Jiu Xing's predecessor, then he would be two generations older than himself, and it would be the biggest thing he would do if he taught him himself.

His face was earthy.

People who have mocked Chu Yi before, especially a group of people on the mainland of Kyushu, are quiet and terrible at this moment.

The word "teacher" can't be spoken casually.

Speaking out, we must bear huge causality.

"Brother Chu... This is really..." The dust in Park Lesheng's hands was shaking.

At first, they just thought that Jiuxing Taoist was Chu Yi's teacher. Of course, this is a normal idea, but who knows the result is so unexpected.

"Brother Tian Arm, I don't know this." Park Lesheng looked at Tian Arm Taoist.

The latter's neck stretched out, his eyes bulging, as if to see through Chu Yi.

The Lanti Taoist first recovered, and smiled awkwardly: "Senior Nine Star, you laughed, his cultivation is not in the realm of Taoism, nothing can teach you."

"The master is a teacher." Xia Houcheng sneered, without much explanation.

In fact, he has already spoken, then no one will believe it.

Xia Houcheng's words completely wiped out the last hope of the Lanti Taoists.

In this regard, Chu Yi did not feel anything.

Even if he is exposed to be Xia Houcheng's teacher, but no one knows the relationship between Xia Houcheng and Ye Tian several people, it will naturally not think of Yan Luo Xianzun.

Even if he and Ye Tian knew each other, the possibility of being discovered was not very high.

A strong man like Ye Tian can hide cause and effect by himself, unless it is the power of this continuation.

But in the middle, there is another Xia Houcheng, he deduced to Xia Houcheng, the chance is even smaller, and then from Xia Houcheng to Chu Yi, the complexity of which is simply unimaginable.

Of course, if there are more causes and effects, Chu Yi will be more likely to be exposed.

But at least, a Xia Houcheng did not put Chu Yi in a dangerous position.

"Senior Nine Stars, since this is the case, we all take a step back, so what's the matter?" Lan Tidao's eyes were complicated, and he finally sighed helplessly.

If it is Bai Chong Sovereign, it's okay, after all, the other party is only Yuanying Daquan, with his own strength, sooner or later will reach this step.

Once he achieves Yuanying's consummation, his strength will far exceed that of fellow initiates.

But what happened was Xia Houcheng.

By the time his Yuanying was completed, the other party might have broken through to the realm of magic.

Therefore, he can only compromise.

"Landi Taoist, you seem to think things too easily." Xia Houcheng smiled a little.

Lanti Daoist frowned: "This is Yukun City after all. Does Senior Jiuxing want to make a big noise?"

"What about the big troubles?" Xia Houcheng disdain, "I even had Da Leiyin Temple in the past, but this is just a secular city below Da Leiyin Temple. If I want to make trouble, do you think they can stop me? "

The Lanti Taoist felt nervous.

Daleiyin Temple is one of the most powerful forces in the ancient world. Almost no one dared to make trouble here, but the person in front of him is really troubled.

For a time, the Lanti Taoists could only regress again.

"If so, what do you think Senior Jiuxing wants?"

"I'm not embarrassing you anymore, just break your apprentice's legs and forget it."

The people of Lanti sighed with relief, which was already a very light punishment for the monks, but the face was not good-looking.

Ye Qingsong looked at Chu Yi with resentment, then clenched his teeth, palmed down, and his legs broke together.

The whole figure is a broken doll, sitting on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Meng Changqiang and others were shocked.

Ye Qingsong, whom they admired so much, and the people they stomped, did not expect that even if he invited his master out, it would only come to an end.

At this moment, they do not know how desperate.

Mei Qingfeng closed his eyes even more.

"Senior Nine Star, Heavenly Arm Daoist, then I will go first." The Lanti Daoist can't stay any longer, and he takes the lead to leave. As for Ye Qingsong, his broken leg is only a minor injury. He never cares about this matter. .

There was a silence on the restaurant.

"Senior Nine Stars, why did you come in advance, the Sect Master hasn't come yet." Heavenly Arm Dao asked.

Xia Houcheng said calmly: "I counted, the teacher was in danger, so I hurried...Ouch!"

"Why are you kicking me?"

Chu Yi rolled his eyes, "Speak human."

"Okay, I just lost all. I wanted to come over and rub a meal early. Teacher, do you still have money, eh, don't go, we haven't seen in a long time..."

Xia Houcheng shouted, but saw Chu Yi leave without looking back.

"Cough, don't be surprised. The teacher is shy and doesn't know how to express emotions."

"Heavenly Daoist, do we go upstairs or eat here?"

"Ah?" Heavenly Arm Daoist regained his mind and quickly said, "There is a private room upstairs. Let's go upstairs. I was planning to clear the place."

"You don't need to clear the field, just eat it. Let the old man your patriarch come quickly."

Along with Xia Houcheng's complaints, several people left slowly.

Until a moment later, all talents reacted.

"The accident, it must be an accident. The nine-star Taoist is just a good gambler. Perhaps Chu Yi's gambling skills are relatively smart, and this became his teacher." Ye Qingsong cast a spell, allowing his legs to recover slowly, struggling.

"It should be the case. I heard Senior Jiuxing's temper is strange." Meng Changqiang also nodded.

"Brother Ye, are you okay."

Although there was a farce, in any case, the identity of the Lanti Taoist in the Qingfeng region will not change because of this, so these people quickly cared about Ye Qingsong.

After all, the relationship between Chu Yi and Xia Houcheng is too dreamy for them.

"Everyone, I have to say goodbye. A friend invited me." At this moment, Wang Yinggong said.

Ye Qingsong's face was ugly: "Does Tianxuan Sect also look down on me?"

"It's not the case, it's really a friend." Wang Ying shook his head.

"I still don't believe that there is any identity here that is higher than me." Ye Qingsong's heart, because the things just now did not hurt.

What's more, in his eyes, what is Wang Ying? But the master of the Feng Shui sect, a five-grade sect, is far inferior to his teacher, nor to the thousand sail sect.

In the future, he will become a disciple of Qian Fanzong without incident.

"Sect Master Xuanxuan, I've waited a long time." When the atmosphere was awkward, a beautiful image emerged, and the woman, with a beautiful appearance, was all over the country.

"My father has just arrived, let me pick you up."

"Let's go." Wang Ying smiled and left with the woman.

"Then... that seems to be Li Xinghe, one of the ten most beautiful human races in the ancient world!"

One person recognized it and shivered.

"Li Xinghe is a disciple of Wangshan Sect, and Wangshan Sect is the Sanpin Sect. It is second only to Da Leiyin Temple and other forces in the entire eternal world."

Meng Changqiang made a loud noise.

"Her father is not the Nanman king!"

"Sect Master Xuanxuan and King Nanman are friends?!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent.

Ye Qingsong screamed, and finally couldn't stand the stimulation, and immediately passed out.

Everyone looked at each other, especially Meng Changqiang and Mei Qingfeng, with endless regrets written in their eyes.

Ye Qingsong, who struggled with it, turned out to be the weakest among the three.

This is the most invisible face!

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