My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 885: Bloodthirsty

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"God of God and Demon?"

A low voice sounded, the sound hit the white wall, the long red pillars, echoing continuously, the entire large temple was buzzing.

But this is not an ordinary voice, but the general language of Buddha, which makes the body and mind transparent.

On top of the Jade Pu sits a monk, who is not old, but young.

His eyes are bright and wise because he studies Buddhism.

The master abbot Yuankong of Daleiyin Temple stood up and walked slowly to the door. The sky was empty and there was a cigarette curling up. In the middle of the day, it turned into a shadow of Buddha and dropped a few Buddhist seals. Disperse with the wind.

The entire Leiyin Temple is filled with rumbling chanting sounds.

The linen is in the body, the cloth shoes are in the feet.

Master Yuan Kong was a little tall and thin and burned the letters in his hand.

"The existence of the **** demon religion has always been a mystery. Why should we pursue the **** clan and the demon clan together?"

"The loose bamboos are thin, it's their cold years...the gods and demons, why do you need to disobey the rules?"

Master Yuan Kong abides by the rules, the world is constant, and the monk conforms to the world.

In the Daleiyin Temple, there are also many rules, clear rules and discipline, and offenders shall be punished.

"God Demon Church? But it's just the Demon Church. This Demon Church even has a leader."

"Is it possible to make trouble at my grand events?"

He didn't change his face, his eyes were deep, and he reached the peak of Tongshen.

In the outside world, everyone knows that there is no strong man of the Immortal Venerable Level in Da Leiyin Temple, but no one knows how many strong men in the realm of God, even if they are Xian Zun, Don't dare to provoke.

"Interesting, this **** and demon leader have appeared, this time it is hilarious." In the air, an exaggerated laugh sounded, blowing away the floating Buddha seal, and finally the figure fell on the flat ground.

Master Yuan Kong was quiet.

"Daleiyin Temple is a pure land, and the night gods do this, I am afraid that there will be no disturbance."

Ye Tian rolled his eyes: "You are old-fashioned, or the old abbot is open-minded."

"The poor monks just have to keep these rules and regulations, otherwise everyone will ravage at will, then this big Leiyin Temple is no different from the outside world, and there is no need to exist." Master Yuan Kong said one by one.

"It's done, you don't have to preach to me. I came here this time, just to discuss with you about the heavenly events."

Ye Tian pouted, only feeling uncomfortable.

Master Yuankong nodded blankly.


After returning to Yukun City, Chu Yi did not go out to provoke trouble, but sat quietly and waited until the test day to find several of his students.

"You are all in the state of planting the Dao, and passing the test should not be a problem. The subsequent grand events are just as natural."

"Teacher, don't you want us to get the first place? I think there is hope in the realm of Taoism." Fang Xin took a long ponytail and laughed.

"You don't have that ability, so I don't have any hope, just come back alive."

This is really Chu Yi's idea, the entire ages of the world, how great, you never know where will suddenly appear a demon.

Even if it was Chu Yi from the previous life, he had met several major enemies. This world has never lacked genius.

"I don't want to be strong, you just need to let it go..." Chu Yi murmured.

"Your sister's natural, why do you still trap me here!" Dark Flame demon scolded in his heart.

A group of people quickly arrived at the test site.

The crowd gathered, and the creatures of all ethnic groups arrived, but they all maintained a certain distance, especially the Eastern Lingyu and Qingfengyu. There seemed to be an invisible line separating them.

Eastern Lingyu looks down on Qingfengyu, and Qingfengyu is also hostile to Eastern Lingyu. These two star fields, which are close to each other, can be regarded as knowing the roots.

Not far away, there are three heavy buildings, which are the test sites of Zhongdao, Daofu and Yuanying.

After the test, it will be announced on the spot and guided to Daleiyin Temple.

For this reason, places like Chu Yi must also come.

The voice is full of excitement.

"Brother Chu, don't come unharmed. If you encounter it during the competition, please accept it." Wang Ying came over head-on.

Chu Yi smiled mysteriously: "Should you not meet me?"

"You want..." Wang Ying's eyes widened, and he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Forget it, that is, you have this guts, I will wait and see."

The two chatted for a while, and a group of geniuses from Kyushu mainland such as Ye Qingsong, Meng Changqiang and Mei Qingfeng came over to say hello to Chu Yi, but Chu Yi turned a blind eye.

On Mei Qingfeng's pretty face, there was a hint of displeasure: "But it was only because of his relationship with the senior of Jiuxing that he was so arrogant. Without this backing, he was nothing."

Ye Qingsong also nodded angrily, the previous things made him almost sleepless.

"However, the gatherings of the heavens are not related. I have heard from other walks of life that even disciples in the realm of the gods die, and they will not be able to take revenge in the end."

Meng Changqiang clenched his fists: "This man is too rampant, someone will teach him sooner or later."

"Unfortunately, I am not in the realm of Daofu, otherwise, I will surely kill him." The Lantian Taoist stood in the distance, together with several strong infants, and frowned when he saw Chu Yi. .

"He really came." Bai Weng Taoist looked at him from afar, beside him, there was also the Sect Master Qiongxian and Tianxianzi.

All three are from the Tianchen Continent. I want to take a look at these grand events. After I arrived, I felt that I was small.

"With his strength, it is not difficult to pass the test of the state of Daofu, but we don't know whether we can pass the test of infancy."

Qiongxian Taoist people looked at this vast sea of ​​people, the spirits of all ethnic groups, and the strong men on all continents, and the aura generated by the gathering together was like a sea of ​​oceans.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many strong men in the entire Qingfeng domain, and the Eastern Spirit Domain would be even more terrifying."

Tianxian lamented: "We used to sit on the well and watch the sky."

"However, the boy with the surname Chu is so shocked on the Tianchen Continent, but when he comes here, he also looks a lot more ordinary."

"Our eyes are too short, and we still have to come out and move around."


"Go walk!"

"Go away!"

"It's a bloodthirsty Taoist..." Tian Xianzi and other people's faces changed greatly.

They had seen a lot in the fifth period of Yuan Ying, but they did not have much fear, but when they first saw the bloodthirsty Taoist, the three of them trembling, it was a kind of fear from the depths of the soul.

"I heard that the bloodthirsty Taoist killed a few people in Yukun City not long ago, which was then locked up and released today."

"This guy, too dangerous, is a popular candidate to win in the infant period."

A tail full of explosive force, dragged on the ground, wherever it passed, no matter which race of creatures, all avoided.

Even the Lanti Taoist frowned.

"This guy is still murderous." The Lanti Taoist warned.

"Who is he going to find? This murderous, it seems to kill people!"

The whole square, the strong people of the Eastern Lingyu and Qingfengyu, at least have hundreds of thousands, but now they are suppressed by the breath of a bloodthirsty Taoist.

There was silence all around.

Chu Yi seemed to have a feeling and turned to look at the past.

Two eyes collided in the air.

In an instant, an invisible wave passed on.

"Shen Nian attack?"

Chu Yi's brow furrowed and he understood immediately after he sensed the vibration of the shining sword in his body.

The bright sword is in the hands of the bloodthirsty Taoist.


The invisible wave spread and disappeared in front of Chu Yi.

The bloodthirsty Taoist noticed that his attack had failed and snorted, but he didn't care too much. After all, he was only a temptation.

The price of murder here cannot be even with him.

"He came to find the surname Chu!" Ye Qingsong and others all looked over.

Bai Weng Dao Ren, Tian Xian Zi... also showed unexpected eyes.

Wang Ying's eyes widened: "When did you even provoke this guy?"

He felt a big head, this level of existence, even he has heard the name of the other party.

"Don't pay anything, die, hand over something, and make you die happily." The bloodthirsty Taoist grinned and made everyone shudder.

His existence is really too oppressive.

And everyone finally understands that this is something that Chu Yi has some bloodthirsty Taoist wanted.

"It's a pitiful fellow." Everyone was gloating in their hearts, and they were stared at by bloodthirsty people.

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