My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 886: Please hit my palm

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Oh?" Chu Yi chuckled slightly and turned his head slightly, "It is rumored that the bloodthirsty Taoist is going to kill, but I want to see and see."

"Why don't you kill me now?" Chu Yi was not afraid.

"Stupid!" Ye Qingsong smiled disdainfully. "The bloodless Daoist's lawless existence, even if he knows that there are nine-star Daoists behind him, he will find ways to kill people."

"The surnamed Chu is too bloated. Do you really think everyone will be afraid of the nine-star Taoist?"

"Whatever we participate in, just wait to watch a good show."

The brows of several people were secretly rejoicing, but fortunately they did not stand with Chu Yi, otherwise, it would be really difficult.

"Do you know the cost of angering me?" The bloodthirsty Taoist opened his mouth and his tongue was scarlet, full of blood, and he was a demon.

"Squeezing you is easier than killing ants."

Chu Yi was very calm: "You said you were going to kill together, but now you dare not kill me, just because you are afraid of the rules here. Now that you kill me, I am afraid that the conventions of the heavens will not be able to participate. Your future will be doomed. Other peers surpass."

"You still have concerns in your heart, so don't dare to kill me. It seems that your killing was wrong."

The bloodthirsty Taoist's eyes moved.

The dark flame demon is even more horrified: "He is so cruel, he sees through the other party's realm at a glance.

"The way of killing, although it is killing, can also be divided into degree and direction. This kid deliberately classified this way as an extreme direction, and the other party is just in a confused stage..."

"If the bloodthirsty Taoist really shoots now, he may be broken directly because of his Dao heart."

Monk, the most feared thing is the broken heart.

Sure enough, the bloodthirsty Daoist's eyes were extinguished, and his murderous body became more and more intense, almost turning into substance.

But when it reached its peak, it suddenly faded.

The bloodthirsty Taoist regained his peace. A pair of fierce eyes with anger looked at Chu Yi: "Boy, you were almost confused by Dao."

"Killing is not killing for killing, nor is it ignoring everything."

Chu Yi shrugged.

"This guy, what treasure should be, make him clear at a critical moment."

The bloodthirsty Daoist smiled: "However, I have stared at you. After this time, you are careful."

"Bloodthirsty Daoist, are you finished, can you let the little brother talk about it."

At this moment, a hearty voice came.

Everyone's eyes looked at it, but they saw a group of people coming over.

The headed person has a huge waist, a dark body, a naked upper body, and a darker fairy symbol carved on the chest.

"It's the Flying Shadow Sect of the Eastern Spirit Realm!"

"The first gate of the Eastern Lingyu!"

Everyone whispered, many children of the big forces, they got the quota very early, and therefore, instead of appearing here, they went to Daleiyin Temple early.

Only some of the people who get the quota will come to play.

Everyone didn't expect that the Feiyingzong people were here.

The Feiying Sect is a third-class sect, stronger than the Qianfan Sect. Their sect master is also a veteran master of the psychic realm.

The person who came this time was still an elder of the famous Flying Shadow Sect, the Star Shadow Taoist.

The bloodthirsty Taoist was slightly stunned. Even in the face of this huge sect, he had to be careful.

"Xingying Taoist, are you also here to find this kid?" Bloodthirsty Taoist frowned.

"That's not true, I just came to find his students." Star Shadow Taoist smiled brightly, showing a row of Bai Sensen's teeth, turned his head to look at Lin Feiyan, "Brother Lin, what do you say?"

Chu Yi frowned, looking at Lin Feiyan.

Qin Zheng, Fang Xin, Liu Dao, and Wu Ming also looked over, and then they discovered that Lin Feiyan's expression was very wrong.

Fang Xin whispered: "Brother Lin is the elder of Feiyingzong Reincarnated."

Xingying Taoist took a few steps forward, he was tall, glanced at Lin Feiyan, and glanced at Chu Yi again, disdainfully said: "Sister Lin is really insulting Zongmen. After reincarnating successfully, instead of returning to Zongmen, It’s really embarrassing to go to a Taoist state as a teacher."

Everyone heard the words, all eyes turned, knowing that there must be good drama.

"I didn't expect that Chu Yi's students had a great future, but this one seems to be bad."

The Bai Weng Taoist smiled charmingly, "He has provoked the bloodthirsty Taoist, and now seems to have caused the Qianyingzong again, and in the dark, Qianfanzong will surely find him in trouble too. He cannot be guaranteed."

"Good, his troubles, the more the better, boy, let you be arrogant!" On the other side, Ye Qingsong and others were more excited.

"Elder Xingying, what are you looking for from me? Since the death of my last life, I have nothing to do with the entire Feiyingzong. I think that there is no right to take off the Zongzong, and I have won a secret realm for Zongmen!"

"Also, you can insult me, insult my teacher, what does that mean?"

Lin Feiyan pressed his voice, but anyone could hear the roar and anger inside.

"Brother Lin, do you really want to hate me so much, and refuse to return to the Zong Men?" At this time, from behind the star shadow Taoist, a graceful figure appeared slowly.

It was a woman with extremely exquisite appearance. The facial features seemed to be grown according to the standard of beauty, and no flaws could be picked out.


Lin Feiyan's complexion changed instantly, "You still have a face to meet me. At first, you were promised to me by the Sect Master, and you showed love to me in front of me, but you didn't expect that you were secretly hooking up with Elder Star Shadow. ..."

"I'm so stupid, you let me go to that secret realm, and finally I died. Instead, it became the credit of Elder Star Shadow, and it fulfilled you."

He thought of this, and suddenly he said, "No, before I died, I felt exhausted and thought that I was poisoned in the secret realm. Now that I think about it, it should be the poison you gave me."

Lin Feiyan froze in place.

The graceful woman smiled gently: "Brother Lin, what are you talking about? I can't understand anything at all."

"Brother Xingying and I clearly love each other, but you broke it up."

"In the beginning, you were extremely talented, and the suzerain wanted you, and I couldn't help it. I couldn't disobey the suzerain's orders."

"There was also the secret realm of that time. We really didn’t have poisoned hands, and we didn’t take credit for it. In the end, the suzerain rewarded us. We just accepted it on your behalf, but thank you for your secret realm, let us all break through Yuanying, Brother Xingying. It's arrived at Yuanying Wuzhong."

The woman chuckled, her eyes like Hu Meizi grunting.

"This woman is really not a good thing. This is clearly a premeditated plan." Dark Flame Demon whispered, and Zhu Bajie nodded in agreement.

Lin Feiyan looked pale.

The Star Shadow Taoist saw it and pretended to be sincere: "I didn't expect that Brother Lin could successfully reincarnate. This is really great for everyone. The talent is higher than the previous life."

"In this life, Brother I will definitely protect you, until you re-enter Yuanying."

He looked directly at Lin Feiyan, but his heart was indignant.

"This kid, how lucky he is, reincarnation can succeed. If he enters Yuanying, I am afraid that the first person to be killed is me. Fortunately, I met him today, otherwise, it will be unlucky in the future."

"You have to find an opportunity to eradicate this kid."

Lin Feiyan was about to speak, but saw a hand and pulled him vigorously behind him.

He looked up, but it was Chu Yi.

"This kind of thing, as a teacher, I naturally want to solve it for you."

The Feiyingzong people seemed to hear something funny, and could not help but laugh.

"Oh, am I right? You are in a state of Taoism, and you still want to solve this matter?"

"Save it, do you really think that a disciple who reincarnated during the infant period can walk sideways?"

The graceful woman also sneered twice: "I can't do it anymore, I have to laugh in tears."

"Brother Lin, it seems that you really have bad eyesight. Looking for such a teacher, who does he think he is?"

Chu Yi looked calm, and he slowly extended his right hand.

"I'm a little lazy today and I can't slap you. So, can you trouble you and hit your palm with your face?"

A slight sarcasm sounded from the square, and many creatures and even the strong were watching this scene inconceivably.

The smile on the beautiful woman's face suddenly froze.

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