My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 887: Heavenly order

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Hit the palm with your face?

Isn't that just a face-slap, you have to face it yourself!

Is there such a humiliating thing?

Mengru, the beautiful woman, was so angry that her cheeks were flushed and her heart was about to explode.

Anyway, she can be regarded as the peerless beauty of Feiyingzong, but now she is so insulted by people, she is almost going to shoot.

However, fortunately, she also understood that once started here, I am afraid that the law enforcement team next to it will immediately suppress her, and there is no chance at all.

There was silence all around, many creatures were speechless, and there was such a sturdy guy. In the realm of Taoism, they dared to confront Yuan Ying, and the other party was still Feiyingzong.

Ye Qingsong and others shuddered, and some could not believe it. He even dared to come forward when he knew he was a disciple of Feiying Sect.

"This Xingying Daoren is the Yuan Ying who is favored by Feiying Sect now, and this woman is his wife..." The Lanti Daoist smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Offending these two people is almost an offense. The entire Feiying Sect, even the nine-star Taoist, could not guarantee him."

As the sound of snickering around sounded, the star shadow Taoist's face became more and more gloomy, almost dripping out of water.

"If this is not the place to test, you may be dead."

Facing the other party's danger, Chu Yi laughed lightly: "This sentence is the same as I said."


The Star Shadow Taoist licked his lips and looked at Lin Feiyan, "Brother Lin, it seems that your teacher doesn't know what to do."

"Yes, I can't do it now, but these people should be your friends."

"You go to the test, once you fail, it will not be protected by Yukun City, so I can start."

"I don't believe it, you can pass it."

"As long as one of them fails, I kill him as soon as he comes out. What do you think?" Xingying Taoist said calmly.

Lin Feiyan's lips raised: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

"It doesn't matter if you're disappointed. Anyway, I know you. It's easy to find your planet. Even if you all hide, I will go to your planet. I don't believe that there are no people you care about."

The Star Shadow Daoist teared open his face and threatened constantly.

"Of course, as long as you are willing to go back with us, everything is easy to say."

Everyone felt awkward, so Chu Yi and others might not be able to escape.

"Is it up to you?" Chu Yi narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, it's up to me." Xingying Taoist chuckled, and now it's really what a cat and a dog have to slap in front of him. He really wants to shoot Chu Yi to death.

Whether Chu Yi is the state of a state or the peak of Dao, for him, it is just a slap.

"Sect Master Feiying dare not say so." Chu Yi said lightly.

The Star Shadow Daoist was stunned for a while. He didn't expect that Chu Yi would dare to find trouble with their suzerain. This sentence was completely put to death.

"According to your opinion, wouldn't Xianzun be qualified to compare with you?" Mengru said ironically.

Chu Yi thought about it seriously: "Xian Zun, barely."

"Xianzun is still barely okay?" Everyone's eyes will be stared out, and the Bai Weng Taoist on the other side is snickering.

"He really thought that this is the Tianchen Continent, is it up to him? Even on the Tianchen Continent, there are countless creatures stronger than him, and a person who hasn't even entered Yuanying dare to dare to say anything."

The Star Shadow Taoist shook his head in disappointment: "Brother Lin, it seems that your teacher, besides bragging, can really do nothing."

"But the first time I saw someone bragging so bravely, it was a wonderful thing."

"Xianzun, it's really just barely." Fang Xin murmured.

The disciples of Feiyingzong heard the words and laughed more joyfully.

"Unexpectedly, you were quite successful in brainwashing your students."

"Brother, why talk to him nonsense, talking to such people is completely insulting our IQ." Meng Ru said with a laugh, full of charm.

"Yes, then wait for them to fail the test."

After that, several people never looked at Chu Yi again.

"Boy, it seems that I am the only one who wants you to die." The bloodthirsty Taoist gave a sharp laugh.

"There is more than one person who wants me to die, but the person who can make me die, absolutely not including you."

Chu Yi turned his head slightly, "Also, thank you for getting the blade part of the Great Bright Sword for me, otherwise, I will have to travel to the Eastern Spirit Field."

"You!" Angrily flashed in the eyebrows of the bloodthirsty Taoist, but he quickly smoothed it.

"I also want to see if all of you can pass the test."


"Teacher, you are in trouble." Lin Feiyan apologized.

"What's troublesome, it's not troublesome again."

Chu Yi smiled frankly, to be honest, it was nothing in his eyes at all.

Yan Luo Xianzun, the king of sin land, the **** demon leader, which of these several identities does not represent a huge trouble, there are really some, even the supreme is difficult to solve.

Soon, the test began.

Dozens of people went to the three heavy buildings, and every time, dozens of people went in together, and then came out a few minutes later.

Planting Dao, Daofu, and Yuanying at the same time.

"Fortunately, it's not too difficult, but it almost failed." Bai Wengdao came out with a lingering fear.

The test is a comprehensive test about the three aspects of mindfulness, exercise, and physical body, as long as you pass the level.

But Rao is so, but still has been wiped out ten and nine of the souls.

"The pass rate is really low." Liu Dao said blankly.

"No way, there are too many people. If it is not, it is really troublesome."

"Especially over Yuanying, many strong Yuanyuan infants rely on genius and earthly treasures to survive until Yuanying infantry. Such people are the easiest to be eliminated." Chu Yi explained, "but rather There are a lot of geniuses in the house and the Dao Dao. You also need to be careful afterwards. In this kind of competition, there will be no regulations on the grades of magical instruments and Fulu."

What is strength?

Whether it is luck, cultivation, realm, or external, it can become a part of strength.

If a congenital realm can use an artifact to kill Yuanying, no one will have any opinions.

Being able to mobilize artifacts is itself a manifestation of strength.

"Passed, this test, for the peak of Daofu, the pass rate is quite high." Ye Qingsong also came out.

It's just that there are about ten people, only three, and even Xia Yang failed.

"Brother, don't be frustrated, this was originally prepared for the peak of Daofu." Mei Qingfeng comforted.

Then she looked to Chu Yi.

Here in Chu Yi, the disciples came out one by one, their eyes were quite calm.

"Huh? All passed?" Star Shadow Taoist whispered, in his opinion, there are still a few people here on Chu Yi's side, not the peak of Taoism, it would be more difficult in theory.

"This is troublesome, it seems that we can only wait for the meeting before making preparations..."

"No, this kid didn't go."

After all the tests were completed, the talents found that Chu Yi did not go.

"Haha, kid, you didn't even plan to test at all. I was almost fooled by you. I knew it so, and I started." The bloodthirsty Taoist laughed and couldn't wait.

"Wait, bloodthirsty Taoist, this man is mine, you can't kill him." Star Shadow Taoist stopped.

"Well, I just need to take an item from him."

"He doesn't participate in the test?" Bai Weng Taoists were stunned one by one. They came from the Tianchen mainland. Naturally, they knew that Chu Yi did not have any qualifications for early admission.

"He's finished!" Bai Weng Taoist assured.

"Strange, the Nine-Star Daoist doesn't show up now?" The Lanti Daoist suspiciously.

But at this time, everyone is waiting to see Chu Yi's joke.

"Boy, do you have a token for early admission?" A law enforcement captain next to him came out.

"No." Chu Yi shook his head.

"Then you probably want to notify your elders immediately, otherwise they will start, and I have no right to stop it." The captain of the law enforcement just reminded by the way.

Star Shadow Taoist is ready to start.

But at this time, Chu Yi drew a black token from his arms.

"This should work too."

"Do you really think you can pretend to just find a token?" Star Shadow Taoist snorted.

Only suddenly, his eyes stopped.

All heavens!

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