My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 888: The city owner shot

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Zhutianling? How could he have Zhutianling?" Both the Star Shadow Taoist and the Bloodthirsty Taoist were stunned.

All heavens, the entire territory of the Taoist government of the ancient world, there are 18,000 pieces, which seems to be a lot, but it is distributed to 3,800 domains, and each domain can only get four or five.

Generally speaking, being able to get the Zhutian Ling and then manifest it on the Zhutian Monument is at least the strength of the top ten in a domain.

Could it be said that this inconspicuous guy in front of him is among the top ten in Qingfeng territory?

Those who were originally waiting to watch a good show also widened their eyes.

The audience was silent.

The top ten in a domain, even the worst domain, is much stronger than them. This is honor and a symbol of strength.

This guy, there are various orders, wouldn’t it be taken out early, absolutely intentionally!

"Impossible, it must be fake. How could a guy from the Tianchen Continent have all heaven orders."

Ye Qingsong couldn't believe it and shook his head again and again.

He also planned to humiliate Chu Yi when he was in the grand meeting of the heavens. Where did he think that the strength of the other party has far exceeded him.

Top 10 in Qingfeng domain?

In his view, this is almost incredible.

Mei Qingfeng's mouth was open, and he couldn't believe it.

"I have to check this." The captain of the law enforcement hurriedly looked back, but this time gave Chu Yi a rather friendly smile.

Chu Yi nodded his head and gave Zhu Tianling to the other party.

Looking at Chu Yi's faint, sneering eyes, whether it is a Star Shadow Taoist or a bloodthirsty Taoist, he only feels his chest is boring.

"Boy, I like your style. You are cunning enough. At this time, if you take it out, it will be a blow to the enemy." The dark flame demon is in a good mood.

Chu Yi said: "You are wrong, this is not a kill in one blow, it will be wonderful next."

"Guess, will they shoot at this time?"

The dark flame demon had a meal, and immediately he was cold and sweating: "You are too cunning, you have to force them to shoot at this time, so that you can kill them justly?"

"I am a good person who abides by the law...I have done nothing bad." Chu Yi's eyes sparkled.

"You are a good man, and Lao Tzu is a saint!" the dark flame demon whispered in his heart.

"Do you want to do it now?" Xingying Taoist's eyes flickered.

"Bloodthirsty Daoist." He sent a voice directly to the bloodthirsty Taoist.

"The detection of this token requires a certain amount of time. During this time, even if we kill it, it is reasonable and reasonable."

"This kid has no background, and no one will intercede for him."

The bloodthirsty Taoist hesitated.

He does have this idea. If he doesn’t kill at this time, who knows if Chu Yi will be caught by someone powerful during the conference of the heavens.

However, he is not as strong as Feiyingzong, so he is a bit worried.


At this moment, above the tower, a fat figure stumbled.

It is the owner of Yukun City.

"Tested well?"

"Yes." A subordinate respectfully said that every city lord on the Dharma continent is the Yuan dynasty's great consummation, and has a small connection with the Daleiyin Temple, otherwise it will not be a city lord.

"This time, 5,000 people entered Donglingyu and Qingfengyu."

The city master just nodded perfunctoryly, his mind is not on it now.

"The above actually made me come to ask the **** and demon leader... I don't even know what the **** and demon leader looks like, and told me that if I come over, I will definitely know.

The Fat City Lord opened his eyes and swept towards the distance.

Soon, he discovered where Chu Yi was, because there was a law enforcement team.

"What happened there?"

"Looking back to adults, it seems to be bloodthirsty Taoist and Xingying Taoist, who wants to kill a realm of Daofu, who comes from the Tianchen mainland, but just took out a piece of heavenly order, and now the law enforcement team is testing the heavenly order. Authenticity."

"The heavens?"

The fat city master immediately asked, "Is the monk named Chu Yi on the list that disappeared some time ago?"

"It seems... yes..." the subordinate replied.

"Wouldn't it be him!" Fatty City Lord's face dignified, "It said that if I came over, I would be able to find the other party easily, and it wouldn't talk nonsense, that is to say, this person is really the **** and demon leader."

"What the gods and gods are doing, even if a purebred human being is the gods and gods leader, or is there only the realm of Taoism."

The Fat City Master couldn't figure it out, but he knew it was something he couldn't touch.

According to the truth, the other party's seniority is several generations higher than him.

Suddenly, Fatty City Lord's face changed greatly, but he saw two powerful energies burst out of the bloodthirsty Taoist and Xingying Taoist.

"Are these two **** going to kill Lord Ben!"

The Fat City Lord mentioned his throat in one heart, and his eyes shrank.


"The gods and demon religions are mainly caused by me. I can't escape death."

There hasn’t been a single leader for several centuries, and now it’s hard to toss one out, if you die here...

The Fat City Master does not know if Da Leiyin Temple can resist the downward pressure, but he knows that his Yukun City will definitely be destroyed by the lunatics.

Many people do not know about the gods and demons, but all the strong men above the Yuan infant stage understand that it is a strange and powerful sect.

"I'm going to your uncle, dare to spread wild in my place!"

The main city of Fat City jumped up.

He knew that there must be someone in the vicinity of the gods and gods, and he couldn’t do it.



While everyone was waiting for Zhu Tianling to test, suddenly, two terrors appeared.

"Did they dare to shoot at this time?" Lanti was shocked, but immediately sneered, and when he looked at Chu Yi again, he already thought he was a dead man.


"They shot!"

Ye Qingsong and others were shocked and stunned.

"This is a fatal blow, and the surname Chu will surely die!" Bai Weng Taoist thought viciously in his heart.


"Insult me ​​Qianyingzong, and still want to leave alive?" Xingying Taoist grinned grimly.

"When you die, I will kill Brother Lin."

"Kill kill!"

The bloodthirsty Taoist's eyes are also full of killings, and every killing makes him extremely happy and excited.

"After the Guangyao sword is in hand, my combat effectiveness will improve a lot, and I can even compete for the first time this time."

Chu Yi remained still.

"Huh? Don't do it first." Dark Flame Demon said suddenly.


A huge air pressure is transmitted from all directions, and the air pressure forms a transparent protective cover that surrounds Chu Yi layer by layer.

The attacks of the Star Shadow Taoist and the Bloodthirsty Taoist fell on the shield, causing the shield to fluctuate violently.


The shield shattered, but at the same time, two attacks were also resisted.

The smoke disappeared.

Everyone saw a man with a big belly **** standing in front of Chu Yi.

"Master Yukun!"

The Lanti Taoist narrowed his eyes. The Lord Yukun always ignored these things, but he didn't expect it to be a shot now.

"Master Yukun, what we have done should not violate the rules here." Xingying Taoist frowned.

"It is not true, but there is nothing wrong with what the city lord did."

Yukun City Lord's words, let everyone have a meal.

One side wants to kill, and the other wants to protect. There is really no problem.

"Master Yukun, please let me go if it's convenient. This time, I was under the order of the master, and I want to kill this person." Star Shadow Taoist said.

Lord Sovereign?

Lord Yukun naturally did not believe it, and had already scolded it secretly in his heart.

Do you think that the lord is saving him, obviously saving you two idiots.

If the gods and demons were so simple, they would have been exterminated by the gods and demons a hundred times.

Once the **** demon leader has an accident, the two of you must go down to be buried together.

"The lord of the city, it has been tested, it is indeed the order of the heavens, and the identity has been confirmed." The captain of the law enforcement respectfully said and returned the token to Chu Yi.

"Why did City Lord Yukun help me?" Chu Yi was confused, but he didn't show any emotion.

Lord Yukun said with a smile: "Two of you, you have also seen that from now on, if someone shoots this little friend, then according to the rules, we can kill you."

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