My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 894: So cute spider

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"A group of little guys, but I didn't expect that Ye Meng was inside." Outside the door, a flying insect loomed, stopping above the lampshade of the corridor.

The flying insect chuckled and flapped its wings.

"Today's luck is really good. I came to Daleiyin Temple on the first day and encountered this kind of treasure."

"Although I don't need the empty sword, I can exchange it for many resources when I take it out for auction."

The monk, in the realm of Yuan Ying, is already very difficult. Every practice requires a lot of materials. If you rely on the spirit of heaven and earth to improve your cultivation, it is simply whimsical, unless you have extremely terrible mentality.

Therefore, even peerless evildoers require a lot of resources.

The Zombie Daoist creeps carefully outside, ready to shoot at any time.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a young man walking with his hands on his back.

"Found me?"

Because the young man's eyes had been fixed on him, the zombie Daoist was shocked.

However, after detecting that the other party was only in the realm of Taoism, he was not worried.

"Was the Daoist friend a little embarrassed when he robbed the Dao of the Dao in the Yuan baby period." Chu Yi smiled lightly, his expression calm.

"Ji Jie... You are a Taoist government, and you are also in charge of the matter of the Taoist people. You are also looking for a way to die. Although according to the regulations, you cannot be killed, but it is understandable to kill you."

Zombie Taoist sneered.

"This Daoist does not have to worry, what I challenge is Yuan Yingjing, even if you kill me, you will not be punished in any way." Chu Yi shook his head with a smile.

"You challenge Yuanying?" The Zombie Daoist laughed, which is the most funny joke he ever heard.

But he had never seen it before, a Dao government dared to challenge Yuanying in the grand events.

Although his strength in Yuanying period is not strong, it is definitely not weak. In the realm of Taoism, he is also a genius. Now Yuanying is the first, even if it encounters weaker Yuanying, it can compete.

The Zombie Daoist came this time and never thought of taking a ranking. For many creatures, this is experience, or even an opportunity.

For example, he encountered an empty sword.

The wealth of an empty sword is enough to match the wealth he has collected for thousands of years.

"Ji Jie...... Realm of Daofu is so powerful, when did human beings become so arrogant?"


There was a slight throb in the room, but neither affected them.

The Zombie Daoist tried it out. Originally, he thought that this young man had a backer behind him, but there were no strong infants in his early life.

"It's really looking for a way to die." Zombie Taoists all felt that such a person could cultivate to the peak of Daofu.

"You humans have a saying, stupid people have stupid blessings. For the sake of you being so stupid, you can go off boy, I am in a good mood today."

"Oh?" Chu Yi smiled slightly, "You let me die? If so, I will spare you."

"What!" The Zombie Daoist's eyes are straight, he has never seen such a bad guy.

"It's as easy as killing you, I kill you, and I can slowly appreciate the duel inside."

Kaka Kaka——

A series of subtle sounds sounded, and the body of the Zombie Daoist kept changing. In the end, from a flying insect to a slap-sized spider.

The abdomen of the spider is covered with eyes, and the mouth is gently opened, and the spider silk is transformed into a continuous spear, either extremely fast, or soft, or sturdy, coming from all directions towards Chu Yi.

"Ji-Ji... a human boy who knows nothing about life..."

The spider silk surrounded Chu Yi and was airtight.

But at this time, layers of flames came out of Chu Yi's body, spreading out like aurora, the flames appeared golden, and the spider silk melted completely when they touched the flames.

"The fire of Jinwu!"

The Zombie Daoist quickly cut off his spider silk, and the eyes in the abdomen suddenly opened, and then emitted a subtle light.

Although the light is small, the material space here is completely broken.

At the same time, the space around Chu Yi was distorted, and three black holes appeared. The black holes pulled each other, making it difficult for Chu Yi to move.


Chu Yi was not afraid of danger. His hands slid, and a symbol circulated in the palm of his hand, forming a "kan".

Gradually, the currents converge and appear wavy, and the sound of dingdong is heard in the air.

"Taiji gossip!" The zombie Taoist was shocked. "Kan" was among the gossip, which represented "water".

The clear water turbulently passed through each black hole and crushed all three black holes.

At the same time, Chu Yi held it with one hand, and a "Kun" character stood in front of him.

"Kun" is ground.

A thick wall symbol flashed, directly blocking the other party's light attack.

"How is it possible!" Zombie Daoist whispered a little, these attacks seem subtle, but even Yuanying's heavyweight, it is absolutely impossible to resist so easily.

"Genius of the evil spirit level?"

He escaped into the air, and an instant large net appeared in the void.

"Yes, it's no wonder that with this confidence, the Great Leiyin Temple and the Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger are really interesting."

As he was saying, the other party opened his mouth, and a ray of glow spit out.

It was a real spear, slightly shorter than other spears, with poisonous mist wrapped around the gun body, and a vague Yuanying holding the spear and slashing towards Chu Yi.

A series of sounds of broken void sounded, the spear speared, and the tip of the gun crossed the space, with a burst of magic sound.

"Huh? Devil's breath, it seems that he also practiced the demon's skills at the same time."

"It's too mixed, with his talents, but not complicated." The dark flame demon and Zhu Bajie stayed aside, constantly commenting.

At the same time, the room was also fighting.

Fortunately, the buildings of the Daleiyin Temple are protected by the formation method, otherwise, they will have disappeared.

Ye Meng's brow furrowed, she was not the girl's opponent in terms of Kendo alone.

One Daofu, one planting Dao, the gap between the two is too big, but instead the realm she lost.

She had a bad complexion, and the long sword was divided into two, divided into three, and attacked towards Chu Ling.

"Three Daojian sword tricks!" the demon smiled, "Ye Meng is anxious, but can you not kill this girl."

"Do you think it's possible, with her character." The young man next to Zifa looked relaxed.

The three sword shadows contain dozens of changes, which are dazzling.


Chu Ling whispered and Xiukou vomited, which was a huge sword.

It was a long sword, forming a sword array, which directly disrupted the opponent's three long swords.

"Chaotic Sky Sword Formation, still hidden on the tongue, who is so extravagant!"


"Quickly solve it!"

Ye Meng was worried, and immediately let the two companions shot.


"Uncle Pan is not here..."

Chu Feng did not hesitate, he took out a ruined turtle shell.

On the turtle shell, a scary pattern appeared instantly, spreading out along the void, forming a larger turtle.

"Be careful!"


The three Ye Meng were shocked, this is a peerless beast left behind after death, was refined, and now a trace of remnant soul is summoned by Chu Feng, just a breath, enough to deter the Quartet.

The fierce mouth opened up to engulf the demon, and immediately froze the ice, and the material space in the whole room was almost frozen.

"Air Sword, Chaotian Sword Array, and this fierce..."

Ye Meng's body twisted and retreated in the shadows at a rapid speed. After leaving the restaurant and flying for several kilometers, he took a breath.

"These three are not something that ordinary forces can come up with."

"I don't seem to be the one I can provoke..."


Chu Feng sighed, closed the turtle shell, and slowly cleared the ice from the room, and then held the sword hilt and a roll of ancient books in one hand, which slowly opened the door.


Chu Yi had just packed up the Zombie Daoist, holding a spider in his hand. The spider was dying, listless, and there were still many burnt smells on his body.

"This Daoyou, did you come to buy a sword?" Chu Feng looked at the strange man in front of him.

He is very uncomfortable.

From small to large, his mood has hardly fluctuated, but the young man in front of him makes him feel strange, which makes him very impatient.

Chu Yi looked at the spider in his hand, and then looked at Chu Feng and Chu Ling. He, who has always been able to speak eloquently, could not say a word now.

"Wow, what a cute spider!"

"Okay, I know your admiration for me, even I like to investigate spiders." Chu Ling grabbed the spider in Chu Yi's hand.

Chu Yi: "..."

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