My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 895: Vortex center

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!


Chu Yi looked at the closed door and stood awkwardly outside.

"She is a girl...he is a girl..."

Why a girl likes this ugly creature.

"However, it went well. I subdued the spider and asked him to help me protect Feng'er and Ling'er. After all, I'm not suitable to come out at any time."

Chu Yi stood at the door for a long time.

He comes from the earth China, and naturally has the tradition of China.

In the fairyland, the bond between parents and children is not too deep. Many parents will leave alone when their children are born.

But in China, the relationship between parents and children is too important.

Therefore, Chu Yi felt very guilty and did not accompany and grow up with his children when they were young.

"Unexpectedly, you also have this side, which is not good. This is your weakness. Once discovered by the enemy, you will have a flaw." The dark flame demon laughed in Chu Yi's ear.

"Then kill it."

Chu Yi looked at the dark flame demon coldly. The latter shivered and shut his mouth obediently, and fell into the arms of Zhu Bajie.

"This man is so strange..." Chu Feng frowned, "Do you want to inform Uncle Pan?"

Chu Ling said broadly: "What's so strange, isn't it my admirer, calm."

"But this spider is pretty good... you see, this is an eight-eye spider. The eight eyes in the abdomen can have illusions and ray attacks."

"Huh...well, if you dissect it and make it into a specimen, it should look good."

The Zombie Daoist shivered directly.

He was trapped by Chu Yi, made a contract, and protected the two, but unexpectedly, this girl was so malicious.

"The most poisonous woman's heart."


"it has started."

In the Buddha Hall of Daleiyin Temple, Master Yuan Kong watched silently in front of him.

Sitting casually on the Jade Pu at night.

"There are too many creatures, which can only be reduced by this method, either die or let them leave automatically. I have to say, Master Yuankong is good for you."

"There are disputes where there are people. This is human nature." Master Yuan Kong said righteously. He refers to human nature, including all creatures.

"Master Yuan Kong deserves to be the one who came back from the Xitian Temple, and sees it thoroughly." There was another figure above Yupu.

His forehead has a **** pattern, a white shirt, extremely clean.

"Sovereign Sovereign, Fan Tianshen!" Ye Tian turned his head and looked at each other alertly. The cynical smile was also put away.

"Tenjin Sect is a second-ranking sect, and it belongs to the first-class forces in the entire eternal world. There is a big Yanxian Zun sitting behind it. How come we come to our small event of all the ancient worlds?" Ye Tian satirely said.

The God Sect Master smiled heartily and said: "Night God, you don't have to be hostile to me. You should understand today that the winner is the king, no matter what means the fairy world uses, as long as victory is enough."

"Your teacher is dead, that's your life."

"There is reincarnation in heaven." Master Yuan Kong added deliberately.

"In the past, Yan Luoxianzun, peeing on my golden Buddha, and stepped on the sacred beasts of Buddhism, and such behavior has already angered Heavenly Dao.

"Buddha is equal to heaven?" Ye Tian sneered.

"Buddha Dao is equal to most of Heaven's Dao." Master Yuan Kong said calmly.

"According to your statement, if I make a big trip to Daleiyin Temple tonight, wouldn't I die too?"

"The Qing Emperor and the Bai Emperor are coming to make a noise, and they are going to die?"

Asked nightly.

"It's not that you don't report, the time is not yet." Master Yuan Kong looked at Ye Tian.

"Old bald donkey, don't force me to smash your head." Ye Tian angered.

"Why should the night **** be angry." Fan Tianshen smiled slightly, the god's pattern glowed, and a little starlight fell, shining him more sacred.

"I came here earlier to choose some materials that can be made. Soon after, Yingzhang Zhutian will open the 37th realm, and you all know what exists in that 37th realm, if you can get it I’m afraid it’s really about making the Supreme in this era!"

His words moved the two.

They have reached the realm of psychic communication, and even if they enter, they must send out the celestial avatars, and they can only be pressed into the infancy.

But the Divine Divine is obviously unable to fight at will, and can not use the many means of their deity.

"So this time, there should be a lot of magical realms coming to attract people."

"I was just one step ahead."

Ye Tian chuckled: "It's nice to say, don't you just want to see the **** demon leader?"

"It seems that the **** and demon master has attracted the attention of the gods."

Wanshen Township is the main headquarters of the Immortal Protoss. There are only three supreme level strong men, there are three on the bright side.

"What is he capable of?" Fan Tianqing chuckled. "A **** and demon leader who suddenly emerged is nondescript, and it is only the realm of Taoism. Like the so-called king of sin, there is no danger at all."

"I heard that Master Yuan Kong has already seen this person, how?"

Master Yuan Kong was silent for a long time: "It may be comparable to the Divine Son."


Fan Tianshen's eyes were lingering, and his radiance around him instantly became sharp.

"The Son of God is a person who wants to impact the Supreme, and it is also a peerless concubine born in Wanshen Township. It is a figure born in several eras. It has reached the peak of the Yuan babyhood in a single hundred years."

"Within a thousand years, we must break through the fairy deity."

"The cultivation of Wanshen Township is more terrifying than the original Yan Luoxian Zun."

"He's a fleas popping out of the corner, even if he jumps high, can he be comparable to the eagle in the sky?"

The Protoss, the most annoying today, from low to high, are the Demon Clan, the God Demon Church, and the God Demon Leader.

The same is true of the Demon Race.

The gods and demons are too special, and the ideas they preached were almost heartbroken.

Master Yuan Kong didn't argue, but said: "In any case, if I didn't make a mistake in investigating the heavenly events this time, it was he who got the last place before he opened it."

"The event of the heavens in the ancient world also means that the sky will be reflected in the future."

"Even in our Daleiyin Temple, the chaos of many contestants is related to him."

"Everything originated from him."

"So the **** demon is the starting point of evil! The starting point of chaos!" Fan Tianshen interrupted Master Yuankong's words.

"Demon clan!"

"The protoss who betrayed us and joined the gods and demon religions should also be slaughtered!"

"The power of the gods and demons no matter how great it is, it will surely be destroyed once Wanshen Township starts."

"Sin, God, Demon, and Demon Race are the three darkest forces in the fairyland today. I really hope that one day they will be destroyed."

If Chu Yi heard this, he should be very happy, but fortunately he has nothing to do with the Demon Race.


On the second day, Chu Yi was still sitting in the restaurant.

This is a Taiyou restaurant, all the drinks in it come from the land of Jiuyou.

More and more creatures gather here, it seems that it has become the center of the vortex.

Chu Yi sat silently, his mind, always paying attention to the upstairs.

Most of Huaxia's fathers treated their children silently. They were silently blocked in front of their children like mountains.

Now, Chu Yi is also the same, it seems that only in this way can make up for the previous deficit.

"Little Chu."

"Brother Chu!"

Suddenly, several figures also walked into the restaurant, just a few days of the fairy, as well as Mu Ting on the Tianchen mainland and others.

Facing Mu Ting, Chu Yi showed a sincere smile. When they were detoxified, they were also friends.

"Do not mind if we sit here." Tian Xianzi smiled. Once upon a time, the kid who was not in the realm of Taoism, but now they are sitting on par with them.

"Please." Chu Yi didn't mind either, Tianxianzi, Qiongxian Sect Master, Bai Weng Taoist sat down one after another.

Zhou Luo, Dongfang Liang, Su He and others looked at each other with embarrassment.

They know that the people in front of them are no longer on the same level as them.

"Chu Xiaoyou, do you know that this Taiyou restaurant has become one of several vortex centers now." Tian Xianzi said with a pleasant voice.

"Several swirls?"


"The outer periphery of Daleiyin Temple is very large, no less than that of a small country, and this time the rules are actually gradually understood by everyone."

"This is to eliminate a group of people based on the contradictions that naturally arise."

"I have inquired that there have been five places where conflicts broke out."

"One of the most terrifying places, even Yuanying's top five have died several times."

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