My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 896: Night house

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Tianxian continued: "That place is too scary, just to fight for an ancient wall."

"Buddha language is engraved on the ancient wall. The group of creatures fought and wanted to occupy it. As a result, the connection world was all played out, and now it has become a battlefield."

"There are four other places, which are also very troublesome. This is the only one, because it is only led out by the two kinds of Taoism, but it is better. We are looking for opportunities here. Maybe, the above power has already begun to observe."

Chu Yi felt a headache. He didn't want his children to become the center of a vortex, but reality was not what he could control.

"However, although it seems calm here, but it will burst out, I am afraid it will be an uproar." Sect Master Qiongxian said, "I haven't thought of going to shoot when I came here, I just want to see, the strongest Means to increase knowledge."

Taiyou Restaurant is very large, and even uses space folding technology to accommodate ten thousand people.

More and more creatures come in, either human races, fierce beasts, or plant life.

Demons are prohibited from participating.

Everyone sat quietly and no one was making trouble, but the more so, the more terrifying.

This is a elimination, a fight between life and death, but not a game.

However, many people never went upstairs to find Chu Feng and Chu Ling's troubles, only because they were not interested in Kong Jian. These creatures only used this to eliminate a group of people.

Near Chu Yi, there were three people sitting, a couple, and a young woman who was quite cold.

The young woman was sitting elegantly, holding a cup of tea, and was about to taste it carefully, but saw a chopstick pressed on it.

All three looked up.

Chu Yi said with a smile: "I advise you not to drink, this tea is not tea."


The young woman was quite cold and arrogant, humming.

Suddenly, the tea in her teacup surged into a black streamer and rushed towards Chu Yi's face.

"Boy, you are really busy. The old man could have invaded the woman's body and absorbed the essence of her life, but it was destroyed by you."

"Forget it, see you are at the peak of Daofu, then eat you."

There was a terrifying laughter in "Tea Water", which was extremely fast. Chu Yi would be swallowed up in almost a blink of an eye.

Tianxianzi and others were also shocked. They never thought that even a cup of tea would be dangerous.


Chu Yi raised his hand and beat, the other party's speed in his own eyes, similar to snail.

He came out with a palm, like a mountain appeared in the center of the palm, and the terrible sense of oppression directly collapsed the space.


Under everyone's attention, a pool of tea was photographed on the ground, and there was no sound.

The tea splashed, slowly, and a red liquid penetrated from the inside.

"Liquid Demon!"

"All the people of the Kraken are here!"

Everyone was speechless, but for these evil geniuses, it was just a small episode.

Soon a servant of the restaurant came to clean up the "corpse".

"This..." Zhou Luo and others were completely dumbfounded, and their whole body was creepy, looking at the tea in front of them, not knowing whether to drink or not.

It is not uncommon for them to rely on special relationships and get quotas. Therefore, they are not opponents of other living creatures in terms of strength.

"Thanks to this Taoist friend for his life-saving grace. Otherwise, my daughter is afraid of trouble." The woman stood up, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes, but she was sincere to Chu Yi.

"No problem."

Chu Yi didn't care, but only shot for the sake of human beings.

And obviously, the girl’s parents should have just come along and can’t shoot here, unless someone starts with them first.

Tang Qin Wan'er smiled and pulled her daughter's arm: "Mingyue, thank you very much."

Ye Mingyue glanced at Chu Yi faintly. The person in front of her was of ordinary appearance and well-cultivated. The key to her eyes was that she could instantly see that there was no magic weapon on the other side.

And herself, even underwear, is a defensive weapon.

In this way, it is either self-confident or poor.

"Who told him to shoot? Mother, I knew there was a problem with this tea, and the water demon, I can solve it myself."

"I'm from Yejia's family. I don't have any strength. How could it be Ye."

There was a trace of disdain in Ye Mingyue's eyes. In her view, Chu Yi was just trying to be awesome in front of herself.

"Although this kid has good strength, it is nothing compared to Yejia's heirs."

She is a sideline of Yejia, but due to her good talent, she has also been trained by Yejia. Now she has reached the peak of Daofu, and she wants to enter Yejia's core through this grand event.

"I'm sorry, Mingyue has a cold temper." Tang Qin looked at Chu Yi, but he felt happy in his heart.

In fact, the interior of Yejia is too complicated. She would rather marry her daughter to an outsider than to Yejia's children.

"Yejia?" Chu Yi was slightly surprised, and glanced at Ye Mingyue curiously, "Me and Yejia also have some fate."

The latter heard that it was a bit unpleasant. This year, even cats and dogs dare to climb the relationship.

She didn't care either. Yejia had a huge population. Maybe the other party said that it was just a servant of Yejia.

The middle-aged man next to him said lightly: "I don't know who Xiaoyou knows Yejia?"

"Night sky." Chu Yi did not hide.

"Night sky?" The middle-aged man frowned, thinking for a long time, but did not expect this person.

I'm afraid it's just a humble figure.

When I thought about it, I was a little distracted. Ye Feng just nodded slightly at Chu Yi.

But a moment later, he turned to Chu Yi and said: "You save my daughter's life, if you want to enter Yejia, you can tell me, Yefeng also has some contacts in Yejia headquarters."

"No." Chu Yi waved his hand.

"Why, it still seems unpleasant to hear what you mean?" Ye Mingyue listened to her side, and she couldn't help but frown.

"The whole world of immortality, and even the whole fairyland, want to join my night family.

"What are your qualifications to refuse?"

She was disappointed in her heart, and thought the young man was still pursuing.

Unexpectedly, in order to show his guts in front of himself, he gave up such a good opportunity.

"Okay, don't say a few words. If it's not Xiao Chu, you have to deal with this water demon for a long time, don't think I don't know." Tang Qin knocked on Ye Mingyue's head.

"But you young people, you have to get more contact."


Ye Mingyue rejected her.

She naturally understood the meaning of her mother and did not want to marry herself into Yejia headquarters.

Although she hadn't even wanted to marry Ye Family, but no one was eligible to marry him.

Ye Feng saw everything in his eyes, and he understood what his wife meant.

"Mrs. was born in a humble life, and it was inevitable that she was not well-considered. It seems that she has to mention that this kid is not suitable for the moon."

"However, in the eyes of this girl, it is impossible to look at him."

Ye Feng was proud.

Being the pride of the Ye family, and because of their daughter, their family was able to enter the Ye Family headquarters.

If it was before, when he met this kind of genius, he naturally rejoiced, but now, it doesn't matter.

Chu Yi smiled lightly, didn't care, accompanied Tang Qin and said a few words.

Tang Qin gave him the feeling of a mother on earth.

As for Yejia...

His students are Ye Yezi and his son, he is going to Ye Ye's house, just walk in.

"The shopkeeper, where does the boy with the empty sword live?"

At this time, someone was asking the restaurant owner.

It was a group of people with gorgeous clothes and very extraordinary.

"It's the Dark Sky Sect!"

"The first case of Starry Night!"

"I have watched a good show. This sect is involved, and it is no longer calm here."

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and slowly raised his voice: "Sorry, they can go up, but you have to stay."

He looked at a naked man with a naked upper body, a huge poisonous scorpion lying on his back, the tail of the scorpion connected to the tail bone of the big man.


"Why can't I go up?" Scorpion Daoist looked at it, it was just a state of Taoism, and he couldn't help but sneer.

"The youngsters above are in the state of planting the Tao, and they can cope with it when they go up to the Dao House, but Yuan Ying is too troublesome to go up." Chu Yi shook his head.

"Then I'm going to go up, what can you do?" Scorpion Daoist smiled, and the scorpion on his back raised his pair of pliers.

"Sorry, that can only be dead." Chu Yi was not surprised.

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