My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 897: Invincible Pig

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The eyes of many creatures all focused on Chu Yi, a realm of Taoism, and dare to say such things to Yuan Ying, really impatient.

"Looking at him is not like a reckless person, how could he do such a thing?"

Ye Mingyue frowned. Although they are not here, they are not afraid of the strong men who are one or two times in their infancy, but if they provoke provocation, it is almost impossible.

What's more, the dark sect, a deep-rooted sect, is not as good as Yejia, but it is also a Sanpin sect.

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?" A young man stood up next to the Scorpion Demon.

"A dead man." Chu Yi smiled, but the smile was a little cold.

Perhaps it is because of guilt, so Chu Yi now wants to help his children do something.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone smiled playfully.

"Boy, just say this to you today, I let you leave alive, because you are alive, it's a joke." The Scorpion Daoist laughed rough, and the poison scorpion behind him swayed back and forth.

"Aren't you apologizing for a sentence to finish, why bother with them, it's not good for you." Ye Mingyue directly transmitted the voice to Chu Yi.


"You are naive. This is a killing field, not an amusement park." Chu Yi shook his head and paused. "Are you sick?"

Ye Mingyue glared fiercely, but this time he stood up directly and said, "You are in the realm of Dao, how can you fight with others?"

She went out like a queen.

Ye Mingyue was tall, wearing a robe, just tight-fitting, showing her curvaceous curves vividly.

"This senior, we are the children of Yejia, please give us a face."

"Yejia?" The Scorpion Daoist paused for a moment. Who doesn't know that this time the grand gatherings of the night were run by Yejia and Daleiyin Temple together.

Although their dark ancestors have great careers, they are by no means opponents of Yejia.

And now there are a lot of people here, if you really offend Yejia, I'm afraid it will be pushed down by everyone.

The Scorpion Daoist arched his hand and said, "Since this is the case, it was all a misunderstanding."

"You are lucky enough to eat soft rice, just keep your head and continue to eat soft rice."

Ye Mingyue saw this, proudly raised his chin to Chu Yi.

See? No, this is the majesty of Yejia. If you don’t join Yejia, it’s your loss.

Bai Weng Taoist and others looked secretly envious.

"We think we are invincible on the Tianchen Continent. Where do we know how powerful the Qianfan Sect is in the entire Qingfeng territory, even if such forces are in front of the Ye Family, we dare not make it."

Sect Master Qiongxian sighed, "If there is a chance this time, I will join the Dzongmen."

"However, this Chu Xiaoyou was too arbitrary before and directly challenged the Yuan infantile period. Now it seems that the gap is too big."

"This is not obvious unless he uses the treasure."

Bai Weng Tao people don't know what mood it is.

Ye Feng was still sitting straight, frowning when he saw Chu Yi's actions.

Such a son-in-law, he could not like it.

In the lobby, as the night and moon appeared, a lumpy laugh sounded.

Ye Mingyue turned her head and looked at Chu Yi: "In the fairy world, strength is important, but equally, emotional intelligence and background are also important."

Speaking of which, her tone softened a bit, "I see that you have good strength and can be regarded as sturdy, but it is too, you and I will return to Yeya and you will have a chance to break through to Yuanying in the future."

Ye Feng glanced at his daughter and nodded secretly.

"Mingyue has finally grown up. Even at Yejia, she needs her own power. With such a method, she has subdued the boy and cultivated her own team in the future."

"As for him?"

Ye Feng still shook his head, he was very confident in his daughter.

Chu Yi looked at the woman with a brutal expression.

This person may feel too good for himself, or say that people in Yejia are so narcissistic.

He thought about the night sky and finally determined that this narcissism is hereditary.

"Not big chest, no head." Chu Yi whispered, but with the power of Ye Mingyue, naturally heard clearly.

However, she couldn't help her getting angry, but saw Chu Yi pointed away, and a sword wall was erected on the stairs leading to the second floor.

The Scorpion Daoist stepped in, stepped his head slightly, with a cold smile: "What do you mean."

"You guys, please come back." Chu Yi pointed his finger outside the door.

Scorpion Daoist turned: "Before, I can look at Yejia's face and give you a way to live, but this is not without a bottom line."

"The night house imprint on this woman seems to be just a sideline."

"I think, if you kill a sideline, even Yejia is hard to say anything."

Ye Mingyue's brow furrowed, and her heart was restless.

"It's really muddy that can't help the wall! I kindly help him, he gave me trouble!"

"Xiao Chu, you are coming back, don't say it." Tang Qin was worried for Chu Yi, beckoning again and again.

"Aunt Tang, it's okay, they are not my opponents." Chu Yi smiled.

"Not your opponent?" Ye Mingyue didn't speak, but her eyes were full of disappointment.

She is ready to take Chu Yi and develop into her own power, but Chu Yi's character may only cause trouble for herself.

A Daofu realm dared to call such an infancy, which really made people laugh.

"Boy..." A young man next to the Scorpion Demon Daoist, pointing his finger at Chu Yi, wandered in, and some dang Er Lang was.


A flash of cold light flashed over, and Bai Weng Taoist found Chu Yi's sword, slightly sheathed.

But the man screamed, and one finger was cut off.

Hands on?

The Scorpion Demon Daoist was slightly surprised, but Ye Yueming's face showed a trace of panic.

Once you do it, it is bound to be irreversible.

"Forget it, he saved my life, and I also saved him, because he didn't appreciate it." Ye Yueming recovered his temperament and sat back calmly. This matter, she won't go through it again. Participate more.

"You!" The young man flashed his eyes in anger.

But he hadn't taken three steps, he saw his body separated, blood splashed, and with a loud bang, his upper body had fallen down under the table.

"The sword is so fast, I can only see the vague sword light. It is very difficult to avoid it." Someone whispered.

Chu Yi raised his hand, moved a table and chair to the stairs, and sat down alone.

"The shopkeeper, you remember, from now on, you can only pass the strong men under the infancy, if you disturb your business, I will compensate for the loss."

Ye Mingyue suddenly looked away, but saw the young man's eyes like starlight, sitting there domineeringly, he was alone against the dark sky sect, the long sword placed on the table, still carrying the murderous cold light.

Somehow, there was an emotion that hit her heart fiercely, causing a trace of confusion in the eyes of the girl.

Only, then my heart lifted up.

This was originally a vortex center, but what Chu Yi is doing now is to bring all the contradictions to himself.

"Deacon Qiu can only be informed. He is Yuanying Wuzhong and can do it here."

"I smell thick paternal love, goose bumps fell all over the ground... No, I don't have goose bumps." Dark flame demon shivered all over.

Pig Bajie agreed to nod.

"Kill my brother, you should be guilty of death!" Suddenly, a heavy mountain of swords rolled down.


"I...Da Zhuxian...die..."

Pig Bajie made a sound, and finally learned some pronunciations, but it was very simple, like baby babbling, very young.

Its hoof rises into the sky and oppresses the space. Everyone can only see a flying piglet, shaking its buttocks, and its tail is rolled up, which breaks Jianshan.

Pig Bajie shook its little wave hoof and chopped his head away, where the hoof was like a spear, disappeared in front of everyone in an instant, and then appeared on the face of the disciples of the dark sky.

The young man was smashed on the spot, his cheeks bulged, and the blood flow continued. After three steps back, his entire head exploded directly.

Zhu Bajie's fat two-hoofed crosses stood in the air, wearing the small floral trousers cut by Chu Yi for him.

"I... Pig Daxian... playing money..."

After he finished speaking, he groped for the body of the corpse, took away the other party's possession symbol, and showed an obsessive smile.

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