The beholder roared angrily, but he did have the capital to say it.

Time and space seem to have been out of Bai Ye's control, and even the usual magic is full of weirdness as if walking in a sticky swamp at this time.


With a loud noise, in this battle, the beholder attacked Bai Ye for the first time.

The huge tentacle smashed into Bai Ye's body, and Bai Ye, who was smashed and flew out, didn't even know how far it flew and smashed how many... stars.

Of course, it was impossible for such a physical blow to cause harm to Bai Ye. At this time, Bai Ye's body was completely beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

But the beholder's attack didn't end there, he just stared wide, and then his figure suddenly disappeared in place.


There was another loud noise, and Bai Ye was knocked out by the beholder again, and the beholder also disappeared in place again.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, the beholder seems to be playing a pawn ball, and that kind of...the non-stop teleportation strike is not intended to give Bai Ye a chance to counterattack.

For a while, Bai Ye was completely suppressed by the beholder, and with the changing colors in the beholder's one-eyed big pupil, this guy seems to be still: brewing this attack...: ask for flowers and comments Let's vote, there is also a monthly vote, big bosses Lu

Chapter 182 There is no regret medicine in this world

The battle is still going on. Under the blow of that terrifying power, just the aftermath has already made this dimension start to send out "click, click"

ground sound.

Seeing that this dimension is about to be unbearable, Bai Ye, who has always been at a disadvantage, finally spoke up... "You are so cool"

Bai Ye's voice was very calm, it could even be said to be indifferent, as if the person who was constantly being hit at this time was not him.

On the other side, after hearing Bai Ye's words, the beholder, who thought he had the chance to win, was stunned. He really did not expect that Bai Ye would be unscathed under such a random attack that was enough to shatter the stars.

"Humph! Still: is it the same as before, you have only one mouth left."

The beholder's big eyes narrowed slightly, but the attack of the tentacles never stopped.

However, just when the beholder's attack had just fallen, a burst of purple light suddenly erupted from Bai Ye's body... "Bang!"

It was a loud noise, but unlike before, this time, it wasn't that Bai Ye was knocked away, but that Bai Ye had already stood firm at an unknown time... I saw Bai Ye's right hand doing a blocking gesture, And just like that, the tentacles of the beholder were completely blocked.

"This is......"

Seeing the white night glowing with purple light on his body, the beholder suddenly widened his one eye. As an ancient existence who didn't know how many years he had lived, how could he not know what this purple light represented "infinite rough stone?" "

The beholder murmured, but as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately corrected: "No, no, although it is the same power, but I did not feel the aura of the infinite original stone."

"What the hell did you guy do? Why is there such a power that is comparable to the Infinity Stone?"

The beholder doesn't want to kill Bai Ye at this time, he wants to occupy Bai Ye's body now, because this kind of power that can rival the infinite original stone is too tempting, even the beholder can't help but want to get it.

"Tell me how you did it, and I can spare you and make you my slave."

The beholder exuded incomparable power and said.

And it was at this moment that Bai Ye finally spoke... "If you spare my life, who will give you the courage to say such a thing?"

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he saw that he stretched out his right hand again, and then continued to say slowly: "Do you think it's incredible?"

The orange light is shining, it is the same power as the mind gem, and with the outbreak of this power, the spiritual power that has been suppressing Bai Ye is also an infinite original stone, each of which represents this ability, The same rules are equivalent to nothing to them, and the power of the beholder alone is not enough to compete with it.

"how can that be"

The beholder let out a cry of exclamation, and then he kept on: attacking Bai Ye with his tentacles, but in fact, the real ability of this thing came from a spiritual attack.

Originally, under his mental attack, you can exert [-]% of your power and it is not bad to have two layers. This is also the root of his feeling that he will definitely be able to kill Bai Ye. The mental attack is directed at the soul... .. On the other side, hearing the beholder's words, Bai Ye also said coldly: "It's too early to feel amazed now."

The blue light flickered, and the surrounding space shuddered. At the same time, the green light merged into it, and the power of time and space was also activated.

Looking at the shackles that were constantly being broken, the beholder finally panicked. He never thought that... Bai Ye would be so strong. He seemed so unfamiliar with... Bai Ye at this time... the battle situation Once again, a reversal occurred. Facing Bai Ye at this time, the beholder simply had no power to fight back. No matter how the beholder attacked, Bai Ye could easily resolve it, but in the face of Bai Ye's attack, the beholder was covered in bruises. .....On the other side, on the earth at this time, Tony looked at what was in front of him, and he and Banner were also in a state of crazy work.

Tony felt that danger should be prevented before it happens, and he couldn't wait for someone to hit the earth to fight back, as Malekis did last time, otherwise everything would be too late.

There are too many strong people in the universe, so many that it is very likely that the earth will be destroyed without knowing it, after all, this is very impressive.

In order to avoid this situation, Tony developed the latest super artificial intelligence, Ultron.

"Tony, are you sure we're doing nothing wrong"

Banner was a little uneasy. He always felt that it was too dangerous to develop this kind of artificial intelligence. After all, in the current earth, this kind of thing that can completely think for itself and even evolve itself is too dangerous.

"Don't you want to see our Earth attacked by aliens?"

Before the development, Tony had told Banner that it was powerful, and now the arrow was on the line, and there was no room for the two to back off.

In the spacious hall, the members of the Avengers seem to be having a banquet, everyone is drinking cocktails, and Thor is also praising his hammer of Thor.

He was happy to see that everyone couldn't hold the Thor's Hammer. Although there was an episode in the middle of the US team shaking the Thor's Hammer slightly, they still didn't pick it up.

However, at this time, in the banquet, which was full of joy and laughter, the door was suddenly opened, and looking at the robot that was still full of oil, everyone also entered a state of battle.

"I've been thinking about how to protect this fragile earth."

"Later I finally figured out that the reason why the earth is frequently attacked is because of the existence of human beings, and greedy desire has lost your eyes, maybe it's time to end all this and start the new life of the earth... ."

Extreme words, indifferent but familiar tone, Tony and Banner looked at the robot almost at the same time and said: "Ultron"

... The beholder is very regretful at this time, but after all, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Bai Ye has blocked the space, and he can't even travel through the dimension to go to other worlds at this time. Bai Ye is too strong, and the beholder never thought that someone could completely crush him.

He can't fight and can't run, and he can't run away. The beholder knows that everything today is beyond his control... But fortunately, he is immortal and immortal. If you want to kill him, you must destroy it. Many dimensions are so possible, but this kind of thing is not realistic at all, even in the white night at this time, it is impossible to do it...

Chapter 183 The gods are amazed and return to the earth [1]

"Today I am a confession, but this matter is not over."

The beholder looked at Bai Ye angrily and said.

After talking about the beholder, he planned to leave. After all, at this time, he really had no chance of defeating Bai Ye, so retreating became his wisest choice.

Although the beholder has lost, he thinks that Bai Ye can't do anything to him. As a powerful creature of the multiverse level, if he wants to kill him, even if the five gods come, it is impossible.

However, at this time, Bai Ye said... "You think I will let you escape, so why do you think I am here this time?"

The power of chaos burst out from Bai Ye's body, and at the same time, the basket of two colors on his body, one green and one green, almost illuminated the dimension that originally belonged to the beholder.

Under the blessing of these three powers, the originally powerful magic has even more terrifying power, the blade of time and space, a kind of magic weapon based on the most basic magic.

But under the blessing of the power of chaos and the power of time and space, its properties have completely changed... "This is impossible..."

Looking at the blade in Bai Ye's hand that looked only three feet long, the beholder suddenly panicked.

Because he has already sensed danger from this blade, which is a kind of fear from the deepest heart... Bai Ye didn't talk too much nonsense, only to see that he was the blade in his hand with a fierce wave. , while the beholder in the distance seemed like a pebble was thrown into the otherwise calm lake.

Ripples of the beholder kept rippling on the beholder's body. Under the attack of Bai Ye, ignoring the distance, the beholder was shattered like a mirror..."Clang!"

A crisp sound resounded in this dimension, and there was no more beholder... he was unwilling, but after all, he was completely immersed in the quagmire of time and space.

That's right, Bai Ye really doesn't have the ability to completely kill the beholder, but he can kill the beholder to the multi-dimensional world.

Anyway... Bai Ye's purpose is only to make the beholder no longer... threaten the earth, so as long as the beholder is cut into the multiverse world, even if he is, he won't want to come back again. "No!"

At this time, the beholder also understood Bai Ye's purpose, but it was already too late, the battle was over, and he was finally a complete defeat, and he was still defeated by an opponent he had never faced.

How shocking the beholder's failure is. Almost at the same time that Bai Ye smashed the beholder into the multiple world, the bosses of the hell dimension suddenly felt it.

"how can that be"

From time to time, someone in the universe exclaimed.

......The universe is very large, so naturally it is impossible to have only a few strong people. Although the number is not too many, many of them are not weaker than the five gods in terms of combat power.

Annihilation, the last god after the birth of the big bang of the universe, is the smallest but the most powerful of the creation gods, and his power is beyond cognition.

But there are some similarities with the abstract existence of eternity, in general, there is no concrete phenomenon in the multiverse.

However, it is such a terrifying existence, and at this time, he is also amazed at what Bai Ye has done. It is too strong, and Bai Ye is really too strong.

Although he never killed the beholder, just banishing the beholder to the multiverse world was enough to amaze him.

"It's terrifying, he actually did it."

This is the sound of wonder that eternity utters.

In the beginning, Bai Ye just found Eternity. As the price for him to challenge the beholder alone, Bai Ye needed the five gods to resist other dark creatures that might appear.

But in this regard, Eternal is only holding an attitude of giving it a try. After all, he does not need to take action against the beholder himself, just to prevent a possible crisis. This kind of thing is nothing to Eternal.

However, he didn't expect Bai Ye to actually do it... Bai Ye is not arrogant, he knows exactly where his bottom line is, and he has no problem dealing with a beholder, but if he suffers from other beholders during this period If the creatures of the dark dimension attack, then he can protect himself, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat the beholder.

In fact, his cognition is very correct. The beholder is indeed powerful, which is a bit awkward. If it weren't for his ability to deduce the infinite original stone from the existence of the system, he would never have been able to defeat the beholder.

The value of [-] million is the trophy of Bai Ye's victory over the beholder. In fact, strictly speaking, Bai Ye's value is only [-] million, and he is not satisfied.

The beholder is too strong, so strong that he almost misses it, this is the first time Bai Ye has ever crossed.

However, the system also made an explanation. After all, Bai Ye didn't kill the beholder, but only cut him into the multi-dimensional world. Although he won and achieved the goal, the system's judgment of numerical values ​​is naturally less.

On the other hand, it was originally still: guarding this cosmic dimension and preventing the eternity of unknown creatures that may appear is also the situation of perceiving the beholder.

Even if it is one of the five creation gods, Eternal at this time is the first time showing a surprised expression.

Perhaps it is not accurate to say this, because the existence of eternity is completely different from human beings, and not only that, the planet devourer, death, and infinity are all the same.

They didn't have any hope for... Bai Ye could defeat the beholder, but now Bai Ye has actually done it... A few people can be sure that the universe will usher in a new chapter in the future, a real A powerful existence has appeared, and Bai Ye, who can defeat the beholder at this time, is already comparable to the five great gods.

Of course, the combat power between the five gods is also extremely disparate, at least between the strongest Annihilation and the weakest Planet Devourer, it is unknown how many Planet Devourers are separated.

Bai Yeyou still remembers that at some point, the Planet Devourer, one of the five gods, turned out to be a unit of measurement for combat... On the other hand, on the earth, Ultron's power is simply beyond that of the Avengers Their cognition, especially the kind of... pervasive and bizarre form that makes Tony feel extremely difficult.

For Tony, Ultron is the existence of Tianchuang. Strictly speaking, although Tony combines technology and magic, it is still a set of armor after all.

The operation of the armor is controlled by artificial intelligence, and Ultron is the strongest artificial intelligence. In the face of him, even Jarvis has been eroded to the point of being completely erased.

The battle situation has reached the most dangerous time. Facing the army of Ultron, the Avengers are in a dire situation... Lu

Chapter 184 Crazy Ultron [2]

The reason why Ultron is difficult to deal with is that he can disappear into the Internet at any time, and can disappear into any network-related world at any time.

In fact, strictly speaking, Ultron is not an entity, he is just an artificial intelligence.

But this is also the most troublesome, Ultron can evolve itself and generate self-adaptation.

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