Looking at Ronan standing in the same place exuding terrifying power, the two stars, Star Lord, let Ronan snatch the power gem once again.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Ronan roared in pain, this time he directly inlaid the power gem on his chest, and Star Lord and the others were finally powerless.

Seeing that Ronan was about to destroy everything, and at this moment, a sigh seemed to come from the abyss of the universe... "Hey!"

Bai Ye came out, and the broken mirror didn't care...

No matter how you restore it, it will still have cracks after all, and it will never be the same as before... Looking at the man in front of him, Ronan raised his hand and planned to kill him, and at this time he had the power gem. Also believe that you can do it.


With the blessing of power gems, Ronan's attack at this time was just a blow, and the surrounding buildings of Xandar star turned into powder in an instant.

However, at this time, a scene that made everyone terrified happened. The blow that was bound to be won did not cause any damage to the opponent... Looking at the fist still on his chest, Bai Ye He frowned slightly, and then just... slapped... "Crack!"

A crisp sound resounded in the air, but it was followed by a huge rumbling sound.

Seeing Ronan who was beaten and flew upside down, everyone's eyes suddenly widened... "I'll be good, this guy is so strong"

How powerful Ronan is. Everyone had a deep understanding just now, but it was Ronan who was crushed by the man in front of him.

Chapter 180 Killing the Beholder Begins


Ronan roared angrily, he couldn't accept that he would be slapped in the face even when he had the Infinity Stone.

"In this universe, nothing is impossible. You really think that if you have an infinite original stone, you will be invincible. If you don't become the current you, you will be at the level of a single universe at most."

Bai Ye's expression is indifferent, he has long ignored the existence of the single universe level. As a multiverse level boss, now except... those... how much control... Except for the dimensional boss of the universe, the rest are no different from ants in Bai Ye's eyes.

"Do not!"

Ronan struggled to stand up, he still didn't believe that he would be defeated by Bai Ye's hands, with his angry roar, the terrifying power also overflowed from the Infinity Stone and blessed Ronan.

The entire sky is purple and black, this is the power of the Infinity Stone, but at the same time, Ronan's body is beginning to have cracks, it seems that his physical strength is still far less than that of the Titan star man Thanos, and he can't bear the infinite The power of the original stone.


The purple light was like a long snake, tearing apart the earth constantly.

Howling, screaming, civilians running around in a panic, countless Xandar guards suspended in the air but powerless.

At this time, everything seems to be dependent on Bai Ye. Facing the power of the infinite original stone, the power of a single star is so insignificant. "Tsk tsk tsk, you are very good at playing."

Bai Ye glanced at Ronan disdainfully, and Ronan at this time was no different from an ant struggling desperately with its teeth and claws.

The same purple light was even more massive, it shattered Ronan's attack almost instantly, and not only that, the purple light shattered Ronan's body while shattering Ronan's attack.

As a result, there will be no surprises. Facing Bai Ye, Ronan has no power to fight back, even if he has the blessing of the power gem.

Although he was very unwilling, Ronan knew that he had completely lost... "How is this possible?"

Others don't know, how could Ronan, who controls the gem of power, not understand the meaning of the purple light? Watching Bai Yesheng's own chest dug the gem of power, Ronan finally fell to him. The curtain of life.

Bai Ye left, but he didn't take the power gem with him, because this thing had no effect on him at this time, he put it in a new box and threw it to Star Lord's second-hand.

"Did you see just now?"

While subconsciously taking over the treasure equipped with power, Star-Lord also asked in disbelief.

"I see, that kind of power is probably the same as that of the Infinity Stone, but it seems to be more powerful and more lethal."

Rocket Raccoon said with some uncertainty.

"Maybe he can kill him.

At this time, Gamora's eyes also had a flash of light....On the other side, Bai Ye had already returned to New York. At this time, he was thinking, hesitating, the Infinity Stones He has acquired five of the powers.

As for the last soul gem, although he knew that it was in Vormir, but to obtain it, he needed to sacrifice the person he loved the most.

This kind of thing is naturally impossible to do in Bai Ye, but there is no other way. The soul gem is very unique, not to mention the multiverse level, even if it is omniscient and omnipotent, it is difficult to easily get it.

"Is that all it takes for now?"

Bai Ye rubbed his eyebrows and said.

Then he directly used his ability to glance at Wanda and Diana, and when he saw that both of them were still studying magic seriously, his figure also disappeared in place... Somewhere in the center of the universe , Yong Yong received news from the coming white night, saying that he was ready and planned to go to the beholder.

"Eternal, are you sure he can really defeat the beholder?"

As one of the five gods, Planet Devourer said calmly.

"in spite of....

Whether he can do it, it's going to be a worthwhile endeavor, isn't it?"

"I think you should have seen how terrifying Bai Ye's growth is. At this time, he is probably not weaker than us. To be honest, I am very optimistic about Bai Ye."

"While he has great power, he can still maintain his original heart, which is very rare."

Eternally calm said.

And as his words fell, the other gods fell silent.

Dimension is a very illusory concept. If your own strength does not reach this level, then it is impossible for you to know how mysterious it is.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is the first time that Bai Ye has really seen Eternity itself. It is worth mentioning that Eternal is very different from a living body like Bai Ye. His body is actually an abstract materialization of a humanoid from the universe. .

The twisted and constantly changing face, the irregular hands, and even a light blue cape-like thing on his body.

Bai Ye once heard Gu Yi say that the power of eternity should be at the multiverse level, but he is a little different from the general multiverse level powerhouse. He can do a lot of things, and even in a sense has Beyond the average multiverse level powerhouse.

Seeing that his body was reduced to an eternity similar to his own, Bai Ye didn't say much, but pointed to the dark depths of the universe in front of him and said, "Entering from here is the world of the dark dimension."

"There, our enemies may not only be beholders, there are many powerful creatures trying to invade our world, and we may be attacked like never before."

Bai Ye looked serious, and he knew very well that as long as he stepped into the dark dimension, it was not something that ordinary people could bear, even if it was the eternity of the five gods.

"I'm glad you can clearly understand what we will face next. Since you already know the consequences, are you still going to enter it to kill the beholder?"

Eternally calmly looked at Bai Ye and said.

Hearing Eternal's words, Bai Ye also smiled slightly, and then only heard him say: "Of course..."

The dark dimension is the same as the universe where Bai Ye and others are located, and all kinds of huge planets like bacteria are densely packed together.

Bai Ye is very clear that behind these planets, there is likely to be a great horror hidden, but isn't he here for this? But this is the truth, just when Bai Ye and Eternal are exploring the traces of the beholder, A... huge creature like an octopus suddenly attacked them...

Chapter 181 The old ruler who no longer exists

The dimension where the beholder is located is one of the many dimensions of hell, and in order to get there, there are more than one hundred dimensions to pass through, and there are even more dark creatures living in it.

In the colorful world, all kinds of creatures are constantly floating in it, and many of them have launched an attack on the white night and eternity.

Of course, these... Creatures that act only by instinct are naturally impossible to harm Bai Ye and Eternity, and the two of them can easily obliterate these creatures with just a single thought.

"Okay, according to the agreement, I will go from here to prevent the sneak attack of life in the hell dimension. As for the beholder, the rest will be left to you."

Eternal looked at Bai Ye with a serious look and said.

Hearing Eternal's words, Bai Ye also nodded. His agreement with Eternal was to deal with the beholder by himself. As for Eternal and other gods, it was necessary to prevent the life of hell dimension from eroding this dimension.

Looking at the eternal departure, Bai Ye's figure also slowly merged into the void.

On the other hand, when Bai Ye appeared again, he was already in a world that could be called darkness.

The colorful world with an obvious black theme gives people a feeling of depression just by looking at it. In the original timeline, the beholder is the culprit who killed the ancient one and Doctor Strange.

And it is worth mentioning that, in fact, it is not the first time that the beholder has dealt with the earth. He once dealt with the barbarian king Conan, and was defeated by the Hebrew god Krom using the beholder iron book many times. .

However, as the saying goes, one bite grows one's wisdom, and the beholder who has failed many times has also learned to be smart. He understands that if he only relies on his own strength to invade a world that is constantly guarded by strong men, then There are too many variables, even if he is immortal, but the taste of failure is really uncomfortable.

The beholder is still thinking, still: planning, he wants to take over the entire dimension of the earth and the earth after everything is complete.

However, when he was still: planning, Bai Ye found him first... Looking at the beholder with a huge size but always like a huge octopus, Bai Ye raised his hand and easily cut off one of his tentacle.


Suddenly attacked, the beholder also let out an angry roar, and the surrounding space was constantly rippling because of his relationship, giving people a feeling that it would be broken at any time.

"Looks like you're not as powerful as your mouth says, oh, yes, you don't have a mouth at all."

Bai Ye's successful attack also lost the opportunity to pursue the victory, so he tried to provoke the beholder with words, so that he could not keep calm.

"It's you Bai Ye, how dare you come to my world."

The huge one-eyed pupil is full of resentment, and a beholder is a beholder after all. If he is so easy to deal with, then he is not worthy of making Bai Ye so vigilant.

"I said I'd come to you, and now that I'm here, beholder, that's it for you."

Under Xuanao's handprint, there is a golden magic circle dancing in Baiye's hands, and the surrounding stars also begin to burst.

The powerful force destroys the surrounding one, whether it is the stars or those... the life of the dark dimension, but within the range that the white night can see, everything is turned into powder.


Of course, the beholder is not a weak one. I saw that his one-eyed and huge pupil also emitted a strange light, and at this moment, Bai Ye suddenly felt as if someone had been bombarded with a heavy hammer in his mind. Suddenly became a little groggy.

Mental attack, this is the beholder's specialty, according to the original timeline, the beholder only defeated the ancient one and Doctor Strange with his own power.

And it is worth mentioning that when this product came to earth, it chose the ancient one as its own container.

As a supreme mage, Gu Yi naturally doesn't need to say more about how strong she is. She has guarded the earth for so many years and has defeated many powerful beings.

Before Bai Ye was born, the ancient one can be said to be... the most powerful existence on earth.

However, even so, with the addition of the more talented Doctor Strange, the two of them failed to defeat the beholder under the joint effort, and the horror of the beholder is evident.

Of course, that was what was supposed to happen, and now that the night has come, it is all over.

Countless mysterious magics are endless in Bai Ye's hands, and time and space have directly become Bai Ye's playthings. The beholder is very strong, but Bai Ye is also not weak.

"I'll make you regret it."

The beholder was suppressed, but he did not retreat. This is his world, his dimension, and he is the only master here.

The tentacles that were huge enough to smash the planet were constantly waving, and the terrifying power that was so terrifying exploded from the beholder in an instant.

At this time, time has no meaning. As an existence beyond time, the beholder has completely ignored the measurement unit of time.

The beholder's powerful sea is more than that. While his one eye emits a strange light, the surrounding space is also a little too right.

"In my dimension, everything here will only be under my control. Today you say you will die here, even if you are a multiverse."

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