Whether it was the Yongdu party or the Star Lord, they all immediately pulled out their weapons, making them seem like a group at this time.

"I'll only say it once. I don't like people pointing weapons at me. If you put it down now, then I can pretend that nothing happened."

Bai Ye said lightly.

As for him who already exists in the multiverse, at this time, the group of Yongdu is like ants who are showing their teeth and claws towards the giant dragon.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Yongdu's subordinates immediately became angry, but when they were about to take action, Yongdu hurriedly stopped them... "Stop."

At this time, Yongdu's forehead was covered with sweat, and everyone didn't know why he did this, but because of Yongdu's prestige, everyone still obediently put down their weapons.


Seeing Yongdu's appearance, Bai Ye also smiled and said, "You know me"

As interstellar hunters, their news can be said to be the most well-informed in the entire universe. Except for the multiverse, which can know everything in the universe in an instant, there is no one else who can compare the rest. They are better informed.

Bai Ye, from the earth, has the lowest strength above the single universe, and has a more arbitrary personality. Simply put, it is moody.

This is the widely circulated information about the powerhouses that cannot be offended in the interstellar hunter circle, and Bai Ye is among them impressively.

Yongdu was stunned, but at this time, the news of the success of the system also came from Bai Ye's side. Looking at Yongdu who hurriedly retreated, Star-Lord, who didn't understand what happened, began to provoke Bai Ye. ......"Put down the things in your hand, be good, or be careful that my toy will punch a few holes in your body."

Xing-Lord was doing something weird while talking, and seeing him like this, Bai Ye couldn't help it anymore... Lu

Chapter 178 The Guardians of the Galaxy

Star-Lord felt that his brain was flooded before he took the initiative to provoke Bai Ye. He felt that his whole body was in great pain, and Star-Lord felt that he was about to die.

But fortunately, the only consolation is that Bai Ye didn't take the cosmic spirit ball when he left.

Looking at the cosmic spirit ball in his hand, which is equivalent to a white bill, Star-Lord also showed a proud smile... And when Star-Lord left the star, several ships were even larger and full of violence at first sight. Aesthetic battleships also appeared.

Under the purple skin, there are dark eyes, and with the voice of his subordinates reporting that they had not found the target, Ronan also angrily smashed the table at hand... Xandar Star, a peace-loving and full of A vibrant planet, and the trading location set by Star-Lord and collectors is here.

Thinking that it won't take long for him to get a lot of money to be cool, Star Lord couldn't help but play the song in the repeater.

But unfortunately, because he was taught a lesson by Bai Ye, he was still in pain and couldn't dance.

However, when Star-Lord was walking on the bustling streets of Xandar, he suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from behind him.

Instinct drives Star-Lord to roll on the spot, and this is the moment he successfully escaped the catastrophe... Slim but full of strength, the beautiful face is even more trustworthy in the green skin There is an alternative to the ultimate beauty.

If there were no two daggers exuding cold light in the opponent's hands at this time, then everything would be perfect.

"Hand over it."

The beauty said in a very cold tone.

"Wow, what do you give my heart?"

Star-Lord's mouth is full of flowers, but his hands are not slack at all. The long-term adventure life is to let him not care...

Be vigilant in the face of anyone.

However, just when Star-Lord and the woman opposite him were about to make a move, a bomb exploded between them.

On the other side, Bai Ye calmly looked at all the things in front of him. In fact, he didn't really leave at the beginning, he was very interested in the collector.

Don't look at that job as if it was killed by Thanos, but it's not. The collector is actually a bunch of brothers with Gao Tianzun. Not only... has a long life, but also has other miraculous things.

One of them is that the ability to hide is extremely strong. Bai Ye knows that the collector is in a place of nothingness, but even a multiverse-level powerhouse like Bai Ye cannot find that place.

As its name suggests, the word nothing represents its extraordinaryness, so Bai Ye needs to use Star Lord to find that guy. As for what Bai Ye will do after finding him, the power of the bomb in the future is very much in control.

While blowing up Star-Lord and the others, it will not blow them up.


"This guy is not as hard to catch as legends, let's go Groot."

Brown fur, short body, but if you look down on it for that, you're going to suffer.

Rocket raccoon, the universe is so vast, the combination of raccoon and tree man can only be seen in this alien planet.

Looking at the rocket raccoon with an obvious smile on the corner of his mouth, Bai Ye's interest was also rarer and stronger.

However, the pride was only three seconds. When the smile of Rocket Raccoon was still hanging on his face, another bomb, obviously used to restrain the enemy, exploded... The prison of Xandar can be said to be in The number one can be sent in the universe, and the reason why Xandar will become the most peaceful planet in the nearby star field is inseparable from its unique prison system.

On Xandar, all violence is forbidden, no matter what...

What reason do you have, in Xandar you can only turn to the guards here and not do it yourself.

Obviously, no matter what...

Whether it was Star-Lord or Rocket Raccoon, they all violated this law.

And the result is also clear and clear, they were locked in the Xandar star's prison, listening to the constant shouting and provocative voices around, the grumpy Rocket Raccoon also bared his teeth.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the little guy is not big, but his temper is really not small."

His hands were tied by special handcuffs, and Star-Lord did not forget to spit out a few words, and it was at this moment that he felt his ass being kicked.

When he turned around, it was the green beauty who first started fighting with him.

"Wow, beauties, be careful, it won't do you any good if you kick me."

"By the way, my name is Quill, what's your name?"

Bai Ye didn't quite understand what was going on in Xing-Lord's mind. He had gotten to this point, and he didn't even forget to tease Gamora.

However, as several people were imprisoned, other annoying people, following the tradition of bullying newcomers, also came towards them.

"All stop."

Just when these....the old criminal was going to give Star-Lord and others a good look, a deep voice came to mind.

Looking at the man with mysterious patterns all over his body, Bai Ye also frowned unexpectedly.

Drax, nicknamed The Destroyer, because his wife and daughter died under the hands of Thanos, this fellow wanted to kill Thanos at this time.

In the movie, this guy may not be very powerful, but in the comics, this guy has personally caught the heart of Thanos.

Seeing each other with his own eyes at this time, Bai Ye frowned slightly, because he could feel a huge power from Drax.

The universe is... so magical, some races may not have outstanding strength, but they themselves have a very special power, and this power may be able to hurt higher-level existence... Next The matter is naturally very simple, the reason why Drax let the others stop is because he has recognized the identities of Star-Lord and others.

Especially Gamora, as Drax who made killing Thanos his life goal, how could he not recognize the people around Thanos, but to Drax's surprise, Gamora was planning to kill Thanos. , so several people have temporarily become an ally.

The next thing is simple, there is Rocket Raccoon, and Bai Ye also wants Star-Lord to go out early so that he can find the collector.

A series of prison escapes seemed to be very smooth, but just when the few people escaped the prison successfully, the outside world, in the sky above Xandar, Ronan's fleet had arrived at some point... Xandar Star's spaceship was constantly being shot down, but the Star Lords who were planning to run were suddenly stopped... Ronan, through many means, he also followed the clues to find here...

Chapter 179 Everyone is amazed

The dark and huge battleship was quietly suspended in the air, and Ronan, who was wearing a black robe, was also standing in the most conspicuous place.

Looking at Ronan, Star-Lord knew that something was going on.

"Hand over the spirit ball."

Ronan looked down at Star-Lord and others from a high above.

"Hey hey hey, how did you get on with Noonan?"

Rocket Raccoon looked at Star-Lord in confusion and said.

The reason why it and Groot attacked Star-Lord was because Yongdu offered a reward of [-] Cosmic Coins to capture Star-Lord alive.

But they didn't expect to meet Ronan here, knowing that Ronan's notoriety has already spread throughout the universe.

"Who knows, maybe it's because of that"

Star-Lord stretched his hand into his pocket as he spoke. When he escaped from prison just now, he had already brought back all his belongings, including the cosmic spirit ball.

Seeing the cosmic spirit ball in Star Lord's hand, Ronan's eyes also lit up, and then he waved his hand, and countless spaceships also flew out of the mothership.

Ronan's purpose is Xandaar, because of the peace agreement, he has always thought that the Kree people have fallen, and he tried to destroy the entire Xandar star to be the purest Kree star himself.

However, the Xandar star's guards are really not weak, if it is only by Ronan himself, there is absolutely no possibility of success, so he found Thanos.

Of course, Thanos won't help him destroy Xandar star in vain, the cosmic spirit ball is the price that Ronan needs to pay.

And it is worth mentioning that not long ago, Ronan also learned of the existence of an Infinity Stone in the cosmic spirit sphere.

With the help of Nebula and Gamora, you Ronan have been going smoothly all these years, and until today, he has been hindered by what he thinks is a little bit.

He already knew that there was an Infinity Stone in the cosmic ball, so he didn't plan to give it to Thanos but to use it himself.

When the time comes, let alone Xandar, even Thanos will not let it go.

Looking at Ronan and Nebula in front of him, Gamora's heart was full of mixed feelings, but Drax seemed to be on a stimulant, because his wife and daughter were killed by Ronan himself, although the person behind him It's Thanos, but killing Ronan has always been his long-cherished wish.

The battle is about to break out, and Ronan is also robbing time. If he can't get the Infinity Stone as soon as possible, when the Xandar star's guards react, then everything will be too late.

Ronan, who was holding a hammer-shaped cane, was extremely powerful, and in just a few encounters, Star-Lord and the others were beaten without the ability to fight back.

Their battles went from the ground to the air, and the few Star Lords who wanted to use the spaceship to escape from here did not catch the mothership alive after failing to break through again and again.

The cosmic spirit ball finally fell into Luo's hands, and all the same plot as the original timeline finally happened... Looking at all this, Bai Ye didn't make a move, and after passing through his own variable, Will the ending of Guardians of the Galaxy still be the same as before?

Frigga is right, the rules are... the rules, maybe because of my relationship, some things have been changed, but if I don't continue to shoot, the power of the rules will try its best to restore everything to the original appearance. .

Ronan did have some strength. When facing Star-Lord and others, he was almost completely crushed, and after his roar, Ronan finally obtained the power of the Infinity Stone.

The purple ball of light mixed with thick black smoke was constantly flying. Ronan let out a heart-piercing roar, and his whole body seemed to be eroded by the purple light.

The power gem, if it does not have a strong body to use as a container, it will be killed by the power it contains even the moment you touch it.

After a short period of time, Ronan also embedded the power gem in the hammer-shaped cane in his hand, and he finally obtained the power he dreamed of. At this time, he felt like a god..." kill!"

Ronan shouted excitedly.

At this time, in his eyes, let alone Xandar, even if Thanos was in front of his eyes, he would not care.

Unprecedented power swelled his heart, and it actually made him feel like I was number one in the world.

And it was at this time that Yondu appeared, and the battle situation became confusing again.

"Marauders, Xandar Guard, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ronan's Dark Star Fleet."

"Is everything back on track?"

On the side, Bai Ye stood with his hands behind his back. He has not made a move until now. He is thinking, thinking about what the power of the rules is. The timeline that should have been completely disrupted by him now has a faint meaning of returning to its origin.

The embarrassing dance fight, you can never imagine what the two dudes of Star Lord were thinking. Just when Bai Ye thought that this incident would end as before, the accident happened again... ..I don't know if it was because of the power of the power gem that Ronan didn't die as it should have happened.

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