As Bai Ye indifferently left a sentence, his figure also disappeared in place, and looking at Malekes who was still on the ground, the Avengers glanced at each other..." It's over"

Just now, Malekis and the others have a deep understanding of how powerful they are. Yes, although everyone did not lose, they were indeed suppressed.

"Otherwise, who do you think he is?"

It was Tony who was speaking. He was the one who knew Bai Ye the most among the Avengers, but he was obviously not in a good mood at this time. As Bai Ye said, his strength was completely in the face of the Heavenly Father level. Nothing works.

New York is still the same... New York, because of the relationship between White Night, New York, which should have been a scorched earth at this time, did not even change in the slightest.

With the lifting of the alarm..., everyone in New York City returned to a peaceful life again, and Malekith was also taken away by Thor and Loki, saying that he was going to use his head. Tribute to their mother.

At the same time, Bai Ye was sitting on a dead tree that had decayed to the extreme but still did not fall, surrounded by two-legged creatures that looked like rats and kept running.

Bai Ye was in a very bad mood, so he planned to find something to cheer him up, and no doubt, the one below... wears a red cape, has an ancient repeater on his waist, and kicks these things at will... ......."mouse"

The guy became his fun.

Star-Lord, a product of the combination of gods and human beings, a second-hand person who did not bring an umbrella and was poured into his brain by the rain.

Looking at him, for some reason, Bai Ye's mood suddenly improved.

"I remember this is the place where the original power stone is stored, let me think about it, how am I going to trick this guy?"

Bai Ye showed a narrow smile, and in an instant, he came up with countless ways to trick Star-Lord, but on the other hand, Star-Lord had no idea that he was being targeted by some terrifying and bad guy... ..lou

Chapter 176 Cosmic Spirit Ball

On the other side, Star-Lord was still listening to the song completely ignorantly, kicking the mice from time to time.

He was hired this time, and it is worth mentioning that Star-Lord did not know what he was going to steal at this time.

Cosmic Spirit Ball, this is the name of the target that Star-Lord has known so far. He only knows that there is a buyer who paid a lot of money for this thing, and even the coordinates are given by the other party.

As Star-Lord took out something similar to a master key from his pocket, the door that looked extremely heavy also opened in response.

"Kacha Kaza..."

It was the sound of the dusty door opening, and Star-Lord, who was standing on the other side, smiled.

Bai Ye looked at Xingjue and smiled like an idiot. He really couldn't bear to tell this guy that he could walk in directly from the side.

And what is worth mentioning, this guy doesn't know if it's really stupid or fake, he actually started dancing right outside the door, and his mouth is even more five-tone:,,, incompletely singing the song he thought was very good .

"La la la..."

Star-Lord danced and hummed a song, and then walked in.

There is a spherical object placed in the cage with extremely high temperature, and this object is... Star Lord's target, a rare thing called the cosmic spirit ball.

On the other side, Bai Ye, who was hiding in the void, saw the cosmic spirit ball, and his eyes also burst into light.

The light blue beam has a very high temperature. If it weren't for a special material, it would be impossible to withstand such a high temperature, and Star-Lord seems to have already prepared for this.

After watching Star-Lord take out something like a mechanical hand and put it into the cage, the mechanical hand immediately turned red.

The process was very smooth, and Star-Lord managed to get the Cosmos Spirit Ball almost without any hindrance.

"La la la, yeah, yeah, yeah..."

With the Cosmic Spirit Stone in his hand, Star Lord hummed again, looking at his ill-fated appearance, Bai Ye almost couldn't hold back and went out to teach him how to be a man.

However, just when Bai Ye squinted his eyes and planned to teach some Star-Lord how to behave, there were guests outside.

"Boom rumble..."

This is the sound of the spaceship engine, and there is more than one spaceship coming.


Udonta, a professional star hunter, and an excellent one... It is worth mentioning that the original Star Lord was... raised.

But later, for some reason, Star-Lord flew alone, and this also led to what happened later.

At this time, Yondu came to teach Star-Lord how to be a man, "Quil, I know you are in there, your father is here."

Following Yondu's loud voice, Bai Ye, who was beside him, also laughed shyly.

On the other side, the immersed Star Lord was stunned, and even the cosmic spirit ball in his hand fell to the ground without knowing it.

"Damn, why is he here?"

Star-Lord's eyes widened. He really didn't expect Yondu to appear here at this time. Originally, according to his plan, he should take the cosmic ball to the collector at this time. .

"call out...!!"

This was the sound of a hand cannon being fired, and as the sound fell, the originally heavy stone gate suddenly vibrated violently.

"Quail, I repeat, Dad is here, get me out."

Yongdu repeatedly bombarded Shimen with the weapon in his hand.

"Whoa, whoa, stop it, stop it, I'll come out right now."

I don't know how many years this place has been established, and it can't stand an attack like Yondu.

Looking at Xing-Lord, who was walking slowly with his hands raised in the mask, the corners of Yongdu's mouth also rose slightly, but just when his subordinates were about to capture Xing-Lord, a violent explosion suddenly occurred around him.

"Haha, you still want to arrest me, don't you know that I am the famous Star Lord?"

While laughing loudly, Quill quickly flew in the direction of his hidden spaceship, and at this time, Bai Ye, who was hidden in another dimension, also shot... Cosmos Spirit Ball I don't know when it became illusory, as if the space was fluctuating. Of course, Anguier, who was busy fleeing, didn't notice it at all.

On the other side, Yondu, who had recovered from the explosion, was also annoyed. He whistled softly. At the same time, behind him, something like a crossbow flew up. ......The arrow flew very fast, and even it seemed to have a spirituality to avoid many obstacles, and occasionally the kind that could not be avoided, the arrow actually penetrated the past instantly, even the other party. It's the same with hard rock.

Seeing this scene, Quilton was also in a panic. For his adoptive father, he naturally knew what he was capable of. This arrow was his housekeeping skills. With this hand, Yongdu became the top Star Hunter.

Quill was flying frantically into the distance, seeing that he was about to reach the place where he hid the spaceship, but he suddenly felt a few violent swaying under his feet.

It turned out that the arrow turned out to be an aircraft that completely penetrated Quill's legs... Quill who lost the aircraft naturally lost the ability to dodge the arrows, but he was also very smart and chose directly. Give up struggling.

Looking at the arrows flying around him, Quill raised his hands high and said loudly: "Wow, wow, don't get excited, I won't run away, look after your little friend, don't let him stab him. I."

"Run, Quill, let me see where you can get."

Yondu smiled smugly, and the people who followed him also laughed smugly.

"Haha, Quill, didn't you think you'd have today?"

"Boss, do you want me to kill him?"

One of Yondu's subordinates said excitedly.

It is estimated that when Quill was with them before, Quill made fun of them, so when they saw Quill was caught, everyone was immediately excited.

"Wait a minute, I have to inspect the goods first."

Yongdu said lightly.

In fact, Bai Ye is also very puzzled when he sees this. I'm afraid this fellow Yongdu treats Xing-Lord as his own son. Otherwise, he has many opportunities to kill Xing-Lord, but he has never made a move.

Even now, when his subordinates were about to take action against Xing-Lord, he still stopped him. Could it be that this guy really loves Xing-Lord, and Bai Ye will naturally not show up at this time, because there is a cosmic spirit ball. The power gem in , is already in his hands at this time, and at this time he is already analyzing the power of the gem...

Chapter 177 The existence that cannot be offended

In fact, Star-Lord is very strong. At least if it is only facing Yongdu, Star-Lord is completely capable of escape. Don't forget, Star-Lord is a real demigod.

in spite of....

Whether it is strength or physical strength, he is far more than Yongdu and others.

Don't look at Yondu's blue color, except... whistling is amazing, the rest is really not worth mentioning, Bai Yeyou still remembers that the things on Yondu's head are being removed After that, he almost became a waste.

Seeing that Yondu took out the cosmic spirit ball from Quill's pocket, Quill's expression also became ugly, but he did not make any action at this time. After all, he tried it just now. The spirit ball can't be opened at all.

Yes, the cosmic spirit ball can't be opened, the cage with laser is said to be protection, in fact, this thing in front of you is the real protection, if there is no special method, the power gem is not so easy to get.

"Quil, as I said, as a star hunter, you still have a lot to learn."

After Yondu finished speaking, he raised the cosmic spirit ball in his hand and said, "Compared with you haven't opened this thing yet, you will also have something that you can't open,"

Yondu smiled as if a father reprimanded his son.

As Yondu's words fell, the men behind him also took out an instrument, and when Yondu put the cosmic spirit ball on the instrument, a miracle happened..." Kacha, Kacha. …”

With the bursts of crisp sounds, the cosmic spirit ball, which was completely unresponsive in Quill's hand, actually began to spin continuously, and then followed by a "click"

With a sound, the universe spirit ball was actually opened... "This..."


Yondu and his subordinates made an unbelievable voice at the same time, and the Star-Lord on the side did the same. He also stared at the incredible scene in front of him with wide eyes.

Dead mouse, the thing in the cosmic spirit ball turned out to be a dead mouse... "The other party paid such a big price for a dead mouse"

Star-Lord said with some difficulty in execution.

On the other side, when he heard Xing-Lord's words, Yongdu suddenly became furious. He whistled softly, and the arrow that was originally in Yongdu's hands flew up again, and in the blink of an eye It flew directly in front of Star-Lord.

"How dare you play me"

At this time, Yongdu was really angry, he thought the dead mouse was a prank by Star-Lord.


Hearing Yondu's words, Star Lord was also stunned.

It's good, I can't argue, things are taken from him, if you want to tell Yongdu that it has nothing to do with you, then you will believe it, maybe even if you don't believe it, "So what, will it be You're not playing right, do you want to try again?"

In order to avoid Yongdu's rage, Star-Lord said cautiously.

It's good that Star-Lord didn't speak, but Yondu was even more irritated... "Quier, you've really grown up to even dare to play such tricks on me."

Yondu was very angry, the consequences were very serious, and seeing the arrow about to pierce into Quill's body, Quill also hurriedly screamed and said: "Hey, hey, don't get excited, I really don't know how this is going on. One thing, or you're closing it and opening it again"

Quill holding his hands high is very funny, but at this time Yondu can't listen to Star-Lord's words at all, but just when Yondu doesn't know if it's true or not, he is just about to stab the arrow into Quill's body. , The men behind Yongdu suddenly spoke up... "Boss, look at..."

Looking at the other party's voice, in the cosmic spiritual sphere that was closed and opened again by Yongdu's men, there was unexpectedly a dazzling purple light bursting out.

The original power stone actually appeared at this time... Seeing this scene in front of him, both Yondu and Quill's eyes widened, and when the power rough stone was fully revealed, Quill murmured. "I'll just say, it must be the wrong way for you to open it."

The power stone is very beautiful, and it seems to contain infinite mystery under the purple light. However, just when Yongdu was about to reach out to take it, a white hand suddenly stretched out from the space and grasped the power stone. At the same time, a voice suddenly sounded... "Sorry, something happened just now, I need to borrow it for a few more minutes."

Bai Ye was speechless. He thought that the system had been analyzed just now, but who knew that the system was only halfway through the analysis. But this is no wonder Bai Ye, if you want to blame it, you can only blame Xingjue, who is really too much. I couldn't help but want to look at him a few more times, but I didn't notice the point where the system hasn't fully calculated.

"Who are you"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the white night, no matter what...

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