"My lord, there is absolutely nothing wrong, this is the earth, but we have not found any trace of ether particles for the time being, and we don't know if the guys from God's Domain are deceiving us."

Hearing the words of his own tribe, Malekith also showed a disdainful smile. For him, he didn't care whether Thor was deceiving himself.

Anyway... it doesn't take long to deal with such a backward planet. If the other party really deceived him, then after solving this planet, he doesn't mind destroying a world in God's Domain first.

With the projection of Malekith illuminating the sky above, everyone in the Avengers finally knew why they came.

But to everyone's surprise, what is the etheric particle? When did it come to the earth? Malekes deserves to believe in the existence of killing, only after ten minutes of broadcasting and no answer, he ordered his troops to start Attacked.

The same familiar scene reappeared, and even many areas that had not recovered from the previous destruction were once again devastated.

"Did Tony hear that, activate the emergency plan immediately, the main ship is up to you, let's do the rest, try to drag the other party in this block, don't expand the battle circle."

Seeing that the other party took the initiative to attack, Captain America also hurriedly spoke to others through the intercom.

You can never believe what a potential race human beings are. After the last war, in order to prevent this scene, all countries are actively preparing for war.

Especially the U.S. emperors who have obtained the appearance technology, they have developed a terrifying killing weapon.

There are turret-shaped objects rising constantly above the countless high-rise buildings, and with the order of Rogers, these turrets also spit out countless blue light... ...At the same time, a kilometer away, Hawkeye Patton is controlling a weapon that is somewhat similar to an anti-equipment sniper rifle but is completely different. The reason for this is that this weapon has no magazines.

As the blue light flashed by, the name of the eagle eye really lived up to its reputation, because 11 kilometers away, three battleships in the shape that were connected side by side were penetrated at the same time..." !"

The shrill sound of breaking the sky continued to sound, and the alien battleships in the sky were also constantly falling. The Hulk roared angrily, and he kept jumping above the battleships.

And every time he beats, the dark elf's alien warship will inevitably fall... Lu

Chapter 174 The Appearance of Bai Ye, the Sad Dark Elf 【Seeking Complete Order】

"My lord, these...the aborigines are so annoying, they have to use the cursed troops"

Beside Malekith, a dark elf said respectfully.

And with Malekith's nod, the dark elf also began to turn around and retreat.

The black crystalline objects were crushed in the hands of some dark elves, and these... dark elves also turned into monsters burning red light in an instant.

It was at this time that the Avengers, who had been on the upper hand, began to feel the pressure, and loopholes began to appear in the emergency plan to defend against alien threats.

The earth was shaking, and with the appearance of the cursed troops, the battle situation was also turned..."Bang!"

With a loud noise, Captain America, who was holding a vibranium shield, was also directly hit by a cursed elf far away.

On the other side, as one of the main output combat power, the Hulk also encountered a cursed elf about his size, and the opponent even briefly suppressed the Hulk in terms of strength.


An angry roar resounded over New York City, and after the blessing of the cursed spar, the dark elves completely controlled the initiative.

Of course, the Avengers are not all suppressed, at least Tony is killing the Quartet at this time.

As an eye-catching person in the white night, with the double blessing of magic and technology, Tony at this time really looks like a true god has descended.

"Boom boom boom..."

The magic armor spit out terrifying rays of light, and he even installed the skill of the magician to travel through space on the armor.

With Jarvis' precise calculations, Tony did the most damage to the Dark Elves in the shortest amount of time.

"Tony, this is not the way to go. If you can't solve the other party as soon as possible, New York will be completely over."

After all, Captain America has no more armor than Tony, although he has been strengthened by serum, but in such a high-intensity battle, he is about to reach his limit.

On the other hand, Bai Ye, who was in his own home, really didn't know what was going on in the outside world. His mansion had been covered with magic, not to mention that outside voices could not enter the house, just talking about his current situation, He was no longer allowed to be too distracted to the outside world.

Reality gem, as the most one of the six rough stones, its benefit to Bai Ye is also the biggest at present.

The deduction of the point system, which cost a huge amount of five million, was completed.

Looking at the various objects that are constantly floating in his hands, who would have thought that these... are all out of thin air created by Bai Ye's own imagination and the same power as the real original stone. But only true gods can do that.

"What am I now under the omniscience and omnipotence of the multi-dimensional universe"

Bai Ye was so confused for the first time, at this time, he could feel that his power was greatly improved again, but he did not reach the dimension of omniscience and omnipotence.

However, just when Bai Ye was exploring what kind of situation he had now, in his mind, a message from Frigga suddenly came.

At the same time, in Asgard, the realm of the gods, Thor hugged Frigga's corpse and cried bitterly, and Loki beside him was also very sad.

"Well, it's her own choice, and you should be proud of her."

In fact, strictly speaking, this time the dark elves invaded the realm of the gods, Odin can be said to be deliberately indulging.

Of course, this is not without reason. As Frigga's lover, Frigga has almost nothing to hide from him, not only...told him all the conversations with Bai Ye, even His own death was also spoken in the same way.

At first Odin refused, telling Frigga that he would even give his life for her.

But later Frigga successfully persuaded Odin with her wisdom, so this scene happened.

Seeing Thor stand up full of anger, Odin wanted to speak, but as a father, he really didn't know what to say about this matter.

"This is my mother's own wish, I follow her choice, and I don't blame your father."

"But I have to obey my wishes now, and I will destroy the dark elves with my own hands..."

The angry Thor and Loki left, and they also went to Earth, but while they were still there: When the rainbow bridge was teleported, the white night in New York was looking at Frigga peacefully... "Is this your choice? The road is yours. I don't judge by taste, but don't try to influence my actions, or you won't be able to bear the consequences."

Bai Ye is not the Virgin, but he is also not a devil, I respect your choice not to interfere with you, but you can't interfere with me either.

Seeing Frigga's figure gradually dissipating, Bai Ye understood that she was completely dead, but because of this, he no longer had the mood to continue exploring.

After Bai Ye withdrew from the kind of...exploratory focus, he knew about the outside world in an instant.

And Bai Ye, who was in a bad mood, disappeared into the room in an instant.

Outside, even with the reinforcement of S.H.I.E.L.D., today's New York is completely in ruins. The dark elves are so powerful that even the Avengers are a little desperate.

Even Tony, who had been slaughtering the Quartet, was defeated after Malekes made his move. As Bai Ye said at the beginning, in the face of the existence of the Heavenly Father, his armor was useless at all. .

"Submit to me!"

Malekith was suspended in the air, and below him were the wounded Avengers.

"Don't think about it."

This is what Rogers said. He has never surrendered to anyone but freedom in his life. He cannot be made to bow down to a powerful force. You can kill him, but you cannot enslave him.

"Hehe, it's just a group of humble ants. Since you don't surrender, then you should die."

The existence of the Heavenly Father-level peak is enough to crush everything on the earth, of course, if Bai Ye is not there.

With a flash of red light.

New York, which had been in ruins, was completely restored to its original state.

And seeing this scene, not to mention the Avengers, even Malekith was stunned.

Aether, Malekith knew very well that only aether could do this, and that was something he didn't know until he became a heavenly father.

Bai Ye carried his hands on his back, and walked straight to the sky as if going up a ladder step by step. It was only in front of Malekes that Bai Ye stopped and said, "Kneel down..."

Chapter 175 Kneel down [Please complete order]

The appearance of Bai Ye was beyond Malekith's prediction. He had no idea that such a terrifying existence would appear in a place that seemed primitive to him like the Earth.

But it doesn't matter, Malekith doesn't care, he has his own cards and can completely defeat any existence.

The terrifying power was surging out, and Malekith actually showed the strength of the peak level of the Heavenly Father at this time.

The space is distorting, at this time he can even easily destroy the earth with one punch.

"You make me kneel"

Malekith roared with a twisted face.

On the other side, when he saw Malekith's appearance, Bai Ye didn't say anything and just... slapped him on the face... "Crack!"

The crisp voice was recalled in the sky above New York. In the incomparable shock of Tony and others, Bai Ye raised his right hand again..."Pop!"

There was another crisp sound, and at the same time, it was accompanied by Bai Ye's disdainful voice for Malekith: "I'm not in a good mood. Say it one last time, kneel down."

If it was said that the defeat to Odin made Malekith extremely angry, then he was about to explode at this time.

A terrifying power burst out from the depths of his soul, and Malekith, who was already furious to the extreme, was completely ready to go.

On the other side, looking at Malekith whose strength is constantly rising, Bai Ye didn't care at all. At this time, he only saw him stretch out his right hand and slammed it, and then the red light instantly hit Malekith directly. The fleet has turned into balloons for children to play with.

Just a few minutes ago, these... were still majestic, and the fleet that even crushed the Avengers was over. Facing the white night, they seemed to have become a group Like a swarm of ants.

He raised his hand to restore the entire New York that had been in ruins, and wiped out all the invading fleets with a wave of his hand. He had finally reached his limit. He who was originally only at the Heavenly Father level turned out to have a single universe level at this time.

Feeling the vast power that he had never felt in his body, Malekith floated again... "I will kill all of you, I will make you sink forever, I will make this world cry , I want to completely annihilate this planet, I want to..."


It was still the crisp sound, but this time Malekes was really stunned, knowing that he even felt that he could kill a universe now.

"Things like idiots, even you dare to imitate others to invade"

As Bai Ye's words fell, accompanied by a series of voices, Malekes, who had a single universe level, was like a son beaten by his father, and he was completely powerless to fight back.


With Malekith from the air, a huge pothole was also smashed out of the solid road.

However, Malekith didn't care at all at this time, instead, he murmured motionlessly in the pothole: "How is this possible?"

The colorful light comes again, this is the rainbow bridge of Asgard sending people over again.

Before the light dissipated, Bai Ye heard Thor's angry voice... "Dark elves, get out of here."

Looking at Thor and Loki who were waiting for them, Bai Ye rolled his eyes and stretched out his right hand.

Although Bai Ye didn't know how Malekes managed to forcibly ascend to the single-universe level at the Heavenly Father level, this did not prevent him from accepting his points.

Feeling that the power in his body was being stripped, Malekith finally reacted... "No..."

Following Malekith's shrill roar, Bai Ye had no intention of letting him go, as he had already said at the beginning, he was in a very bad mood at this time.

"Get 561 points."

With the sound of the system, Malekith's mood became even worse. How can I say that this thing is now a single universe-level existence, why is it even worse than the apocalypse? Maybe he sensed the white night. The system also said lightly: "Malekes's power is not his, but the protection of a certain ancient god. This power has great limitations, and for the host, it can't be formed at all. any threat."

Hearing the system's words, Bai Ye was even more speechless. At this time, he was even interested in killing Malekith. Killing this kind of guy would simply get his hands dirty.

"It's over to you."

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