This is not an air of Bai Ye, nor is it a compliment, but a fact, perhaps only Odin in the whole of Asgard knows that Heldam's eyes can see through the entire universe, the god of dawn, his reputation is well-deserved... ... The next thing is naturally very simple, with Bai Ye's shot, the ether particles that Odin can do nothing, turn out to be well-behaved like a docile kitten.

After seeing the ether particle wrapping around his hand in a tangled manner, Thor was also excited and ran over to hold Jane to check.

Naturally, it would be no problem if Bai Ye shot everything, and on the other hand, Bai Ye, who had obtained ether particles, had no intention of staying in the realm of the gods.

But just when Bai Ye was about to return to the ground, Thor's mother, Frigga, suddenly came in... "Respected existence, can I talk to you alone?"

Frigga's attitude was extremely respectful, which made it difficult for Bai Ye to refuse, so after he nodded, the two also went to a place similar to a reception room.

The reason why Frigga wanted to talk to Bai Ye was actually very simple. As probably the wisest person in the Divine Domain, she was very interested in Bai Ye, a very special existence.

Following the conversation between the two, Frigga also showed great wisdom, which also led Bai Ye to say a lot of things that should have happened but didn't happen because of his relationship.

After listening to Bai Ye's words, Frigga looked at Bai Ye in shock and said, "You are modifying the history and the future. Such an approach is undoubtedly a violation of the rules."

Frigga's expression was very surprised. In her opinion, the existence of Bai Ye's level should obey the rules of the universe more, after all, there are too many facts involved.

However, Bai Ye didn't feel the slightest cold about Frigga's words, and only listened to him saying with a constant expression: "The general situation in the future will not be changed."

"Of course, what should happen in the future will still happen, even including your death, and these things will not change in any way."

"As for the rules you mentioned, that kind of thing is actually just a toy of the five gods. The vastness of the universe is far beyond your cognition and imagination. When you can stand in a high enough dimension, you will understand, In fact, there is no such thing as rules.”

Bai Ye is telling the truth, he has seen the eternity of one of the five gods, and naturally he understands some hidden rules that are not known in this universe.

In fact, the so-called rules and regulations are nothing more than the game of gods. When you are strong enough to "play" with them

If you don't understand what the rules are, it's not up to you to make them. If Frigga doesn't understand Bai Ye, it's the same as if she doesn't understand Bai Ye's existence. The life form of the double hair is different. Jia is already a god.

But compared with Bai Ye, then Frigg is not a mortal who sees Frigg who is thinking. After thinking about it, Bai Ye said lightly: "If you don't want to die, then I can also modify it for you. That given reality."

Bai Ye is not joking, as long as Frigga speaks, he really intends to save Frigga's life, after all, there are not many people with brains these days.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Frigga also fell into contemplation, there is no doubt about the preciousness of life, especially her own life, but most normal people would not take the initiative to give up.

But Frigga was different, she was a witch, and she saw and knew far more than other people.

She is weighing, weighing whether her life is really more important than the rules.

Bai Ye didn't urge him, he knew how difficult this simple choice would be for Frigga.

After a long time, Frigga seemed to have made a decision, only to see the same look in her eyes, and then slowly said: "No, since that is my future, then I will naturally accept it calmly."

Hearing Frigga's words, Bai Ye also squinted his eyes slightly, only to see that he left God's Domain without saying much behind his eyebrows frivolous... Lu

Chapter 172 Different paths, compromises and changes 【】

Bai Ye thought Frigga would be smarter, but in the end it seemed that she had let herself down. After all, the level of life she stood on was different, so she never thought about it. In fact, the so-called rules are only for higher-dimensional beings. Just a toy.

Bai Ye didn't say it clearly, and he didn't bother to say it clearly. After all, everyone walks their own path, and he can open a shortcut for you appropriately, but since you don't want to go, Bai Ye won't force it.

On the other hand, Jane has finally recovered her health because Bai Ye has taken away the ether particle.

However, when Thor was chatting with Jian Qingqing, the outside world, with a huge ray of light running through the sky, countless spaceships came directly to Asgard in the form of space jumps.

Enemy attack... Thor has forgotten when was the last time an enemy directly attacked Asgard, anyway... in his five thousand years, this kind of thing is really rare few.

As a family of self-proclaimed gods, the Aesir have never been afraid of any war.

And as the light from the spaceship shone on the land of Asgard, countless dark elves rushed out of it.

The dark elves, the race that was defeated by Odin a long time ago, once tried to use the power of ether particles to control the light and to plunge the entire nine worlds into the darkness of eternal scars.

But they failed because of Odin's father Bor, and as the leader of the dark elves, Malekith wasn't going to give up, and today, he's back again... screaming, desperate Shouting, countless people of Asgard are constantly fleeing, and behind them, the dark elves are killing people under the leadership of Malekith..."Thor... .."

Just when Thor, the god of thunder, just felt flustered but didn't know what was going on, the soldiers who originally followed him rushed in.

"Jane, just stay here and don't run around."

When Thor finished speaking, he still stretched out his right hand to make a pinching grip, and as Thor's Hammer pierced the sky and flew, Thor's body was once again covered with battle armor.

Countless rays of destruction are constantly destroying everything around them from these spaceships, and Asgard has fallen into chaos at this time.

Under the smoke of gunpowder, Asgard's army is also trying to fight back, but because the dark elves have a long-planned relationship, Asgard's army is almost in a one-sided situation.


The huge explosion sent dust flying, and with just one blow, Thor blasted away many dark elves.

With the addition of Thor, the entire battlefield has also changed. These... No matter how strong the dark elves are, they will not be Thor's opponents after all.


Following Thor's footsteps, countless Ard's troops rushed towards the dark elves.

The rays of light kept flashing in the air, the sea was also roaring furiously, and the thunder flashed in it. Asgard's counterattack finally began... "Sir, no trace of ether particles has been found."

On the other side, just as Asgard's army was fighting back, Malekith, the dark elf side, also appeared on the battlefield.

However, compared to when he was young, not only did he exude a dark and terrifying aura at this time, but his body also turned a little dark red.

"It doesn't matter, let them go on and let them kill. Today, I will make Odin fall, and I will repay him for everything his father did to me back then."

Malekith said indifferently.

But as his words fell, the people of the same race standing behind him also bowed and retreated.

War is cruel, especially for civilians. Countless spaceships occupied the sky, and the destruction ray blew almost all over the land of Asgard like no money.

At this moment, above the sky, the circles of gods are like the moon that has been magnified countless times. They exude strange fluctuations. It turns out that the reinforcements of the nine realms have arrived... As the core of the gods, As long as you pass the Rainbow Bridge, the Nine Realms will be able to assemble an astonishingly large army in an instant.

It was because of this that when Odin's father tried to use the ether particle in Malekith, he not only... robbed the ether particle, but even defeated the entire dark elves with a surprise soldier.

Seeing that the original scene was about to repeat itself, Malekith also showed a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

The dark elves never fall in the same place twice, this time we are coming for revenge, Asgard is destined to bleed into a river... The terrifying black light is about to overlap in the circles of the Nine Realms The time suddenly appeared, and it ran through the entire Nine Realms almost in an instant.

And because of this, the Nine Realms Divine Ring, which was moving rapidly, seemed to be fixed. If Bai Ye was there at this time, he would definitely be able to see that this guy named Malekis was already a heavenly father. 's peak.

Although this kind of power is nothing to... White Night, but to... Asgard at this time, it is really a devastating existence.

There is only one Heavenly Father-level existence in the Divine Realm today, and that is the old Odin. Not to mention that he is far worse than he was at this time. Even if he has regained his peak power at this time, I am afraid that he can only compete with Mahler. Case is evenly matched.

As Malekith settled the Divine Ring of the Nine Realms, naturally no one in the Nine Realms could come, and as the culprit of all this, Malekith showed a smug smile and came directly to the Asgard Palace. middle.

Looking at the old appearance of the son of his former opponent, Malekith's mouth showed an incomparably evil smile.

However, just when Odin was going to fight, Malekeith did not know when he appeared behind Ang Odin, and where, Frigga fell into Malekeith's hands... "Odin, hand over the aether, or she will die."

Malekes looked at Odin with great resentment and said.

However, without waiting for Odin to speak, Thor, the god of thunder, actually came to Asgard.

"Let go of her."

Thor looked at Malekith angrily and said.

Hearing Thor's words, Malekes gave Thor a disdainful look, but continued to say to Odin: "Don't challenge my patience, I will say it one last time, give me the ether particles."

After speaking, Malekith's hand became even more forceful, and Frigga also showed a look of pain. Seeing such a situation, Loki on the side said loudly without thinking: "The ether particle is not in the realm of the gods now, it is in the realm of the gods. Earth, in the hands of White Night..."

Chapter 173 Dark elves attack, target earth

Loki is not a fool, he is naturally very clear about how terrifying Bai Ye is, and he does not believe that Malekith can snatch the ether particles from Bai Ye's hands.

So he doesn't care whether Malekith knows the whereabouts of the ether particles, and he doesn't even care whether Malekith will harm the earth, after all, it is the place of White Night, the... invincible White Night's place.

And in Loki's heart, he still vaguely hoped that Malekith would go to Bai Ye quickly, and he was looking forward to Malekith's shriveled appearance under Bai Ye's hands.

Hear Loki, whatever...

Whether it was Odin or Maleces, both fell into silence.

Odin was afraid that he would offend Bai Ye, but Malekes was thinking about whether Loki's words were true, after all, the news came too easily.

And just when Malekith was hesitating, a dark elf clan hurriedly ran to his side, and whispered something in his ear.

"Hehe, count you as acquaintances."

After listening to the words of his clan, Malekith gave Loki a cold look, but when he turned his gaze to Odin, Odin's expression changed greatly... "Stop!"

With Odin's angry roar, Malekes also used a jet-black dagger to stab Frigga's vest directly.

"I said that I would let you experience everything that I experienced at the beginning. Today is just the beginning. I want you to see the collapse of God's Domain with your own eyes, and I want you to spend the rest of your life in despair."

As Malekith's spiteful words fell, he threw the dying Frigg into Odin's arms, and he also took this opportunity to flash towards the periphery of the palace.

Seeing this scene, Thor also made a desperate voice, and the Thor's Hammer in his hand was thrown out by him, but it was too late after all.

Seeing Frigga lying in a pool of blood, Thor was in pain, while Odin, who was beside him, didn't cry. With an obvious sadness on his face, he gently reached out and touched Frigga's face. Odin, who was going to speak, was interrupted by Frigga... "Don't be sad, didn't I already tell you what happened today? Do you still remember how you promised me back then?"

Frigg said with a weak smile.

And at this moment, Odin squatted down tremblingly and said, "I understand..."

Frigga's death had already been expected by herself, and Bai Ye had reminded her at this time, and this was her choice... On the other hand, unlike the war in the realm of the gods, a new Back in New York in the mansion Tony built for himself, White Night has transformed ether particles into reality gems.

To be honest, this kind of thing is nothing to Bai Yan. As a multiverse-level existence, although the Infinity Stones are very powerful, just a 1 will not affect them at all.

"System, come out to work."

Over the past few days, Bai Ye has not gone to his world to kill some dark creatures to replenish the system's points, and up to now, the points in his hand have reached [-] million after continuous use and replenishment. .

Eight million points sounds like a lot, but with the continuous improvement of his strength, now these......points are not enough anymore.

Bai Ye conservatively estimated that if he wanted to reach the level of omniscience and omnipotence, he would have to guarantee at least [-] million points, and he couldn't guarantee whether he could reach that level.

At the same time when the system began to deduce the reality gem, also in the heart of New York, a colorful light suddenly descended, and the scene that brought a shadow of incomparable fear to the people of New York City happened again.

Countless alien warships are suspended in the sky above New York City, and the dense scene is much more spectacular than before.

And it was almost the first time that S.H.I.E.L.D. had already experienced such an event.


.... also responded immediately.

But for ten minutes, all the citizens don't care...

Whatever they were doing, they were moved to a safe area.

But the Avengers led by Captain Rogers of the United States assembled in an instant. Iron Man was wearing the newly researched magical armor, and the whole person flew to Malekith's master at the first time. front of the ship.

"Is this the Earth? It looks unexpectedly backward."

In the spaceship, Malekith looked at Tony outside with disdain and said.

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