Wanda looked at Bai Ye worriedly, Kuaiyin was her only brother after all, so she was very worried.

"It doesn't matter, since he can still send out a distress signal, it means that he will not be in danger for the time being. I will rescue him later, don't worry."

Bai Ye has some headaches. These days, the troubles have been one after another. I should be able to rest well after the beholder has been solved, but I didn't expect it to come out again...... Ghost things are coming.

"Sir, a high-ranking official from the United States is looking for you, and has sent you an email at the same time."

Ultron is worthy of being the top artificial intelligence. In such a short period of time, he has completely integrated into the role.

"in spite of....


Bai Ye frowned slightly, he had no relationship with the senior officials of the American Emperor, and now he is already beyond this level of life, so naturally he will not pay attention to these...... ...so-called senior officials or something.

"As ordered, sir."

Placate Wanda, Bai Ye is also ready to set off, but fortunately the moon is not far away, he has reached the closest star to the earth in almost a blink of an eye.

In fact, there are quite a few legendary stories on the moon, but most of them are spread in the form of folklore. As for how credible it is and how many people believe it, no one knows.

On the back of the moon, this is an area that can never be seen on the earth. The huge and sci-fi buildings are towering, giving people a sense of the future.

Looking at the buildings in front of him, Bai Ye's expression was indifferent. He had already sensed where Kuaiyin was, but he didn't plan to go in and save him directly. Bai Ye was still a little interested in this inhuman race.

The Cree, that is, the same species as Ronan, are very strong because of the high gravity environment of their home planet Hala.

At the same time, their wisdom is far beyond the cognition of human beings on earth, and because of the long-term war with the Skrulls, they added soldiers to reduce losses, so they will take action against humans similar to them, and the Inhumans will is the result of their experiments.

How many people of the Inhuman race are there in Baiye? This new race is very strange. They seem to be somewhat similar to the superhumans on the earth, but they are bloody. Children born in this way will also have the abilities of the Inhumans.

And because their own genes are already different from normal humans, there will be no birth of deformed children by inbreeding.

In general, the Inhumans no longer belong to human beings. To put it more rigorously, they are already aliens at this time.

The technology of the Inhumans is very advanced, at least when Bai Ye arrives, he has already discovered the whereabouts of Bai Ye.

Perceiving the aliens who were already preparing for battle, Bai Ye rubbed his brows slightly, he didn't want to fight with these guys, it would make him feel very troublesome.

The two sides are not on the same level, and Bai Ye is not a murderous person. If there is a real fight, Bai Ye is afraid that he will be unable to hold back and destroy them.

"The visitor stops."

Just as Bai Ye continued to slowly approach the Inhumans building, a tall man suddenly walked out and said.

This man looked about [-] meters to [-] meters, and wore a hood similar to the US team on his head, but he was black, and there was a bat logo on his forehead.

The body is also the same, the black and white tight-fitting battle suit shows his muscles vividly, and it is very powerful just by looking at it.

But when Bai Ye felt strange, it didn't seem that he was talking just now, but when Bai Ye was suspicious, a voice came from behind him again... "Whoever comes, stop, or else will would be considered a threat.”

This time Bai Ye confirmed that the voice was not from the man in front of him, but was playing with the voice. It was already so powerful.

"You are Black Bolt, right?"

Bai Ye looked at the other party indifferently and asked.

And when he heard Bai Ye's words, Black Bolt's eyes were also filled with hostility. At this time, he seemed to regard Bai Ye as an enemy.

I saw Black Bolt open his mouth gently, but Bai Ye, who was opposite him, was curious about what this guy was going to do.


It was just a cough, and then a sound wave visible to the naked eye suddenly burst out of Black Bolt's mouth.

In fact, it stands to reason that in the vacuum environment of the universe, sound waves should not be able to propagate.

But in fact, as mentioned above, his superpower is an onomatopoeia rather than a real voice, so no matter what...

Under any circumstances, it will not affect his attack.


"Sound Wave"

Directly like a huge beam of light, the ground of the moon cracked in response.

The bottomless ravine appeared suddenly, it was just a blow, and Bai Ye saw the terrifying attack power of Black Bolt.

"Last warning, if it's approaching, it will be wiped out."

Bai Ye thinks that these guys are still a little too real, and they are so obvious that they are still trying to keep their hands on him like a virgin. Could it be that they are looking down on him? Black Bolt looked at Bai Ye coldly, as if he was planning to At the same time as White Night's action, it strikes a thunderbolt.

However, after all, he underestimated Bai Ye, and the sudden disappearance of the figure made Black Bolt stunned for a moment, and then he felt the pain like being hit by a train spread all over his body.


In fact, Bai Ye is very strange, why there is such a sound of heavy objects hitting the ground on the moon...

Chapter 187 Rolling [1]

The two sides were never on the same level. In the face of Bai Ye, even the existence of Black Bolt King was just hanged and beaten.

Looking at Black Bolt who was about to struggle to get up, Bai Ye finally spoke up... "Don't be so excited, I didn't come here deliberately to target you, I just came to save someone, presumably you You should know him well."

Bai Ye said lightly, at this time, he lost his interest in Black Bolt King. Although his attack method was very strange, it was just that.

The onomatopoeia attack is very powerful, but it is impossible to cause any harm to Bai Ye with such a rule that still does not transcend the power of the universe.

The power of the multiverse is already close to the top strength of the universe, let alone just an Inhuman race, even if there are ten 10s, Bai Ye wants to kill them only in a blink of an eye.

On the other side, when he heard Bai Ye's words, Black Bolt was stunned for a moment. In fact, the reason why they huddled here was just because they didn't want to get involved in any war.

The Inhumans are tired, they don't want to be the weapons of the Kree, and they don't want to fight other races for the Kree.

Now the only thing they think about is just a piece of pure land.

Of course, Black Bolt wouldn't believe Bai Ye's words. As he suffered from childhood, it is absolutely impossible for him to speak to any stranger.

Looking at the Black Bolt King who was still planning to fight, Bai Ye's complexion became gloomy. Although he is not a murderous person, all clay figurines have a temper. Forgive me, then don't blame yourself for taking a heavy shot.

As Black Bolt opened his mouth again, this time a terrifying attack was also launched.

Looking at the sound waves coming towards him rapidly, Bai Ye was carrying his hands on his back and didn't plan to dodge the movement.


Black Bolt is worthy of being the leader of the Inhumans, and this attack is already comparable to that of a nuclear bomb.

Seeing that he was hit by his own attack, Black Bolt slowly walked towards the center of the explosion with a serious expression. He wanted to see if Bai Ye was... defeated by himself.

"It's still a bit of a skill, but that's all there is to it."

Bai Ye naturally couldn't be defeated by this level of attack, but he was provoked.

Bai Ye didn't want to bully Black Bolt King either, but when he saw his hands clasped together, he suddenly appeared in an orange-yellow magic circle, and Black Bolt King was shocked.

Going back to the source, Bai Ye is actually a mage, and the magician's fighting style is bizarre, which is also a lesson from Black Bolt.

All kinds of strange and powerful attacks came crashing down, even if Bai Ye had gathered his strength, but Black Bolt still felt as if he was in a violent storm. This was the first feeling of Black Bolt, but at this time he had already Don't care about these, because after this series of attacks, Black Bolt has already realized how terrifying this opponent is.

At this moment, it seemed as if the entire moon was shaking, and that kind of... continuous attack completely made Black Bolt unable to raise a trace of resistance.

So in desperation, the Black Bolt King confessed... Looking at the Black Bolt King kneeling in front of him, Bai Ye also stopped attacking. In fact, strictly speaking, the attack just now seemed like Dad beats son normally.

Otherwise, with the attack of the white night, let alone a Black Bolt, even if he wants to destroy the entire galaxy, or even this universe, he can easily do it.

"Why are you doing this?"

Bai Ye said softly.

On the other hand, Black Bolt also made a voice in his own special way, saying: "Please don't hurt the Inhumans, no matter...

I will grant you any request."

The battle between the two was naturally seen by the entire Inhuman race, especially when they saw that the Black Bolt King surrendered to Bai Ye, everyone in the Inhuman race also gritted their teeth.

"As I said, I'm not interested in you, I'm just here to take someone away."

Bai Ye is also a little impatient, the Inhumans are much weaker than he thought, maybe his strength is too strong, at this time he has no plans to deal with the Inhumans at all.

Under the leadership of Black Bolt, Bai Ye finally walked towards the city of Inhumans again, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Countless strange attacks poured down almost like a torrential rain, and among them, there was no lack of attacks comparable to the Black Bolt King just now.

And seeing this scene, Black Bolt also roared in despair: "Stop..."

Countless strange attacks flooded this area in an instant, and in the despair of Black Bolt, Bai Ye was also the first time to seriously launch a counterattack... How strong is Kama Taj's magic , this point can be seen from the ancient one who can attack the dark dimension alone...,..., and as a white night that is better than blue, it is even more terrifying. degree.

At this time, the attack of the sky seemed to be completely still, and with the "click"

There was a crisp sound, and the whole world seemed to be shattered with a bang.

Smashing magic, a powerful magic with absolute attack, and this blow also means that Bai Ye is really angry.


The screams are endless, this is the counterattack received by those... who tried to harm Bai Ye's ignorance in the spiritual realm.

At this time, the attack of the Inhumans was no different from that of Yingyue. After the repeated attacks were easily smashed by Baiye and counterattacked, the people of the Inhumans finally felt fear.

"I only said one last time, get out."

What level is the multiverse? That is the terror and power that can easily obliterate multiple universes, and Bai Ye at this time has undoubtedly demonstrated this level of strength.

As the saying goes, war will only happen when one of the two sides is weak and the other is strong, or even when the gap between the two sides is not large. If one of them is too strong, then it is not called war, it is called crushing.

Undoubtedly, at this time, Bai Ye completely crushed the entire Inhuman race. Looking at the people who were kneeling on the ground, Bai Ye no longer wanted to play with them.

A sturdy cage is relative, at least in the face of the white night, this cage is nothing.

With just a light punch, the cage used by the Inhumans to imprison powerful beings shattered and shattered, and in the cage, Kuaiyin looked at Bai Ye with embarrassment and said, "Bai Ye, you are here. …”


Chapter 188 The Avengers Crisis [2]

In fact, the cause of the matter is not complicated, but it is that this kid Kuaiyin has something to do with the sister of the Black Bolt King, and was known by the Black Bolt King.

The Inhumans are different from others. In order to reproduce, they must marry from the same race to give birth to Inhumans [-]% of the time.

So the result is like this. In order to ensure the reproduction of the race, Black Bolt does not allow his sister to be with Quicksilver, but he is not a wicked person, so naturally he did not kill Quicksilver or the like. of.

It's easy to talk about it, but what makes Bai Ye care about is why Kuaiyin calls his brother-in-law, there is no such word on the US side, and it's impossible to say where this kid went to make snow.

"I don't want to care about your kind of things, and don't do it too much, kid, after all, she's someone's own sister."

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