Bai Ye had a headache, so he wouldn't rely on his own strength to force Black Bolt to agree to such a thing, everything had to be up to Kuaiyin himself.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Kuaiyin also laughed embarrassingly, he was also a little afraid of... Bai Ye, others didn't know, but he knew very well how powerful Bai Ye was.

The matter was resolved, although Black Bolt was full of reluctance, for Bai Ye's sake, he still did not have the courage to forcibly keep Kuaiyin.

Fortunately, Bai Ye was sympathetic after all and did not force himself.

On the other side, in one of the training halls of the American Empire on Earth, the American team Steve was hitting the sandbags hard. He was full of muscles and sweating profusely, showing that he had been training for a long time.

"Steve Rogers..."

Just when the US team was still hitting the sandbags one after another, someone suddenly shouted from behind him.

Hearing this bluntness, the US team also turned around very quickly, and saw a man with a big belly in a suit standing in front of him, and when the US team saw this man, he also frowned... .. Hydra was uprooted almost overnight because of Bai Ye's relationship, but after all, it is the biggest villain force on the earth today, and they still have a lot of fish that slip through the net, and this person in front of them is one of them. more important roles.

"I'm curious, you dare to appear in front of me, do you think I'll let you go?"

Captain America looked at the man with a serious look, and when he heard Captain America's words, the man also showed a confident look.

"Of course not, after all, you represent the spirit of the American Emperor."

"But since I'm here to find you, I'm naturally well prepared."

After the man finished speaking, he suddenly reached out to the inside of his suit, and Captain America immediately became vigilant upon seeing this.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you, I have a document here, I hope you can take a serious look."

Following the man's words, he dropped a document in his hand, and as he slowly walked in front of Captain America and put down the document, Captain America became even more suspicious.

Captain America didn't do anything directly, but picked up the information and opened it. As soon as he opened the information, Captain America's eyes suddenly widened.

I saw that the oncoming photo in the information bag was a photo, and when I saw this photo, the American team suddenly lost their minds.

Bucky Barnes, the man... the man he was destined to never forget, and because of him he lived.

"This is"

In the photo, Bucky Barnes is wearing a mask, and his metal arms have been crushed by pinching.

"I think you should know who he is"

The man said lightly.

"I'll ask you one last time what's going on here."

Captain America was furious, and he behaved as a man expected.

So I saw the man said lightly: "I don't know how much you know about the man Bai Ye, but I can tell you responsibly that it was the man named Bai Ye who killed Barnes."

The man's goal has been achieved, he turned around and left after speaking, but the surprise was that Captain America did not stop him, but looked at the information in his hand in disbelief.

...On the other hand, although the Sokovia incident did not cause any major casualties, it finally caught the attention of the top U.S. imperialists.

Superheroes are too powerful, and to put it simply, they put too much pressure on the top.


It's not allowed to be out of control, it doesn't matter....

At any time, it is the core of the high-level US imperialists.

Looking at the projections one by one, each of these people who appeared in front of Nick Fury at this time was the top boss of the American Empire. Some of them represented the military, and some of them were members of Congress. The people who appeared here at this time , it can be said that it can almost completely influence all the decisions of the US imperialists.

"Nick Fury, I believe you have seen the content of the Sokovia Agreement. This time because of those... super troublesome relationships, the whole world is in crisis."

"We don't want to see anything like this in the future, so you have to get them to sign this agreement and follow through."

"As for how to do it, how to get them to obey, that's your business."

As the words of a high-ranking US imperial congressman fell, on the table in the middle, there were various video images of the Avengers fighting the Ultron army.

"Sorry sir, they are no longer human in the conventional sense. If you want them all to follow your rules of the game like ordinary people, I don't think I can."

Just kidding, let yourself go and put shackles on those guys, then do you still need to mess around in the future, and it's good to say that there are a few people written by steel, this agreement named Sokvia is clearly marked that Bai Ye thinks that he will run In front of Bai Ye, he told him to be obedient in the future, Nick Fury couldn't help but twitch a few times, unless he was tired of living, or the American emperor was tired of living, or he would go crazy and say this in front of Bai Ye ............Nick Fury's words immediately aroused fierce reactions from the top leaders of the US Empire. In their opinion, these superheroes should be It is the service that is right with them.

So a heated speech began, and at the same time, in the Stark Tower, Tony also received an email.

And as he opened the email, he saw that the car his parents were driving also appeared in front of him.

The next thing is very simple, after Tony witnessed the Winter Soldier kill his mother, he was so angry that he almost ran away, and with the text added in the last paragraph of the video, Tony immediately narrowed his eyes.

I saw the writing on it, the person who knew everything, and the white night was marked on the back...

Chapter 189 Variables [3]

Bai Ye's mansion in New York was bought by Tony. To be honest, this playboy's vision is indeed very good. It not only has a beautiful scenery, but also is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Of course, although this kind of place is very good, it will get tired after living for too long. For example, Bai Ye is looking at the sea view in a high-end villa near the sea in Hawaii. After all, he prefers New York here.

The villa was built by Bai Ye himself, don't forget, now that he has the power of a reality gem, he can completely turn his imagination into reality.

And this villa is exactly the same as the one in New York, except for the details.


Huge waves crashed against this rock, and the white night when I was planning to take a good rest and enjoy life even turned off the sound of the outside world.

And it is precisely because of this that Bai Ye didn't notice at all, at this time, someone came over with a heavy heart outside his villa.

Captain America, Steve Rogers, the most representative superhero of the American Empire today, an "old man" who is almost a hundred years old


And the purpose of his coming here is very simple. He wants to question Bai Ye whether Barnes killed him.

No one can say clearly about the feelings between Captain America and the Winter Soldier, but what is certain is that whenever things involve the Winter Soldier, Captain America will inevitably lose his usual sanity.

However, just when Captain America was about to knock on the door, he saw a flash of fire flashing in the sky in the distance, and Tony the Iron Man arrived at this time... Neither of them stood at the door of Bai Ye. When he spoke, Tony finally said, "You know Bucky Barnes?"

The information Tony received was very detailed, even including S.H.I.E.L.D.


Some secrets in .... Tony still remembers that there is a document written in this way, and the US team is also one of the insiders.

"Sorry, Tony."

Hearing Tony's words, Captain America naturally understood what he was trying to say. He had indeed seen the video, but because the Winter Soldier was killed by Bai Ye after meeting Bai Ye, some of the things that should have happened were Some changes have occurred.

Hearing Captain America's words, Tony, who was wearing a magic armor, also gritted his teeth. The truth about the murder of his parents was concealed by someone he thought was a good friend, and Tony was also a little disappointed.

After a long time, Tony looked at Captain America and said, "What are you doing here?"

To be honest, Tony doesn't have much feelings for... Bai Ye doesn't tell himself these... because he knows very well that Bai Ye is a detached existence.

Not to mention these things about his own parents, he also knows about things that are more ancient, but he never thought about asking them before he saw this document.

Hearing Tony's words, Captain America thought about it and said the truth. But when Team America finished saying these words, after thinking about it, he also asked: "If Mr. Bai Ye admits that he killed him, what are you going to do? "

This issue is very sensitive, and I believe that if Captain America provokes Bai Ye, things will definitely get out of hand.

"I have no idea."

This is Captain America's answer, but his answer is not perfunctory, but he really doesn't know if Bai Ye said that he killed Bucky, then he would do it.

"Well, I forgive you for hiding this from me, but I won't let you in to see Mr. Bai Ye. You can go back with me."

Tony said after thinking for a while.

After all, this time is different from the original, Bucky is dead, and Captain America just hides that he knows about it.

"No, I have to ask him, get out of the way."

Captain America is very insistent, he can't avoid everything about Bucky, and he really can't guarantee what will happen after Bai Ye's affirmative answer.

"As I said, I won't let you in."

After Tony finished speaking, his mask was also put down. He knew very well what Team America was, so he was ready to fight.

The battle came so suddenly, as the US team planned to forcibly break in, Tony also collided with it... Tony's laser hit the US team's shield and was refracted, and the surrounding rocks were even more smashed. The explosions were flying everywhere, but this battle, which was no less than an armed conflict between the armed forces, did not affect Bai Ye's house in the slightest.

The battle between the two was fierce, and Nick Fury, who was far away on the helicarrier, was also in a "fierce battle"

Now, this group of high-level American emperors are crazy, they are trying to control all the superheroes including Bai Ye.

However, when Nick Fury refused, these.... the top management of the US Empire actually dismissed him, and this is nothing, they seem to have expected Nick Fury for a long time. Rui's reaction, they have already made an action.

Black Widow Natasha, she was the first Avenger who was suddenly restrained. Looking at the documents in front of her, she also understood the seriousness of the matter.

And that's not all, these guys are actually carrying a strange device. According to them, if they sign this agreement, they will bring themselves this device that claims to be able to restrict themselves.

At the same time, Hawkeye, Falcon, and even Ant-Man as an alternative target... also encountered this group of people one after another.

Maybe it's because of the butterfly effect. At the same time as all this is happening, the global summit meeting that was originally held in Washington also had an accident, and the king of Wakanda died in this accident... Rules The reason why it is a rule is that it is extremely restrictive. Even if the time line at this time has changed due to the arrival of the white night, it seems to be trying its best to correct it.

In front of Bai Ye's door, the battle between the two is still still: fierce fighting, but in the face of Tony wearing a magic armor, the US team is gradually gaining the upper hand.

However, just when Tony was about to forcibly take Team America away, Bai Ye actually appeared... "I said you two had enough to fight. If not, then I'll accompany you."

Bai Ye was a little annoyed, this was a rare holiday, but there was a throbbing flash in his heart, and for this reason, Bai Ye took a special look at what was about to happen in the future.

He didn't think that he would regret having killed the Winter Soldier in the future because he killed the Winter Soldier....... Variables, if you let it go...

If so, then the earth will suffer for it.

On the other hand, after hearing Bai Ye's words, both of them stopped. After all, Team America's purpose was to find Bai Ye, and it would be best if he appeared at this time.


Chapter 190 Stupid high-level [4]

"Did you kill Bucky?"

Almost as soon as he stopped, Rogers couldn't help but ask directly.


This is Bai Ye's answer, without any hesitation, simply and decisively.

Hearing Bai Ye's affirmative answer, Rogers was almost furious, but just when Tony thought he would attack Bai Ye, Rogers calmed down.


Rogers said a little sadly, and as he finished speaking, he added: "Why do you want to kill him with your strength, you should be able to subdue him easily."

This is where Rogers struggles, after all, in his opinion, Bai Ye should be able to subdue Bucky easily.

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