"Why would I do that"

Said the night calmly.

He really had no reason to subdue Bucky, after all, he was killing people at the time.

And to put it bluntly, not everyone in this world is Team America, and apart from him, no one will deliberately take care of whether Bucky is brainwashed or not.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished, and it's not that Bai Ye didn't ask him, but Bucky's answer is that he clearly remembers everyone he killed.

White Night is not the Virgin, he does not have the kind of greatness to avenge the dead, and the reason why he killed Bucky is that Bucky just hit him on the head.

Bai Ye will not conceal this, nor disdain to conceal it.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the US team seemed very lost, but the remaining reason in his heart was still telling him not to shoot Bai Ye, this was not because Bai Ye was too strong, but he felt that if he changed positions, he might also be with him. Bai Ye made the same choice.

Yes, Captain America would even think that Bai Ye did nothing wrong.

But that was his best friend after all, so Captain America seemed very lost.

Looking at Captain America's decadent back, Tony wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Let him go, things will take a turn for the better. Come in with me, I have something to tell you."

Bai Ye didn't pay any attention to Team America, but said to Tony directly.

And just when the two entered the White Night Villa, the senior management of the American Emperor had already noticed it... "Director, the senior management seems to be discussing something."

Maria Hill, a beautiful beauty, but if you underestimate her because of this, you will regret it.

After all, she is now S.H.I.E.L.D.


....because of Nick Fury's existence, to put it bluntly, she is the vice-captain of the SHIELD Army.

Hearing Maria Hill's words, Nick Fury immediately said: "Set them up, and immediately find the specific location of the Avengers."

With Nick Fury's order, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... immediately started to get busy, although the top U.S. imperialists have now dismissed him, but within a short time, the director of the SHIELD Army.

Soon after, everything about the US team was put in front of Nick Fury, and seeing these materials, Nick Fury also said with a headache: "Where is Steve now?"

If there is any place in the United States that is most famous, then the bar here can definitely be regarded as one, where many handsome men and beautiful women indulge themselves in a noisy environment.

And as another beautiful woman failed to strike up a conversation, everyone became more and more interested in the handsome man sitting there drinking continuously.

"I regret that."

Nick Fury sat next to the handsome man, and then ordered a glass of wine and said after a sip.

"what are you doing"

Captain America did not turn his head, but continued drinking and said.

Hearing the US team's words, Nick Fury did not answer directly, but looked at another beautiful woman who came to strike up a conversation with Rogers and said after being rejected: "Why, there are so many beauties here are not appetizing"

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you have a mission, I'm sorry, I don't have that... mood right now."

At this time, Rogers didn't think about the usual US team at all, and now he looks like a decadent tramp looking for a drunk.

"Well, I don't have any right to you. Here are two documents, one is about Barnes and the other is about the Sokovia Agreement. I'll give you ten minutes, and I'll wait for you outside."

Nick Fury put down the kit and left, and Captain America frowned after glancing at the kit, but he finally picked up the kit.

Ten minutes later, Nick Fury suddenly said to Hill beside him, "Let's go."

And just when Hill started the vehicle, the American team suddenly sat up.

"Is this really Barnes?"

Captain America asked as soon as he got in the car.

And hearing his words, Nick Fury said indifferently: "You think I'll lie to you"

The documents detail what Barnes has done over the years, which are basically bad things, spies, assassinations, massacres of civilians, and more.

Although he can't help himself, but when some things are done, they are... done.

And there is a video at the end of the file, to the effect that Barnes left it when he was accidentally sober, and the content is roughly hoping that someone can stop him, or even kill him.

When the car started, Captain America fell silent. He didn't know if Barnes' death was a relief, but let's just say it.

"What's up with the Sokovia Agreement"

Rogers seemed to be that... Captain America again, and the first thing he said was the Sokovia deal.

"That's why I'm looking for you. The guys at the top are crazy. They think everything in this world should be controlled by them, but they don't know that some existences are not caused by them at all."

"Look at the guys recorded in the documents, there are many mutants, and the high-level idiots are trying to get them all under control."

Speaking of this, Nick Fury is also a burst of anger. The high-level guys are too naive, their eyes have been blinded by their long-term rights, and they are trying to peep into the realm of God... On the other side, just Nick Fury When the action was started for the Sokovia Agreement, Tony also left on White Night's side.

Tony is an arrogant man, he never likes to be restrained, otherwise he would not have said that I am Iron Man at the press conference.

Tony left to rescue those avengers who were restricted from moving. Of course, there is also a relationship with Bai Ye's orders, and not long after Tony left, a team of 1 loaded with live ammunition, special operations The team and a team that looked extremely gorgeous also came to the door of Bai Ye's house.

The upper echelons of the American Empire, those guys who tried to spy on the authority of God finally came to the door...: Everyday ask for a wave of monthly passes, flowers,

Chapter 191 Thunder means, bloodbath [1]

"Ding dong..."

As the crisp doorbell rang, several men in black suits stood outside the door with information bags in their hands.

And just when they were about to ring the doorbell, the closed door suddenly opened.

There was no one behind the door, but a voice said politely, "A few close."

The voice is natural and full of politeness, but if it is a person of love, then he must know that the guy who made this voice almost destroyed the earth not long ago.

Ultron, the artificial intelligence butler of Bai Ye, almost everything in Bai Ye is handled by this guy. I have to say that compared to Tony's former Jarvis, today's Friday, this... is obviously much stronger. Too much.......

As several people entered, the door was closed again, and since under the guidance of Ultron, he also successfully saw Bai Ye sitting on the viewing platform.


Bai Ye said lightly while sipping tea.

He doesn't like coffee very much, no matter how good or expensive it is.

"Hello, Mr. Bai Ye."

Seeing Bai Ye, several people also spoke politely.

And as their words fell, one of them also put the resource bag in his hand in front of Bai Ye.

"Please also take a look at Mr. Bai Ye. This is an order issued by the top leadership of the United States of America. I hope you can read it carefully and sign it."

As the high-level employees of the US Emperor, these people obviously have some arrogance. In their opinion, as long as they show their background, no one will refuse.

However, Bai Ye taught them a lesson today, let alone opened it, Bai Ye didn't even take a look at the resource bag.

When seeing Bai Ye's actions, one of the men with a more impatient temper also spoke up... "This is an order from the highest level of the American Empire. If you don't intend to obey, then we will regard you as an enemy and fight with you. I don't think you need to tell me about the consequences of the U.S. emperor as an enemy."

"To tell you the truth, in the sky outside, at least ten 22 fighter jets that have been rebuilt have entered combat preparation."

"They carry this special ammunition. No matter how strong you are, you will be vulnerable in the face of these special weapons."

A naked threat, this man has used this method to successfully threaten leaders of many other countries, but it is clear that this time he has hit an iron plate.

"Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? Is the person who sent you planning to kill you with my hands?"

Bai Ye asked curiously.

He believed that the other party was an idiot, so he shouldn't be stupid enough to let these guys threaten him, or that they just heard Bai Ye's words so much about the ten toys outside. When he was about to open his mouth to threaten Bai Ye, Bai Ye also made his move... Saying he made a move, in fact, he stretched out his hand and squeezed like this, but just like this, several people suddenly felt that the space was distorted. , and then the next picture is enough to make them unforgettable for a lifetime... The best fighters in the world today, this man is right, they are indeed prepared, these... ...the fighter jets all carry a decent amount of ammo, and as the man said, those... are also special ammo.

However, it is a pity that they chose the wrong opponent. This kind of terrifying weapon that is enough to threaten the comfort of a country just fell down one after another under Bai Ye's subsequent pinching.

Forbidden air magic, a very simple but very practical magic, but under the will of the releaser, all things whose strength does not exceed the releaser will not be able to fly, even if it is 22.


This is the sound of huge waves caused by 22 after falling into the water. As soon as the forbidden air magic comes out, not to mention those... planes, even the pilots in the planes can't escape death.

Because nothing can fly, there is no difference between you skydiving and jumping from a building.

"You guy..."

Seeing such a shocking scene, everyone stood up abruptly, took out their guns and pointed at Bai Ye, but at this time, Bai Ye spoke again.

"A group of stupid trash, who don't know anything, dare to be arrogant in front of me, didn't that trash Nick Fury warn you?"

The so-called high-level people underestimated the strength of Bai Ye, and they also underestimated the danger of Bai Ye. Not all superheroes belong to Team America, especially Bai Ye. If it wasn't for him, he would not care at all. America's Survival.

Bai Ye showed no mercy, his eyes turned cold, his right hand pinched slightly, and the surrounding space suddenly shattered like glass. In a panic, the few people turned into pieces and shattered, leaving no room for escape.

Immediately, Mo Wen, with a black face, got up directly. Although he didn't care about the forces of the world, if the ants wanted to jump, he wouldn't mind cleaning it again. Besides, these people had nothing to worry about on the other side. In the middle, Professor Shi looked at everything outside with a serious expression. Just ten minutes ago, five robots suddenly appeared in the academy, and as soon as they appeared, they started massacres against these mutant students.

Ten minutes, just ten minutes, the playground was full of blood and blood.

"Charles, something is not right."

Magneto looked at the robot that was still killing students outside and said.

He has already tried to make a move just now, but these robots don't know what material they are made of, and they don't even contain the slightest steel component.

And not only that, these robots actually have the ability to imitate the abilities of mutants. For example, after the fire-breathing mutants spit fire on them, these guys will actually breathe fire, and the power is even greater.

"Logan, you are responsible for covering the departure of these little guys. This incident is not easy. If one is not handled well, the mutants will be in danger."

Charles looked serious, and the death of every student made him feel like a knife, but his ability could not affect the robot, and they also did not know who was behind it.

Combat is one-sided, and from the time when the droids took a while to kill, now they can easily kill a mutant in minutes.

In less than an hour, the mutants in the academy had been devastated.

In desperation, Charles could only let Wolverine and other people with rich combat experience drag these robots, and he took the remaining students to escape on the plane.

After the Nightcrawler teleported many times and brought Wolverine and others on the plane, the policemen fled in embarrassment.


Chapter 192 I don't know how high the sky is [2]

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