The police plane is very fast, its prototype is a black bird, but after a series of black technology upgrades, its function is far beyond the plane in the general sense.

"Professor, where are we going now?"

For a time, everyone felt as if there was nowhere to go. These robots were like sharks coming from the smell of fish, and the people they were chasing had nowhere to run.

As Wolverine's words fell, Charles also thought seriously... "Go to Bai Ye, the only one who can save us now is him, these robots are obviously... aimed at us, if Just relying on us, I'm afraid we won't be the opponent's opponent."

Charles' words suddenly silenced everyone. For them, Bai Ye is a serious topic. For example, Magneto, he would rather fight those robots than see Bai Ye.

"Old Ma, don't be self-willed. Although Bai Ye is sometimes domineering, his actions have never been deviated. Now we are not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of other mutants. This incident The other party is obviously targeting the entire mutant, and the situation is already very critical."

Charles was afraid that Magneto would rather die than see Bai Ye, so he hurriedly took out the entire mutant as a shield, but this method was very effective, and the Magneto who planned to fight with those robots was also a compromise.

At the same time, the other Avengers were also in trouble. Except for the military personnel who came out of Rhodes who obeyed unconditionally, none of the remaining people planned to sign the Sokovia Treaty.

And just when these high-level bastards were going to force their way, Tony, the black widow Natasha, suddenly came in.


This is the sound of the building collapsing. Before long, Tony had installed a locator on every Avenger. Of course, this kind of thing was done only after getting everyone's consent.

"I said, you can't be gentle"

"And what the hell is going on with these guys, why did they suddenly appear?"

"Have you read the Sokovia Treaty?"

Tony asked as soon as Black Widow came in.

"Who knows, even I was told by Bai Ye that these high-level officials of the American Empire are crazy. They even tried to control all the superheroes. Don't they understand what the consequences of this will be?"

Tony and Natasha walked out to the outside world side by side, but when they just opened the door, what appeared in front of them was an army armed to the teeth.

"Tony Stark, now declare that you have committed treason, and immediately get out of the armor, otherwise we will deal a fatal blow to you."

The loud horns spread throughout the building almost instantly, and when Tony and Natasha saw this, they quickly returned to the room.

"Haha, it's so interesting, these guys are really crazy.

If the person here at this time is Captain America, then it is impossible to say that he will not resist, but who are Tony and Natasha, both of them are a little selfish in character.

"What are you going to do?"

Natasha said with a smile.

Hearing Natasha's words, Tony rolled her eyes at her, and then said, "What do you think?"

"Veronica, help me."

Just listen to Tony say it directly.

And as soon as his words fell, he saw that in outer space, a complete set of logistical equipment was shot out by the satellite, and there was no need to say more after that.

The anti-Hulk armor was originally built by Tony and Banner to deal with the Hulk, but Tony didn't expect it to be used now.

The guys outside came well prepared, and the weapons in their hands were all armor-piercing bullets. Under such a dense attack, unless Tony used his magic armor, he would not want to leave safely.

Of course, some people may ask why Tony didn't use that kind of... teleportation magic to leave, but in fact, Tony didn't want to leave, and he planned to give these... a warning to the upper management of the American Empire, Second, it's also very simple, it's just a loss of face.

With the completion of the anti-Hulk armor, in Natasha's shock, Tony rushed out like this.

"This guy, didn't he think about giving me armor or something?"

Natasha was speechless, but she also rushed out.

As the fierce gunfire gradually stopped, the two of them could be said to have dealt with these elite troops effortlessly.

"Where are we going next?"

Natasha moved her shoulders, and then looked at the side that had been lifted...... Tony, who was in the anti-Hulk armor, asked.

However, at this time, with the "Bang!"

With a loud bang, Tony was blasted far away, and it was at this moment that Natasha heard the gunshot.

I remember when Loki led Thanos' army to invade the earth last time, the earth side won, and those... alien weapons also fell into the hands of the American emperor.

And based on these...Alien technologies, today's U.S. imperial military is constantly doing secret experiments.

Alien anti-equipment weapons, this is a weapon specially prepared for that kind of behemoth with thick armor, it is said to be a one-shot penetrating behemoth.

And now, the top management of the American Empire turned out to use this weapon against the Avengers.

"A large amount of bleeding is detected inside the body, and it is immediately converted into the magic armor mode, and the counterattack plan is activated at the same time."

As Friday's voice sounded, Tony, who had been comatose in the armor, also woke up leisurely. After all, he was an existence with both magic and technology. At this time, he had regained consciousness.

"Tony, Tony, are you alright?"

Natasha looked anxiously at Tony who fell to the ground and asked.

At this time, on Tony's armor, a hole with the size of a bowl suddenly appeared. If it were a normal person, then this would definitely be fatal.


Tony groaned in pain, and under his visor, Friday was already analyzing where the bullet was coming from.

The counterattack plan, this is something Tony specially designed after passing through Malekith, so that he can still have an effective blow to the opponent even after he is in a coma.

In the sky outside, dozens of battle armors also appeared, and their target was undoubtedly the group of... the guys who almost killed Tony with alien technology.

The ending is of course needless to say, these guys were directly bombarded by Tony's armor, and there was no slag left, but because of this, Tony also had murderous intentions...

Chapter 193 The so-called ants [3]

At the same time when Tony had murderous intentions, Charles and others also successfully contacted Bai Ye, and Bai Ye agreed to them very simply.

Sentinel, this is the name of these robots specially developed for mutants.

In addition to these things...special materials can invalidate most of the mutants' abilities, the most important thing is that they use Mystique as a model.

The short answer is that these Sentinels are capable of imitating any transgender person.

However, the consequences of this are very difficult to control, and anyway... Bai Ye is ready to take action, and it is the same whether to agree or not.

As for these....the guys who don't know what to do, Bai Ye doesn't mind cleaning them up, although he never pays attention to these people, but like a hydra, if you don't If you take action, these... arrogant guys will always feel arrogantly strong, and only by sending them to hell can they understand that this world is huge, and They are just a bunch of ants.

On the other hand, for Charles and others, Bai Ye's agreement to help is heartening. After all, even a monster like Apocalypse, Bai Ye, can easily crush him. Presumably these sentinels can't pose a threat to him. Soon, but within half an hour, they had already found Charles and others, but when they were about to start, Bai Ye stood up... "I'm curious, Bolivartras Is there something wrong with that guy's brain? Didn't he think about how horrible it would be to make something like you that can't be...controllable?"

Bai Ye looked indifferent. Although these sentinels were very strong against mutants, it was because they completely restrained mutants. For the existence of Bai Ye, these sentinels were not much stronger than scrap metal.

There were dozens of sentinel robots on the wide ground, and when they walked slowly towards Charles and the others, Bai Ye stretched out his right hand.

The blue light flashed away in Bai Ye's hands, but at the same time, after the space was distorted for a while, these sentries were instantly crushed into scraps of iron.

"So strong."

This is what Magneto said. It is not the first time he has seen Bai Ye take action, but he is still so shocked.

Of course, Bai Ye paid no attention to Magneto's praise. After all, he was indifferent to this kind of thing. What he cared about at this time was another thing... Humans have shot at mutants, and the mutants will just sit still like this. Don't forget that mutants are actually a group of psychological and unhealthy beings in the strict sense.

Being discriminated against since childhood and living in the haze for a long time, everyone will have a rebellious mentality. Well, Vulkan, formerly known as Gabriel Summers, he was Cyclops' younger brother, but the relationship between the two was not good. .., but unlike Cyclops, this one is a genuine Omega-level mutant.

Omega level, this is the mutant level defined by Charles, in simple terms, all mutants of this level are all powerful and outrageous.

And because of this sentinel's attack, led by Vulkan, a group of equally powerful mutants, and their purpose is also very clear, that is to destroy people's telepathy, absorb energy, fly, and be able to control water, fire, electricity , wind, earth, darkness and light.

To put it bluntly, compared to his brother with eyes, this guy is way too much stronger...

On the other hand, just when Vulkan and others were about to start, Bai Ye also told Charles everything about him, and Charles fell silent when he heard Bai Ye's words.

Because the top of the US Empire, no matter what...

Whether it's the Avengers or the mutants, they are all pushed into a hostile position.

Of course, the power of the country is terrifying, even if these two can be regarded as the most powerful organizations on earth, but the top U.S. imperialists have no intention of cowardly.

As Tony and Natasha rescued Falcon Eye and others, the global situation suddenly fell into a very critical moment.

The three parties have already started to kill, and if a war breaks out, the consequences will be extremely serious.

"Mr. Bai Ye will take action."

Charles thought hard for a long time, but still couldn't find a compromise solution. This guy is a virgin, and to put it more nasty, he is directly a virgin whore.

Even if mutants or their good friends are lethally attacked by other humans, he still does not allow mutants to resist, and one day teaches them to love peace and so on...

And it is worth mentioning that at this time he was still thinking of preventing Vulkan from attacking humans.

Of course, Vulkan is not very hot, as an Omega-level mutant, he is already fully comparable to Magneto... powerful beings.

In this regard, Charles is not sure that he can stop him.

Hearing Charles' question, Bai Ye glanced at him impatiently. Could it be that he took himself for something? Could it be that he thinks he is the kind of savior that hurts the world? The reason why Bai Ye took action is because If you let these guys fight, then the earth is likely to be gone. Bai Ye doesn't want to live on aliens, otherwise these guys have nothing to do with killing them. Arriving at Vulkan's place, looking at the following... the mutants who are excited, Bai Ye also understands that they are really angry.

"Everyone, please listen to me."

Charles spoke as soon as he came.

And seeing him like this, let alone Magneto, even Bai Ye couldn't stand it anymore.

It takes a lot of Motherhood to persuade the slain party to put down their weapons. However, Vulkan is not easy to mess with. He already had a grudge with Charles. At this time, after seeing Charles coming, he even wanted to kill Charles. heart of.

Seeing that a war is about to break out between the two sides, and Bai Ye also came out at this time... Bai Ye's appearance immediately made Vulkan feel a palpitation. As an Omega-level mutant with telepathy, he had already sensed it in an instant. To the night is strong.

"I'll say it straight, if you're going to seek revenge on those so-called high-level people, then I don't care...

You, but if you dare to mess around."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye turned his eyes to Vulkan and continued: "Especially you, if you dare to mess around, don't blame me for killing all of you."

Bai Ye is not joking, he is tired of these...childish behavior, no matter...

It doesn't matter if it is the high-level officials of the American Empire, or these mutants.

After Bai Ye finished speaking, his figure also slowly rose from the ground. At the beginning of the period, he thought that Tony and others could solve this incident, but now it seems that he has to remove these guys by himself. At first, he didn't want to do it. Because I'm too lazy to deal with ants. After all, if an ant stands in front of you arrogant, will you care? If it is a group, then it can only be eliminated.


Chapter 194 Time Killer [4]

As the violent explosion sounded, the secret factory that made the sentinel turned into powder in an instant, and just when the high-level officials of the American Empire were going to investigate what was going on, Bai Ye suddenly appeared in the their meeting site,.


Every time there was a sound, a high-level American imperialist appeared in the conference room, no matter where they were in the world... "What's going on?"

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