These... The high-level officials of the American Empire have absolutely no idea what is going on. When they reported it, people had already appeared here.

And not only that, with the appearance of Tony and the others, these...... The top management of the American Empire suddenly understood that the matter was a big deal, and it was okay to let them play tricks behind the scenes, but let them face it. Fighting these superheroes, they're far from it.

"I think everyone is here."

Just when these.... when the high-level officials of the American Empire planned to inform the outside world, Bai Ye's voice suddenly rang, and everyone looked for the voice and focused their attention on Bai Ye. ...... "Damn it, what do you guys want to do? You dare to do something to us members of Congress. You know that your actions at this time can completely constitute treason."

A senator with white hair and a pot belly said loudly.

He didn't seem to understand what kind of situation he was in at this time.

However, just when the other members were going to agree, someone suddenly spoke up... "I advise you not to waste your energy, maybe you don't know who you are facing, but I can be very happy. The person in charge tells you, let alone a US emperor, even the entire universe can be easily destroyed."

The speaker is Nick Fury, as S.H.I.E.L.D.


The former director of ..., he was also brought here by Bai Ye.

"Nick Fury? Since you're here, I order you to get us out at once."

Another MP spoke directly after seeing Nick Fury.

However, this time Nick Fury didn't speak again, because Bai Ye spoke at this time... "The Avengers, the mutants, and the high-level officials of the American Empire, you all heard clearly, I will only say what I said once."

"Immediately, immediately, stop me now, if I find out that any of you is provoking a war, then I will kill them immediately."

"Especially you, the so-called high-level US imperialists, you better understand that if I want to kill you, even if you hide at the end of the universe, I can still easily do it."

"Don't doubt my ability. Of course, if you don't start a large-scale war but engage in assassinations, then I won't care, do you understand?"

Bai Ye's tone is very peaceful, but his words are full of killing intent, and everyone can hear that Bai Ye is not joking. If someone is really going to do something like killing human beings, Bai Ye is true will start.

Bai Ye's words suddenly silenced the scene, and the Avengers didn't say anything for the time being. They knew best about Bai Ye's strength.

In the same way, the mutants have a very detailed understanding of Bai Ye's strength, so neither side has spoken.

On the contrary, it was the high-level officials of the American Empire, who didn't know if they were accustomed to doing it at ordinary times, and they even scoffed at Bai Ye's words.

"What kind of thing are you? This is the American emperor, not you... A place where you can fool around with a little bit of ability, believe it or not, as long as we give an order, we can... ."


The senator's words have not been finished yet, but his head has been turned into a very strange angle. Seeing this scene, the other senators are also shocked.

The U.S. imperialists don't know how long it has been without an important senator dying abnormally. After all, they are the top figures in U.S. imperialism. While these people have great rights, they are naturally best protected.

And most importantly, no one would kill them under normal circumstances, because as long as a senator is killed, it means that the bottom line of American imperialism has been touched.

However, Bai Ye doesn't care, let alone a senator, he doesn't even care about the entire US Empire, as long as he wants, he can even make the US Empire history from now on.

As the saying goes, as long as a person is under the shadow of death, no matter how daring he is, there will be a shadow.

"how dare you......"

Another congressman looked at Bai Ye tremblingly, but when he had not finished his words, Nick Fury hurriedly spoke... Nick Fury is probably the most mortal of this group of mortals who knows Bai Ye's strength It is precisely because of this that he has made the most detailed analysis of Bai Ye.

According to the analysis, what Bai Ye hates most is arrogant threats. If you dare to speak to him with such an attitude, it will prove that you are not far from death.

"Mr. Bai Ye, they are senators after all. Please raise your hands. I believe they will not talk nonsense in the future."

Nick Fury also didn't dare to threaten Bai Ye or the like, so he was very polite as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Nick Fury, you know the weight of what you said, ah."

Bai Ye's face turned cold, and he glanced at Nick Fury.

For a time, Nick Fury trembled all over, a panic appeared on his face, and then said in a deep voice, "Mage White Night, everything is up to you, these guys have nothing to do with me"

After speaking, Nick Fury closed his eyes directly. He already knew that the matter had reached the most serious level. As for these.... I don't care about the congressmen who don't know what to do. , after all, for Bai Ye, those high-level executives are not worth mentioning, not to mention that Bai Ye's involvement is too big, whether it is Iron Man or the Karma Taj behind him, these are the strengths they need. A force, the situation of the earth in the future is not easy to say.

"Time Killer"

Bai Ye didn't talk nonsense either. He directly used the power of time and space to turn it into a sword of time and space, directly in front of everyone, and directly penetrated all the high-level people who participated in the plan. Directly let these people completely die, there is no possibility of reincarnation or anything.

Due to Bai Ye's method, all crises have been eliminated, and although the US imperialists who have lost most of their high-level officials experienced a short-term turmoil, the turmoil soon recovered. After all, these people are not the backbone of this country. It can be replaced, and if the one above is dead, there must be someone below who can withstand it, but after the high-level people who came up know the existence of Bai Ye, they are all full of fear, but they have any thoughts about Bai Ye and the people behind.

Time is fleeting, and a year has passed like this, the US imperialists did not mention the Sokovia Agreement, and Nick Fury was reinstated as S.H.I.E.L.D.


... Director.

However, due to the higher level, Nick Fury's authority has also become much larger.

At the same time, outside a nursing home that was being demolished, Thor looked at Loki next to him with a serious face and asked, "Are you sure you left your father here?"

Hearing his brother's question and looking at all this, Loki also seemed very speechless... "I'm sure."

Loki said softly.

"In this demolished building or in this street"

Just as Thor's words sounded, a light circle suddenly appeared under Loki's feet, and then they both disappeared in place...

Chapter 195 The Power of Rules [1]

As mentioned above, the time line at this time is already messed up, perhaps because of the difference in parallel universes, or because the arrival of the white night has affected everything.

Anyway... the person who got Loki and Thor into the temple is no longer Doctor Strange, because at this time he is still operating on people in a hospital five kilometers away from here.

Ancient One, the only Supreme Mage on earth once, of course, there is one more white night at this time.

"Your father is over there."

Gu Yi was very straightforward, and directly sent the two to a cliff near the sea in Luowei.

What happened next didn't deviate much from the original timeline. Odin felt that he had reached the limit, and after giving the two of them a chat, they turned into little bits and pieces.

And it was at this time that Hela appeared... In fact, Bai Ye still cared about Hela, because theoretically, Hela's strength was even infinitely close to the level of Heavenly Father.

And as long as she sets foot on the land of Asgard, her strength will even surpass her father Odin.

Thor's Hammer was destroyed, and Loki took another step in a stupor. Everything was like the original timeline, and the rules were trying hard to get everything back to its origins.

"You feel it too"

Among the Kama Taj, Bai Ye still hasn't come here for a long time, after all, with his current strength, this place can't help him at all.

"Yes teacher, the rules are trying to bring everything back to where it was before, but there are all kinds of variables in it."

Bai Ye said calmly.

However, when Gu Yibaiye and the two were discussing the esoteric topic of rules, on the Saka star, Thor also met Hulk just like the original timeline.

Gao Tianzun, the owner of Saka Star, and the collector are two brothers. Don't look at this guy's weak appearance, but this guy is really powerful.

He has an almost infinite life, is immune to aging and all diseases, and it is worth mentioning that this thing is completely immune to physical attacks.

It can convert cosmic energy into levitation, ability projection, psychic ability, material reorganization, and various powerful superpowers such as jumping in time and space.

What's even more powerful is that this thing also has the ability to resurrect the dead, as long as the death does not exceed thirty 30 disappear, he can almost resurrect it.

From this, you can see how perverted this unremarkable guy is.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that he also has special hobbies like collectors. The latter likes to collect bizarre things, while he likes to gamble.

After being cut off his beloved hairstyle, Thor forced a fight with Hulk. However, the original time line was different. Thor managed to persuade Hulk to go to Aspen to help him deal with his sister Hela. .

However, at this time, the number appeared... The guy with the horse face was actually wearing the exact same clothes as Thor, and what made Thor particularly concerned was that this guy actually had a Thor in his hand. Hammer... Maybe strictly speaking, this guy with the horse face is not the hammer of Thor, although they are similar, but there are fundamental differences between the two.

Storm Hammer, this is the name of this weapon, but with his arrival, he rushed in front of Thor almost instantly.


Thor never thought that being hit by a hammer would have such pain, and almost instantly, his consciousness seemed to dissipate.

The same is true for the Hulk on the other side. He was also severely beaten by the horse-faced Thor... In the prison, Thor was injured all over, but these... ......It's nothing, at this time he is even more worried about Asgard's situation.

Hela is too strong, this can be seen from the fact that he can crush his own Thor's Hammer with one hand...,..., you know, the Thor's Hammer uses a star core created.

And by Thor's side, Hulk, who was beaten up by the fat, has changed back to Banner, and when he woke up moaning..., Thor also laughed... .. in Kama Taj, Bai Ye and Gu Yi deduce the future timeline, they see all the future including Doctor Strange.

With the completion of the deduction, Gu Yi said indifferently: "Go, you have already walked your own way, the power of the rules should be bound to you if you don't win."

"Although there is a deviation in the timeline, maybe you can bring some things back into your control. If you can do it, you may be able to peek into the mystery of the rules with your talent."

It was night, in a heavy rainy weather, a Lamborghini was driving fast on a road near the sea, but nine times out of ten accidents, this time was no exception, the Lamborghini flew out of the wide road, and the inside Of course it was none other than that Stephen Strange, the future Doctor Strange.

Looking back at Saka Star, after several attempts to escape failed, Thor understood that this was no longer the place where both he and Banner escaped.

The endless battle made Thor very irritable, but he had no good way to do it. However, at this time, Banner's super wisdom came into play... Ask Bai Ye for help, This is the plan proposed by Banner, and in order to implement it, many things are needed, the most important of which is how to connect with Bai Ye.

The Kun-style fighter plane, the Hulk came here after taking this thing by mistake into the space crack, and on it, there is equipment that can make ultra-long distance calls.

If you can get it smoothly, plus your understanding of gamma rays, you will definitely be able to inform Bai Ye.

However, when the two were thinking about how to get to the Kun-style fighter jet, Bai Ye actually came here on his own initiative.

Looking at the white night in front of him, Loki, who was also living on this planet but was obviously confused, was stunned at the time.

"I'm going with two people."

Gu Yi is right, maybe he can try to make the timeline return to normal, if so, he may be able to find the running track of the rules, maybe he can use this to deduce the power of the rules through the system. must.

Bai Ye has always been very motivated to increase his strength, so when he came to Saka Star, he wanted to speed up the progress of the original timeline.

Hearing Bai Ye's words that suddenly appeared in front of him, Gao Tianzun immediately became interested in Bai Ye.

What he loves most in his life is gambling, especially here he likes to watch them fight in the arena. He is very addicted to the feeling of... creating a champion, so he paid Bai Ye's attention... Lou

Chapter 196 Gao Tianzun [2]

Looking at Bai Ye in front of him, Gao Tianzun was very interested, but he knew very well that the existence of such a level as Bai Ye is not something that can be defeated by the so-called champion... .

So I just heard Gao Tianzun say, "Who are you when you say you want to take people away?"

Hearing Gao Tianzun's words, Bai Ye was stunned for a while, no one dared to speak to him like this for a long time, and the reason why he said this to this guy was just because he didn't want to lose his share.

Bai Ye's work has always been upright and upright. With absolute strength, Bai Ye has the confidence to do everything he wants to do.

However, this guy doesn't seem to buy face very much. He considers himself a real veteran of the universe. In fact, strictly speaking, Gao Tianzun does have arrogant capital. Like collectors, this guy is also one of the oldest races. Brothers, they are almost immortal beings.

Gao Tianzun still looked at Bai Ye with the look of admiring beautiful things, but on the other side Bai Ye was also rarely interested.

"Why don't we make a bet if you win, then I don't care...

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