I won't stop whoever you take away."

"But if you lose, then you have to stay and be my champion, how?"

Gao Tianzun is very arrogant, so arrogant that he seems to think that he has decided to eat the white night.

However, he forgot the most important thing, the tiger never compares with the rabbit, and occasionally even if it is playing with you, it is just that it is not hungry.

In fact, Bai Ye is like a tiger now, and the reason why he doesn't do it directly is just a whim.

"Okay, then let's take a gamble."

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth also rose, and when he heard Bai Ye's words, Gao Tianzun, who was already fond of this way, became even more excited.

As the two set up a bet, the horse-faced Thor and Thor were also brought into the arena, but unlike the first, the two of them will fight fairly this time.

Gao Tianzun deserves to be the most fond of gambling, in order to show fairness, he let Bai Ye choose the players first.

Just when Bai Ye looked at the two people below, Thor also saw Bai Ye... "Just him."

Bai Ye pointed at Thor, and Gao Tianzun also smiled and said, "Okay."

However, just when Gao Tianzun was about to call for the start of the game, Bai Ye said... "Don't be busy, let's talk about the chips before the game starts, you will never think it's you who gave me the two. the chips."

Bai Ye squinted his eyes slightly, the tiger can tolerate the rudeness of the rabbit, but all of this is not... without premise, if you can't come up with something that makes Bai Ye's heart move, come, then even if you are a cosmic veteran, you will live to the end today. .

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Gao Tianzun's expression suddenly became solemn, only to hear him say: "What do you want?"

"Hehe, it depends on what you have, but don't worry, you can remember it, if you lose, you'd better come up with something that will change your life, don't you want to be your champion? I guess that's fair."

Hearing the conversation between the two, he understood that this Gao Tianzun was going to have bad luck this time. He knew very well what kind of person Bai Ye was. He was an existence that even his father, Odin, feared.

The battle started once, but this time, Bai Ye made it very clear to Thor that if he couldn't defeat the horse-faced Thor in front of him, then Asgard would not want to go back.

To be fair, this time both of them took the same weapon, but compared to Thor's flesh and blood, the horse-faced Thor is a semi-mechanical existence.


The huge sound accompanied the entire arena trembling, and the entire stars were boiling for a while... Countless cheers resounded in the sky, and Thor also gave up in order to return to Asgard smoothly. ...... But the surprise is that the horse-faced Thor is also fighting with all his strength, as if he has a bloody feud with Thor.

The two of them came and went with one punch and one hammer, and after a while, the entire arena was a mess.

"No one can stop me from going back to Asgard, no one."

Thor roared, while the other horse-faced Thor finally spoke for the first time, saying: "You are not worthy of being his son."

The powerful force would be like an earthquake without trampling the ground, and the horse-faced Thor angrily ran towards Thor and shouted angrily: "How can you watch him die?"

Thor was stunned by the horse-faced Thor's words. He had always thought that this elder horse-faced guy had such a warlike personality, but now it seemed that he had misunderstood something.

As the two continued to fight, the evenly matched two began to be injured, and at this time, the horse-faced Thor said: "The father of the gods is kind to me, I could have stayed by his side, but because You are here, he asked me to go back to protect my planet, he trusts you so much, but why are you watching him die like this?"

Horse-faced Thor, in fact, from his name and the storm hammer in his hand, it is very clear that he has a relationship with Odin. At first Thor did not react, but he now understands it.

"Boom rumble..."

At some point in the sky, black thunderclouds had condensed. Perhaps Thor's words angered Thor, and the thunder god's power in his body finally erupted.


As a thunder burst out, the horse-faced thunder god was also blasted out in an instant, at this time Thor's body was wrapped in the power of thunder, only to hear him say: "I have failed the trust of the father, but this kind of thing Absolutely never will.”

In front of Thor's imminent victory, Gao Tianzun, who was sitting on the audience stage, turned gloomy.

I saw that he took out something like a remote control, but when he was about to press it, Bai Ye's voice suddenly sounded beside him... "You are when I don't. Do you even dare to play tricks in front of me?"

The purple ray of light exploded in Gao Tianzun's exclusive box, and when Thor was about to start, a figure smashed towards him quickly.


With a heavy muffled sound, Gao Tianzun slammed into the field under the attention of everyone.

And it was at this moment that Bai Ye walked down the stairs step by step as if going down the stairs... "Their battle is over, then we two have a fight"

Bai Ye stood in the air, and at this time, an astonishing momentum burst out from his body, and the arena was surrounded by yaque silent...

Chapter 197 Thor [3]

A thousand and one mistakes, Gao Tianzun's mistake was that he greatly underestimated Bai Ye's strength. As one of the most intelligent races in the universe, such a situation should not have occurred.

But in fact, the long comfortable life has made Gao Tianzun forget the cruelty of this universe. He hasn't seen that kind of... top-notch existence for too long.

Of course, Gao Tianzun is not weak. He has various powerful superpowers such as the ability to convert cosmic energy into levitation, ability projection, psychic ability, material reorganization, and the ability to jump in time and space.

However, in Bai Ye's eyes, these abilities are no different from children's playthings.

Every time Gao Tianzun used an ability, Bai Ye fought back with the same but more powerful force. In less than five minutes, Gao Tianzun completely failed.

However, what makes Gao Tianzun most desperate is that at this time he wants to travel through time and space to escape, because I don't know when, Bai Ye has completely blocked the time and space... "Bang!"

As Bai Ye stepped on Gao Tianzun's chest, his incomparably indifferent voice sounded again... "I'll only say it once, what are you going to use now to pay your life back?"

There was silence all around, if it were normal times, these... The audience would have been boiling, but the one being abused at the moment was Gao Tianzun, the worthy owner of this planet.

Needless to say, how strong Gao Tianzun is, Thor and Hulk are both fighting obediently in his arena. If you want to escape but can't escape, you can see one or two......,......

His lowest level is the existence of the single universe level, but even so, he can't even escape under Bai Ye's men... Bai Ye is not joking, if Gao Tianzun really can't show what he is interested in If it is something, then Bai Ye will really kill him.

It's just a single universe-level life, even if he is a bit special, Bai Ye can still kill him.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the intelligent Gao Tianzun naturally understood that the other party was not joking. As the saying goes, the longer one lives, the less willing they are to die. This sentence is not wrong at all.

Just when Bai Ye was about to kill Gao Tianzun to change the count, Gao Tianzun suddenly told him an amazing news by telepathy.

As Bai Ye withdrew his right foot, his words also rang in Gao Tianzun's heart... "You'd better say the truth, otherwise I don't mind making a special trip... to find you. , I think you should understand that facing me, you have nowhere to run."

With the wave of Bai Ye's right hand, Thor and Banner also appeared in front of him. Of course, Bai Ye did not forget that Loki... Erwuzi, but when Thor was about to leave, a woman's voice was Suddenly there was a loud noise... "Wait..., take me."

The Valkyrie was originally one of Asgar Lord Odin's personal guards, all of them are extremely powerful, and it is worth mentioning that Thor was sent here when he fell on this planet.

With the appearance of the Valkyrie, the middle line seems to be gradually returning to the right track, and when Bai Ye left with a few people, he was still there: Gao Tianzun, who was on the ground, also showed a look of fear... On the other side , Asgard has already staged a slaughter movement, the goddess of death is as her name suggests, but anyone who does not obey her, regardless of gender, age, or child, will be beheaded by her without hesitation.

For a time, the whole Asgard was bloody, but fortunately Heimdall was there, because of his relationship, many people were temporarily rescued.

When Bai Ye brought Thor and the others back to Asgard, he threw them directly in front of Heimdall. From here, everything would return to the original timeline... .. The next thing is very simple, Thor and Heimdall began to plan to implement Ragnarok after meeting Heimdall, Hela's power far exceeded their ability, and at this time Thor couldn't find Bai Ye. .

Like the original, Hela still cut one of Thor's eyes, and Banner became Hulk again.

But it is worth mentioning here that the giant wolf running on the Rainbow Bridge is much stronger than Bai Ye imagined.

The terrifying giant wolf Fenrir, in a certain time line, devoured Odin's life. Although his strength is not as terrifying here, it is not weak.

There is no need to say how strong Hulk's defense is. It can easily resist the existence of nuclear bombs, but even so, Fenrir's teeth still pierced his flesh, with green blood splashing, one person A wolf also fell into the waterfall... "Roar!"

An angry roar echoed over Asgard, Thor was never Hela's opponent, and even if he wanted to protect himself in Hela's hands, it became a problem.

Bai Ye felt that this guy was still the God of Hammers after all. Losing the Thor's Hammer, his combat power declined not so much.

When the long sword in Hela's hand was about to run through his younger brother, Bai Ye finally couldn't help but take action... "Ding!"

The crisp sound was very pleasant, but Hela was startled because of it. She didn't know where Bai Ye came from, but she sensed danger from Bai Ye's body, and it was the kind... from the depths of her soul. ......"How did you just shoot"

Thor, who thought he was dead, was relieved when he saw Bai Ye's shot.

"How did I know that you lost your hammer so badly that you couldn't even win against a woman?"

Bai Ye was also speechless. Originally, he wanted to restore the timeline as much as possible to observe the power of the rules, but if he didn't do anything, Thor would be dead.

Hela's attack is very strange, with her as the center, there will be endless sharp blades around, and it is worth mentioning that this kind of sharp blade of her will ignore the physical defense and easily pierce any living thing.

But of course, it depends on who the opponent is.

As Bai Ye folded his hands together, two magic circles appeared between his hands, and then countless magical vine-like things shot out of his hands, tying Hela in an instant. got up.

"Who are you?"

Hela is not... Thanos, and Bai Ye is not Doctor Strange, and she does not have the power of wireless rough, so naturally it is impossible to break free from this bondage-based magic.

"Me? My name is Bai Ye."

Bai Ye said lightly... However, when Thor was planning to solve her sister, a violent vibration suddenly occurred in the distant Asgard, and with this vibration, Hela also Laughing wildly... Lou

Chapter 198 Shocking change [1]

Huge flames shot up into the sky, as if a volcano erupted, and at the same time, a monster covered in flames and magma burst out from the sea of ​​flames.

Surtur, a legendary evil god's mansion, and it is worth mentioning that the strength of this guy is probably not inferior to Odin.


With the appearance of Surtur, the magic that bound Hela suddenly collapsed, and Bai Ye glanced at Hela with interest when he saw this scene.

"Already prepared"

Bai Ye asked quietly.

If the flame giant Surtur hadn't been arranged by Hela long ago, then Bai Ye wouldn't believe anything.

But this Hela is a bit interesting. She actually kept this hand in advance. Isn't she worried that Surtur will destroy Asgard? You must know that her power also comes from Asgard.

"I have fought many worlds with Odin, and of course I am very clear about his character. As soon as I came here, I heard about you, so I will naturally be prepared. How about it, do you like it?"

Hela smiled evilly, as if she didn't care that Asgard would be destroyed.


After Bai Ye finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Thor, but said, "Let her leave it to you, as for that guy."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he glanced at Surtur. He had not obtained points for some time. Presumably this guy should be able to provide himself with a lot of points. The flame giant Surtur is an evil god from the hell dimension. , He holds the sword of twilight, which is enchanted with magic, able to control the mysterious power, and even break the barrier of the dimension.

And it is because of the Twilight Sword that it has the strength to compete with Odin.

Of course, this thing is usually in a state of silence. It was not until Hela used the Eternal Fire that Surtur's ability really recovered. At this time, he was even more powerful than Odin.

......In the blink of an eye, Surtur's body is already a thousand feet tall, and at this time he is also destroying everything he can see.

However, when he slashed down with the Sword of Twilight, Bai Ye suddenly appeared in front of him... "Clang!"

It was like the sound of glass breaking, and with this sound, Surter's body also seemed to be hit by some heavy object.


The earth was trembling, and Surter's body also splashed countless magma when he was there... "Who?"

Surtur roared angrily.

"Is it only this level? Bai Ye's expression is indifferent. No matter how strong Surtur is, it is only the strength of a single universe. With this strength, he is far from enough to see.

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