The purple light reflected the sky. Under the illumination of the Nine Realms, Bai Ye drew swords, and then a dazzling blue burst from his hands. This is the combination of the power of the power gem and the space gem. ....The combination of time and space is the blade of time and space. What about power and space? Maybe Bai Ye can't tell its name at this time, but when Bai Ye slashed down with one sword, Surter was also horrified. .....Surtur's body is very large, so the Twilight Sword is naturally not small, but when Surtur brought up the Twilight Sword and tried to attack Baiye, the terrifying scene was It happened... The sword formed by Bai Ye's fusion of the power gem and the space gem was like a hot knife piercing the butter. It did not encounter the slightest obstruction, and everything was over.

Asgard's underground is an endless sea, and with the sword of Bai Ye's duty, the original earth was chopped in half, and countless sea waters rushed out from the cracks..." This how is this possible"

At this time, Hela was really shocked. She knew that Bai Ye was very strong, otherwise she would not have taken the risk: releasing Surtur at such a great risk, but she did not expect Bai Ye to be killed so easily. other side.

The thunder is like a mighty sky, and Thor is also taking advantage of Hela's distraction at this time and slamming at her...a burst of attack.

However, it was also at this time, on the other side of the earth, that Strange, who had a car accident, finally found Kama Taj, and the person who received him turned out to be Tony... Due to the relationship between the Kvia agreement, Tony has been practicing magic in Kama Taj for a long time. He is more rebellious by nature, and naturally he does not like to have any interaction with the high-level officials of the US imperialists.

However, because of his relationship with Bai Ye, since this period of time, the high-level officials of the American Empire have been trying to drag him over to make friends with Bai Ye, but how could Tony see the embarrassed Sri Lanka as they wished for this kind of thing. Trange, Tony's rather conceited nature almost didn't let him shut down.

But thinking of Bai Ye's instructions, Tony still resisted and pressed: Strange said, "Okay, Mr. Bai Ye asked me to wait for you here, and I will be your guide from today on."

"But please remember, I don't have any extra time to waste on you. I will only say everything once during the practice. As for whether you can comprehend it or not, that is your own business."

Speaking of this, Tony had already turned around, but he seemed to sound like something suddenly, and he turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, Mr. Bai Ye asked me to show you a hand first."

The golden light suddenly appeared, and Strange was brought directly to the top of the Himalayas by Tony, but surprisingly, the cold and fierce mountain wind did not affect them at all.

And seeing this scene, Strange's world view was broken....... The screen turned back to Asgard, and with millions of counting points, Bai Ye was also right. Surter's strength became suspicious.

Undoubtedly, this guy's strength is indeed stronger than Odin. After all, he has completely become an existence beyond the Heavenly Father level after integrating the Eternal Fire.

But even so, he should only have a single cosmos level. Otherwise, if his cosmos level is far away, how could he kill him so easily? It's just an existence at the level of a single universe, and it definitely can't reach millions of points.

However, just when Bai Ye was thinking about what was wrong, a sudden change occurred below Asgard... The scales that were so huge and disrespectful were constantly churning in the endless sea, invisible to the naked eye. The monster at the end is roaring... Seeking a monthly pass

Chapter 199 Frozen World [2]

The incomparably huge body, the scales that looked sparkling under the flames, even Bai Ye was shocked by the scene in front of him at this time.

This was not in his plan, and he had never heard of such a monster beneath Asgard.

On the other side, seeing this monster, Hela also showed an unbelievable expression. She didn't expect that she would see him one day... The world's giant python, Yemengarde, the legendary The most terrifying and strongest monster in the giant family, because its existence is too dangerous, so he is still there: when he was a child, he was thrown into the bottomless sea of ​​the human world by Odin.

Of course, this is just a legend, but in fact it is not much different, Yemengarde is indeed the most powerful existence in the giant clan.

His body is so huge that if he stretches his body, he can see his tail on the other side of the endless sea.

After all, according to the legend, he was the one who lifted up the whole world alone.


With every tumbling of Yermengard, the endless sea will be set off by stormy waves, and Asgard will begin to fall apart.

"Do not!"

Thor let out a desperate roar, he naturally did not want to see Asgard destroyed, but everything was a foregone conclusion, because of Bai Ye's sword, Asgard had already been cut into two pieces. half, and with the birth of Yermengard, Asgard was completely unable to hold on.

"Get on the ship."

Heimdall urged everyone anxiously, and even Thor was dragged up by him.

On the other side, Bai Ye looked at this huge and outrageous creature in front of him, and the fighting spirit in his heart was also aroused.

Unlike the five gods, they are nothing but abstract existences, as long as they want, their bodies can even fill the entire universe.

But the Yemengjia in front of him is different. This thing is a real creature. Bai Ye can bet that if it is just a creature in this dimension, it is absolutely no bigger than this thing.

"No, Yemenga can stop."

This is Hela's roar of despair. After all, her strength is closely related to Asgard. If Asgard is destroyed, Hela's ending will not be much better.

The reason why she dared to release Surtur just now was because he had absolute certainty that he would not destroy Asgard.

But now Yemenga is different, he doesn't even need to destroy anything deliberately, just moving his lower body is enough to destroy this world.

However, when Hela was about to stop Yemengade, Bai Ye, who was on the side, took the lead... The strength of the multiverse made Bai Ye already use magic, because many times he just used a look. Enough to kill his so-called opponents.

But now it is different, while Yemengarde has a huge body, he has a very special place, that is, he can completely ignore physical attacks.

yes, whatever....

No matter how strong your attack power is, as long as it is a physical attack, including the original power stone, it is impossible to really kill him.

The sky and the earth began to turn upside down, the shattered earth flew high into the sky, and the crimson cloud that was originally in the sky had already reached my feet.

Mirror world, this used to be one of Bai Ye's most commonly used magic... This time Bai Ye was serious, even more serious than when he was fighting the beholder, because this time he would not use the system from The power deduced from the infinite original stone, but truly with its own magic.

In fact, the magician is one of the most mysterious beings in the universe. Along with his hands in the depths of the white night, an orange magic circle also appeared between his hands.

The endless sea began to boil, and the sea water of the whole sea began to roll up... The temperature around it seemed to be lower, and Yemengarde kept roaring in the sea water, and he was also angry.. ...."Crack!"

This is the sound of the sea freezing. Under the magic of Bai Ye, the entire endless sea started to condense, and seeing this scene, Hela was like a ghost.

"how can that be"

However, Bai Ye ignored Hela. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't used this kind of large-scale magic to freeze a world, something he had never done before.

The plain white color has become the main theme color of Asgard at this time, and the originally turbulent ocean has now been completely frozen.

That Yuanbei's monstrous wave was still surging, but it never had a chance to smash down.

And in the endless sea, her huge body had no signs of life at all, and even with Hela on the side, she was completely frozen into an ice man.

Absolute freezing, this is a kind of magic created by Bai Ye, as early as when he was only at the level of the Heavenly Father, he was able to use this magic to freeze atoms.

At this time, Bai Ye's strength has long since changed, and it is no longer difficult for him to freeze a dimension.


As the white night fell gently, the entire Asgard turned into a little ice crystal in an instant.... Strange is indeed the person Gu Yi took a fancy to, this guy The ability to learn is really not covered, no matter...

Tony can infer anything he says.

If Tony is a genius, then he is more reflected in the talent of the armor, and Strange is different, this guy is a real magic genius.

During this period of time, Strange had made rapid progress, but at the same time as he continued to make progress, Dormammu's huge and wrinkled face resurfaced in a certain dark dimension.

Looking at Casillas in front of him, Dormammu said indifferently: "You are ready for revenge."

"Of course, my master."

Casillas said with resentment in his eyes.

On the other side, Gu Yi still guards the entrance of the dimension space as before, but unlike the usual calm, the entrance to the dimension at this time is the waves of his life.

However, just when Gu Yi was going to use the time gem to see what was going on, the space around her suddenly changed... "Dormammu, you still don't give up?"

Gu Yi couldn't be more clear about the scenes in front of her. She also came to this dimension at the beginning, and gained powerful power from here.

However, when Dormammu shot Gu Yi, in the temple in New York, Casillas also appeared here... Lu

Chapter 200 Strikes Again [3]

Gu Yi and Dormammu were originally enemies of life and death, and at this time the two of them had already fought together.

On the other side, in the temple in New York, Daniel, the guardian here, also encountered the most powerful enemy in his life. Facing Casillas, Daniel was no match at all.

"I say one last time, hand over that thing, or I will completely destroy this place."

Casillas' purpose is very clear, that is, to snatch a sacred object that can open the dimension of space stored in the New York Temple, and then lead Dormammu to come.

As long as Dormammu can come to this world in real form, then everything in this world will be theirs.

No matter when....

It's Gu Yi, or that... Bai Ye, which is even more disgusting, they don't even think about stopping themselves and others from conquering this world.


Daniel is very strong, and he also has some talent, but compared with Casillas, his strength is not far from enough. As a villain, who is not a genius? At this time, Daniel is already asking for help, and he is very clear about himself. How much ability, hard resistance is nothing but death in vain.

However, just as Casillas had a gloomy face and planned to kill Daniel while he was slowly looking for it, Strange appeared with a sudden appearance of the golden door of light... On the other side, in a On a planet called Nivida, it was originally a peaceful home of dwarves. Like many works, the dwarves have always been good at casting various weapons.

And here is no exception, the dwarves of Nevada are also good at crafting weapons.

With a purple and burly body, Thanos wearing a golden armor is holding a double-edged sword, and in front of him, dozens of equally strong men have fallen in a pool of blood.

"I said, build what I want, then I'll let you go, otherwise, die."

Thanos, a madman who intends to destroy half of the universe in order to please death, because of the difference between the universe and the timeline, in the original book, Thanos is far less noble than the movie.

It is not for sustainable development here, but simply to please the death of one of the five gods and laugh.

"No, just die. Asgard will come to save us, and they will definitely defeat you."

The Dwarf King was very angry, but because of his strength, Thanos almost completely crushed the dwarves.

"Maybe you can't wait for them to come, I say one last time, build what I need, or I will kill all your people one by one in front of you."

After Thanos finished speaking, the equally sturdy black dwarf also grabbed a dwarf and walked in front of the dwarf king....... Dormammu had been there a long time ago, if it was just a dwarf If Gu Yi had been relying on the power of the temple to guard the dimensional space, the earth would have fallen long ago.

Later, because of Bai Ye's relationship, Dormammu was almost at risk of not being able to survive as the saying goes, there will be disasters if you don't die.

Now, his strength has greatly increased to take revenge, and the first object is the ancient one... The mirror world is completely useless to the existence of... Dormammu, so she can only rely on powerful offensive magic to continue The consumption of Dormammu.

But on the other hand, Dormammu didn't care about Gu Yi's attack at all because of his integration with the dark dimension. After all, Gu Yi only had the strength of a single universe at this time.

At the same time, in the New York Sanctuary, Casillas once again knocked out Strange, whose magic was still half-baked, and it was at this time that Strange found his own magical object, the magic cloak. .

But at this time, even if he has a magic cloak, he can't resist it. After avoiding Casillas' attack in a dangerous and dangerous way, Strange is also forced to a desperate situation... "I said you If I don't move, I can't stand it anymore."

After all, Strange has not been learning magic for a long time, and now he is still in a half-baked state. How could he be the opponent of Casillas who had once again obtained the blessing of Dormammu's power. ."

However, as soon as Strange's voice fell, a missile with a magical attribute just exploded beside Strange with a bang.

The angle of the explosion was very precise, and all the attacks were directed towards Casillas. As for Strange, he was completely unharmed.

"The cape is nice."

The person who came was naturally none other than Tony the Iron Man.

At this time, he has already changed into a magic armor, and it is the latest one.

"How did you prepare for such a long time? If you come back later, I really can't take it anymore."

Strange said with some grumbling.

And when he heard his words, Tony also said: "It took a little longer to prepare. Besides, you are the person named by Mr. Bai Ye, how can you die so easily?"

On the other side, after Casillas heard the conversation between the two, he also launched an attack very angry... The powerful end of the law pierced the underground of the temple from Casillas' hands, and did not say anything at this time. The temple, and even the whole of New York, felt a palpable tremor.


With the shaking of the ground, Tony flew into the air, and Strange on the side also flew with the help of the magic skin.

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