"I always hear you say Mr. Bai Ye, I have heard this name for a long time in other colleges, but I don't know when I will be able to see him, but I can't wait."

Strange said to Tony after flying to Casillas' side.

"Haha, just wait, if something happened today, Mr. Bai Ye might have come back."

"I remember this guy is Dormammu's slave, maybe Mr. White Night is already fighting against Dormammu."

Tony guessed right, after solving the Asgard matter, Bai Ye also sensed the dimension of someone trying to invade the earth, so he did not delay for a moment, and came directly to the alien space.

The face of the enemy was extremely blushing, and looking at the white night in front of him, Dormammu became extremely irritable.

On the other hand, when Bai Ye saw Dormammu's huge and ugly face, his mood also became worse... If the single-universe level means that a planet can be easily destroyed , the multiverse level represents the ability to destroy a single universe.

Undoubtedly, Dormammu at this time has reached the level of the multiverse, because at this time he already has the power to destroy a universe...

Chapter 201 Destruction [1]

Dormammu's strength is unquestionable, but also, Baiye is not a weak chicken, and it is worth mentioning that because of the long-term battle, as the supreme mage on the earth, Baiye and the ancient one were against Dormammu. They all occupy an absolute advantage, which is one of the reasons why Gu Yi has been able to persist until now with the strength of a single universe.

Of course, the main reason is that Dormammu has been waiting for Bai Ye to come, so he deliberately did not have the ancient one, and Bai Ye has already discovered this.

"Just today, I will repay you everything you did to me back then. I want you to sink into the dark dimension forever."

Dormammu roared, except...he suffered such a big loss here in Baiye, the rest of his life has always been smooth sailing.

The vast dark power is gathering, and it almost fills the entire different space in an instant, but at this time, Bai Ye also started.

The purple light burst out in an instant, and the power that was so strong to the extreme easily shattered the surrounding dark power, and this was not enough, as a burst of red light flashed past, this originally depressing strangeness. The space suddenly changed into a world like blue sky and white clouds.

Reality Gem, this is the first time Bai Ye has used this kind of power in actual combat.

On the other hand, Dormammu was also shocked when he saw this scene... "How is this possible"

Dormammu said in disbelief.

"In this universe, nothing is impossible"

Bai Ye's expression was indifferent. As Dormammu didn't kill Gu Yi in advance, Bai Ye also planned to give him something in return, that is, to give him a happy death.

As one of the strongest beings in the universe, the Infinity Stones each have a strange ability, and when these abilities are superimposed, it is an existence that can break all conventions.

The dark dimension is not the dark dimension. Under the blue sky and white clouds, Dormammu even felt that it was becoming difficult for him to even breathe.

And with the green and blue light shining, the time-space blade that banished the beholder also appeared again... "No!"

Dormammu roared in horror. On the Blade of Time and Space, he clearly felt the threat from the depths of his soul. As a multiverse-level powerhouse, Dormammu was undoubtedly much inferior to the Beholder.

And the beholder has been exiled under the blade of time and space, how could he be spared, and compared to the beholder who can't die, his Dormammu has no such ability.

Even the strongest beings are also afraid when he is, and it is obvious that Dormammu is afraid at this time.

He didn't expect Bai Ye to be so strong. In the beginning, he only had the level of a single universe. How could he have grown to this level in such a short period of time? The battle of the earthlings ended very quickly, just as Bai Ye predicted. In general, although Dormammu has reached the level of the multiverse, it is still far behind the beholder.

With the time-blade piercing through Dormammu's body, his journey of life ended here.

However, just when Bai Ye put away the blade of time and space and planned to leave the different space, Gu Yi's face suddenly changed greatly, only to hear her anxiously shouting: "Be careful, Bai Ye."

Strictly speaking, Dormammu was the first multiverse powerhouse Bai Ye had killed in the true sense, so he still underestimated this level of existence after all.

The rapidly expanding body and the rapidly condensing dark energy make the surrounding space begin to become distorted, and this is nothing. Unseen energy.

"Is this the power of rules? It's really hard to find a place to step through the iron shoes. This guy really did a good thing before he died."

Bai Ye squinted his eyes slightly, he already knew what Dormammu was going to do, it was nothing more than planning to self-destruct before dying, it was just a small trick, even if he was a powerhouse at the multiverse level.


The huge explosion is different from ordinary nuclear bomb explosions and the like. It does not expand outward, but continuously sucks inward. At this time, it is like a real black hole, swallowing everything... .. However, if it were another multiverse-level powerhouse, then maybe Dormammu would have succeeded, but the white night is worthy of being a white night after all, the sky blue light illuminates the whole world, that black hole that can swallow everything unexpectedly He looked so exhausted in this blue light.

Bai Ye is too strong, not to mention the space magic that he is extremely proficient in, and the power of the infinite gems obtained through the system on his body is not something that such a black hole can compete with.

The battle has come to an end, and Bai Ye won a complete victory in the end, and this also directly proves that even the existence of the multiverse level will be in danger of falling when facing Bai Ye.

On the other hand, compared to the absolute crush of Bai Ye, Tony and Strange fell into a hard battle in the battle against Casillas.

It has to be said that as an existence who does not want to kill Bai Ye and Gu Yi all the time, Casillas' talent is really amazing.

And with the help of Dormammu, the strength of this guy has also greatly increased, and he has reached the level of a sub-heavenly father.

Of course, the two of them are not muddy. Tony is also very talented in magic, although he is a little worse than Strange, but don't forget, this guy's talent points are more in technology.

I don't know when, Casillas suddenly found that his attack turned out to have no effect on Bai Ye. Whenever his attack hit Tony, Tony's armor would emit a dazzling light, and then Casillas Suddenly found that his magic disappeared like this... Looking at Casillas' expression, how could Tony not understand what this guy was thinking "Why are you surprised?"

Tony shrugged, but he didn't give Casillas a chance to refute, and countless lasers shot in all directions.

Not to mention that this is a victory point, I am afraid it will be the same even if it is solved in Kama Taj.

Anti-magic armor, this is a terrifying thing that Tony Xian made when he had nothing to do. It is specially aimed at magicians. 's stuff.

The anti-magic armor is still very effective. Casillas love has been completely suppressed by Tony at this time, and there is Strange who is eyeing the other side... Lu

Chapter 202 Rejection [2]

The result of the battle is of course needless to say. If even Tony and Doctor Strange can't win this Casillas together, then this fellow will be a bit too defiant.

After a battle, the temple was a mess. To be honest, if it wasn't for Tony's armor that suppressed the opponent, then the temple would not be mentioned at this time, and even the whole of New York might have turned into nothingness.

And at the beginning of the war, Bai Ye also appeared in the temple, hardly needing Tony's introduction, and Strange recognized Bai Ye right away.

Without him, Bai Ye is as bright and outstanding as the fireflies in the dark night, but if he has a little strength, he must be able to recognize him immediately.

"You lazy guy, you can't take it easy and use this level of armor to deal with a wise man"

Bai Ye did not speak to Doctor Strange, but spoke directly to Tony.

"It's easy to say, I'm not you, this guy is very tricky, you should be glad I didn't screw things up."

Tony rolled his eyes at Bai Ye, standing and talking without back pain. You are a pervert like you. Hearing Tony's words, Bai Ye was also stunned. Yes, he didn't notice this problem before, his strength increased too fast, this It also led to Bai Ye's mentality becoming more and more elusive.

Now he is still accustomed to looking at things from the old eyes, so he will inevitably ask others with his own requirements.

"If it's okay, I'll go first. If the senior officials of the American Empire know that I am in New York, maybe those guys will come to bother me again, and this guy will also be handed over to you."

After Tony finished speaking, he flew out of the temple, leaving Bai Ye and Doctor Strange alone in the temple.

"sit down."

Bai Ye said lightly, in fact, strictly speaking, he still has a different emotion for Doctor Strange, after all, because of his arrival, Doctor Strange came to Kama Taj three years late.

And it is worth mentioning that the original Gu Yi entrusted everything to Dr. Strange after his death, but it was also because of his own relationship. If Gu Yi did not die, even if Gu Yi died, there was no reason to think that everything about her would be the same. Will be given to White Night first instead of Doctor Strange.

On the other hand, Doctor Strange became very nervous after hearing Bai Ye's words. After all, he was most likely facing the most powerful person from the earth who came from the Supreme Master Ang.

If it was in the past, he would definitely not have felt this way, but the longer he practiced in Kama Taj, the more he would know about Bai Ye, and because of this, the more he knew about Bai Ye. More and more I felt the strength of the man in front of me.

At Kama Taj, the White Night is... a hurdle to get around, no matter what...

What is it, people will always mention him, intentionally or not.

And also thought that after hearing it for a long time, Lan Qi also felt more and more mysterious to Bai Ye.

As Strange sat down: Bai Ye smiled slightly, and then said: If you are so nervous, drink some coffee or the mysterious drink of the East"

Seeing Strange looking extremely nervous, Bai Ye was also joking rarely.

"Can you even do that?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Strange said in shock immediately.

Kama Taj is located in the Himalayas. It is not polite to say that it is very close to the mysterious country in the East. In terms of food culture, it is also deeply influenced by the mysterious country in the East, but in New York, I want those. ......that's...more unlikely.

Bai Ye didn't understand what Strange was thinking. He didn't want to use the power of telepathy on Strange. First, it was rude, and secondly, it was very simple, just...just don't want to.

The power of the actual rough stone is terrifying, and this power that can turn imagination into reality has undoubtedly made people a god.

Seeing the mysterious Oriental drink that suddenly appeared in front of him and was still steaming, Strange admired Bai Ye more and more.

"What are you going to do in the future"

Bai Ye is very sensitive to this topic, he is very clear, because his appearance Gu Yi did not die like the original timeline.

However, this also led to the fact that Strange probably didn't have the same feeling for the profession of magician as he originally did, but fortunately, this guy didn't say anything about the cure and went back.

Just like the original timeline, Strange also felt that magic would save more people than practicing medicine. After some conversations, he was still determined to learn magic.

The next thing was much simpler. Bai Ye gave Strange some pointers while talking with him. To be honest, the magic that Strange learned at this time was nothing to Bai Ye. Don't call it a thing.

As Strange left contented and full of doubts, Bai Ye also took a sip of tea.

"That child is indeed a rare and good piece of material."

As soon as Gu came, she sat down beside Bai Ye and said.

"Well, but hasn't the teacher been optimistic about him already?"

Bai Ye poured a cup of tea for Gu Yi and said.

"If you didn't appear, then I might be my only heir, but since you have appeared, I still want to ask you, do you really not intend to accept it?"

Gu Yi said that it is naturally a time gem, and this is also the responsibility of the Supreme Masters of all dynasties. As early as a long time ago, Gu Yi wanted to give it to Bai Ye, but Bai Ye always refused.

Hearing Gu Yi mentioning the old words again, Bai Ye also smiled Wan'er, not because he didn't want infinite rough stones, but because it was really useless for him.

As for the responsibility of guardianship, to put it bluntly, even if the Time Stone falls into the hands of someone else, Bai Ye has absolute strength to correct all that.

And since he has been able to ignore the harm caused by the time gem, how could he still take him by himself? Besides these, Bai Ye has another layer of consideration of his own. The time gem is a trouble, even Even the earth is a trouble.

He doesn't mind helping when the earth is in crisis, but he doesn't want to tie himself firmly to the responsibility of protecting the earth every moment.

Seeing Bai Ye's attitude, Gu Yi also sighed softly. For his disciple, Gu Yi is [-] million satisfied, and the only thing he is not satisfied with is that he is too lazy...

Chapter 203 Appearance of Deadpool [3]

Bai Ye still doesn't want to become a Supreme Mage, so Gu Yi has no good way to do it, but fortunately there is Strange, but now he still needs to go through some more postgraduate studies.

However, just when Gu Yi planned to find something to test Strange, the dark tide of the world also began to surge.

Matthew Marroy, a very tragic mutant, when his wife was killed in front of his eyes when the Skrulls invaded the earth, and he awakened his ability at this time.

Of course, when it comes to the Skrulls, then Captain Marvel must be mentioned, but that will be discussed later.

Matthew Marroy is not very good at controlling his own power, which is destined to become the vigilant object of the police, but in fact it is true. As early as when Matthew Marroy woke up, Charles had already noticed to him.

"Is the plan still going on? I heard that Vulkan didn't dare to mess with that guy...the guy named Bai Ye."

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