Beside Matthew Marroy, a man who is also a mutant said lightly.

"It doesn't matter, even that... Bai Ye, as long as we are careful, there will be no problem, and he is also a human, so I don't believe that you can go against the sky."

At this time, only anger was left in Matthew Marroy's heart. He resented everything in this world. His wife's death hit him hard, but he was guarded by Charles and others, who were also mutants, like guarding against criminals. It only aroused the darkness in his heart.

So Matthew planned to end it all, and naturally he was approached by some people.

Destroying the entire normal human beings, leaving only mutants, is a common topic that Magneto has done countless times at the beginning, but none of them have been successful.

And their plan of action this time is also very simple. Simply put, they want to get Charles' helmet, because Matthew is also an extremely powerful psychic.

As long as the helmet is in hand and with the reinforcement of the helmet, Matthew can easily kill all normal humans except mutants in an instant. Of course, this cannot include monsters like Bai Ye.

However, when Matthew and others were about to move, Charles had already noticed it. It is worth mentioning that as time passed, Magneto at this time had successfully released Bai Ye's shackles on him.

Magneto is really strong, and he is extremely wise. He didn't tell anyone that he lifted the shackles of Bai Ye, and he still doesn't seem to give up on destroying all human beings.

And it was at this time that he received news from Charles... How strong are the mutants at the Omega level. Each of them is a monster that is comparable to the powerhouse at the single universe level. Don't question, These guys are just... so powerful, and even some of them are stronger than the single universe level and have reached the multiverse level.

Exaggerated music and exaggerated clothing, chanting and chanting again and again, while the two knives on the other side are constantly waving and harvesting life.

Deadpool, a very special mutant, maybe he's not as strong as the omega-level ones...that mutant, but this guy can definitely be called a real genius when it comes to killing people.

Especially after the operation, this guy has acquired a self-healing ability comparable to Wolverine. No, it should be said that he is more perverted than that Wolverine at this time, and not only in the aspect of self-healing.

Have you ever seen someone go crazy to see the death of one of the five gods Immortal.

Deadpool is very famous in the circle of mutants. Almost as long as he is a mutant, there is no one who doesn't know this guy. He is also a bitch. If he didn't kill him, he would have died many times.

Looking at the mutants who were killing them in front of him, Dead Servant said after thinking about it: "My God, can this group of guys hire you too? That's not your mother having an affair with them, or say You yourself have an affair with them"

As always, as soon as Dead Servant opened his mouth, he couldn't stop. Hearing the constant thoughts in his mouth, the mutants behind Matthew finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Can I kill this guy?"

One of them was covered in blue electric light, and then there was an undisguised killing intent in his eyes.

"Stop the thunderbolt, don't forget why we came."

Matthew said lightly, then he turned his head and said to Deadpool: "Wade, I've heard the name for a long time, I don't know if you are interested in joining us. I know you are also not accepted by those guys, come on, join We, let's change the world together."

After Matthew finished speaking, he made a gesture of hug, but when Deadpool saw it, he said: "I know, you guys definitely have an affair with this group of people, my God, you are so ugly, they are so ugly. Are you looking at you too?"

If Matthew's number one in this world wants to kill all the Skrulls, then he swears that this guy in Deadpool is... the second existence he wants to kill.

In fact, Matthew has also done this. As I said before, Matthew is very strong. His ability has been shown so far. He has spiritual ability, and he can move instantaneously and can bring people and objects. Infinite resurrection , even if Matthew was beaten with a head left, he could easily be resurrected.

With a powerful mind, he only needs to move his mind, and he can easily destroy anything around him. Of course, this has an upper limit.

However, at this time, he activated this terrifyingly terrifying psychic power, and Deadpool didn't even realize what happened, and his body exploded..." To be honest, buddy, I regret offending you a little bit, otherwise I just need you to put my dick back where it was."

This is what it means to be dead In, Daniel is right, Hawaii is indeed a fascinating place, and it is well-deserved to be called a vacation paradise.

Looking at the blue sea, Bai Ye's mood has already drifted into the distance at this time. Of course, it would be good if there was no chattering head in the sea.

"Hey buddy, would you mind giving me a tug on the head, yes, it's... as you think."

Dead Servant still looked at Bai Ye and said... Lu

Chapter 204 Clean up the dead servant

As Bai Ye gently hooked... hand, Deadpool's head also flew up from the sea, and fell into Bai Ye's hands in a flash.

"Wow, man, are you human?"

"Oh, you understand, I mean are you a god? Do I want to kneel down and worship you or something, of course, if you need to, then you have to wait, because at this time I don't say I can kneel My feet are gone, I don't even have a second child."

After Dead Servant finished speaking, he laughed to himself.

And at this time, a moving voice suddenly came from the villa... "Darling, who are you talking to?"

Looking at Diana, who was wearing an extremely beautiful light blue dress, Deadpool's eyes shot out a burst of light.

Then he only heard him say, "Dude, I think I'm in love, but are you sure you're not God? Or you're Adam, and this beauty is Eve?"

Deadpool's lip-smacking skills are really good, even Bai Ye's mentality can be said to be extremely good. Believe it or not, I'll let you have a good time."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, it was obvious that Dead Servant was thinking crooked again, only to hear him say: "Wow, you already have this kind of beauty, and you still have feelings for me, who only has one head. Interesting, I have to say you're just too, too, awesome..."

However, when Deadpool was about to say something, Bai Ye didn't give him this chance anymore, and when Bai Ye threw it casually, Deadpool's head was suspended in the air.

Time is still, a kind of use of time magic, and for time magic, Bai Ye believes that no one in this world can understand it better than him.

Bai Ye slowed down Deadpool's time flow. To put it simply, in the eyes of Deadpool at this time, everything around him entered the slow-playing screen, and this was nothing, he suddenly found that his own brain was not affected Influenced, but the whole person's speech was extremely slowed down.

He couldn't finish speaking a word in an hour, which is really killing Deadpool... "My dear, who is this guy?"

Diana is not an ordinary woman after all. She is also a little curious about Wade, who has only a head left in front of her, but she is curious, and she doesn't think there are any surprises.

"Just a scumbag, no matter what...

He, let's hang him like this for a day before we talk about it."

Bai Ye said lightly.

After a night of silence, Bai Ye woke up the next morning, and on the other side, Deadpool's head seemed to have been carefully measured, that is, it fell to the ground at this time.

"I was wrong."

This was the first sentence Wade said after landing. Although it was only one night, Wade seemed to have spent ten years, and he was still sober but spoke for ten years.

Wade only said two words all night, which is really terrible for a talker like him.

As the saying goes, the wicked will let the wicked grind. At this time, Wade already understands that the man in front of him is an existence that must not be provoked.

And it was at this time that Bai Ye also spoke up... "Let's hear it, who made you like this?"

In fact, strictly speaking, Wade's self-healing ability is not as good as Wolverine's. Bai Ye has seen Wolverine's timeline, and this guy is an existence that can walk on the sun.

You must know that the sun can't burn Wolverine to death, from this point it can prove how powerful his self-healing ability is, and it is worth mentioning that this guy can resist Gretchen, who has the power of the phoenix.

And the other one is more weird, Deadpool's self-healing ability comes from Wolverine's cells, and this ability was obtained only after manual surgery.

However, this does not make his self-healing ability surpass that of Wolverine. What really makes Deadpool so invincible is because of the curse of Thanos.

Yes, as mentioned earlier, Deadpool saw the death of one of the five gods by chance, and you must know that Thanos also loves that one deeply.

So the scene of dog blood appeared. At first, Thanos didn't directly curse Deadpool, but beat Deadpool hard: and even hammered Deadpool into flesh.

But everyone also knows that at that time Deadpool had obtained Wolverine's self-healing ability, so Thanos thought Deadpool died and left, but Deadpool didn't die.

The subsequent plot was much simpler. In order to see death again, Deadpool continued to start the journey of death, but Thanos couldn't do anything with Deadpool.

So he cursed Deadpool, and cursed him to never die, so that Deadpool couldn't see death again.

The plot is very bloody, and Bai Ye also found that there are many unreasonable places in it, such as why Thanos is so awesome, why doesn't he curse his subordinates? Of course, Bai Ye also believes that this kind of curse that can make people immortal is not so easy. Next, as for the secrets in it, we can talk about it later.

Deadpool and Wolverine's self-healing methods are different. Wolverine has almost never been cut off because of its special metal skeleton.

But Deadpool is different. It is common for this guy to break his hands and feet, but as time goes by, this guy's hands and feet will grow back again.

"I'm curious, if I cut you into two paragraphs, would you say you'd become two deadpools?"

Bai Ye was really curious about this question, while Deadpool, who had managed to grow his entire body, immediately moved away from Bai Ye for a distance, and then said, "Hey, hey, what are you going to do?"

However, at this time, Bai Yexin glanced outside with a feeling, and then said to Deadpool: "You should go."

The policeman is now a relatively powerful organization on earth. Just when Deadpool was going to leave to find revenge for those who dared to tear him apart, the door outside rang. He got up... The beast was a mutant that Bai Ye was more familiar with, and beside him, a strong man with a height of more than two meters was also standing there.

Chapter 205 Matthew [2]

In fact, Bai Ye didn't really catch a cold when he wanted to come to the policemen and others. In his opinion, these guys were just... fed up, not to mention how many mutants there are on earth.

Just talking about those...there are countless people who have acquired powers for special reasons, just rely on, can you manage it? Don't say anything about your own race, you have to bear it yourself. In fact, the birth of mutants is destined to be mostly a tragedy. These days, anyone who has some skills has not told a story yet. The purpose of the beast and Doctor Steel is very clear. It's also very simple, to put it bluntly... I can't bear to face the mutants of the Omega level, and I want to ask Bai Ye to take action.

However, how lazy Bai Ye is, he is not the guy who wears underwear and outerwear. He takes the world as his responsibility. To put it bluntly, as long as Bai Ye is not involved in some things, Bai Ye will be lazy.

With the door closed, the beast also sighed. In his opinion, if Bai Ye is willing to take action, then everything will be settled.

But right now Bai Ye is obviously...not planning to take action, and facing Omega-level Matthew, let alone Charles, even the entire police feel a headache.

"Wade, why don't you come with us."

Dr. Steel watched Deadpool preach loudly.

"No, big man, although you have a very sexy little ass, but to be honest, I still like a girl with a more graceful figure. As for you, next time."

After Deadpool finished speaking, he blew a kiss to Dr. Steel, and then he jumped into the sea like that.

"Let's go, we couldn't invite Mr. Bai Ye to take action, we have to rush back to teach them."

As everyone left, only Bai Ye and Diana were left in the huge villa, but just when the two were about to warm up, the door bell suddenly rang again.

"Sir, there seems to be another group of mutants outside, and I have already investigated, it seems that these mutants are...the ones the police are going to deal with..."

Ultron's voice sounded, and Bai Ye glanced at Diana apologetically. He was a little uncomfortable with today's affairs. If you want to kill yourself, you can't go far and come to yourself. What does it mean to follow the door? When it opened, two men and a woman with tattoos all over the place also walked in.

"You are Bai Ye, right?"

Several people are completely aloof, as if Bai Ye is in their eyes... a little ant that can be trampled to death at any time.

Hearing the other party's words, Bai Ye also frowned slightly and said, "You guys seem to be very confident. When did you mutants have such courage?"

Today's mutant team is very clearly divided, most of them are gangs, one is headed by Charles, and the other two are headed by Vulkan and Matthew.

in spite of....

How the world is changing, after all, it is still strong food, and there is no leader who absolutely covers it, all that is in vain.

This time, Matthew made a lot of noise, and it seemed that those who obeyed me prospered and those who rebelled against me would die, and they actually stretched their hands into the realm of non-mutants. It seems that they are determined to conquer this world. .

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the eyes of the man in the lead also burst out. The mutants' abilities are all kinds of strange, and most of them have already started before you know it.

However, at this time, Bai Ye didn't know if he really didn't know, anyway... He didn't react at all, but Diana on the side was moving.

If Thor is a pure god, then Diana is just a demigod, but because of this, Diana's is much more malleable than Thor's.

Magic, this is the biggest gain that Diana has gained since she followed Bai Ye, apart from... Bai Ye, and with the strong body as the support, Diana's strength has been greatly improved.

Diana didn't know what kind of attack the other party launched, and she didn't need to know, because at this time she had already appeared in front of the other party... "Boom!"

With a loud noise, the other party's head was slammed into the floor by Diana... "Looking for death."

Seeing that Diana dared to fight back, the remaining two were immediately angry.

The war broke out, but Bai Ye seemed to have nothing to do with him, not only did not take action, but went directly to the bar.

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