Tony's financial resources naturally need not be mentioned, and Bai Ye himself is not an easy person.

Countless precious wines are dazzling, and these are nothing more than daily drinking things in the day and night. Watching him pour the wine into the glass after slowly opening the wine in an orderly manner, on the other hand, Diana's battle has come to an end. .... The three 3 mutants are not Diana's opponents after all, even if their strength and ability are terrifying enough.

However, these.... in the face of absolute strength, they are nothing but floating clouds, and when Bai Ye arrives at the good wine, Diana has already solved it.

Holding two glasses of precious red wine that was equivalent to gold, Bai Ye also walked to Diana's side and handed her the wine.


This level of fighting just now was nothing more than a warm-up for Diana. After taking the wine from Bai Ye, Diana said with a smile.

The three people on the ground were moaning, and Diana was still too kind after all. If it was Bai Ye's shot, these three idiots would have died several times.

As Ultron threw a few people into the sea, Bai Ye and Diana also began to reconcile, but when the two were in each other's hands, the mutant who was still in the sea suddenly disappeared. ......The reason why mutants are difficult to deal with is that while these guys have great strength, you still don't know what kind of power they have.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win every battle. Knowing the enemy is very important... On the other side, in a certain mountain forest, Matthew looked at the three people in front of him and was burning with anger. He didn't think of that... The guy named Bai Ye was so ignorant, so he was angry, and he planned to find trouble for Bai Ye himself.

There is still no accurate conclusion on how strong an Omega-level mutant is. After all, the existence of this level is very rare.

In Hawaii, Bai Ye and Diana were walking hand in hand on the beach, but just as they were talking to themselves, a light suddenly flashed, and then something happened that made Bai Ye angry.

The luxurious villa turned into ash in an instant, and Bai Ye was really angry at this time... Lu

Chapter 206 X-Men [3]

The villa that suddenly exploded caused a huge sensation among the people nearby. As one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world, God knows how many people witnessed it at this time.

Bai Ye looked stern, he stared coldly at all the things in front of him and didn't speak, while Diana, who was holding his hand beside him, said to Bai Ye worriedly, "Are you all right? Don't scare me."

Hearing Diana's words, Bai Ye also smiled with a smile, then touched her head and gave her a light kiss and said, "Go back to Kama Taj first, I have something to do here, don't worry. , it will be over soon, I promise you."

Bai Ye didn't care about Diana's objection, but directly sent her back to Kama Taj, and when Diana disappeared, Bai Ye said lightly, "Are you there, Ultron?"

If there is a network where there are people, then there must be Ultron where there is a network. It is ubiquitous. In today's age of technological sophistication, Ultron can almost be called the god of the earth.

"Sir here."

Behind Bai Ye, a Ultron who turned out to be projected from outer space respectfully said to Bai Ye.

"Go and investigate where the attack just now came from, then find them and kill them."

Bai Ye was angry, although it was just a villa, he could use the ability of the Reality Gem or Time Gem to restore it at any time, but he didn't do it.

Ruined is... Ruined, whatever...

Whoever did all this, he will soon bear the wrath of Bai Ye.

On the other side, somewhere in Florida, Matthew calmly opened his eyes, just now he had clearly sensed where he had destroyed his target, and anyone who dared to resist him would go to hell.

"Boss, those guys seem to have moved, and they seem to have sensed what our goal is."

In front of Matthew, a man with a small stature and a dense body carrying a flying knife said.

"It doesn't matter, you will know if you know it. Anyway... I didn't plan to hide it. I ordered it. We will have guests coming later, so that everyone else will be ready."


This used to be one of the fastest flying objects on earth, but with the passage of time, it has become a legend in the world of ordinary people.

In today's high-tech blowout, more than "Blackbird"

Faster planes abound, but that's all for the .. common "Blackbird"

In terms of, obviously, this "black bird" of the police

not in it.

The beast is a genius, and this plane has already been modified by him to be called black technology.

It only takes an hour to traverse the earth, and it can even fly directly to outer space, but the only regret is... it is not equipped with weapons, of course, it is not that it cannot be equipped, but it is not used at all: Weapons, because what they carry is the strongest "weapon" in the world


With the opening of the hatch, a behemoth with a huge body and metallic luster also crashed down from the sky.

Dr. Gang, a mutant covered in fine steel, is also one of the main forces sent by the police station. At the same time, with the arrival of Dr. Gang, Jin and others also appeared..." Tsk Tsk tsk, is this the so-called policeman? It doesn't look very good."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged uncle with a very vicious look, and it was worth mentioning that behind him there were strange limbs like crab claws.

"Find Matthew first."

Logan said lightly, and then his claws stretched out from the back of his hand... The battle began, but what was a little surprising was that when Logan rushed towards the opponent, a flying handle flew The knife also flew out from a very tricky angle, and almost instantly pierced into Logan's body.

"Wolverine, right?"

"I don't know who your body called King Kong is more powerful than mine."

The man with the short stature and the countless flying on his back walked out, and seeing him, the man with the strange crab-like limbs on his back was also dissatisfied.

"I said flying knife, this guy should be my prey, you are provoking me"

It was not good for him to be a teacher. Logan was knocked down by the opponent, and it is worth mentioning that Logan did not stand up at this time. It stands to reason that such an attack should have no effect on him, but in fact, as long as you pay attention to it , you will find that something is swimming in Logan's body.

Flying Knife, that... the man named Flying Knife was still controlling the Flying Knife to attack Logan's body at this time.

When the other police saw this, they also immediately took action... The burning flame was burning on the body of the fireman. At this time, he was already very powerful. As one of the four elements of the universe, fire has always been aggressive. very strong presence.

And at this time, in the hands of the Burning Man, these......the flames that can burn everything out are more alive.

"I'll deal with him."

Just when the fireman attacked the people on Matthew's side, a voice suddenly sounded, but to everyone's surprise, they only heard the voice, but did not see the person who made the voice.

And just when everyone was still: doubting, the fireman even disappeared with his flame... "This..."

Also as the main force member of the police, the Iceman corresponding to the Burning Man also found the clue, but when he was about to start, the trees beside him suddenly seemed to come alive, and he was easily dragged into the into the earth.

"It's not too bad, this so-called soldier."

It was a woman who spoke with a hideous face, and she was wearing medieval clothes... that only witches would wear.

"Witch, don't be careless, you must have read the information about the policemen. The one you dragged away just the Iceman, be careful with him, he is very strong."

This is the difference between light and darkness. The police's information is almost exposed, but they don't know what kind of abilities the people on Matthew's side have.

Above the sky, Storm was flying the plane, and beside her was Charles.

"Let them retreat."

Charles said with a serious expression.

Hearing his words, Magneto, who was also behind him, turned his attention to Charles.


Storm asked a little puzzled, but when her words sounded, Charles said again: "Let them retreat."

This time Charles also used his own abilities, and because of this, the police officers retreated uncontrollably...

Chapter 207 Split [Seeking full order]

The police failed, the Fire Man and the Ice Man disappeared, and Logan sank into the lake next to him under the provocative gaze of the other party.

This battle can be said to be unilaterally crushed. Although the police still has Cyclops, Qin Gelei and the others did not make a move, but defeat means... defeat.

But what is most worth mentioning is that Magneto, who had been in a state of paddling during the battle, disappeared unknowingly... On the other hand, Ultron was still there: searching for traces of Matthew and others , but perhaps it is because of the relationship between Matthew's group of people who have special abilities in this area, and Ultron did not find it.

In the same way, Bai Ye didn't find Matthew, but he found the defeated policemen and others... From a distance, Bai Ye saw the disgraced people, and when he saw this, Bai Ye frowned. , and then his figure also disappeared in place... In the police camp, Charles was comforting the demoralized people, but it is worth mentioning that the disappearing Fire Man and Ice Man turned out to be came back.

It turned out that the other party only controlled them for a short time, but when they really exerted their strength, the two successfully escaped and came back.

Looking at Bai Ye who suddenly appeared in front of them, everyone was surprised, but they didn't wait: Charles spoke, and Bai Ye said first: "You found that... Matthew"

At this time, Bai Ye's face was obviously not good, and after hearing his words, Charles said after thinking about it: "Mr. Bai Ye, what are you here for?"

"Bullshit, of course I killed him. Could it be that I have to invite him to dinner?"

"This guy blew up my house I think you guys know that"

Bai Ye said lightly.

His killing intent is not strong, but it is extremely pure, not to mention Charles, even other people can feel it very clearly.

"Mr. Bai Ye, although Matthew has gone astray, I hope you can cooperate with us to capture him alive. If you can't kill him, then it's better not to kill him. After all, a mutant who can grow to this level, then It is very rare.”

Charles still looked like a good old man, but after listening to his words, not to mention it was Bai Ye, even the members of the police on the side looked at him with shocked eyes.

They did not expect that even at this moment, the professor still had the illusion of not killing each other.

"You're thinking too much. I killed that guy. It doesn't matter if you don't plan to tell me where he is. Anyway... he can't escape."

Bai Ye was about to leave after speaking, but looking at Bai Ye who turned around and was about to leave, Charles actually planned to speak to discourage him, but it didn't wait: Charles opened his mouth, and Bai Ye turned his head to look at him with extremely cold eyes and said, "If you want to die, Then try to stop me."

Bai Ye left, but before he left, it was obvious that Les had a hostile attitude. Bai Ye was not joking. If Charles and others really stopped him, he would definitely, and Charles knew this very well. .

On the other hand, with Bai Ye's departure, everyone fell into silence, and they, who were already low in morale, became even more unhappy after hearing what Charles said. At this moment, the Burning Man turned and walked outside the camp. Past... "John, where are you going"

Seeing the Burning Man leaving, the Iceman on the side also hurriedly asked.

"Haha, I've had enough. I still have the idea of ​​redemption for the enemy at this time, so I don't take our lives as a thing for a while? I want to leave here."

After the fireman said that, he would not leave, but when the iceman wanted to keep him, Charles, who was on the side, took his hand and shook his head... "Everyone's way It's all going by himself, if he doesn't think it's appropriate, then let him go."

...The Burning Man walked very quickly, but not long after he left the camp where the police were, Magneto appeared in front of him.

"Charles is too womanly. He never thought that if he didn't let go of the fight, he would not be able to defeat Matthew and others."

"How, if you plan to join us to save the world, don't worry, I won't be as soft-hearted as Charles."

Magneto's words were very seductive, and with Mystique and the White Queen beside him, the Burning Man nodded in agreement with almost no hesitation.

"Where are we going to go directly to find that...the guy named Matthew?"

Obviously, Burning Man was in a very bad mood, especially for Matthew and the others, he was even more eager to burn them with flames immediately.

"No, my child, it's impossible for us to defeat Matthew and the others. We need companions, be patient, and when enough power is gathered, I will definitely bring you to seek revenge for Matthew."

Maybe Charles didn't know, because of his wife's kindness, Magneto set up the Brotherhood again, and it's worth mentioning that Magneto doesn't care....

In terms of means and charisma, he was not inferior to Charles, so it didn't take long for the fraternity to be formed.

At the same time, Bai Ye was about to search all over Florida, but he didn't find Matthew... Looking at the acquaintance in front of him, Bai Ye stood there indifferently, and The other party also walked up to him with a smile on his face and said, "Long time no see, Mr. Bai Ye."

"What are you asking me to do Magneto?"

The person who came was none other than the Magneto himself, and what made Bai Ye care about was that this guy didn't know how to free himself from his shackles.

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