Seeing Bai Ye's appearance, Magneto, who is a human being, probably guessed a bit of Bai Ye's thoughts, so he only heard him say: "Mr. Bai Ye is a good way, it took me a few years to get rid of that kind of power. "

"And today I came to find Mr. Bai Ye for business."

Speaking of this, Magneto paused for a while, and then he continued: "I broke away from Charles and the others and formed my own organization. I plan to protect the brothers and sisters of the mutants by myself. Here, I hope Mr. Bai Ye's permission."

Magneto said very sincerely, and Bai Ye frowned when he heard his words, Bai Ye had already seen it, Magneto was planning to let himself stand by and watch the mutants.

But it doesn't matter, anyway... Bai Ye wasn't interested in their affairs either, so Bai Ye turned around and walked to the side, and at the same time he left a sentence... Lu

Chapter 208 Avengers Action 【For automatic subscription】

"Your business has nothing to do with me, but remember, it doesn't matter in the future...  

Whatever you do, don't offend me."

Bai Ye dropped these words, and then turned and left without turning his head.

I have to say that Matthew does have two brushes, and this is the first time Bai Ye has been looking for someone like this but has not been able to find them.

At the same time, Matthew and the others who defeated the police have already started to prepare for the next battle.

It was also in Florida, in some kind of large city center where people were close to each other, Matthew and the others seemed to appear out of thin air, and they appeared like this.

And because of this, their appearance caused panic among normal people, but Matthew and the others didn't care.

"Invisible, are you all ready? I don't want to attract the attention of the US imperialists now."

Matthew was wearing a black cloak, as if he didn't look like a good person.

And as his words fell, beside him, a voice suddenly sounded out of thin air: "It's ready, this city has been pulled into a different space by me at this time, unless I want to, otherwise No one can find it here."

Strictly speaking, mutants are also divided into strong and weak, and the world prefers a simple and clear division of mutants by how many levels.

Level [-] is the weakest and Level [-] is the strongest.

Of course, this division is not detailed, but from now on, it is possible to roughly distinguish the strength of some existences.

Just like Matthew in front of him, his level belongs to the strongest existence among mutants, that is, the legendary fifth-level mutant.

As for granting Charles and Magneto, the two of them are only level [-]. Perhaps Charles can barely reach level [-] with his helmet on, but in general terms, the two of them are not the best.

Qin Gelei, a mutant with the power of the phoenix, she and Wanda the Scarlet Witch belong to the top mutants. The presence.

Looking at the panicked crowd in front of him, a happy smile appeared in Matthew's eyes. At this time, his personality was completely distorted, and the death of his wife and children became the last push that made him fall into hell.

He wants to destroy all of this, and then establish a reality where only mutants exist. Of course, this is not his final goal. His final goal is the Skrulls, who have destroyed the only softness in his heart, so Matthew also intends to destroy their .

The picture returned to Matthew and the others. Because of the relationship with the invisible mutant, this huge city completely disappeared from the earth.

In fact, he said that he had entered a different dimension, but to be more precise, he was just shielding this place with the diaphragm of a different dimension.

After all, the ability to involve the existence of different dimensions is not something that a mere third-level mutant can do.

The panic of the surrounding crowd did not attract sympathy. Most of the mutants had a history of humiliation in the past. After all, in the eyes of normal people, they were just... a group of monsters.

Living in such an environment since childhood has also led to the fact that most mutants have distorted psychology, especially Matthew's group. At this time, they were attacked by ordinary people...... ..On the other side, Nick Fury, far above the Pacific Ocean, was looking at a piece of information in his hand with a serious expression.

As the official U.S. imperialist organization at this time, the largest and most mysterious organization, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... almost shouldered the responsibility of guarding the entire American Empire.

And just ten minutes ago, Nick Fury received the news that a large city had completely disappeared. No, it is not accurate to say that it has disappeared, because if you stand on the periphery of this city, then you must be able to see clearly Twisting space.

"A test has been made, we can't enter there, do you want to notify them"

Agent Hill also looked at Nick Fury with a serious look and said.

At this time, the situation has reached a critical level, and if it cannot be resolved quickly, there will be real problems.

"Notify them and let Tony find a way to get in, and set off the red alarm."

Nick Fury said calmly.

Hearing his words, Hill was stunned for a moment, and then ran out quickly.



.... the red alert, which is almost equivalent to Loki's invasion of the earth, unless it is related to the life and death of human beings, otherwise, the red alert will not be sounded under normal circumstances.

Almost immediately, the Kun-style fighter jets roared, and the Avengers also dispatched... Looking at the constantly twisting sky ahead, Black Widow tilted her head slightly, and then said: "Guys , it doesn't tell us how to get in."

"We have to find a way. If the city is shrouded in it, if we attack rashly, it is likely to bring civilian casualties."

Captain America also squinted his eyes. The scene in front of him is rare. As for waiting: how many people should get in, this has become the biggest problem.

However, just as everyone was discussing how to get in by analyzing and discussing how to get in, a blast of music suddenly sounded on the Kun-style fighter, and at the same time there was an alarm sound of the Kun-style fighter suggesting that the system had been modified.

"I'm going, this guy is here again."

Hawkeye smiled bitterly, and he also threw away his hands, who was originally flying the plane, because at this time the plane was no longer under his control.

And it was at this time, with a figure that cut through the sky, Tony the Iron Man also appeared in front of the nose of the Kun-style fighter... "Have you figured out how to get in? Do you want me to help? "

Still in that casual tone, Tony hovered aside, and then turned out to launch several missiles from behind towards the twisted space.

"Hey, Tony, don't mess around, you're likely to hurt civilians with such a random attack."

Seeing Tony's actions, Captain America hurriedly said.

"Hehe, don't worry, the barrier in front is the barrier of the different space. If it is just a physical attack, it is impossible to cause any damage to it."

Tony said confidently.

And just after he finished speaking, the diaphragm that was rippling like ripples turned out to be violent fluctuations... "Well, who wants to go in with me to see what's going on, but I Let’s make it clear first, if you go in, you might not be able to come out.”

Tony's missile just now is the product of magic technology, and it is roughly used for exploration. At this time, Tony already roughly knows how thick the diaphragm is, so he can also calculate whether he can directly enter... ..

Chapter 209 Time Torrent 【For automatic subscription】

At the same time, at the moment when Tony fired the missile, Matthew, who was inside, felt almost instantly, and at this moment, the invisible voice rang again... "There is The guests are here."

Invisibly said.

"Don't pay attention to them, let's get what we need first. Flying Knife asked him to find a building to hide. It seems that the people outside are not the police."

Matthew looked indifferent, in his opinion, no one could stop him at this time.

On the other hand, Bai Ye also learned of the disappearance of the city, but what was surprising was that he did not go directly, but instead flew towards outer space violently.

Bai Ye sensed the distortion of the timeline. In short, someone moved the time. Although Bai Ye also wanted to kill Matthew, compared with time, Bai Ye knew who was the most important thing.

Bai Yecai had just arrived in outer space, and a golden aperture appeared behind him, and Gu Yi and Strange also came out of the aperture.

As the guardian of the time gem and the alternative guardian, both of them also sensed the fluctuation of the time tide.

And that's what they came here for.


Bai Ye looked at Gu Yi and said hello.

"what is this"

Looking at the white silver light in front of him, Strange whispered softly as if stunned.

Hearing Strange's words, Bai Ye also smiled, and then joked: "This thing is... a white hole, or more simply, a kind of time turbulence in the universe, maybe it will come out of it. a future you."

In fact, what Bai Ye said was not a complete joke, this thing was indeed a white hole, and it was indeed possible for anything below the level of a single universe to emerge from it.

Because what time can affect, at most... can only go to this level, if it is higher, it is no longer a field that time can bind.

To put it simply, such as Bai Ye's existence, he is no longer a level that time can affect. As long as Bai Ye thinks about it, he can even travel freely in the long river of time.

And it didn't take long for Bai Ye's words to finish speaking, and several figures flew out of the silver light. At the same time, Strange took up a fighting stance almost instantly... ........On the other hand, with the flickering of the golden light, the Avengers also successfully passed the barrier and entered the city.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Banner looked puzzled. As a scientist with a high IQ, he was indeed somewhat inexplicable about the existence of magic, which violated common sense.

"You don't understand magic, but you don't change"

Looking at the people in front of them with strange hearts, Tony is also a good Dr. Banner.

Mutants, this is the first pair of such enemies for the Avengers, but it doesn't matter, the aliens have already fought, and they still care about these mutants "Welcome everyone, curious, where did you guys have the courage to come here? Do you really think you are invincible for meddling in our affairs?"

Matthew looked at Tony and the others with cold eyes. The Avengers have done a lot of great things over the years, and they are the ones that often appear on TV, so Matthew and the others are not unfamiliar with them.


"Our courage is given by God or not by the night"

"But I'm sorry, who are you who are covering up this city and planning to use it as your secret base?"

Tony's mouth is also very cheap. Hearing Matthew's words, he launched a counterattack almost instantly, and at the same time, hearing Tony's words, Matthew seems to be a little angry.

"Kill them, I'll get the star sand."

After Matthew finished speaking, he turned and left, and seeing his departure, Hawkeye attacked Matthew almost immediately.

"call out...!!"

The specially made arrow feather cut through the field controller and made a sharp sound, but Matthew didn't even turn around, because at this moment, a flying knife with a length of no more than five inches flew over. ...."boom!"

Hawkeye's arrow is specially made, and its arrow is loaded with enough explosives to cause death. It was originally intended to stop Matthew from leaving, but Hawkeye did not expect that it would be stopped by others.

Of course, the flying knives were not shot by others, it was the... short man named Flying Knives, and at this time he didn't seem to be planning to stop, but continued to shoot no less than ten flying knives at Hawkeye. ...... "It's very tricky, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go find that guy's trouble."

Tony glanced at the battle situation, and almost instantly he flew in the direction of Matthew's, but when he passed over Matthew's mutants, Tony suddenly felt a huge force, At some point, a crab-like pincer gripped him fiercely... "Don't even think about leaving."

The pliers were sticking out from the back of a man, but this thing seemed to be much longer than everyone thought.

And it is worth mentioning that at this time Tony's armor was actually damaged, which shows how powerful this crab monster is.


With a buzzing sound, the mutant's pliers also snapped in an instant.

And the red, blue and white shield also returned to the US team after flying at a strange rate.

At the same time, Vision's head also shot a golden laser, and Matthew was stopped abruptly.

"Seriously, I don't want to play against these guys at all."

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