The black widow said, but she also quickly rushed towards the only female on the other side, and at this moment, the originally flat ground burst with a bang, and the ground made of concrete suddenly closed.


With a loud noise, the concrete that was supposed to squeeze the Black Widow into flesh also exploded in response, and the Hulk's body also appeared in it... The battle began, if not getting on the horse If it's Xiu, the Avengers at this time are in contact with this group of mutants.

However, just when Tony and Vision were flying towards Matthew, with Matthew's sudden action, the battle situation changed in an instant... The powerful thought force broke the surrounding buildings in an instant, which made people feel uncomfortable. What is shocking is that these... The high-rise building that was twisted and broken did not fall, but just suspended in the air out of thin air.

"Hey, hey, this joke is not funny."

Seeing the scene in front of them, the Avengers also leaned back to back... Lu

Chapter 210 The outbreak of war 【For automatic subscription】

If these....... the building collapses, it goes without saying that Black Widow and Hawkeye are definitely dead. As for whether the US team can survive or not, we have to say two things. After all, this kind of The degree of attack can already be said to be an indiscriminate attack.

The Hulk let out bursts of roars, he was very angry, but he had no choice but to take the current situation.

"It's just a group of ants, and you are all worthy of coming to trouble me"

Matthew said disdainfully, and as he finished speaking, the buildings around...the twisted and broken buildings also fell down one after another.

However, just when everyone was planning to live and die together, a blue light suddenly burst out, and then these...... The buildings that should have been smashed down were also destroyed one after another. frozen in the air.

Iceman, one of the most potential mutants in the police, like Qin Grey, he also has a strong potential to impact omega-level mutants.

At this time, it was precisely because of his appearance that the building that was supposed to be smashed down was completely frozen... "Everyone, please come with me."

The Iceman slid across the ice quickly, and behind him the Avengers also quickly followed after looking at each other.


As the crowd left, the buildings that had been imprisoned in their place also crashed down one after another, and as the dust and smoke in the sky gradually dissipated, Matthew's figure also appeared above the gravel. ....."Did you run away? The guy who showed up at the end was..."

On the other side, in the police camp, Charles looked at the US team with a kind smile and said, "Everyone is ok?"

"To Charles.



Seeing Charles, Black Widow revealed his identity almost immediately, and on the other hand, after hearing Black Widow's words, Charles also smiled at her.

"Is this guy the so-called head of the police? I didn't expect it to be like this."

Tony has always been arrogant, so it is easy to offend people when he speaks. Hearing his words, the Cyclops on the side almost didn't do it directly, and when he planned to activate his unique ability, Tony's armor was also Responded in an instant.

"It's kind of interesting, could it be that you want to do it? You can just try it."

Tony has entered a state of combat readiness, and the US team on the side took the initiative to walk in front of Tony, and then said to Charles: "Professor, what's the matter with you asking your people to bring us here?"

Seeing Team America's attitude, Tony also put down his hands in dissatisfaction, while on the other side, Charles also instructed Cyclops to step back, and then looked at Team America and said, "I haven't seen you such a pure young man for a long time, your The spiritual world is clean."

"Young man is probably much older than you."

Although he stopped his hand, Tony still said it with a serious attitude.

To put it bluntly, because of those mutants just now, Tony at this time is very kind to any mutant.

"Okay Tony, let's hear what they have to say. Those guys over there don't know what they're going to do. Now is not the time to be angry with others."

Natasha looked at Tony Wei.

Hearing her words, although Tony was still dissatisfied, he didn't say anything more.

"Professor, please continue."

Seeing Tony stop, Captain America looked at Charles again and said.

"That mutant's name is Matthew. As for his origins, I won't talk about it for the time being, but what I'm going to talk about next is about his purpose, which is the point..."

"I miss you S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Already know the existence of our mutants, we have all kinds of abilities, such as me, I have some experience in teleportation and use."

"Of course that's not the point, the point is that I have a helmet that enhances my ability and the equipment to match it. If I use him, my ability can cover the world."

"And Matthew's purpose is this set of equipment. If he gets the helmet, the world is over."

Charles knew the urgency of time, so he said almost everything about Matthew directly without any concealment.

After listening to Charles' words, not to mention the US team, even Tony, who is proficient in magic, felt a little incredible, so he said: "How is it possible that he can't do such a thing without saying that Mr. Bai Ye is here? "

However, while the Avengers and the cops are discussing, Matthew has found a replacement for the helmet, a special signal tower made of various rare materials.

Although the process is tedious, and its effect is less than that of a helmet, it is enough to kill all normal people around the world.

"Go and prepare. Today is the day of our revival. In the entire earth today, only mutants will be left."

Matthew has gone mad, and he has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

With the completion of the establishment of the signal tower, Matthew also started the first step of spiritual connection. Next, he only needs to connect his own telepathy to every normal person, then he can kill all of them in an instant. .

The thunder-like light formed a huge beam of light over the city, and Matthew was already preparing for the final stage.

However, at this moment, several missiles cut through the sky and buried everything centered on Matthew.

"Did you make it"

The missile was naturally launched by Tony. Since they already knew Matthew's purpose, they naturally couldn't let Matthew succeed.


Tony's tone was a little serious, because his artificial intelligence system had just told him Friday that there was still life at the blast site.

However, when the smoke and dust dissipated, Matthew was indeed not injured in the slightest. At this time, there was a blue light circle around him to protect him.

"An ant-like guy still has the courage to come"

"Kill them."

Matthew said with murderous intent.

And as his words fell, mutants with at least three figures or more began to appear around.

"You have so many mutants"

Tony flew down and said with his back against Cyclops.

"I don't know, and I don't know where he summoned so many mutants."

Because Matthew had to prepare for the final blow, he couldn't shoot, and the mutants he called, to be honest, most of them were not very strong.

The battle broke out here, but this time the battle was tilted towards the Avengers and the police...

Chapter 211 Horror 【For automatic subscription】

The battle broke out very fiercely, but this time because of the joint relationship between the Avengers and the police, the battle situation was almost unilaterally crushed.

Of course, this does not include the cadres under Matthew.

The ability of the flying knife is to control the flying knife freely. Of course, this is also the origin of his name, but this time he encountered an opponent. Facing the almost invulnerable Hulk, let him control the flying knife. It's all to no avail.


The Hulk roared angrily, and the whole person rushed towards the flying knife like a humanoid bulldozer, but the flying knife could do nothing about it.

The invisible WuXian on the other side also encountered an opponent. Facing Qin Ge Lei, who was attacking from all directions and possessed a controllable Phoenix power, WuXian was almost completely crushed.

There is also the witch, her opponent is Tony, who is good at sneak attack, she was beaten by Tony without any ability to fight back under Friday's calculation, and for a time, Matthew's side was completely crushed and beaten.

But at this moment, as the light beam at the center point turned out to be a good tree, it began to branch, and countless branches began to stretch out. Everyone knew that the final critical moment was coming.

"Haha, it's over, it's over, no one can stop it."

The Flying Knife and the others let out crazy laughter, but before his laughter fell, the Hulk actually grabbed his ankle.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a meal: After smashing, the throwing knife died..."Tony, there is a way to stop it"

Captain America shouted loudly while fighting against the other mutants.

At this time, after the Vision had knocked the two mutants flying, he also began to make serious calculations... "It is no longer a dimensional thing, it belongs to an unstoppable existence, and there is no way to do it."

Vision is still very calm, but the words that came out of his mouth made everyone nervous. If it can't be stopped, then the earth is really finished.

However, just when the two sides had different thoughts, the originally isolated outside world suddenly changed... Originally, the city had been completely isolated, but at this time it was like glass. On the light blue shield, there is one about a battle: the hollow also appeared suddenly.

The white night fell from the sky, and the sunlight behind him also reflected in. At this time, the white night seemed to be like a god descending, and this was not the most shocking thing, the most shocking thing was that there was a blue behind him. The light shrouded the sky like a tide... "It's all over."

This is what Tony said, he knew very well that as soon as White Night appeared, it was all over.

"No, it's impossible."

Everyone knows how strong the invisible ability is, otherwise he would not be one of the cadres under Matthew.

At least to the current position, except... Matthew, they have not seen anyone who can break through the invisible ability.

The blue light blocked everything, and the power from the space gem was the real meaning of dragging the city into a different space at this time.

There is no need to say how strong Bai Ye is, but after seeing all this by Matthew's men, they undoubtedly fell into despair.

The light beam that was originally intended to connect all ordinary people has been isolated by space, and under the intervention of Bai Ye, Matthew was powerless.

"Damn it."

Matthew roared angrily, it was only a little short, and he was able to obliterate all ordinary people on earth.

At that time, the earth where only mutants are left will undoubtedly lead to a new world, so as long as he rules the earth at this time, his great revenge will surely be avenged.

Bai Ye was floating out of thin air, he had already seen Matthew, and of course, Matthew had also seen him.

"You're good at hiding."

Bai Ye said lightly.

If it wasn't for the other party to take the initiative, it would be really difficult for him to find the other party. Although some mutants do not have strong combat power, their abilities are really very tricky.

"who are you"

Matthew looked at Bai Ye coldly and said.

He has already sensed danger from Bai Ye's body. As the saying goes, it is better to strike first. Matthew asked Bai Ye just to distract him.

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